Ex-KKK Leader Running as Republican for Office in Georgia

Well, it is rather well known and denying it is rather silly. You could claim the sky is purple instead of blue as well and it would be equally pointless. It is simply a fact that almost all of the KKK members will be republicans if they are in any party at all. Of course, the left devoutly ignores any racists on its side as well and they certainly are there. The New Black Panthers is one such group where virtually every member is going to be a democrat if they are in any party at all. The fringe racists do not represent either party at all. They are going to belong to one party or the other, that is just a reality.

The real problem is the democrat's open support for violent racist groups active today rather than the dregs of racist groups in the past. Support by major party players for an openly racist group like BLM even in the middle of them violently burning down cities and literally taking over parts of cities. Not that they are ever going to admit what is as clear as the color of the sky either.
I keep asking for a link to prove the claim not one of you has provided one.
Actually, most kkk members are registered Republicans. Its been like that since the GOP took over the south, following the passage of the civil rights act, the the GOP opposing it going into the 1964 election.

He still supports the KKKand is listed as a donor. He onl stepped down because he new membship in a group that is still technically considered a terrorist organization would hurt him.
prove it. name one.
I keep asking for a link to prove the claim not one of you has provided one.
No one really cares if you want it linked. I will also not bother to link that water is wet. Anyone complaining that it is not cannot accept the reality anyway.
Well, it is rather well known and denying it is rather silly. You could claim the sky is purple instead of blue as well and it would be equally pointless. It is simply a fact that almost all of the KKK members will be republicans if they are in any party at all. Of course, the left devoutly ignores any racists on its side as well and they certainly are there. The New Black Panthers is one such group where virtually every member is going to be a democrat if they are in any party at all. The fringe racists do not represent either party at all. They are going to belong to one party or the other, that is just a reality.

The real problem is the democrat's open support for violent racist groups active today rather than the dregs of racist groups in the past. Support by major party players for an openly racist group like BLM even in the middle of them violently burning down cities and literally taking over parts of cities. Not that they are ever going to admit what is as clear as the color of the sky either.
I have no obligation to endorse an opinion offered without proof.
Aww... another trumptard hurt that his orange douche bag has been found to be a sexual pervert. Here, back at ya... :fu::fu: :fu::fu: Here, eat this... 💩
And still no proof of your lie. Go fuck yourself. Not the neighbor’s goat.
The Ku Klux Klan has not existed, in any meaningful form, since the late 1980s at the latest.

All that exists now, are a scattering of small, unconnected groups, claiming come connection or another to the KKK, and going by variants of that name.

They are nothing.

And even if it was true that every single member of every one of these groups was registered as a Republican, their numbers would be nothing compared to the number of registered Republicans.

For all intents and purposes, the only existence that the KKK has had for the last thirty or forty years has been as an ephemeral bogyman, that the Democraps created, and by which the Democraps now use to try to smear their opponents by false association.
The last numbers I saw put the total number of Klan members (including the fringe groups) at under 10,000 nationwide.
And still no proof of your lie. Go fuck yourself. Not the neighbor’s goat.
Aww... another trumptard hurt that his orange douche bag has been found to be a sexual pervert. Here, back at ya... :fu::fu: :fu::fu: Here, eat this... 💩
Aww... another trumptard hurt that his orange douche bag has been found to be a sexual pervert. Here, back at ya... :fu::fu: :fu::fu: Here, eat this... 💩
Somebody slap this TDS suffering crybaby in the back of the head. His programmed track seems to be stuck. You have proven nothing shit eater.
Somebody slap this TDS suffering crybaby in the back of the head. His programmed track seems to be stuck. You have proven nothing shit eater.
You trumptards first initiate it and when someone responds in kind, you start whining. Is that a learned behavior from your orange douche bag? Just curious.
How sad you don't have a mind of your own that you need to parrot back what others say to you.
LOL! I've been saying that for years and years. I'm not saying I came up with it, but YOU sure as hell didn't.
LOL! I've been saying that for years and years. I'm not saying I came up with it, but YOU sure as hell didn't.
I didn't say I invented it. I said it to you and like a mindless parrot, you squawked it back at me.
I didn't say I invented it. I said it to you and like a mindless parrot, you squawked it back at me.
oh no anyway.jpeg

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