Ex-News Anchor's Husband Shoots Robber Dead.

Says the psychotic liar who is now trolling. Show m where I "acted" like Obama was a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment! Not that it matters. I am!
You must think nobody can see your posts or something. Man, you're an amateur. Post #22.
Oh, I am counting on people seeing my posts, especially # 31. BTW that is my standard reply to any of your BS. You might as well copy it.
Yep, your standard reply. Folding like a wet rag when you have no argument.
You are the one that is all wet. DOn't pretend you didn't see the graphic I posted of your avatar!
I saw it. You should be embarrassed by the irony since you're the one who sank.
Idon't see MY avatar in that picture! :lol:
I don't know that I oppose Obama on gun control, you haven't been very specific as to what you think he is doing to under mind the 2nd Amendment. All I know is that I own guns and want to keep them. The Constitution gives me that right and I cherish it!
Maybe you should take some time and try to find out what the guy you're always defending is actually doing, instead of looking only at his skin color. Obama is a gun grabber, and if you don't already know that, you are ignorant. If he had his way, Chuck would have been dead and you wouldn't have a gun to leave home with.
Well, I have taken the time and I have seen nothing to support your allegation that Obama is a "gun grabber."
I have heard some RW talking heads say that but they never offer any evidence to back their claims. Just as you are failing to do now!

Obama is a progressive, and all progressives want gun control. It's one of the core pillars of being a progressive.
He knows that, he just wants you to post a bunch of links that prove him wrong so he can come back and say you didn't prove him wrong. That's how liberals argue.
See post #31. This guy is one of the worst trollers on USMB. I am only asking for one link..not too much to ask is it?
You must think nobody can see your posts or something. Man, you're an amateur. Post #22.
Oh, I am counting on people seeing my posts, especially # 31. BTW that is my standard reply to any of your BS. You might as well copy it.
Yep, your standard reply. Folding like a wet rag when you have no argument.
You are the one that is all wet. DOn't pretend you didn't see the graphic I posted of your avatar!
I saw it. You should be embarrassed by the irony since you're the one who sank.
Idon't see MY avatar in that picture! :lol:
No, but I see you flailing around like you're drowning. Do you have anything other than a picture to debate with? No? I didn't think so.
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Oh, I am counting on people seeing my posts, especially # 31. BTW that is my standard reply to any of your BS. You might as well copy it.
Yep, your standard reply. Folding like a wet rag when you have no argument.
You are the one that is all wet. DOn't pretend you didn't see the graphic I posted of your avatar!
I saw it. You should be embarrassed by the irony since you're the one who sank.
Idon't see MY avatar in that picture! :lol:
No, but I see you flailing around like you're drowning. Do you have anything other than a picture to debate with? No? I didn't think so.
A picture is worth a thousand words... BTW isn't it past your bedtime? Go to sleep and STFU
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Why would I want to derail it? I'd rather expose your hypocrisy (again). You praise somebody for using a firearm to protect himself and his family while at the same time denying that your messiah in the White House is a gun grabbing commie, then try to deny he's a gun grabbing commie. No, I hope the thread continues on and I'm glad you posted it. And I like how you tried to escape by posting a meaningless picture and using it to claim victory. That's perfect. :lol:
I don't know that I oppose Obama on gun control, you haven't been very specific as to what you think he is doing to under mind the 2nd Amendment. All I know is that I own guns and want to keep them. The Constitution gives me that right and I cherish it!
Maybe you should take some time and try to find out what the guy you're always defending is actually doing, instead of looking only at his skin color. Obama is a gun grabber, and if you don't already know that, you are ignorant. If he had his way, Chuck would have been dead and you wouldn't have a gun to leave home with.
Well, I have taken the time and I have seen nothing to support your allegation that Obama is a "gun grabber."
I have heard some RW talking heads say that but they never offer any evidence to back their claims. Just as you are failing to do now!

Obama is a progressive, and all progressives want gun control. It's one of the core pillars of being a progressive.
Really? Can you back that up? C'mon you can do it ...can't you?

Too lazy to use google?

Start here: Barack Obama on Gun Control

He is a progressive, which means he has to hide is beliefs or he would be rejected at the ballot box.

He often claims he supports the second amendment, but also says and votes on measures that infringe on that right.

He is dishonest, just like you.
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Why would I want to derail it? I'd rather expose your hypocrisy (again). You praise somebody for using a firearm to protect himself and his family while at the same time denying that your messiah in the White House is a gun grabbing commie, then try to deny he's a gun grabbing commie. No, I hope the thread continues on and I'm glad you posted it. And I like how you tried to escape by posting a meaningless picture and using it to claim victory. That's perfect. :lol:

I have nothing to gain by saying I am for the 2nd AMendment. Who am I impressing? YOU? heh heh heh!

