Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

When the employer mandate kicks in,, yep, the employers will drop their employees off the roles in order to save money most employers cannot afford the increases either, and we already know that we are now a nation of part time workers. deal with it.

Obama's goal of destroying the american economy is coming true, and the idiots on the left are applauding like a bunch of jackasses eating thorn bushes. "its really good, but its killing me"
Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?

Obama was elected in a landslide, America has spoken on Obamacare.

Then let each American pay their share of federal taxes to fund what they voted for, the rest of us cannot afford it.
When the employer mandate kicks in,, yep, the employers will drop their employees off the roles in order to save money most employers cannot afford the increases either, and we already know that we are now a nation of part time workers. deal with it.

Obama's goal of destroying the american economy is coming true, and the idiots on the left are applauding like a bunch of jackasses eating thorn bushes. "its really good, but its killing me"

they are just to stupid to realize their sugar tit is running dry.
Wow, you guys are delusional.

Most employer programs ALREADY meet the mandate. This is kind of what you don't get, is that unilke individual plans, the pools for employers are large enough to spread the risk around.

Now, yeah, here's the number you keep taking out of context that every year, the old plans are cancelled and they have to come up with new plans that are usually 90% the same as the old one.

I think what you guys are a bit confused about is that there is a plan called "ObamaCare" that is actually paying out money. There really isn't. It's just an expansion and mandates on existing plans.

Here's the real truth,,, obama is counting on young people to prop up his obama care, it's a mandate don't ya know. I checked out the S. Carolina exchanges because that's where my young people live. The best they can do is to purchase insurance for 179.00 per month with a ten thousand dollar deductible. So basically the young people are self insured. I don't know of many young folks who can pull ten thousand dollars out of their butts do you? I told him to just ignore the law, obummer ignores the law left and right, don't see why the young people can't.

many of the same young people that must sign up in order to fund obamacare are also the ones who are allowed to stay on their parents policy until they are 27.

Its called a conundrum, I think:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No they don't

All you have to do is show you are insured. Do you just make shit up?
All insurance programs want young folks in to spread the pool risk.

Why would the government's program be any different.

you're the first person on the left Ive ever seen openly admit that this is the government's health care program. was that a freduian slip?
And when the CEO of Cigna gets an 83 Million Dollar retirement bonus, but Cigna denies a 17 year old girl a liver transplant because it costs too much, then there's some serious problems with priorities.

That was the risk the parents took and was deemed acceptable.

The day a CEO retirement is more important than a child's life is the day the system changes to benefit the average citizen.

Guess what, gang.

Histrionic bullshit. Every insurance decision has multiple appeal levels to independent providers. Look up NCQA or JACHO appeal standards. If someone is denied "life saving treatment," then the treatment is either unnecessary or there is minimal chance for improvement.

Everyone talks about the big mean old insurance companies, but it is always bullshit. It is as fake as Obama's story about his Mother. It is all lies and fake shit that the Dems use as phony talking points.
Here's the real truth,,, obama is counting on young people to prop up his obama care, it's a mandate don't ya know. I checked out the S. Carolina exchanges because that's where my young people live. The best they can do is to purchase insurance for 179.00 per month with a ten thousand dollar deductible. So basically the young people are self insured. I don't know of many young folks who can pull ten thousand dollars out of their butts do you? I told him to just ignore the law, obummer ignores the law left and right, don't see why the young people can't.

many of the same young people that must sign up in order to fund obamacare are also the ones who are allowed to stay on their parents policy until they are 27.

Its called a conundrum, I think:cuckoo::cuckoo:

No they don't

All you have to do is show you are insured. Do you just make shit up?

you missed the point, if they are on their parents polcies they are not paying the big premiums needed to fund the rest of obozocare.
All insurance programs want young folks in to spread the pool risk.

Why would the government's program be any different.

Because its MANDATORY, fool. Do you have any idea what the word "freedom" means?
Yup, fool. :lol: It is called government by We the People. Move to Somalia where they will certainly teach you the meaning. Thank heavens you fools have the great majority to make sure you don't do more damage to yourselves than you have done already.
Willow, I am right of center and you are far beyond the far right horizon, thus leading you to foolishly call me a liberal.

Our course ACA is the government health program: what did you think it was?
And when the CEO of Cigna gets an 83 Million Dollar retirement bonus, but Cigna denies a 17 year old girl a liver transplant because it costs too much, then there's some serious problems with priorities.

That was the risk the parents took and was deemed acceptable.

The day a CEO retirement is more important than a child's life is the day the system changes to benefit the average citizen.

