Examples of systemic racism

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

The problem with white racists trying to argue against American racism is that you thinnk yoou can present an example of 1 show, 1 person and a few athletes and it makes your case. There are 47.8 million black, 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. You can find 36,000 whites worth a million or more in most major cities. Whites have 15 times the wealth, blacks double the unemployment and make less for doing the same job as white when all other factors are the same. I can keep going, Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts.

Kamala Harris is being called a lot of things a white politician doesn't get called and Kamsla is there because shes under a white mans authority. Whites like you guys don't face the racism you dish out, here's another for you son:

Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced.

And America has not produced more black millionaires than all other countries combined. That's a lie made up by racists trying to argue how America isn't racist. Systemic racism is very real and it ain't sporadic. Bringing up one black person doesn't prove systemic racism doesn't exist.
You know how screwed up black communities are and how terribly problematic black culture is. Why are you expecting there to be a bunch of rich black people? That is a ridiculous notion.
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

The problem with white racists trying to argue against American racism is that you thinnk yoou can present an example of 1 show, 1 person and a few athletes and it makes your case. There are 47.8 million black, 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. You can find 36,000 whites worth a million or more in most major cities. Whites have 15 times the wealth, blacks double the unemployment and make less for doing the same job as white when all other factors are the same. I can keep going, Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts.

Kamala Harris is being called a lot of things a white politician doesn't get called and Kamsla is there because shes under a white mans authority. Whites like you guys don't face the racism you dish out, here's another for you son:

Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced.

And America has not produced more black millionaires than all other countries combined. That's a lie made up by racists trying to argue how America isn't racist. Systemic racism is very real and it ain't sporadic. Bringing up on
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

The problem with white racists trying to argue against American racism is that you thinnk yoou can present an example of 1 show, 1 person and a few athletes and it makes your case. There are 47.8 million black, 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. You can find 36,000 whites worth a million or more in most major cities. Whites have 15 times the wealth, blacks double the unemployment and make less for doing the same job as white when all other factors are the same. I can keep going, Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts.

Kamala Harris is being called a lot of things a white politician doesn't get called and Kamsla is there because shes under a white mans authority. Whites like you guys don't face the racism you dish out, here's another for you son:

Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced.

And America has not produced more black millionaires than all other countries combined. That's a lie made up by racists trying to argue how America isn't racist. Systemic racism is very real and it ain't sporadic. Bringing up one black person doesn't prove systemic racism doesn't exist.
I've got an idea that might help. How about more young Black men and women apply themselves in academia, graduate high school, apply for one of the numerous college grants available for Black people, study hard, stay away from niggaz and their culture, associate with good role models, be respectful to everyone, work hard, etc.
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

The problem with white racists trying to argue against American racism is that you thinnk yoou can present an example of 1 show, 1 person and a few athletes and it makes your case. There are 47.8 million black, 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. You can find 36,000 whites worth a million or more in most major cities. Whites have 15 times the wealth, blacks double the unemployment and make less for doing the same job as white when all other factors are the same. I can keep going, Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts.

Kamala Harris is being called a lot of things a white politician doesn't get called and Kamsla is there because shes under a white mans authority. Whites like you guys don't face the racism you dish out, here's another for you son:

Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced.

And America has not produced more black millionaires than all other countries combined. That's a lie made up by racists trying to argue how America isn't racist. Systemic racism is very real and it ain't sporadic. Bringing up one black person doesn't prove systemic racism doesn't exist.

Your post is misleading and doesn't support the "systemic" racism claim.

Meanwhile still waiting for your answer:

What about YOU IM2, can you quote me saying racism doesn't exist?

It will be a long wait.
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

Hello. I am trying to figure out why Systemic Racism affects citizens populating America's large emotionally troubled, Female dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Segregation-minded Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE practicing ProBlack/BLM community:

Yet conservative minded citizens of African descent appear to have no problem achieving success and enjoying THEIR OWN unique vision for Life, Liberty, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Can someone explain this strange phenomena?

I look forward to reading intelligent replies accompanied by facts & evidence explaining why SYSTEMIC RACISM affects some people but not others.

In the meantime, keep Tupac's Legacy alive...

