Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality

As much as your constant use of the USSR is your proof of its evil.
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
Right, but you didn't explain the whys and hows now did you? For all I know it was the Christians who are responsible for it. Can you tell me what the atheists did that was responsible for all their good works. Was it their mocking of people who held different opinions that was responsible.
So...lemme get this straight. There are practically no Christians in the country, but it is your contention that they are responsible for the volunteerism in the nation. Sorry pal.; You're reaching. You wanted evidence of an atheist society that has a positive influence, and I have shown you two. Now who is living in denial?
Practically no Christians? How many is practically no Christians, lol?
You think that's secularism at work really!?!?!?!?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
First, I'm not from Sweden, or Denmark. Second, I would agree that this is the problem of being tolerant in one's immigration policies; it means that sometimes the immigrants may not be nice. However, I would point out that tolerance is not unique to atheists. The Bible itself says, in Leviticus 19:33, 34, and Leviticus 24:22, "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Further in Deuteronomy 10:18 & 19, it says, "For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

So, you theists who are applauding Trump's attitudes toward Mexicans and Muslims are behaving in direct contradiction to your own God's commands. How interesting that it is the atheists who are behaving more like your God wants you to than you theists.

What is hilarious is that you now seem to be embracing the Bible on some level so long as it fits your atheistic worldview.

Have you ever read Nehemiah? No? The hell you say. It is a book about a man being prompted by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem for security against invaders.

So no, if there is an alien living in your land you should not oppress them, but at the same time. allowing your land to be invaded and overrun is not acceptable.
I don't "embrace" the bible, at all. I just know it. Which is apparently more than you Oh So Charitable Christians can say.
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
Really? Can you tell me what the secret of their success is?

"...Other awkward truths? There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. Like the Swedes, they embraced privatisation with great enthusiasm (even the ambulance service is privatised); and can seem spectacularly unsophisticated in their race relations (cartoon depictions of black people with big lips and bones through their noses are not uncommon in the national press). And if you think a move across the North Sea would help you escape the paedophiles, racists, crooks and tax-dodging corporations one reads about in the British media on a daily basis, I'm afraid I must disabuse you of that too. Got plenty of them...."

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'
That's an interesting claim since Transparency International ranks Denmark and Sweden as the 1st and 4th least corrupt nations on earth.
And yet they are increasingly becoming more of a police state and a racist state. Sounds like atheism isn't trending so well.
As much as your constant use of the USSR is your proof of its evil.
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
So what about the two million people who were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? How does that factor in your equation exactly? I mean after all Denmark and Sweden combined have a population of about 15 million people.
About the same as the 500 million that Christians murdered before Secular governments forced them out of power.
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
Right, but you didn't explain the whys and hows now did you? For all I know it was the Christians who are responsible for it. Can you tell me what the atheists did that was responsible for all their good works. Was it their mocking of people who held different opinions that was responsible.
So...lemme get this straight. There are practically no Christians in the country, but it is your contention that they are responsible for the volunteerism in the nation. Sorry pal.; You're reaching. You wanted evidence of an atheist society that has a positive influence, and I have shown you two. Now who is living in denial?
Practically no Christians? How many is practically no Christians, lol?
The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
First, I'm not from Sweden, or Denmark. Second, I would agree that this is the problem of being tolerant in one's immigration policies; it means that sometimes the immigrants may not be nice. However, I would point out that tolerance is not unique to atheists. The Bible itself says, in Leviticus 19:33, 34, and Leviticus 24:22, "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Further in Deuteronomy 10:18 & 19, it says, "For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

So, you theists who are applauding Trump's attitudes toward Mexicans and Muslims are behaving in direct contradiction to your own God's commands. How interesting that it is the atheists who are behaving more like your God wants you to than you theists.

What is hilarious is that you now seem to be embracing the Bible on some level so long as it fits your atheistic worldview.

Have you ever read Nehemiah? No? The hell you say. It is a book about a man being prompted by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem for security against invaders.

So no, if there is an alien living in your land you should not oppress them, but at the same time. allowing your land to be invaded and overrun is not acceptable.
I don't "embrace" the bible, at all. I just know it. Which is apparently more than you Oh So Charitable Christians can say.

Well then, you agree that building walls is Biblical at least but choose to pretend otherwise.

