Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

huh? The National Socialist party was the actual name of what we shorten to NAZI party.

That’s fact
That's old news Struth, but can you tell me what socialist ideals were practiced by the Nazi party.

So first you have to list some 'socialist' ideals without going batshit crazy. You don't get my participation in a discussion any other way.

So let me start you off with something positive on your claim. Socialism's main ideal is sharing the wealth with the population. Some even say that they steal other people's money.

Now you have to demonstrate you have a fkng clue on what you claim.
Are you suggesting that the US south was supporting one party?
What party made up the opposition to the south?
The democratic party made up the south before the war and after reconstruction was ended. The party that left the Union was Southern Democrats. Granted I dont think they had specific parties in the Confederacy but that would be because the vast majority were Democrats.
Robert bird left the KKK in like 1949. Now half the Republican party is KKK.... You brainwashed functional idiots seem to have no concept of time lol. Tell us how the Democrats are still the slave owners.
Provide a link and credible source for the claim that half the republican party is KKK..... remember there functionally is no current KKK at all.
Provide a link and credible source for the claim that half the republican party is KKK..... remember there functionally is no current KKK at all.
The Trump supporting portion of the R party is extreme right but that's a long way from saying with any substance that they are Klan members.

But there's no denying that the ideology of the extremists among them is in tune with the Klan.

However, I would suggest that many D supporters also support the Klan ideology too.

It's mostly due to American working people being confused on their own political ideology. That's being demonstrated by many when they show that they don't understand the ideals of capitalism. They get caught flatfooted arguing against capitalism.

I think it's mainly due to how Trump has caused the confusion.

Americans are just mostly concerned with bettering their miserable lot in life, but they can never admit that their country's politics as failed them.
The Trump supporting portion of the R party is extreme right but that's a long way from saying with any substance that they are Klan members.

But there's no denying that the ideology of the extremists among them is in tune with the Klan.

However, I would suggest that many D supporters also support the Klan ideology too.

It's mostly due to American working people being confused on their own political ideology. That's being demonstrated by many when they show that they don't understand the ideals of capitalism. They get caught flatfooted arguing against capitalism.

I think it's mainly due to how Trump has caused the confusion.

Americans are just mostly concerned with bettering their miserable lot in life, but they can never admit that their country's politics as failed them.
Thought you were Canadian, wtf do you know? Explain your evidence?

Go inside and shut the door
The Trump supporting portion of the R party is extreme right but that's a long way from saying with any substance that they are Klan members.

But there's no denying that the ideology of the extremists among them is in tune with the Klan.

However, I would suggest that many D supporters also support the Klan ideology too.

It's mostly due to American working people being confused on their own political ideology. That's being demonstrated by many when they show that they don't understand the ideals of capitalism. They get caught flatfooted arguing against capitalism.

I think it's mainly due to how Trump has caused the confusion.

Americans are just mostly concerned with bettering their miserable lot in life, but they can never admit that their country's politics as failed them.
Absolute bull shit.
Wow, from your "interesting fact" link.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.

Which is .0009% of the population
3000 members nationwide, and you clowns shit your pants daily over them. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Grow a pair, Buttercup.
Playing down the significance of the Klan?
And especially when we know that half the Klan is new in the last 3 or 4 years?
That leads me to suspect that you're one of them. That and a lot more about your mannerisms you've displayed on this board.

Am I right?
I'll learn something about that question when we hear your denial, or lack of.
Wow, from your "interesting fact" link.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.

Which is .0009% of the population
But demofks
Playing down the significance of the Klan?
And especially when we know that half the Klan is new in the last 3 or 4 years?
That leads me to suspect that you're one of them. That and a lot more about your mannerisms you've displayed on this board.

Am I right?
I'll learn something about that question when we hear your denial, or lack of.
Nope, you’re fking ignorant and Canadian and your country is as fked up as any, stick inside your borders
Playing down the significance of the Klan?
And especially when we know that half the Klan is new in the last 3 or 4 years?
That leads me to suspect that you're one of them. That and a lot more about your mannerisms you've displayed on this board.

Am I right?
I'll learn something about that question when we hear your denial, or lack of.
I don't think you read through your own article, tiger.
If you did you probably wouldn't have posted such a stupid post.
Wow, from your "interesting fact" link.

Nationwide, there are still an estimated 3,000 Klan members and unaffiliated people who "identify with Klan ideology," according to the ADL. Membership, though, remains spread across dozens of groups. The largest Klans reportedly don't have more than 50 to 100 active members, and most have fewer than 25.

Which is .0009% of the population
Donald H

Hello?, Hello? Donald?

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