Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality

And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Those are my own words. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
Well, I would argue that, at least as far as monotheistic religions, that's not always been true.

How many monotheistic empires have existed in the world? To my knowledge, one: The Holy Roman Empire. Polytheistic, or secular? The Romans, The Greeks, The Macedonians, the Egyptians, and many others too numerous to mention.

Now has Christianity been better at wiping the others out of existence? Sure. But, I don't think being good at genocide, and systematically destroying anyone who didn't convert is exactly an endorsement for religion.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
That's the biggest bullshit answer I have ever heard. The reason for the success of religion is that virtue is the greatest organizing principle and that is what religion teaches. Furthermore, as a rule, people who follow the values from religion are happier which leads to natural success. Do you need for me to provide the science on this or would you prefer to spout more mumbo jumbo bullshit which does not explain the success of Western Civilization or any other group of religious people?
That is the bullshit answer. The reason Christianity has "succeeded" is because they burned, drowned, hung or put to the sword anyone who dared disagree with them.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Wrong. Religious people in general and Christians specifically succeed because religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. These are successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success. Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy ; 2. it turns on all the learning centers of the brain. Scientific studies show that people with positive attitudes (i.e. happy people) perform 33% better than people who are neutral, negative or stressed. Scientific studies show that the values and practices taught through religion train the brain to be in a happy state of mind.
Sure, and I'm sure the Crusades, the inquisitions, the bloody campaigns into pagan lands, killing anyone who would not convert, the conquistadors, and all of the other Christian atrocities against non-christians had nothing to do with it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Again you are proving my point that you cannot make a posoitive case for atheism. Can you imagine Ford airing a commercial that tells prospective customers, "we're not GM." Ridiculous. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
Again you deflect when your bullshit about how great Christianity has been is exposed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Those are my own words. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
So, you're a liar to boot. Nice...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
That's the biggest bullshit answer I have ever heard. The reason for the success of religion is that virtue is the greatest organizing principle and that is what religion teaches. Furthermore, as a rule, people who follow the values from religion are happier which leads to natural success. Do you need for me to provide the science on this or would you prefer to spout more mumbo jumbo bullshit which does not explain the success of Western Civilization or any other group of religious people?
That is the bullshit answer. The reason Christianity has "succeeded" is because they burned, drowned, hung or put to the sword anyone who dared disagree with them.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Wrong. Religious people in general and Christians specifically succeed because religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. These are successful behaviors which naturally lead to happiness and success. Dopamine serves two purposes; 1. it makes us feel happy ; 2. it turns on all the learning centers of the brain. Scientific studies show that people with positive attitudes (i.e. happy people) perform 33% better than people who are neutral, negative or stressed. Scientific studies show that the values and practices taught through religion train the brain to be in a happy state of mind.
Sure, and I'm sure the Crusades, the inquisitions, the bloody campaigns into pagan lands, killing anyone who would not convert, the conquistadors, and all of the other Christian atrocities against non-christians had nothing to do with it.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Again you are proving my point that you cannot make a posoitive case for atheism. Can you imagine Ford airing a commercial that tells prospective customers, "we're not GM." Ridiculous. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
Again you deflect when your bullshit about how great Christianity has been is exposed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
How was it exposed. I don't deny the imperfection of men. I have made an objective assessment. I have weighed the good and the bad. You have only weighed the bad. And you still have not made a positive case for atheism. You can't.
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Those are my own words. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
So, you're a liar to boot. Nice...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Prove that I am a liar. What is your positive case for atheism? That it's not religion, lol.

From an anthropological perspective, why do you think that groups with religious cultures, out competed groups without?
Here is the science.

anthropological reasons for success of religious people

http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/pdfs/GratitudePDFs/6Emmons-BlessingsBurdens.pdf (thankfulness)

Dweck, C. (2007). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York, NY: Ballantine Books. (meditation/prayer)

http://sonjalyubomirsky.com/wp-content/themes/sonjalyubomirsky/papers/LSS2005.pdf (conscious/random acts of kindness)

anthropological reasons for failure of atheists

Atheism and suicide - Conservapedia

Atheism and depression - Conservapedia

Atheism and anger - Conservapedia

Irreligion and domestic violence - Conservapedia

Atheism and emotional/intrapersonal intelligence - Conservapedia

Atheism and death - Conservapedia

Atheism and meaninglessness - Conservapedia

Atheism and irrationality - Conservapedia

Atheism, obesity and loneliness - Conservapedia
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Those are my own words. Can you make a positive case for atheism?
So, you're a liar to boot. Nice...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

What would you expect to happen to society if Christianity goes away?

Do you seen positive signs when you compare more religious Christian societies to less religious Christian societies?

Or when comparing religious to less religious individuals?
Do you seen positive signs when you compare more religious Christian societies to less religious Christian societies?

Or when comparing religious to less religious individuals?

Less religious individuals are more fun when having deep discussions. Religious individuals get volatile too easily when discussing controversial issues of any type.

I think religious societies are more positive than secular societies. When I say religious I am referring to Christian societies. Hindu societies treat the poor and down trodden worse than secular societies.
What would you expect to happen to society if Christianity goes away?

I'd like to hear that answer.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
“More than half a century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of older people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’” “Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our Revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval...But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened.’”

“Templeton Lecture, May 10, 1983,” in The Solzhenitsyn Reader: New and Essential Writings, 1947-2005, eds. Edward E. Ericson, Jr. and Daniel J. Mahoney (Wilmington, DE: Intercollegiate Studies Institute, 2006), 577
Less religious individuals are more fun when having deep discussions. Religious individuals get volatile too easily when discussing controversial issues of any type.

