Examples of systemic racism

Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask

All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people, instead of taking personal responsibility to fix the destructive thug ghetto culture that you, yourselves have created.
This thread is really simple. Post an example of systemic racism.

I just did posts example. 138 pages worth but here a few.

White criminals more likely to get the job over blk ppl who are clean.



We shouldn't need to be referred to google or lengthy documents, just post an example here. If it is systemic, there should be plenty more examples just like

I just did post example. So now the ball is in your court.
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Juicey Omelette
All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people

On the contrary, blk ppl are far too nice to white ppl, If the shoe was on the other foot white ppl would have a murderous rage towards blk ppl
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This thread is really simple. Post an example of systemic racism.

I just did posts example. 138 pages worth but here a few.

White criminals more likely to get the job over blk ppl who are clean.

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View attachment 435476
We shouldn't need to be referred to google or lengthy documents, just post an example here. If it is systemic, there should be plenty more examples just like

I just did post example. So now the ball is in your court.

That isn't systemic racism, not when only 3 people in a single city does it, not only that the source doesn't make the case it was based on "systemic" racism anyway.
On the contrary, blk ppl are far too nice to white ppl, If the shoe was on the other foot white ppl would have a murderous rage towards blk ppl

That must explain why White on black crime is non existent...while black on everyone else crime is off the charts...

You should try finding reality before you live the rest of your life blaming everyone else for problems the self destructive thug ghetto culture defend has created.
Juicey Omelette
That must explain why White on black crime is non existent...while black on everyone else crime is off the charts...

Was their racism in the 1960s ?

Does racism exist?


It is clear you have a hard time understanding what the word SYSTEMIC is:


d: fundamental to a predominant social, economic, or political practice

You question makes clear you fail to understand the obvious, I never once denied racism, what I am disputing is the absurd claim that it is systemic, a simple look at the nation itself easily proved it doesn't exist. There was a time it did exist into the early 1960's, but that has been swept away with laws and compliance to the long existing laws.

You need to stop making absurd racism claims, or you will always be unhappy.
Oh, I am now beginning to understand how "systemic" racism differs from plain "racism."

Plain "racism" is, for example, refusing to serve ethnicity X in a restaurant.

While "systemic racism" was illustrated in one of the posts above: When polluters want to build a plant, they choose a place that is populated mostly by ethnicity X. The polluters feel that ethnicity X has no political clout to stop them.

Now here's an example that is iffy.

Sometimes people from ethnicity X say that their health is not so good as others because their areas are ignored by big chains, such as drug stores stocked with a wide variety of OTC medicines or supermarkets that are stocked with healthful fruits & vegetables.

Those chain stores, in their defense, admit that they avoid certain areas because if they locate there, they will encounter big problems with shoplifting. Not to mention break-ins that result in a huge amount of stolen merchandise.

The most controversial kind of "systemic racism" concerns crime suspects.

It IS true that the cops will often immediately suspect someone from ethnicity X when it comes to certain crimes. They do so because past experience has shown them that the overwhelming number of perps of certain crimes are of ethnicity X, not of ethnicity A or B or C. I do not know whether this could be classified as "systemic" or just plain "racism" (that is, stereotypes).

I do know one thing, however: In the coming decades, even when the country is predominately Latinx and African American, some people of ethnicity X will still feel that they are victims of "systemic racism" or just plain "racism."
As I say you and EvMetro read my post.

Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask
????? what?????
yes----blacks CLAIMING to be a victim of racism
OMG--there are books on god--but there is no god
there are books on Aliens visiting people -but that's bullshit
either give CREDIBLE facts/stats or it's bullshit

blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can make a blog on ANYTHING:
Easter Bunny

Racism is a system of inequality, based on race.

That's it in a nutshell.

But here's the thing.

Things like

1. Police harassment or brutality
2. Assumptions of incompetence
3. Assumptions that you are prone to rape
4. Less chances of employment, higher education, or the most current health treatment, from the get go
5. etc., etc., etc.

All of the above things can happen to you (or any person), but they won’t happen to you backed by the institutional power of Whiteness.

Sure cop can pull a white person over and harrass them, but the law enforcement system (a White institution) is not designed to disproportionately assume your guilt because you are White.

Any [insert negative action] can happen to anybody.

The difference between it happening to someone who is white and someone who isn't is that the issue of whether it happens solely because of skin color (on a systemic level) does not have to be taken into account by a White person.

It's not a difficult question.

Does racism exist?

From post 31 you didn't read since I already answered your silly question:

"You question makes clear you fail to understand the obvious, I never once denied racism, what I am disputing is the absurd claim that it is systemic, a simple look at the nation itself easily proved it doesn't exist. There was a time it did exist into the early 1960's, but that has been swept away with laws and compliance to the long existing laws."

Reading is a learned skill, try better.
You question makes clear you fail to understand the obvious, I never once denied racism, what I am disputing is the absurd claim that it is systemic, a simple look at the nation itself easily proved it doesn't exist.

Well if you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult in this country

It's the fact that we are not talking about the same thing.

To white folks, racism is seen as name calling, purely personal.

For blacks, racism is systemic. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system.

It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.

There was a time it did exist into the early 1960's, but that has been swept away with laws and compliance to the long existing laws.

But the problem with this logic is that Gallup polls from the 1960s showed that most whites believed that racism didnt exist, that blk ppl had just as good of a chance of getting a job and that Martin Luther king was a trouble maker.

My point is white people have always doubted the claims of racism.
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

If anything the white straight man is being abused by racism this day in age.
No, they aren't.
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

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