THUGLIFE = "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks Everyone" ~Tupac Shakur, Childhood Trauma (ACEs) Victim

https://www.firststar.org/black-children-have-highest-abuse-rates/ by BlackVoiceNews


☮️♥️ EndHate
Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask

All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people, instead of taking personal responsibility to fix the destructive thug ghetto culture that you, yourselves have created.

These are facts you are man enough to face.
In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial welth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Public policy decisions. Decisions by those in charge of institutions within this system. This is what saystemin racism is.
Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask

All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people, instead of taking personal responsibility to fix the destructive thug ghetto culture that you, yourselves have created.


The Honorable IM2 will deliver tonight's lesson.

Title: The Root Cause of the Problems Blacks Face is White Racism
99th edition

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report
For years black religious leaders, intellectuals, businesspeople, and activists have tried in the kindest way possible to explain to whites what the problem is and where it starts. There have been whites that actively studied racism and the issues surrounding it who have also spoken in the hopes that if the racists refuse to listen to blacks, they will at least listen to them. Instead, the same idiots who get to talk the loudest among a certain part of society refuse to listen and have pushed the same old, stump stupid, bird brained racist garbage.

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufrane went to the warden after listening to a full testimony by another prisoner who just got transferred into Shawshank that had been a cell mate with the man who committed the murders Dufrane was given life imprisonment for. Dufrane repeated that testimony to the Warden. Warden Norton knew that Dufrane was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufrane get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses as to why he could not do it. The driving factor behind this was the reality that Warden Norton was running a contracting scam using Dufrane as an accountant and wanted to keep making money doing so. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufrane asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

To me this is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people. History is documented. There really can be no denial of what has gone on. Despite these facts, there are whites who choose to believe that none of these things have any relationship to how and why things are as they are now. Like Norton, they have lived in a system that has afforded them great wealth and do not want it changed. There are whites, be they liberal or conservative, who have refused to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race-based problems without looking at race to solve them. I do not attest to being the smartest or most intellectual man, but common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism is going to be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to the exclusion.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism.

Yes, that’s what I said. I am not waiting for whites to give me anything free. I do not have some so-called victim mentality whereby I blame whites for my failings. If I have failed at things, I failed on my own. It is time some whites stopped the juvenile name calling and tightened up. The reality of racism is not about failing, it is about denial. The denial of opportunity. If anyone has failed it is the whites who have chosen to fall for what the white race pimps have told them. White racism IS the root cause, it is the fundamental reason for the occurrences of problems in the black community.

Personal or Individual responsibility according to every definition, is the idea that human beings create their own life experiences by their choices. I say this because it is apparent in these times, there are whites who do not seem to understand what it really means. Whites have a 400-year pattern of behavior that has been consistent, and it is based on a belief of superiority. Our problems are primarily due to choices whites have made. Whites chose to deny blacks equal rights by law for 188 years and some whites still choose to deny complete equality today. This should be considered by those who like to preach to people about taking personal responsibility.

I say the root cause of the problem’s blacks face today, right now, are due to white racism. Again, you will ask, “Why?” Because there is proven or observable evidence that shows this to be true. Some whites refuse to accept this and argue citing various issues that are the result of racism trying to dispute any black or nonwhite person who dares to say that racism has had a continuing negative effect on our communities. The arguments they make are made against indisputable evidence to the contrary.

We know blacks were denied constitutional rights such as citizenship, habeas corpus, unreasonable search and seizure as well as freedom itself, which denied blacks of every opportunity we were supposed to be granted by law. We know that the suburbs were built with guaranteed government backed loans given primarily to whites. We know that black communities were redlined making loans for blacks trying to buy homes in those neighborhoods a risk banks refused to take. We know federal housing policy created the slums and ghettos. We know that city zoning policies made it so black communities were divided by freeways and were located close to industries spewing out poisonous waste. We know that government policy at every level consistently underfunded schools in the black community weakening the quality of education offered in those communities thereby reducing opportunity for upward mobility based on educational attainment. We know that today, political donors from outside the black community have undue influence relative to city policies and that influence has negatively impacted black communities. We know that right now in the 21st century, a process called retail redlining exists whereby retail businesses do not place businesses in black communities. All of these statements are supported by loads of evidence and people have refused to listen. However, every “conservative” Tom, Dick, Jane and even Spot, has an opinion.
Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask

All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people, instead of taking personal responsibility to fix the destructive thug ghetto culture that you, yourselves have created.
We didn't create the ghetto or the conditions you stupid white racist motherfucker. In 2021, your delusion ends.
Last edited:
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.
DemoKKKrat lynchings of Black folk for 150 years.