That hasn't been my experience. In fact, quite the opposite. It has been my observation that when one does not have facts or logic on his side, he usually gets emotional and begins making irrational arguments such as Czernobog has done today. So it all depends on which side is arguing from a position of truth. I believe that Czernobog fancies himself an intellectual. His problem is that he does not have well thought out defensible positions. It's almost like he has accepted his beliefs from someone else and did so in a vacuum devoid of opposition. So when he comes to an arena like this, he has the unrealistic expectation that he has winning arguments and can't fathom why people don't bow down to him. In other words, he has only made his arguments in an echo chamber with like minded individuals, so when he comes to a arena like this he is ill prepared.
Less religious individuals are more fun when having deep discussions. Religious individuals get volatile too easily when discussing controversial issues of any type.

That hasn't been my experience. In fact, quite the opposite. It has been my observation that when one does not have facts or logic on his side, he usually gets emotional and begins making irrational arguments such as Czernobog has done today. So it all depends on which side is arguing from a position of truth. I believe that Czernobog fancies himself an intellectual. His problem is that he does not have well thought out defensible positions. It's almost like he has accepted his beliefs from someone else and did so in a vacuum devoid of opposition. So when he comes to an arena like this, he has the unrealistic expectation that he has winning arguments and can't fathom why people don't bow down to him. In other words, he has only made his arguments in an echo chamber with like minded individuals, so when he comes to a arena like this he is ill prepared.

He does not seem to be responding seriously to my questions.
Do you seen positive signs when you compare more religious Christian societies to less religious Christian societies?

Or when comparing religious to less religious individuals?

Less religious individuals are more fun when having deep discussions. Religious individuals get volatile too easily when discussing controversial issues of any type.

I think religious societies are more positive than secular societies. When I say religious I am referring to Christian societies. Hindu societies treat the poor and down trodden worse than secular societies.
Here is another example of what happened when a society banned religion...

The Khmer Rouge abolished all religion and dispersed minority groups, forbidding them to speak their languages or to practice their customs. These policies had been implemented in less severe forms for many years prior to the Khmer Rouge's taking power.
Less religious individuals are more fun when having deep discussions. Religious individuals get volatile too easily when discussing controversial issues of any type.

That hasn't been my experience. In fact, quite the opposite. It has been my observation that when one does not have facts or logic on his side, he usually gets emotional and begins making irrational arguments such as Czernobog has done today. So it all depends on which side is arguing from a position of truth. I believe that Czernobog fancies himself an intellectual. His problem is that he does not have well thought out defensible positions. It's almost like he has accepted his beliefs from someone else and did so in a vacuum devoid of opposition. So when he comes to an arena like this, he has the unrealistic expectation that he has winning arguments and can't fathom why people don't bow down to him. In other words, he has only made his arguments in an echo chamber with like minded individuals, so when he comes to a arena like this he is ill prepared.

He does not seem to be responding seriously to my questions.
He can't.
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

So you want others to believe as you do.
I want people to think for themselves.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Most do, they think and choose. I don't care if they want religion or not.
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.
It would be really nice if maybe you could tell us what good atheism has done for the world besides murdering 200 million people in the 20th century.
Sure, because not a single murder, or crime has been ever committed by a Christian. That would be why Christians make up more than 60% of prison population in this country. But, religion does soooo much good...

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Are you ever going to make a positive case for atheism?

Just so you know what a positive case looks like, here's my positive case for religion.

Religion promotes the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness, humility, chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience and kindness. Religion is responsible for the creation of wonderful charities and organizations which serve the betterment of man. Religious persons and institutions are usually the first source of literacy, education, and healthcare in the poorer regions. Religious persons and institutions have been the source of abundant human services from hospitals, orphanages, nursing homes, and schools, to advocacy on behalf of those with no voice, to supporting cultural outreaches, and seeking always to find ways in which to protect and promote human life and its authentic flourishing. Religion gave us the concept of subsidiarity and has done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility Religion teaches accountability and responsibility. Religion teaches that we have a choice in how we behave and that actions have consequences. Religion inspires a sense of wonder in nature and the universe and helps us feel connected to one another and to nature through regular community gatherings. Religion helps us feel less alone in the world by binding the community together. Religion serves to ennoble the human spirit and inspires love, peace and happiness. Religion brings order to our lives by promoting the virtues of thankfulness, forgiveness and humility. Religion brings comfort to the terminally ill and can act as a source of hope for the oppressed. Religion teaches that we can transform ourselves. That it is possible to change for the better. Christian values were the foundation which Western Civilization was built upon. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources. Religion gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. Religion gave us America. Religion gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Christianity has spread democracy throughout the world. Christians fought other Christians in WWII to end their aggression and rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII. Christians put a man on the moon and ended the cold war.
Are you ever going to make an argument using your own words, and thoughts?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
I have been making an argument using my own words. Who do you believe is typing my responses? Jesus? The reality is that your arguments are poorly conceived and you have not thought them through. You lack objectivity when it comes to religion. You do not weigh the good, you only weigh the bad. You have not made a positive case for atheism. What you think is free thinking is really just parroting something you heard from a website or some other idiot who believes as you do. The reality is that what you do is called critical theory, not critical thinking. Critical theory is the theory to unfairly criticize everything that you don't believe in to validate what you do believe in. The problem is that you never test what you do believe. Critical thinking is used to test what you do believe. Critical theory is used to test what you don't believe. You are not a free thinker.
And I should care why?
I always care when an oppressive organisation brainwashes a large group of people into wilful ignorance, and stupidity. Especially when those people then are able to influence the secular government of the nation.

So you want others to believe as you do.
I want people to think for themselves.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Bullshit. You want everyone to think as you do.

I see you are displaying more of your Christian love to help win over the unbelievers.

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