I believe that is called lying.
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
Right, but you didn't explain the whys and hows now did you? For all I know it was the Christians who are responsible for it. Can you tell me what the atheists did that was responsible for all their good works. Was it their mocking of people who held different opinions that was responsible.
So...lemme get this straight. There are practically no Christians in the country, but it is your contention that they are responsible for the volunteerism in the nation. Sorry pal.; You're reaching. You wanted evidence of an atheist society that has a positive influence, and I have shown you two. Now who is living in denial?
Practically no Christians? How many is practically no Christians, lol?
The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
First, I'm not from Sweden, or Denmark. Second, I would agree that this is the problem of being tolerant in one's immigration policies; it means that sometimes the immigrants may not be nice. However, I would point out that tolerance is not unique to atheists. The Bible itself says, in Leviticus 19:33, 34, and Leviticus 24:22, "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Further in Deuteronomy 10:18 & 19, it says, "For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

So, you theists who are applauding Trump's attitudes toward Mexicans and Muslims are behaving in direct contradiction to your own God's commands. How interesting that it is the atheists who are behaving more like your God wants you to than you theists.

What is hilarious is that you now seem to be embracing the Bible on some level so long as it fits your atheistic worldview.

Have you ever read Nehemiah? No? The hell you say. It is a book about a man being prompted by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem for security against invaders.

So no, if there is an alien living in your land you should not oppress them, but at the same time. allowing your land to be invaded and overrun is not acceptable.
I don't "embrace" the bible, at all. I just know it. Which is apparently more than you Oh So Charitable Christians can say.
You just embrace trolling religious forums to mock your fellow human beings, right? Those are some upstanding values you have there.
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
Really? Can you tell me what the secret of their success is?

"...Other awkward truths? There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. Like the Swedes, they embraced privatisation with great enthusiasm (even the ambulance service is privatised); and can seem spectacularly unsophisticated in their race relations (cartoon depictions of black people with big lips and bones through their noses are not uncommon in the national press). And if you think a move across the North Sea would help you escape the paedophiles, racists, crooks and tax-dodging corporations one reads about in the British media on a daily basis, I'm afraid I must disabuse you of that too. Got plenty of them...."

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'
That's an interesting claim since Transparency International ranks Denmark and Sweden as the 1st and 4th least corrupt nations on earth.
And yet they are increasingly becoming more of a police state and a racist state. Sounds like atheism isn't trending so well.
Well, it seems the people who live there disagree. Ruut Veenhoven, a leading researcher on world happiness, maintains the World Database of Happiness, a ranking of nations by happiness level. Denmark currently ranks 2nd (behind similarly non-religious Iceland), and Sweden ranks 8th. Another ranking has Denmark and Sweden tied for the 2nd happiest nations on earth. Only 5% of Danes and 4% of Swedes reportbeing “not very happy” or “not at all happy.” Nations with high rates of “organic” atheism do tend to have higher rates of suicide than highly religious nations, and this may be partially explained by their progressive policies about assisted suicide and a lack of religious taboos against suicide. That is, organically non-religious societies let people die how they want to die, rather than prohibiting people from taking their own life into their own hands. But the picture here isconfusing. Though Denmark and Sweden do rank among the happiest nations on earth according to several studies, they also rank high in depressive episodes per capita. And yet, they rank 1st and 9th in life satisfaction!
Let's be clear here, my argument isn't just the USSR, lol. It is every Communist nation that has ever existed. Let's not forget China, ok? But getting back to your claim for Denmark and Sweden as you proof that atheism is good. How exactly do you make the link to atheism and the good works of those countries?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
So what about the two million people who were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? How does that factor in your equation exactly? I mean after all Denmark and Sweden combined have a population of about 15 million people.
About the same as the 500 million that Christians murdered before Secular governments forced them out of power.
500 million? Really? When was that?

I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
Really? Can you tell me what the secret of their success is?

"...Other awkward truths? There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. Like the Swedes, they embraced privatisation with great enthusiasm (even the ambulance service is privatised); and can seem spectacularly unsophisticated in their race relations (cartoon depictions of black people with big lips and bones through their noses are not uncommon in the national press). And if you think a move across the North Sea would help you escape the paedophiles, racists, crooks and tax-dodging corporations one reads about in the British media on a daily basis, I'm afraid I must disabuse you of that too. Got plenty of them...."

