Examples of systemic racism

As I say you and EvMetro read my post.

Plus you can go to Amazon and read books on racism written by blk and white people on racism

Also there are plenty of blogs and podcasts about racism. If you want links. Just ask
This thread is really simple. Post an example of systemic racism. We shouldn't need to be referred to google or lengthy documents, just post an example here. If it is systemic, there should be plenty more examples just like it.
Law enforcement.


Black cops say systemic racism exists in policing - Washington Times
There’s racial bias in our police systems. Here’s the overwhelming proof. - Washington Post
Uncle Ben's Rice is systemic racism because their rice is white. Think about it.

And why are black eyed peas called black eyed peas? Yep....systemic racism.

How come black Labs lives don't matter? Systemic racism.

Why did the stupid bitch Hillary Clinton ever have any kind of important job? Yep...systemic racism.

You get my point.

Can I get an Amen!!!

Mate; you get a COOKIE!!!!!

This thread is really simple. Post an example of systemic racism.

I just did posts example. 138 pages worth but here a few.

White criminals more likely to get the job over blk ppl who are clean.

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We shouldn't need to be referred to google or lengthy documents, just post an example here. If it is systemic, there should be plenty more examples just like

I just did post example. So now the ball is in your court.
So the cops involved received the FULL MEASURE OF THE LAW!!!!!! Racists got caught....lmao

But to be fair; what was their ideation? Cleaning up the "hood" does not make what they did legal.

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

If anything the white straight man is being abused by racism this day in age.
No, they aren't.
Yes we are, you racist scum sucking blimp!!!

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

This thread is really simple. Post an example of systemic racism.

I just did posts example. 138 pages worth but here a few.

White criminals more likely to get the job over blk ppl who are clean.

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We shouldn't need to be referred to google or lengthy documents, just post an example here. If it is systemic, there should be plenty more examples just like

I just did post example. So now the ball is in your court.
All I see here is a single example with no link to even substantiate it. Even if this single story can be substantiated it though, we will need to see more of them.

I see you are mocking black people by posting "I just did post example", instead of "an example" or "examples".

Post a link to the rest of that story so I can vet it.
Black women are voting on Black Men with their vaginas!!

Why do so many Black Men FAIL the Marriage test BY BLACK WOMEN!!!??

Simpletons like you claiming Black Women are racist??? lmao

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:
You question makes clear you fail to understand the obvious, I never once denied racism, what I am disputing is the absurd claim that it is systemic, a simple look at the nation itself easily proved it doesn't exist.

Well if you’re looking to understand why discussions between blacks and whites about racism are often so difficult in this country

It's the fact that we are not talking about the same thing.

To white folks, racism is seen as name calling, purely personal.

For blacks, racism is systemic. It is the experience of systematized discrimination in housing, employment, schools or the justice system.

It is the knowledge that one’s entire group is under suspicion, at risk of being treated negatively because of stereotypes held by persons with the power to act on the basis of those beliefs.

There was a time it did exist into the early 1960's, but that has been swept away with laws and compliance to the long existing laws.

But the problem with this logic is that Gallup polls from the 1960s showed that most whites believed that racism didnt exist, that blk ppl had just as good of a chance of getting a job and that Martin Luther king was a trouble maker.

My point is white people have always doubted the claims of racism.

Have you quoted me saying racism doesn't exist?

What about YOU IM2, can you quite me saying racism doesn't exist?

It will be a long wait.

I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

What's a leftie ?

You have right wing white supremacists and left wing white supremacists.

The only difference is the right wing white supremacists would drown a boat load of black people, the left wing white supremacist would give the black people on the boat a cushion to make the drowning easier.

But as to your question. I did a post on systematic racism.

Read through all 138 pages

Your opening post failed to show any systemic racism. Why would anyone look beyond your best example, which failed miserably?
I've seen lefties claim that systemic racism is a problem, but I am not seeing it. I am starting this thread so that lefties can list examples of systemic racism. Please list any examples of systemic racism here, so I can know that systemic racism is not a myth.

This is dumb. Just straight racist ignorance.

I think it's pretty dumb too.

Especially stupid is when racist blacks (like IQ2 here :blsmile: ) keep telling everyone how we live in a "white supremacist society".

Because I doubt if white supremacists were in control of everything they would continue to allow murderous thug ghetto blacks to commit so much wanton crime upon everyone. Especially disproportionately so upon whites.

If this is a white supremacist country IQ2, you ever ask yourself.. why the white supremacists have allowed there to be more black millionaires in America than anywhere else in the world combined?

Why are the most successful black entrepreneurs in history almost all from America?

I don't know IQ2...if America is so waaycis, and no black man can succeed in our white supremacist controlled society due to "systemic racism and oppression"..how does the USA produce more black millionaires than all other countries in the world combined?

If the USA is a white supremacist nation full of system racism..we must be really bad at it! :auiqs.jpg:

I pointed similar stuff a while ago, IM2 ignored it because it destroys the stupid system racism claims.

He couldn't answer why The Cosby Show was NUMBER ONE for Five years in a row, in white dominated America on White owned NBC channel.

How does Ophrah Winfrey become a BILLIONAIRE running a TV show in White dominated America on White owned ABC channel.

How can there be a THOUSAND Millionaire Black athletes in White dominated America playing for White owned teams, broadcasting through various white owned broadcasting channels.

How can Kamala Harris be a Vice President elect in white dominated America?

"Systemic" racism claims is just the latest attempt to beat down whites who are growing weary of the bullshit. Racists will always exist in every racial group, but they are sporadic.

The problem with white racists trying to argue against American racism is that you thinnk yoou can present an example of 1 show, 1 person and a few athletes and it makes your case. There are 47.8 million black, 36,000 are worth 1 million or more. You can find 36,000 whites worth a million or more in most major cities. Whites have 15 times the wealth, blacks double the unemployment and make less for doing the same job as white when all other factors are the same. I can keep going, Blacks are 13 percent of the American population but have 2.6 percent of the wealth. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts.

Kamala Harris is being called a lot of things a white politician doesn't get called and Kamsla is there because shes under a white mans authority. Whites like you guys don't face the racism you dish out, here's another for you son:

Approximately one third of all whites responding to a 2017 IPSOS poll disagreed with white supremacist groups but held the same views. So many whites talk like they are blind on this matter. “Thirty-one percent of Americans polled strongly or somewhat agreed that ‘America must protect and preserve its White European heritage.”White people are the majority of the U.S. population, totaling about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2017. According to this poll, we are looking at potentially 76 million whites that continue to share the views of white supremacists. These numbers equaled approximately 1/5th of the American population at that time. It is safe to say these numbers have not reduced.

And America has not produced more black millionaires than all other countries combined. That's a lie made up by racists trying to argue how America isn't racist. Systemic racism is very real and it ain't sporadic. Bringing up one black person doesn't prove systemic racism doesn't exist.

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