Ex Prosecutor charged in Arbery Case

Good to see some justice coming her way. How many other racist shits need to be targetted after this case ?
A good precedent.

Now they can book that clown that let that felon out who ran over all those people at a parade in Wisconsin.

Good to see some justice coming her way. How many other racist shits need to be targetted after this case ?
Political arrests usually only happen in shitholes like where you live. She broke no law. Perhaps it was bad judgement, but it's within the DA's purview to make recommendations to police. Commie, why don't you come over and get some of us?
I agree that whoever let him out was a dumbass but where did they try to cover up that guys crimes?
The crime is knowing full well that they'll kill again and releasing them anyway.

He, and others who think like and act as he did, need to face some consequences for the carnage.
Why would they do that? Are you looking for an anti-martyr?

If a guy has a long criminal record over years and just attempted to murder his girlfriend behind the wheel of a car, among other crimes and social media posts; as a general rule of common sense, maybe $1000 is putting the potential value of life and liberty a little too cheap. I say this as a staunch believer in Due Process and civil liberties.

As a cynic, maybe his rap videos suggesting rage and hate for Trump supporters contributed to why he was handled with Kid Gloves?
So now youre claiming the person was some kind of mystic that could predict the future?
Da fuq? he said he knew that they will kill again. He STATED it. But his agenda is more important than the lives of a few peons in a society he obviously hates.
a guy has a long criminal record over years and just attempted to murder his girlfriend behind the wheel of a car, among other crimes and social media posts; as a general rule of common sense, maybe $1000 is putting the potential value of life and liberty a little too cheap. I say this as a staunch believer in Due Process and civil liberties
The DA publicly agreed and is conducting a review of why he was offered such low bail.
It is not a thought crime and we do prosecute actions that get people killed.
Of course it is. You can't prosecute someone for thinking something. Which is precisely what you suggested. Which is why it does not and never will happen. So abandon this fantasy and move on.

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