Exactly what high crime or misdemeanor did President Trump commit?

he got the first ever liar of the year award.
That's a lie!
And he didn't lie about keeping your plan, old plans could be grandfathered according to the PPACA. The so called "liberal" factcheckers who are supposedly against the GOP swallowed the Republican lie that most Americans lost their doctors.

Really? Argue with these folks.

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

Even they admit grandfathering was allowed.
From your link:
The Affordable Care Act tried to allow existing health plans to continue under a complicated process called "grandfathering," which basically said insurance companies could keep selling plans if they followed certain rules.

Grandfathered Health Plan - HealthCare.gov Glossary
Grandfathered Health Plan

An individual health insurance policy purchased on or before March 23, 2010. These plans weren’t sold through the Marketplace, but by insurance companies, agents, or brokers. They may not include some rights and protections provided under the Affordable Care Act.

Plans may lose “grandfathered” status if they make certain significant changes that reduce benefits or increase costs to consumers. A health plan must disclose whether it considers itself a grandfathered plan. (Note: If you’re in a group health plan, the date you joined may not reflect the date the plan was created. New employees and family members may be added to existing grandfathered group plans after March 23, 2010).

And they still declared your dear leader the liar of the year, go figure. LMAO

yet politifact is accused of liberal bias?
Trump denounces lie of the year award.
All of you leftists are calling for our President to be impeached. On what charges? Didn't we just spend $130 million dollars to have a bunch of Hillary cronies investigate our President for two years? And they came up with exactly nothing.

Maybe they should have been investigating Hillary. We already know as a fact she committed multiple felonies.

Trump is guilty of making fools of the entire libtarded Freak Show

from their lying media to the know nothing dip shits in Hollywood.

The Tards Butt Hurt has drove them all insane...

And yes we all know it was a short trip.
"No obstruction, no collusion."
That's the lie he feeds his SUCKERS!
Exactly how did our President obstruct? And what is the underlying crime for which he obstructed?

Our President didn't fire the special counsel, even though it was his Constitutional right to do so.

Our President never invoked executive privilege, even though it was his Constitutional right to do so.

Our President allowed his attorney to testify for 30 hours, even though he was not required to do so.

Our President turned over millions of documents, even though he was not required to do so.

On the other hand, we know as a fact that:

Hillary Clinton is guilty of multiple felony counts for violating the Espionage Act by having classified documents on her private, unsecured server.

Hillary Clinton is guilty of multiple felonies for obstruction of justice for destroying 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails.
Malfeasance, abuse of power, obstruction of a lawful investigation
All of you leftists are calling for our President to be impeached. On what charges? Didn't we just spend $130 million dollars to have a bunch of Hillary cronies investigate our President for two years? And they came up with exactly nothing.

Maybe they should have been investigating Hillary. We already know as a fact she committed multiple felonies.
Trump did his best to attempt to obstruct the investigation into Russia's interference in our electoral process. To this day, neither he nor his Rube Herd can bring themselves to condemn Russia's hostile acts.

The reason Trump tried to obstruct the investigation is because he can't handle the truth that he would not be President today were it not for Russia's help.

A "high crime" is any crime committed by a President, by the nature of the office.

Obstruction of justice is a high crime, as Nixon found out the hard way.
All of you leftists are calling for our President to be impeached. On what charges? Didn't we just spend $130 million dollars to have a bunch of Hillary cronies investigate our President for two years? And they came up with exactly nothing.

Maybe they should have been investigating Hillary. We already know as a fact she committed multiple felonies.

A President can be impeached because Congress doesn't ,like the way he or she parts their hair. In Trump's case, it would be obstruction of justice. There is no presumption of innocence in this case They could also wonder what Manafort's Russian business associate did with the information on the campaign strategy and internal polling data and how pro-Trump Russian social media ads followed that strategy.
You guys are all wet.

President Trump has been through the fire 4 times, and 4 times, the answers have been "No obstruction, no collusion."

I guess the drip, drip, drip, drip, drip is going to be stopped pretty soon.

Wrong. Trump has been throughh one investigation and the answer was "Extensive coordination but insufficient evidence of criminal conspiracy to lay criminal charges", and and impeachment referral on 10 counts of obstruction of justice.
Exactly how did our President obstruct? And what is the underlying crime for which he obstructed?

Our President didn't fire the special counsel, even though it was his Constitutional right to do so.

Our President never invoked executive privilege, even though it was his Constitutional right to do so.

Our President allowed his attorney to testify for 30 hours, even though he was not required to do so.

Our President turned over millions of documents, even though he was not required to do so.

On the other hand, we know as a fact that:

Hillary Clinton is guilty of multiple felony counts for violating the Espionage Act by having classified documents on her private, unsecured server.

Hillary Clinton is guilty of multiple felonies for obstruction of justice for destroying 33,000 subpoenaed e-mails.