Look, I don't have time for small talk... You are just venting and that isn't contributing anything of substance. The picture of your sinking troll machine is symbolic and patently accurate. You continue to prove that with every post....Yawwnnnn1 Good note , Yall...see ya in the morning!
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Why would I want to derail it? I'd rather expose your hypocrisy (again). You praise somebody for using a firearm to protect himself and his family while at the same time denying that your messiah in the White House is a gun grabbing commie, then try to deny he's a gun grabbing commie. No, I hope the thread continues on and I'm glad you posted it. And I like how you tried to escape by posting a meaningless picture and using it to claim victory. That's perfect. :lol:

I have nothing to gain by saying I am for the 2nd AMendment. Who am I impressing? YOU? heh heh heh!

Look, I don't have time for small talk... You are just venting and that isn't contributing anything of substance. The picture of your sinking troll machine is symbolic and patently accurate. You continue to prove that with every post....Yawwnnnn1 Good note , Yall...see ya in the morning!
I didn't say you are not for the second amendment, I said you support Obama even though he isn't. You have to pretend he's not a gun grabber to avoid exposing yourself as a racist who voted for him based on race. Your only rebuttal to that obvious and accurate assessment is a link to a pro Obama hate site and a childish picture, like that's supposed to mean you won an argument. Let me know when you want me to hand you your ass again.
Thank you. I was just reading about that a few minutes ago. Interesting story. Apparently her husband shot the shit out of the intruder - even though he was also shot about 3 times.

And so the meme that regular citizens can't use a gun is destroyed...even hit 3 times he won the fight.....like that famous watch maker who killed 5 gang members in 3-4 different shoot outs...he was wounded more than once and still one...guns are the best defense against violent attack.
Thank you. I was just reading about that a few minutes ago. Interesting story. Apparently her husband shot the shit out of the intruder - even though he was also shot about 3 times.

And so the meme that regular citizens can't use a gun is destroyed...even hit 3 times he won the fight.....like that famous watch maker who killed 5 gang members in 3-4 different shoot outs...he was wounded more than once and still one...guns are the best defense against violent attack.

Charlie de Carlo was not a regular citizen.He is an ex-Special Forces officer. That doesn't mean some regular citizens cannot do what he did, but; Army vets are a tough lot and we were trained to fight back and kill if necessary.Rambo was in he Army and so was Blambo (black man's answer to Rambo.)
I don't know that I oppose Obama on gun control, you haven't been very specific as to what you think he is doing to under mind the 2nd Amendment. All I know is that I own guns and want to keep them. The Constitution gives me that right and I cherish it!
Maybe you should take some time and try to find out what the guy you're always defending is actually doing, instead of looking only at his skin color. Obama is a gun grabber, and if you don't already know that, you are ignorant. If he had his way, Chuck would have been dead and you wouldn't have a gun to leave home with.
Well, I have taken the time and I have seen nothing to support your allegation that Obama is a "gun grabber."
I have heard some RW talking heads say that but they never offer any evidence to back their claims. Just as you are failing to do now!

Obama is a progressive, and all progressives want gun control. It's one of the core pillars of being a progressive.
Really? Can you back that up? C'mon you can do it ...can't you?

Too lazy to use google?

Start here: Barack Obama on Gun Control

He is a progressive, which means he has to hide is beliefs or he would be rejected at the ballot box.

He often claims he supports the second amendment, but also says and votes on measures that infringe on that right.

He is dishonest, just like you.
You don't even know what a Progressive is, pig face. Are you an ostrich or something? I ask because it looks like you've got your head in the sand. You don't seem to want to be objective about Obama's so-called "gun grabber" status, otherwise you would have researched deeper and weighed both sides of the issue. As I suspected, your source emanates from the RW circle Jerkers who have made a profession of cooking up and dispensing anti- Obama rhetoric. And, with friends like SJ, you have certainly hit bottom.

You don't know me, yet you try to label me dishonest. Typical of sad losers who have no credible debating skills. WHen you can't get your specious points across you resort to personal attack. I usually just let people like you and SJ make fools of themselves
and quit responding to nonsense. You are getting close.
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Why would I want to derail it? I'd rather expose your hypocrisy (again). You praise somebody for using a firearm to protect himself and his family while at the same time denying that your messiah in the White House is a gun grabbing commie, then try to deny he's a gun grabbing commie. No, I hope the thread continues on and I'm glad you posted it. And I like how you tried to escape by posting a meaningless picture and using it to claim victory. That's perfect. :lol:

I have nothing to gain by saying I am for the 2nd AMendment. Who am I impressing? YOU? heh heh heh!

