Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality

You practice critical theory, not critical thinking. Critical theory is the theory to unfairly criticize everything that you don't believe in to validate what you do believe in. The problem is that you never test what you do believe. Critical thinking is used to test what you do believe. Critical theory is used to test what you don't believe. You are no free thinker. I have yet to hear you make a positive case for atheism. Your case for atheism is religion is bad. That's not critical thinking.

I think he is running out of obscenities with which to reply.
They're not Christian nations, you idiot! Go look at your own fucking source!

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Sweden and Denmark? Sure they are. Do you have anything else?
You are officially a moron. If you think that 18% makes a "Christian Nation", then it is not possible to have a rational conversation with you, as you have no perception of reality.
Relax. You are going to develop a mental disorder.

Atheism and negative emotions/thoughts

To see relevant studies and historical data about the atheist population's highly unusual propensity to display negative emotions such as depression, anger, anxiety and boredom, please see:

Research suggests that irreligiousity is a causal factor for domestic violence.[1] See: Irreligion and domestic violence and Secular Europe and domestic violence
1. Atheism and depression (Cites relevant studies about atheism increasing depression)

2. Atheism and suicide (Atheists have a higher suicide rate than the general public)

3. Militant atheism and anger (Studies and historical information about atheism and anger)

4. Irreligion and domestic violence and Secular Europe and domestic violence (Research indicates that religiosity lowers one's propensity to engage in domestic violence)

5. Militant atheism (Historical information about atheism/violence/intolerance)

6. Atheism and emotional intelligence (Cites relevant studies about atheists having lower emotional intelligence). See also: Atheism and alcoholism

7. Atheism and social intelligence (Cites relevant studies and historical data showing lower interpersonal skills within the atheist population)

8. Atheism and death anxiety (Cites relevant studies and historical data related to atheism/death anxiety and related matters)

9. Atheism and meaninglessness (Cites relevant information from studies and history)

10. Atheism and irrationality (Cites studies on irreligion/irrationality/superstitious beliefs and other relevant information)

11. Atheism, obesity and loneliness (Cites studies and other relevant data)
Fuck off. You're a moron completely out of touch with reality.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Well it's official, you have reverted to foul language and character assassination instead of actually debating.

I guess that means I win.
Nope. What it means is that I refuse to bother wasting time in discussion with someone who is delusional.
The Khmer Rouge abolished all religion and dispersed minority groups, forbidding them to speak their languages or to practice their customs. These policies had been implemented in less severe forms for many years prior to the Khmer Rouge's taking power.
You practice critical theory, not critical thinking. Critical theory is the theory to unfairly criticize everything that you don't believe in to validate what you do believe in. The problem is that you never test what you do believe. Critical thinking is used to test what you do believe. Critical theory is used to test what you don't believe. You are no free thinker. I have yet to hear you make a positive case for atheism. Your case for atheism is religion is bad. That's not critical thinking.

I think he is running out of obscenities with which to reply.
Sweden and Denmark? Sure they are. Do you have anything else?
You are officially a moron. If you think that 18% makes a "Christian Nation", then it is not possible to have a rational conversation with you, as you have no perception of reality.
Relax. You are going to develop a mental disorder.

Atheism and negative emotions/thoughts

To see relevant studies and historical data about the atheist population's highly unusual propensity to display negative emotions such as depression, anger, anxiety and boredom, please see:

Research suggests that irreligiousity is a causal factor for domestic violence.[1] See: Irreligion and domestic violence and Secular Europe and domestic violence
1. Atheism and depression (Cites relevant studies about atheism increasing depression)

2. Atheism and suicide (Atheists have a higher suicide rate than the general public)

3. Militant atheism and anger (Studies and historical information about atheism and anger)

4. Irreligion and domestic violence and Secular Europe and domestic violence (Research indicates that religiosity lowers one's propensity to engage in domestic violence)

5. Militant atheism (Historical information about atheism/violence/intolerance)

6. Atheism and emotional intelligence (Cites relevant studies about atheists having lower emotional intelligence). See also: Atheism and alcoholism

7. Atheism and social intelligence (Cites relevant studies and historical data showing lower interpersonal skills within the atheist population)

8. Atheism and death anxiety (Cites relevant studies and historical data related to atheism/death anxiety and related matters)

9. Atheism and meaninglessness (Cites relevant information from studies and history)

10. Atheism and irrationality (Cites studies on irreligion/irrationality/superstitious beliefs and other relevant information)

11. Atheism, obesity and loneliness (Cites studies and other relevant data)
Fuck off. You're a moron completely out of touch with reality.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Well it's official, you have reverted to foul language and character assassination instead of actually debating.

I guess that means I win.
Nope. What it means is that I refuse to bother wasting time in discussion with someone who is delusional.

Now see, you can speak without using obscenities.

Now for the condescending character assassination.

One step at a time I suppose.
52% of Hong Kong is atheist. 46% of Sweden is Atheist. 52% of the Czech Republic is atheist. Even the United Kingdom is 40% atheist. There are plenty of nations with a high atheist population that does not do what they USSR, or other dictatorships did when they forced atheism on their citizens.

Don't forget the Armenian genocide where Muslims killed millions of Christians.

Of course, he probably has no knowledge of that because it is not PC to talk about.

Why would I not want to talk about that? Muslims are just as batshit crazy as Christians. It isn't Christianity I have a problem with; it is religion. That includes Islam, just in case that was too difficult for your to comprehend.
52% of Hong Kong is atheist. 46% of Sweden is Atheist. 52% of the Czech Republic is atheist. Even the United Kingdom is 40% atheist. There are plenty of nations with a high atheist population that does not do what they USSR, or other dictatorships did when they forced atheism on their citizens.

Here is what the lovely left winged atheists are doing in the US with Occupy Wall Street

Fire up the Jewish ovens I suppose. History just repeats itself.

Look, they curse just like Czern.

I get it. You hate atheism, and atheists, so your bias only allows you to see the "bad' that atheists have done. Your inability to be objective is noted.
52% of Hong Kong is atheist. 46% of Sweden is Atheist. 52% of the Czech Republic is atheist. Even the United Kingdom is 40% atheist. There are plenty of nations with a high atheist population that does not do what they USSR, or other dictatorships did when they forced atheism on their citizens.

Here is what the lovely left winged atheists are doing in the US with Occupy Wall Street

Fire up the Jewish ovens I suppose. History just repeats itself.

LOL! Your intolerance is noted.

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