Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality

And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

So you want others to believe as you do.
I want people to think for themselves.

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Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

So you want others to believe as you do.
I want people to think for themselves.

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Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Giordano Bruno comes to mind when someone says:
Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality.
So you want others to believe as you do.
I want people to think for themselves.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?
I want people to think for themselves.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
I don't know anyone who does. My question was that the Bible says that God uses everything for His good. Do you believe that is true?
I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
I don't know anyone who does. My question was that the Bible says that God uses everything for His good. Do you believe that is true?

You don't have a direct quote, just somewhere in the Bible it may say? I can't respond to that, it makes no sense if not read in context. Would you not agree.
I never claimed to be a saint.

Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
I don't know anyone who does. My question was that the Bible says that God uses everything for His good. Do you believe that is true?

You don't have a direct quote, just somewhere in the Bible it may say? I can't respond to that, it makes no sense if not read in context. Would you not agree.
I take it you are not a Christian then, right?
Maybe you aren't really a Christian.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
I don't know anyone who does. My question was that the Bible says that God uses everything for His good. Do you believe that is true?

You don't have a direct quote, just somewhere in the Bible it may say? I can't respond to that, it makes no sense if not read in context. Would you not agree.
I take it you are not a Christian then, right?

Yes I am.
Christ probably has the same opinion of me as you do. I read somewhere that He uses it all for His good. Do you believe that is true? If so, what do you believe that means exactly?

I don't know what Christ's opinion is of me.
I don't know anyone who does. My question was that the Bible says that God uses everything for His good. Do you believe that is true?

You don't have a direct quote, just somewhere in the Bible it may say? I can't respond to that, it makes no sense if not read in context. Would you not agree.
I take it you are not a Christian then, right?

Yes I am.
Oh, but you don't know what I'm talking about though? Ok. Romans 8:28.
It is in reference to not leaning on one's own understanding, not the ability to think for one's self.
Without pertinent knowledge, free thinking can get you in real trouble.
Leaning on your own understanding, you may see nothing wrong with sticking a knife into an electric socket. Armed with knowledge of electricity and what it is capable of, you can avoid the consequences of something you thought was a good idea at the time, and instead make a wise decision.
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

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Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

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I have been making an argument using my own words. Who do you believe is typing my responses? Jesus? The reality is that your arguments are poorly conceived and you have not thought them through. You lack objectivity when it comes to religion. You do not weigh the good, you only weigh the bad. You have not made a positive case for atheism. What you think is free thinking is really just parroting something you heard from a website or some other idiot who believes as you do. The reality is that what you do is called critical theory, not critical thinking. Critical theory is the theory to unfairly criticize everything that you don't believe in to validate what you do believe in. The problem is that you never test what you do believe. Critical thinking is used to test what you do believe. Critical theory is used to test what you don't believe. You are not a free thinker.
What good does atheism do? Well, let's look at both Denmark, andSweden; two modern countries where atheism grew organically, unlike the authoritarian monstrosities like Stalinist Russia, or China that you want everyone to think are the only possible models for the growth of atheism.

Denmark and Sweden rank among the most well-developed, wealthiest, most democratic, most free, most entrepreneurial, least corrupt, least violent, most peaceful, healthiest, happiest, most egalitarian, best educated, most charitable, and most environmentally compassionate societies in the entire world. In case there is any question that Denmark, or Sweden are atheist societies, concider the following data: Greely (2003) found that 34% of Danes and 26% of Swedes are theists. As for belief in a “personal God,” Botvar (“Kristen tro I Norden” in Folkkyrkor och Religios Pluralism, 2000) found the numbers to be 20% and 18%, Bondeson (2003) measured 51% and 26%, Lambert (2003) measured 24% and 16%. According to Inglehart, similarly low figures are found for belief in life after death (30% and 33%), heaven (18% and 31%), hell (10% and 10%), sin (21% and 26%). Danes and Swedes also don’t believe the Bible is the word of God (7% and 3%, according to Botvar), and they don’t attend religious services (only 12% of Danes and 9% of Swedes attend chuch once a month, according to Inglehart). It should be noted that Norway is also one of the most non-religious nations on earth, and usually ranks similarly to Denmark and Sweden on measures of societal health.