Nope, it been WHITES from both parties.
According to IQ2 :blsmile: it's white people's fault black people don't raise their kids to not be criminals, or to work hard, get educated and move out neighborhoods full of criminals.

I know it doesn't make sense to me either? But I guess since black racist IQ2 said it, it must be true...somehow white people are at fault for black people not raising their children properly.

If only IQ2 could get more help(?) from white people (?) in this white supremacist society(?) black folks would probably be able to finally turn the corner..

If black people don't care about what you do to other black people..why should you keep asking white people to be your savior, and care more than you yourselves have shown to care?

Your indoctrinated victimhood mentality, and self destructive culture is what's holding you all back. Not white people.
Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask

All insane nonsense used to keep black racists mad at white people, instead of taking personal responsibility to fix the destructive thug ghetto culture that you, yourselves have created.


The Honorable IM2 will deliver tonight's lesson.

Title: The Root Cause of the Problems Blacks Face is White Racism
99th edition

“What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it. It is time now to turn with all the purpose at our command to the major unfinished business of this nation. It is time to adopt strategies for action that will produce quick and visible progress. It is time to make good the promises of American democracy to all citizens-urban and rural, white and black, Spanish-surname, American Indian, and every minority group.”

Kerner Commission Report
For years black religious leaders, intellectuals, businesspeople, and activists have tried in the kindest way possible to explain to whites what the problem is and where it starts. There have been whites that actively studied racism and the issues surrounding it who have also spoken in the hopes that if the racists refuse to listen to blacks, they will at least listen to them. Instead, the same idiots who get to talk the loudest among a certain part of society refuse to listen and have pushed the same old, stump stupid, bird brained racist garbage.

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufrane went to the warden after listening to a full testimony by another prisoner who just got transferred into Shawshank that had been a cell mate with the man who committed the murders Dufrane was given life imprisonment for. Dufrane repeated that testimony to the Warden. Warden Norton knew that Dufrane was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufrane get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses as to why he could not do it. The driving factor behind this was the reality that Warden Norton was running a contracting scam using Dufrane as an accountant and wanted to keep making money doing so. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufrane asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

To me this is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people. History is documented. There really can be no denial of what has gone on. Despite these facts, there are whites who choose to believe that none of these things have any relationship to how and why things are as they are now. Like Norton, they have lived in a system that has afforded them great wealth and do not want it changed. There are whites, be they liberal or conservative, who have refused to take a realistic look at the issue of race. It seems people want to solve race-based problems without looking at race to solve them. I do not attest to being the smartest or most intellectual man, but common sense says that if a system is built on denying specific races access to opportunity, racism is going to be at least part of the reason for the problems that exist due to the exclusion.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism.

Yes, that’s what I said. I am not waiting for whites to give me anything free. I do not have some so-called victim mentality whereby I blame whites for my failings. If I have failed at things, I failed on my own. It is time some whites stopped the juvenile name calling and tightened up. The reality of racism is not about failing, it is about denial. The denial of opportunity. If anyone has failed it is the whites who have chosen to fall for what the white race pimps have told them. White racism IS the root cause, it is the fundamental reason for the occurrences of problems in the black community.

Personal or Individual responsibility according to every definition, is the idea that human beings create their own life experiences by their choices. I say this because it is apparent in these times, there are whites who do not seem to understand what it really means. Whites have a 400-year pattern of behavior that has been consistent, and it is based on a belief of superiority. Our problems are primarily due to choices whites have made. Whites chose to deny blacks equal rights by law for 188 years and some whites still choose to deny complete equality today. This should be considered by those who like to preach to people about taking personal responsibility.

