Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

Well, here's a beginning for anyone who's interested.

Sounds to me that the Klan was founded on no particular party politics in the beginning.

Then the revival was pretty obviously the extreme right, and is to this day.

D or R party being responsible isn't of enough interest to me to spend a lot of time on the question. I don't think that's going to be resoved on this forum. So I'll try to judge from the character of the respective messengers until something is offered that can pin it down solidly.
Confederate was what party?
Isnt it funny he is trying to claim that the dems did not support and create the KKK.
No I'm not. For now I can at least conclude that the Klan was and is extreme rightists. And I suppose there would be extreme rightists in both parties.

Maybe we should start by trying define 'extreme rightist'?

There's very little understanding of what makes up either the extreme right or extreme left on this forum. Only a few who appear to be politically astute have gotten it right.

Unfortunately, both sides appear to want to label the other side as commies/fascists and that's just plain wrong.

So I'm left with having to judge the credibility of the messenger.

And then there's the screeching pissant bripat who does damage to anybody's message!
I'll just discount that and it's ilk to representing neither side. It's just childish shit that can't carry any weight in anybody's best interests.

The entertainment factor for the 13 to 18 age group!
I've told you people at least a hundred times that I'm a Canadian and not a Demonrat or a Repukelican.

Otherwise, racism crosses all party lines in your country and it's grown at an alarming rate with the Trump regime.

You might as well argue and bay at the moon 2A. Or maybe shoot at it?
Then why are you arguing?
No I'm not. For now I can at least conclude that the Klan was and is extreme rightists. And I suppose there would be extreme rightists in both parties.

Maybe we should start by trying define 'extreme rightist'?

There's very little understanding of what makes up either the extreme right or extreme left on this forum. Only a few who appear to be politically astute have gotten it right.

Unfortunately, both sides appear to want to label the other side as commies/fascists and that's just plain wrong.

So I'm left with having to judge the credibility of the messenger.

And then there's the screeching pissant bripat who does damage to anybody's message!
I'll just discount that and it's ilk to representing neither side. It's just childish shit that can't carry any weight in anybody's best interests.

The entertainment factor for the 13 to 18 age group!
No one cares about your opinion on the matter. One thing we can count on is that you will lie about it.
Robert bird left the KKK in like 1949. Now half the Republican party is KKK.... You brainwashed functional idiots seem to have no concept of time lol. Tell us how the Democrats are still the slave owners.
Link us up to your data showing half the Republican Party is KKK.

Failure to provide this data will be an admission by you that you are a lying sack of shit.
Robert bird left the KKK in like 1949. Now half the Republican party is KKK.... You brainwashed functional idiots seem to have no concept of time lol. Tell us how the Democrats are still the slave owners.
Who still owns slaves, Dumbass.

Talk about no concept of time.

What a moron. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Robert bird left the KKK in like 1949. Now half the Republican party is KKK.... You brainwashed functional idiots seem to have no concept of time lol. Tell us how the Democrats are still the slave owners.
No one in the Republican party is KKK, douchebag.
An interesting project would be in looking for members who covertly support the Klan and demonstrate that by their absence and lack of an opinion.

Anybody feel like they need to offer the disclaimer?
No one cares about your opinion on the matter. One thing we can count on is that you will lie about it.
He isn’t bright enough to align his political views with either demofk or republican. He’s Canadian whatever the fk that means
An interesting project would be in looking for members who covertly support the Klan and demonstrate that by their absence and lack of an opinion.

Anybody feel like they need to offer the disclaimer?
ROFL. Not expressing an opinion does not mean you support the Klan, nimrod. IF it did, then all you turds must be defenders of Hunter Biden's crack smoking and bribe taking.

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