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'
That's an interesting claim since Transparency International ranks Denmark and Sweden as the 1st and 4th least corrupt nations on earth.
And yet they are increasingly becoming more of a police state and a racist state. Sounds like atheism isn't trending so well.
Well, it seems the people who live there disagree. Ruut Veenhoven, a leading researcher on world happiness, maintains the World Database of Happiness, a ranking of nations by happiness level. Denmark currently ranks 2nd (behind similarly non-religious Iceland), and Sweden ranks 8th. Another ranking has Denmark and Sweden tied for the 2nd happiest nations on earth. Only 5% of Danes and 4% of Swedes reportbeing “not very happy” or “not at all happy.” Nations with high rates of “organic” atheism do tend to have higher rates of suicide than highly religious nations, and this may be partially explained by their progressive policies about assisted suicide and a lack of religious taboos against suicide. That is, organically non-religious societies let people die how they want to die, rather than prohibiting people from taking their own life into their own hands. But the picture here isconfusing. Though Denmark and Sweden do rank among the happiest nations on earth according to several studies, they also rank high in depressive episodes per capita. And yet, they rank 1st and 9th in life satisfaction!
And yet you still can't tell me exactly how atheists are responsible for any of that, can you?
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
Right, but you didn't explain the whys and hows now did you? For all I know it was the Christians who are responsible for it. Can you tell me what the atheists did that was responsible for all their good works. Was it their mocking of people who held different opinions that was responsible.
So...lemme get this straight. There are practically no Christians in the country, but it is your contention that they are responsible for the volunteerism in the nation. Sorry pal.; You're reaching. You wanted evidence of an atheist society that has a positive influence, and I have shown you two. Now who is living in denial?
Practically no Christians? How many is practically no Christians, lol?
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
First, I'm not from Sweden, or Denmark. Second, I would agree that this is the problem of being tolerant in one's immigration policies; it means that sometimes the immigrants may not be nice. However, I would point out that tolerance is not unique to atheists. The Bible itself says, in Leviticus 19:33, 34, and Leviticus 24:22, "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Further in Deuteronomy 10:18 & 19, it says, "For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

So, you theists who are applauding Trump's attitudes toward Mexicans and Muslims are behaving in direct contradiction to your own God's commands. How interesting that it is the atheists who are behaving more like your God wants you to than you theists.

What is hilarious is that you now seem to be embracing the Bible on some level so long as it fits your atheistic worldview.

Have you ever read Nehemiah? No? The hell you say. It is a book about a man being prompted by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem for security against invaders.

So no, if there is an alien living in your land you should not oppress them, but at the same time. allowing your land to be invaded and overrun is not acceptable.
I don't "embrace" the bible, at all. I just know it. Which is apparently more than you Oh So Charitable Christians can say.

Well then, you agree that building walls is Biblical at least but choose to pretend otherwise.

I believe that is called lying.
I agree no such thing. I agree that you want to pick and choose what parts of your Bible you want to acknowledge whenever it suits your purpose, but still want to pretend to be more ethical, and moral than us poor "godless" atheists.
How do you not? It certainly isn't the religious. I included the stats on just how little religion plays a part in those nations.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
So what about the two million people who were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? How does that factor in your equation exactly? I mean after all Denmark and Sweden combined have a population of about 15 million people.
About the same as the 500 million that Christians murdered before Secular governments forced them out of power.
500 million? Really? When was that?

This little thing called the Middle Ages?
Just as objective as you.
Really? Can you tell me what the secret of their success is?

"...Other awkward truths? There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. Like the Swedes, they embraced privatisation with great enthusiasm (even the ambulance service is privatised); and can seem spectacularly unsophisticated in their race relations (cartoon depictions of black people with big lips and bones through their noses are not uncommon in the national press). And if you think a move across the North Sea would help you escape the paedophiles, racists, crooks and tax-dodging corporations one reads about in the British media on a daily basis, I'm afraid I must disabuse you of that too. Got plenty of them...."