I say the root cause of the problem’s blacks face today, right now, are due to white racism. Again, you will ask, “Why?” Because there is proven or observable evidence that shows this to be true. Some whites refuse to accept this and argue citing various issues that are the result of racism trying to dispute any black or nonwhite person who dares to say that racism has had a continuing negative effect on our communities. The arguments they make are made against indisputable evidence to the contrary.

We know blacks were denied constitutional rights such as citizenship, habeas corpus, unreasonable search and seizure as well as freedom itself, which denied blacks of every opportunity we were supposed to be granted by law. We know that the suburbs were built with guaranteed government backed loans given primarily to whites. We know that black communities were redlined making loans for blacks trying to buy homes in those neighborhoods a risk banks refused to take. We know federal housing policy created the slums and ghettos. We know that city zoning policies made it so black communities were divided by freeways and were located close to industries spewing out poisonous waste. We know that government policy at every level consistently underfunded schools in the black community weakening the quality of education offered in those communities thereby reducing opportunity for upward mobility based on educational attainment. We know that today, political donors from outside the black community have undue influence relative to city policies and that influence has negatively impacted black communities. We know that right now in the 21st century, a process called retail redlining exists whereby retail businesses do not place businesses in black communities. All of these statements are supported by loads of evidence and people have refused to listen. However, every “conservative” Tom, Dick, Jane and even Spot, has an opinion.

Michelle Alexander: "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness"

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

Thanks for those chilling stats.

They speak volumes.

Why no stats for Asian victims?


The Biden administration, I assume, will suppress the publication of such stats beginning on January 20.

Biden voters will no doubt be delighted by such a move.
How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

You could have the said the same argument 55 years ago

"Hey blk ppl, what are you marching for? What's all this Martin Luther King ? And Malcolm X ? You have Muhammad Ali , Louis Armstrong, Tina Turner, Sammy Davis Jnr, Jim Brown, Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Sidney Poiter. Stop complaining"

White people have never minded black ppl entertaining them. Even at the height segregation this was true.

But how have they felt about blk ppl being their governors? Their bosses ? Captains of industry ? Doctors ?

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

Where is Bill Cosby now ? Exactly. He's gonna see out his last days in shawshank on some BS rape charge.
  • Charlie Sheen will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Keven Spacey will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Louis C K will never see the inside of a jail cell
  • Dustin Hoffman will never see the inside of a jail cell
Charlie Sheen endangered lives with his AIDS status yet he still running around.

Everyone connected with the Cosby case get book deals and now the door is open for people to go after money from the his estate. And they will be able to pillage his estate long after he is dead.

White supremacist always make sure blk ppl dont have generational wealth that's why Michael Jackdon was killed and why there is not one wealthy blk person in America.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

Who the fk listens to Oprah nowadays? Look in 1912. Madame C J Walker was the first blk millionaire due to her investing in beauty n hair products.

So there was no racism in 1912 ?


No hand picked black people like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down.

The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black people. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation.
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Your opening post failed to show any systemic racism. Why would anyone look beyond your best example, which failed miserably?

Where the likes of you Sunsettommy or EvMetro are going wrong is thinking that I am trying to persuade you.

I'm not.

To persuade people. You need three things:
  1. Gain the reader’s trust.
  2. Appeal to the head.
  3. Appeal to the heart.
Hitler said you just need the last.

To you, I and IM2 lack the first and last.

So persuading whites to give up the benefits of racism, to become outcasts from white society, all that is way, way, way beyond my powers.

Me ? I write about racism in USMB for my own understanding, not to persuade or prove anything to you because racism can't be proved, well to guys like you it can't for 3 reasons.

1. Whites benefit from racism.

This causes whites to turn a blind eye, to make excuses,

2. White people control the places that determine the truth
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, Penguin books, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own BET.

3. Prejudice is not logical.

That makes it hard to disprove logically.

It can be confirmed by facts (one black rapist) but never disproved (a thousand blk ppl who dont rape). It works in a part of the brain that deals with feeling, not thought.

Finally when you do find white people who believe in racism, they believe it not because they read it in a book, but it comes through seeing family, friends or lovers subjected to racism.

But most of the time even then most white people will discount it for one or more of the reasons above.
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