You guys are all wet.

President Trump has been through the fire 4 times, and 4 times, the answers have been "No obstruction, no collusion."

I guess the drip, drip, drip, drip, drip is going to be stopped pretty soon.

Wrong. Trump has been throughh one investigation and the answer was "Extensive coordination but insufficient evidence of criminal conspiracy to lay criminal charges", and and impeachment referral on 10 counts of obstruction of justice.
The 4 Investigations/Reviews
1. The House of Representatives findings and Report - No Collusion with Russia, No Obstruction
2. The Senate Findings and Report - No Collusion, No Obstruction
3. The Mueller Report - No Collusion, No findings of Obstruction that were impeachable
4. The Attorney General Review of all the information gathered on President Donald Trump: No Collusion, No Obstruction.

Grow up, Dragonlady.
You guys are all wet.

President Trump has been through the fire 4 times, and 4 times, the answers have been "No obstruction, no collusion."

I guess the drip, drip, drip, drip, drip is going to be stopped pretty soon.

Wrong. Trump has been throughh one investigation and the answer was "Extensive coordination but insufficient evidence of criminal conspiracy to lay criminal charges", and and impeachment referral on 10 counts of obstruction of justice.
The 4 Investigations/Reviews
1. The House of Representatives findings and Report - No Collusion with Russia, No Obstruction
2. The Senate Findings and Report - No Collusion, No Obstruction
3. The Mueller Report - No Collusion, No findings of Obstruction that were impeachable
4. The Attorney General Review of all the information gathered on President Donald Trump: No Collusion, No Obstruction.

Grow up, Dragonlady.

The House of Representatives Whitewash and Report, prepared by Devon Nunes, who recused himself due to conflict of interest, but wrote the Reports anyway. Pointedly did not call Manafort, Gates, or Flynn. Allowed White House staffers to claim "executive privilege", which only the President can claim. Several witnesses were subsequently charged with lying in their testimony which formed the foundation of that report and its conclusions, chief among them Michael Cohen.

As for the Senate "Investigation" and Report, Mitch McConnell has never said a disparaging word about the President and likely never will.

Mueller Report wasn't looking for collusion, but found 140 instances of coordination between the Russians and the Trump Campaign. Did not file charges ONLY because Mueller was unable to find sufficient evidence to convict beyond a resonable doubt. No "no collusion" at all. Lots of collution, no conspiracy. Mueller was unable to provide definitively whether the Trump campaign was smart enough to know whether or not the Russians they were dealing with were GRU. Furthermore, the Russians concluded that the campaign too dangerously inept and kept their distance. In other words, the Trump Campaign was too stupid to form a criminal conspiracy.

Mueller most certainly found impeachable obstruction, and wrote an impeachment recommendation. He could not have been cleared in his evidence.

The Attorney General misrepresented the Mueller Report and its findings in that Summary. - So said Robert Mueller in his letter to Barr, subsequent to the release of Barr's Summary.
All of you leftists are calling for our President to be impeached. On what charges? Didn't we just spend $130 million dollars to have a bunch of Hillary cronies investigate our President for two years? And they came up with exactly nothing.

Maybe they should have been investigating Hillary. We already know as a fact she committed multiple felonies.

A President can be impeached because Congress doesn't ,like the way he or she parts their hair. In Trump's case, it would be obstruction of justice. There is no presumption of innocence in this case They could also wonder what Manafort's Russian business associate did with the information on the campaign strategy and internal polling data and how pro-Trump Russian social media ads followed that strategy.

You do realize Manafort's business associate was an informant for the State Dept., RIGHT? He reported on Russia and the Ukraine. Of course good old honest Mueller didn't report that little fact in his report, did he?

Calling out criminals in DC is like pointing out sinners in h*ll....~S~

Exactly what was obstructed? Couldn't have been Mueller, he completed his task and no where in his report did he say there was actual interference preventing him from doing so.

every leftist asswhipe tells you to read the report but they never point out which specific section they are referring to.

either point out what your case is or shut the fuck up about it, dude.

Exactly what was obstructed? Couldn't have been Mueller, he completed his task and no where in his report did he say there was actual interference preventing him from doing so.

every leftist asswhipe tells you to read the report but they never point out which specific section they are referring to.

either point out what your case is or shut the fuck up about it, dude.

That's an easy one to answer.


The lefty loons didn't like Mueller's report of no collusion and no obstruction.

They sure are a pack of whiny little shits.

Exactly what was obstructed? Couldn't have been Mueller, he completed his task and no where in his report did he say there was actual interference preventing him from doing so.

every leftist asswhipe tells you to read the report but they never point out which specific section they are referring to.

either point out what your case is or shut the fuck up about it, dude.

That's an easy one to answer.


The lefty loons didn't like Mueller's report of no collusion and no obstruction.

They sure are a pack of whiny little shits.
they ain't the only ones whining.

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