Examples of Christian respect for critical thinking, and individuality

Among the most common faith groups in the U.S., Protestants have the highest suicide rate; Roman Catholics are next; Jews have the lowest rate.

Followers of religions that strongly prohibit suicide, like Christianity and Islam, have a higher suicide rate than those religions which have no strong prohibition (e.g. Buddhism and Hinduism.)
Facts about suicide
Christianity is an okay religion. Whatever gets them through the day. I say let sleeping dogs lie. However, as long as they don't try to prothelyse or turn religious dogma into legislation.
Well, it's been fun making you look stupid, but it's late, and I'm going to bed.
Christianity is an okay religion. Whatever gets them through the day. I say let sleeping dogs lie. However, as long as they don't try to prothelyse or turn religious dogma into legislation.
yeah, well, that's kind of the whole point of the "Religion" forums on these public forums - to proselytise. That's rather why I make a point of opposing them here.
Christianity is an okay religion. Whatever gets them through the day. I say let sleeping dogs lie. However, as long as they don't try to prothelyse or turn religious dogma into legislation.
yeah, well, that's kind of the whole point of the "Religion" forums on these public forums - to proselytise. That's rather why I make a point of opposing them here.
No. You have already admitted that you come here to mock people who believe in God. Don't be a pussy about it now.
Christianity is an okay religion. Whatever gets them through the day. I say let sleeping dogs lie. However, as long as they don't try to prothelyse or turn religious dogma into legislation.
yeah, well, that's kind of the whole point of the "Religion" forums on these public forums - to proselytise. That's rather why I make a point of opposing them here.
No. You have already admitted that you come here to mock people who believe in God. Don't be a pussy about it now.
Yeah. Because you come here to tell everyone how stupid they are not to take part in your superstition.
Again, you ignore all of the modern atheist nations, demonstrating your hatred, intolerance, and lack of objectivity.
There are no modern atheist nations except the communist ones. Of course if you had your way there would be more.
Lie. Denmark is atheist. Sweden is atheist. Germany is atheist. All of them are socialist, but not Communist. There's a difference.
Christianity is an okay religion. Whatever gets them through the day. I say let sleeping dogs lie. However, as long as they don't try to prothelyse or turn religious dogma into legislation.
yeah, well, that's kind of the whole point of the "Religion" forums on these public forums - to proselytise. That's rather why I make a point of opposing them here.
No. You have already admitted that you come here to mock people who believe in God. Don't be a pussy about it now.
Yeah. Because you come here to tell everyone how stupid they are not to take part in your superstition.
You will have to show me where I did that. Which you can't because I haven't.

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