Guess what, gang.

Histrionic bullshit.
Only a histrionic bullshitter would make such a post, kid.
Willow, I am right of center and you are far beyond the far right horizon, thus leading you to foolishly call me a liberal.

Our course ACA is the government health program: what did you think it was?

you are a liberal, and I am not mistaken. every word you utter is liberal.
Why do we bother pretending we know what's going to happen in november of next year?

Democrats should have gone down in flames in 2012 as well. They didn't. The same issues we are dealing with now were alive and well then.

Let's face it anything can happen in politics. And we get so arrogant to say it can't happen, we are just deluding ourselves and setting ourselves up for defeat.
Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?

Obama was elected in a landslide, America has spoken on Obamacare.

5% is a landslide? Holy shit...You are a sycophant
Obama won because Republicans are not credible, didn't he?

No...Obama won on "free shit". Obama won because an estimated three million people who voted for Mc Cain, sat out the 2012 election.
Several polls out in the last couple weeks indicated that if the election were to be held today, Romney would have won be the same margin of victory by Obama.

Wrong again Joe. No plan has failed to met the vetting process. None. State Government does the vetting of insurance policies....not the Feds. To call insurance sub-standard when Government is directly involved in vetting and approving every single health insurance policy sold in America is completely fucking wrong. The insurance Companies do not set the rules, Joey. They never have. The Government does.

Guy, the problem is, you can hide through all the rigamorow you want, but here's the thing.

If I paid good money for insurance or my employer promised me insurance in exchange for work...

And they I get sick and they tell me why they can't pay for it-


This really, really isn't fucking difficult.

And here's the thing. Your industry said, "Oh, please, please don't go to a public option or single payer, we promise we'll be good!"

Seriously, it's like one of those movies where they turn their back on the character who has already been established to be a weasel and they are surprised when he turns on them.

I see you keep evading the part where you should have read your policy. If you had any questions, you should have consulted with your company HR dept.
Instead, you just assumed you had unlimited coverage for every unimaginable injury or illness. Newsflash, such policies are very rare. These are catastrophic care coverage.
The mandates are not unlimited either.
As a matter of fact, one of the ideas the GOP presented during the Obamacare negotiations was for this type coverage. The democrats refused to even consider it.
Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?

Obama was elected in a landslide, America has spoken on Obamacare.

America wasn't informed about Obamacare until after the 2012 election. In the 2012 election, America has spoke on how they feel about the scare stories Obama used to scientifically manipulate each critical demographic -- vote like your vagina depends on it, Romney killed a woman with cancer, Republicans want to throw granny off a cliff, they hate clean air and clean water, I saved Detroit from bankruptcy, etc. That manipulation worked. Well done, Obama team. :thup:

America is only learning about Obamacare now and you know exactly what America is saying about that. And their voices on that matter will get louder as more shoes drop.
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All insurance programs want young folks in to spread the pool risk.

Why would the government's program be any different.

Because its MANDATORY, fool. Do you have any idea what the word "freedom" means?
Yup, fool. :lol: It is called government by We the People. Move to Somalia where they will certainly teach you the meaning. Thank heavens you fools have the great majority to make sure you don't do more damage to yourselves than you have done already.

When ACA was passed 65% of america did not want it. Today over 70% either want is scrapped or changed in a major way.

Ramming something through congress on a one party vote IS NOT GOVERNMENT BY WE THE PEOPLE. WE the PEOPLE were lied to by the president about this law.

It is the worst kind of tyrany ever perpetrated on the american people.

The "great majority" is not where you are. you are part of the statist minority. You would like North Korea, their govt works the way you want this one to work.
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Why do we bother pretending we know what's going to happen in november of next year?

Democrats should have gone down in flames in 2012 as well. They didn't. The same issues we are dealing with now were alive and well then.

Let's face it anything can happen in politics. And we get so arrogant to say it can't happen, we are just deluding ourselves and setting ourselves up for defeat.

The only political issue in America right now is Obamacare. If the employer mandate gets enforced, every expert is saying 10's of millions will lose their employer based coverage. I can't see how that will ever be good for Obama or the Dems.

Now if the employer mandate continues to not be enforced...that is good for America. From my perspective, either outcome is good. :)

No Joe,

The website will not be working in a couple of months. It is now 5 days and counting. Remember? Obama said it would be working smoothly by November 30th.

If it is not working smoothly....I pretty sure Obama will have lied again. Don't ya think?

Well, you and the rest of the Big Insurance shills will claim it isn't even if it is.

But poor people are going to have access to the system, and I know this horrifies you.

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