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'
That's an interesting claim since Transparency International ranks Denmark and Sweden as the 1st and 4th least corrupt nations on earth.
And yet they are increasingly becoming more of a police state and a racist state. Sounds like atheism isn't trending so well.
Well, it seems the people who live there disagree. Ruut Veenhoven, a leading researcher on world happiness, maintains the World Database of Happiness, a ranking of nations by happiness level. Denmark currently ranks 2nd (behind similarly non-religious Iceland), and Sweden ranks 8th. Another ranking has Denmark and Sweden tied for the 2nd happiest nations on earth. Only 5% of Danes and 4% of Swedes reportbeing “not very happy” or “not at all happy.” Nations with high rates of “organic” atheism do tend to have higher rates of suicide than highly religious nations, and this may be partially explained by their progressive policies about assisted suicide and a lack of religious taboos against suicide. That is, organically non-religious societies let people die how they want to die, rather than prohibiting people from taking their own life into their own hands. But the picture here isconfusing. Though Denmark and Sweden do rank among the happiest nations on earth according to several studies, they also rank high in depressive episodes per capita. And yet, they rank 1st and 9th in life satisfaction!
And yet you still can't tell me exactly how atheists are responsible for any of that, can you?
Exaclty? No. But, I'm sure you have proof that it was all religious people donating money, and volunteering, even though they are in the extreme minority, right?

There was a time when Islam was at the center of the thinking world, and that changed, Christianity, Islam and Judaism have something in common, blasphemy, basically shutting people up and threatening to kill them for doing so. Religion requires "belief" in something, no facts, and belief can be countered easily because you can't ever prove it.
Irreligion, Sweden, sexual assaults and domestic violence
In March 2014, the Swedish news website The Local published an article entitled Sweden stands out in domestic violence study which declared:

“ A new EU review of violence against women has revealed that one in three European women has been assaulted, and one in twenty has been raped, with the Scandinavian countries at the top of the league tables.
In the Scandinavian countries, in contrast, around half of the women reported physical or sexual violence, which researchers at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights said could have several explanations...

In Sweden, 81 percent of women said they had been harassed at some point after the age of 15 - compared to the EU average of 55 percent. After Sweden, which had the highest rate, Denmark, France, the Netherland and Finland all saw rates above 70 percent. The EU member state with the lowest rate - 24 percent - was Bulgaria.[8]

Sweden stands out in domestic violence study
Lutheran Christianity is officially the largest religion in Sweden, with 6.2 million Swedish citizens being members of the Church of Sweden. ... Other Christian Churches include the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Islam is the second largest religion in Sweden, practiced by 5% of the population.

In a Eurobarometer Poll in 2010, just 18% of Swedish citizens responded that "they believe there is a god", although a further 45% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force".[6] In a 2009 Gallup poll, 17% answered yes to the question "Is religion an important part of your daily life?".[7] A survey found that only 15% of Church of Sweden members actually believe in Jesus, while another 15% identified as atheists, and a quarter as agnostic.[8] Less than 4% of the Church of Sweden membership attends public worship during an average week; about 2% are regular attendees.[9] Some scholars consider the nation to be a place where religion is regarded with “benign indifference”.[10]

Religion in Sweden - Wikipedia
Really? Can you tell me what the secret of their success is?

"...Other awkward truths? There is more than a whiff of the police state about the fact that Danish policeman refuse to display ID numbers and can refuse to give their names. The Danes are aggressively jingoistic, waving their red-and-white dannebrog at the slightest provocation. Like the Swedes, they embraced privatisation with great enthusiasm (even the ambulance service is privatised); and can seem spectacularly unsophisticated in their race relations (cartoon depictions of black people with big lips and bones through their noses are not uncommon in the national press). And if you think a move across the North Sea would help you escape the paedophiles, racists, crooks and tax-dodging corporations one reads about in the British media on a daily basis, I'm afraid I must disabuse you of that too. Got plenty of them...."