According to the United Nations 2015 Human Development Report, Denmark ranked 4th, and Sweden ranked 14th among the most well-developed nations in the world. It should be noted that the United states only ranked 8th (higher than atheist Sweden, but not as high as atheist Denmark). Not to rely on just a single source, The Economist also ranked both Denmark, and Sweden 4th, and 5th most desireable places to live - higher than the United States.

Sweden and Denmark are ranked 17th and 18th in GDP per capita, according to the International Monetary Fund. In fact, the list of the top 20 wealthiest nations in the world is dominated by non-religious nations. Denmark and Sweden rank 3rd and 10th in financial satisfaction. Also note that among the 50 poorest countries on Earth, all are extremely religious.

Denmark and Sweden rank 5th and 1st in official development assistance as a percentage of Gross National Income. Ranked by percentage of population who are members of volunteer organizations, Denmark and Sweden are 16th and 8th.

Shall we continue to examine the benefits of an atheist society, or would you like to admit that you are using a biased model?
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

But you have no problem with a secular government brainwashing a large group of people into willful ignorance and stupidity?

Have you seen who the American people have elected for the last two decades?
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

But you have no problem with a secular government brainwashing a large group of people into willful ignorance and stupidity?

Have you seen who the American people have elected for the last two decades?
You think that's secularism at work really!?!?!?!?

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It is in reference to not leaning on one's own understanding, not the ability to think for one's self.
Without pertinent knowledge, free thinking can get you in real trouble.
Leaning on your own understanding, you may see nothing wrong with sticking a knife into an electric socket. Armed with knowledge of electricity and what it is capable of, you can avoid the consequences of something you thought was a good idea at the time, and instead make a wise decision.
And you think that a belief in God is the only way to make ethical decisions? How sad that you are incapable of being moral without someone else to force you to "behave".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

But you have no problem with a secular government brainwashing a large group of people into willful ignorance and stupidity?

Have you seen who the American people have elected for the last two decades?
You think that's secularism at work really!?!?!?!?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

But you have no problem with a secular government brainwashing a large group of people into willful ignorance and stupidity?

Have you seen who the American people have elected for the last two decades?
You think that's secularism at work really!?!?!?!?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

But you have no problem with a secular government brainwashing a large group of people into willful ignorance and stupidity?

Have you seen who the American people have elected for the last two decades?
You think that's secularism at work really!?!?!?!?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

The American public have become increasingly secular. Less and less go to church, more and more are turning to drugs and sexual promiscuity and pure greed to fill the vacuum.

Speaking of which, it would appear that Sweden and Denmark have the highest rates of sexual assaults in Europe.

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

And yes, these assaults are largely at the hands of Muslims, but then, the all might all knowing secular government let them in, didn't they?

Soon you will be overrun and a foot note in history, but you are too busy patting yourself on the back for being part of the atheist super race to even see that.
So, atheists are responsible for the actions of yet another group of religious hateful actors. That adorable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, you are responsible for letting them overrun your country.

Incapable of assuming responsibility I see.

The Muslims don't believe in things like birth control and abortion. Soon you will be overrun.
Let's put this in perspective


World populations in Europe, Asia, and the US are on sharp decline while populations in the Middle East are exploding and should double in no time at all.

Add to that the mass migration into Europe and what you will discover, in the not too distant future, is that atheism will soon be against Sharia law where you will be living.

This is what happens when secularism and atheism permeates society and teaches them that family and having kids is not that important. Instead, they are living life all for themselves and don't want to be bothered caring for others.

Enjoy Sharia law.

I know, I know, you are too enlightened and all knowing to ever let that happen. I'm sure you will be able to convince them otherwise with your superior intellect and reason.

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