Look, I don't have time for small talk... You are just venting and that isn't contributing anything of substance. The picture of your sinking troll machine is symbolic and patently accurate. You continue to prove that with every post....Yawwnnnn1 Good note , Yall...see ya in the morning!
I didn't say you are not for the second amendment, I said you support Obama even though he isn't. You have to pretend he's not a gun grabber to avoid exposing yourself as a racist who voted for him based on race. Your only rebuttal to that obvious and accurate assessment is a link to a pro Obama hate site and a childish picture, like that's supposed to mean you won an argument. Let me know when you want me to hand you your ass again.

You have shown nothing of substance to prove Obama is anti-2nd Amendment. All you have is conjectural BS gleaned from RW saturated networks.

This thread isn't about Obama, it is about a famous couple engaging a criminal in a gun battle and living to tell the tale. Yet, your obsession with Obama drives you to include him in almost every thread you visit.

The "child-like" picture is now a valued treasure that has been copied many times by people who think it was clever and creative. It fits the present scenario to a "T"(tea}.
You are sinking because I won't take your trolling bait and join you in the muck at the bottom of the pond.

Your undocumented and unlinked drivel is not enough to "hand anyone their ass." let alone a fine debater of MY caliber. Keep spouting and let the word see you for the racist discourteous asshole you really are... I'll sit back and watch!
See what I mean, Hawk?

Stop trying to derail this thread. It favors the Conservatives on gun control. This is one you should be applauding instead of trying to attack me for posting it!
Why would I want to derail it? I'd rather expose your hypocrisy (again). You praise somebody for using a firearm to protect himself and his family while at the same time denying that your messiah in the White House is a gun grabbing commie, then try to deny he's a gun grabbing commie. No, I hope the thread continues on and I'm glad you posted it. And I like how you tried to escape by posting a meaningless picture and using it to claim victory. That's perfect. :lol:

I have nothing to gain by saying I am for the 2nd AMendment. Who am I impressing? YOU? heh heh heh!

Look, I don't have time for small talk... You are just venting and that isn't contributing anything of substance. The picture of your sinking troll machine is symbolic and patently accurate. You continue to prove that with every post....Yawwnnnn1 Good note , Yall...see ya in the morning!
I didn't say you are not for the second amendment, I said you support Obama even though he isn't. You have to pretend he's not a gun grabber to avoid exposing yourself as a racist who voted for him based on race. Your only rebuttal to that obvious and accurate assessment is a link to a pro Obama hate site and a childish picture, like that's supposed to mean you won an argument. Let me know when you want me to hand you your ass again.

You have shown nothing of substance to prove Obama is anti-2nd Amendment. All you have is conjectural BS gleaned from RW saturated networks.

This thread isn't about Obama, it is about a famous couple engaging a criminal in a gun battle and living to tell the tale. Yet, your obsession with Obama drives you to include him in almost every thread you visit.

The "child-like" picture is now a valued treasure that has been copied many times by people who think it was clever and creative. It fits the present scenario to a "T"(tea}.
You are sinking because I won't take your trolling bait and join you in the muck at the bottom of the pond.

Your undocumented and unlinked drivel is not enough to "hand anyone their ass." let alone a fine debater of MY caliber. Keep spouting and let the word see you for the racist discourteous asshole you really are... I'll sit back and watch!

Obama is a leftist....they are by nature gun grabbers.....he also told John Lott that he didn't think people should own guns.....he constantly preaches gun control....especially laws that do nothing to stop crime, but do make it more difficult for the law abiding to own guns...

Deny it all you want...he is a class A gun grabber.....
Liberals thinking is wrong. They don't want law abiding citizens to have guns but you think criminals will obey laws? They'll have guns and we won't. Ridiculous liberal thinking gets people killed!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Funny stuff to prove liberals Absolutely Wrong lol :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe you should take some time and try to find out what the guy you're always defending is actually doing, instead of looking only at his skin color. Obama is a gun grabber, and if you don't already know that, you are ignorant. If he had his way, Chuck would have been dead and you wouldn't have a gun to leave home with.
Well, I have taken the time and I have seen nothing to support your allegation that Obama is a "gun grabber."
I have heard some RW talking heads say that but they never offer any evidence to back their claims. Just as you are failing to do now!

Obama is a progressive, and all progressives want gun control. It's one of the core pillars of being a progressive.
Really? Can you back that up? C'mon you can do it ...can't you?

Too lazy to use google?

Start here: Barack Obama on Gun Control

He is a progressive, which means he has to hide is beliefs or he would be rejected at the ballot box.

He often claims he supports the second amendment, but also says and votes on measures that infringe on that right.