Dark lands: the grim truth behind the 'Scandinavian miracle'
That's an interesting claim since Transparency International ranks Denmark and Sweden as the 1st and 4th least corrupt nations on earth.
And yet they are increasingly becoming more of a police state and a racist state. Sounds like atheism isn't trending so well.
Well, it seems the people who live there disagree. Ruut Veenhoven, a leading researcher on world happiness, maintains the World Database of Happiness, a ranking of nations by happiness level. Denmark currently ranks 2nd (behind similarly non-religious Iceland), and Sweden ranks 8th. Another ranking has Denmark and Sweden tied for the 2nd happiest nations on earth. Only 5% of Danes and 4% of Swedes reportbeing “not very happy” or “not at all happy.” Nations with high rates of “organic” atheism do tend to have higher rates of suicide than highly religious nations, and this may be partially explained by their progressive policies about assisted suicide and a lack of religious taboos against suicide. That is, organically non-religious societies let people die how they want to die, rather than prohibiting people from taking their own life into their own hands. But the picture here isconfusing. Though Denmark and Sweden do rank among the happiest nations on earth according to several studies, they also rank high in depressive episodes per capita. And yet, they rank 1st and 9th in life satisfaction!
And yet you still can't tell me exactly how atheists are responsible for any of that, can you?
Exaclty? No. But, I'm sure you have proof that it was all religious people donating money, and volunteering, even though they are in the extreme minority, right?
So as far as you know the 15% of Swedes who are atheists could be the ones committing rape and violent, crime, right?
Right, but you didn't explain the whys and hows now did you? For all I know it was the Christians who are responsible for it. Can you tell me what the atheists did that was responsible for all their good works. Was it their mocking of people who held different opinions that was responsible.
So...lemme get this straight. There are practically no Christians in the country, but it is your contention that they are responsible for the volunteerism in the nation. Sorry pal.; You're reaching. You wanted evidence of an atheist society that has a positive influence, and I have shown you two. Now who is living in denial?
Practically no Christians? How many is practically no Christians, lol?
No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
First, I'm not from Sweden, or Denmark. Second, I would agree that this is the problem of being tolerant in one's immigration policies; it means that sometimes the immigrants may not be nice. However, I would point out that tolerance is not unique to atheists. The Bible itself says, in Leviticus 19:33, 34, and Leviticus 24:22, "When the alien resides with you in your land, you shall not oppress the alien. The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.” Further in Deuteronomy 10:18 & 19, it says, "For the Lord your God...loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

So, you theists who are applauding Trump's attitudes toward Mexicans and Muslims are behaving in direct contradiction to your own God's commands. How interesting that it is the atheists who are behaving more like your God wants you to than you theists.

What is hilarious is that you now seem to be embracing the Bible on some level so long as it fits your atheistic worldview.

Have you ever read Nehemiah? No? The hell you say. It is a book about a man being prompted by God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem for security against invaders.

So no, if there is an alien living in your land you should not oppress them, but at the same time. allowing your land to be invaded and overrun is not acceptable.
I don't "embrace" the bible, at all. I just know it. Which is apparently more than you Oh So Charitable Christians can say.

Well then, you agree that building walls is Biblical at least but choose to pretend otherwise.

I believe that is called lying.
I agree no such thing. I agree that you want to pick and choose what parts of your Bible you want to acknowledge whenever it suits your purpose, but still want to pretend to be more ethical, and moral than us poor "godless" atheists.

On the contrary, it is YOU who are pretending to be more ethical and moral than us God fearing theists.

Then to add insult to injury, you pretend to know more about the Bible.

You are one self righteous piece of work.
I just want to make certain that I understand your position.... you don't think religion has done much good despite the role that Christian values played in shaping Western Civilization because of all the bad things religion has done but you do believe that atheism is a force for good because of Denmark and Sweden even though 200 million people were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? Am I understanding your position correctly? I can see now why you believe you are so objective about this. :dig:
Just as objective as you.
So what about the two million people who were murdered in the 20th century by atheistic rulers? How does that factor in your equation exactly? I mean after all Denmark and Sweden combined have a population of about 15 million people.
About the same as the 500 million that Christians murdered before Secular governments forced them out of power.
500 million? Really? When was that?

This little thing called the Middle Ages?
Really? Do you have a link for that?
Lutheran Christianity is officially the largest religion in Sweden, with 6.2 million Swedish citizens being members of the Church of Sweden. ... Other Christian Churches include the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. Islam is the second largest religion in Sweden, practiced by 5% of the population.

In a Eurobarometer Poll in 2010, just 18% of Swedish citizens responded that "they believe there is a god", although a further 45% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force".[6] In a 2009 Gallup poll, 17% answered yes to the question "Is religion an important part of your daily life?".[7] A survey found that only 15% of Church of Sweden members actually believe in Jesus, while another 15% identified as atheists, and a quarter as agnostic.[8] Less than 4% of the Church of Sweden membership attends public worship during an average week; about 2% are regular attendees.[9] Some scholars consider the nation to be a place where religion is regarded with “benign indifference”.[10]

Religion in Sweden - Wikipedia
And this is supposed to prove what exactly? I mean, you are highlighting the fact that 15% of the people that even attend the Church of Sweden don't believe the bullshit!!! And less than one in five believe there is a God. You are confirming with your own source that Sweden is an ATHEIST NATION!!!

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