Example of a REAL Conspiracy [COVID Vaccine Pushers]

They all lied or spread propaganda.

Pureblood Power! w00t! w00t!

The video is long, but it is an amazing compilation of the lies which were fed to the American public over and over again.

These lies were fed to us by health experts, celebrities, so-called journalists, and powerful political leaders.

They convinced a large fraction of the population, perhaps even a majority, that we purebloods were the problem.

I experienced this myself, from my employer and from my own non-immediate family members who were brainwashed by the CDC, Fauci (spit), and the media. And I fought it in every way I could, never vaxing, never masking, completely refusing all mandates and taking legal action.

We were uninvited to family events, and family was afraid to visit us because we refused to get the jabs.

And then I watched as, sadly, they all got COVID anyway, and some of these family members developed bad health conditions. One starting getting sick frequently. One got aggressive cancer. Another died suddenly and unexpectedly after getting the bivalent booster. And if anyone doubts that the vaccines are harmful, just ask four vaccinated people how they felt after getting vaccinated, and you'll probably find at least one that said they stayed home sick the next day.

Thank goodness this nonsense is over (until next time.)
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The video is long, but it is an amazing compilation of the lies which were fed to the American public over and over again.

These lies were fed to use by health experts, celebrities, so-called journalists, and powerful political leaders.

They convinced a large fraction of the population, perhaps even a majority, that we purebloods were the problem.

I experienced this myself, from my employer and from my own non-immediate family members who were brainwashed by the CDC, Fauci (spit), and the media. And I fought it in every way I could, never vaxing, never masking, completely refusing all mandates and taking legal action.

We were uninvited to family events, and family was afraid to visit us because we refused to get the jabs.

And then I watched as, sadly, they all got COVID anyway, and some of these family members developed bad health conditions. One starting getting sick frequently. One got aggressive cancer. Another died suddenly and unexpectedly after getting the bivalent booster. And if anyone doubts that the vaccines are harmful, just ask four vaccinated people how they felt after getting vaccinated, and you'll probably find at least one that said they stayed home sick the next day.

Thank goodness this nonsense is over (until next time.)
Lies with the same exact wording, spread far and wide by most of the propaganda machine.
The video is long, but it is an amazing compilation of the lies which were fed to the American public over and over again.

These lies were fed to use by health experts, celebrities, so-called journalists, and powerful political leaders.

They convinced a large fraction of the population, perhaps even a majority, that we purebloods were the problem.

I experienced this myself, from my employer and from my own non-immediate family members who were brainwashed by the CDC, Fauci (spit), and the media. And I fought it in every way I could, never vaxing, never masking, completely refusing all mandates and taking legal action.

We were uninvited to family events, and family was afraid to visit us because we refused to get the jabs.

And then I watched as, sadly, they all got COVID anyway, and some of these family members developed bad health conditions. One starting getting sick frequently. One got aggressive cancer. Another died suddenly and unexpectedly after getting the bivalent booster. And if anyone doubts that the vaccines are harmful, just ask four vaccinated people how they felt after getting vaccinated, and you'll probably find at least one that said they stayed home sick the next day.

Thank goodness this nonsense is over (until next time.)
Oh, it worked so well last time, they're bound to try it again. Covid-19 got done in a few short months what they've

been trying to do with "Global Warming" for years.

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