He is dishonest, just like you.
You don't even know what a Progressive is, pig face. Are you an ostrich or something? I ask because it looks like you've got your head in the sand. You don't seem to want to be objective about Obama's so-called "gun grabber" status, otherwise you would have researched deeper and weighed both sides of the issue. As I suspected, your source emanates from the RW circle Jerkers who have made a profession of cooking up and dispensing anti- Obama rhetoric. And, with friends like SJ, you have certainly hit bottom.

You don't know me, yet you try to label me dishonest. Typical of sad losers who have no credible debating skills. WHen you can't get your specious points across you resort to personal attack. I usually just let people like you and SJ make fools of themselves
and quit responding to nonsense. You are getting close.

Yes, anti-Obama rhetoric....his own voting record and quotes from his debates when he was a Senator. My gosh, only right wing hate sites use things like actual voting record and debate transcripts!

You asked for links for proof, I gave it to you. More is out there too. But, like a good progressive, you ignore the facts and attack.

Carry on, dipshit.
Well, I have taken the time and I have seen nothing to support your allegation that Obama is a "gun grabber."
I have heard some RW talking heads say that but they never offer any evidence to back their claims. Just as you are failing to do now!

Obama is a progressive, and all progressives want gun control. It's one of the core pillars of being a progressive.
Really? Can you back that up? C'mon you can do it ...can't you?

Too lazy to use google?

Start here: Barack Obama on Gun Control

He is a progressive, which means he has to hide is beliefs or he would be rejected at the ballot box.

He often claims he supports the second amendment, but also says and votes on measures that infringe on that right.

He is dishonest, just like you.
You don't even know what a Progressive is, pig face. Are you an ostrich or something? I ask because it looks like you've got your head in the sand. You don't seem to want to be objective about Obama's so-called "gun grabber" status, otherwise you would have researched deeper and weighed both sides of the issue. As I suspected, your source emanates from the RW circle Jerkers who have made a profession of cooking up and dispensing anti- Obama rhetoric. And, with friends like SJ, you have certainly hit bottom.

You don't know me, yet you try to label me dishonest. Typical of sad losers who have no credible debating skills. WHen you can't get your specious points across you resort to personal attack. I usually just let people like you and SJ make fools of themselves
and quit responding to nonsense. You are getting close.

Yes, anti-Obama rhetoric....his own voting record and quotes from his debates when he was a Senator. My gosh, only right wing hate sites use things like actual voting record and debate transcripts!

You asked for links for proof, I gave it to you. More is out there too. But, like a good progressive, you ignore the facts and attack.

Carry on, dipshit.

I took the liberty to analyze the points of your link. Here is what I think about the first two false "indictments"of Obama as a "gun grabber."

Stricter gun rules, with or without Congress

Citizenship means standing up for the lives that gun violence steals from us each day. I have seen the courage of parents, students, pastors, and police officers all over this country who say "we are not afraid," and I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook.

Source: 2014 State of the Union address , Jan 28, 2014

This is an excerpt. Where is the rest of the speech showing the measures Obama intends to take “with or without Congress?” There is no indication he is going to make new laws or do anything outside of his purview. Nothing here to indict Obama as a “gun grabber.”

Gun violence victims deserve a vote

It has been two months since Newtown. This is not the first time this country has debated how to reduce gun violence. But this time is different. Overwhelming majorities of Americans--Americans who believe in the 2nd Amendment--have come together around commonsense reform--like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun. Senators of both parties are working together on tough new laws to prevent anyone from buying guns for resale to criminals. Police chiefs are asking our help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets.

Each of these proposals deserves a vote in Congress. If you want to vote no, that's your choice. But these proposals deserve a vote. Because in the two months since Newtown, more than a thousand birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries have been stolen from our lives by a bullet from a gun.

Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote.

Source: 2013 State of the Union Address , Feb 12, 2013

I don’t want to overwhelm a small mind like yours with too much data.

Did you miss the emboldened text above where Obama said “Overwhelming majorities of Americans--Americans who believe in the 2nd Amendment--have come together around commonsense reform--like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun?

That was followed by: “Senators of both parties are working together on tough new laws to prevent anyone from buying guns for resale to criminals. Police chiefs are asking our help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets.” What do you see in either of the two proposals that threatens your gun rights? It doesn’t seem as if the president is dictating , he is revealing a concerted bipartisan effort toward keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. Obama is not involved in some unilateral mission to eradicate gun ownership. He isn’t even conspiring with others to do anything of the sort.

He says police chiefs are asking for help to get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines of our streets. You got a problem with that?

Even your Right WIng link falls short of the mark thus far. There is nothing of substance yet, to implicate the president as a "gun grabber."Maybe later when we get to the rest of the “evidence.”

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