Exclusive: Barr talks to Fox News in first on-air interview as Trump's AG

Canada lifted its tariffs on our steel and aluminum. Something they had refused to do. Now there are no tariffs on our companies selling steel and aluminum in Canada. Great news. Why are you whining?

Do you have a link to that, nothing about Canada or Mexico dropping tariffs in this article...

U.S. Will Lift Tariffs On Steel And Aluminum From Canada And Mexico

Nor this one...

US, Canada, Mexico lift steel, aluminum tariffs pressuring ChinaTrade wars are easy to winthis statement, all tariffs the United States imposed under Section 232 on imports of aluminum and steel products from Canada. Additionally, "the United States and Canada agree to terminate all pending litigation."

Trump Says U.S. Will Remove Steel and Aluminum Tariffs on Canada | Breitbart
Trade wars are easy to win Don Scump ,,,,,,AS long as you can bail out farmers by throwing billions at them and 62 million went to a foreign company??? This pos in our WH needs to wear a dunce cap Mark
Trade wars are easy to win Don Scump ,,,,,,AS long as you can bail out farmers by throwing billions at them and 62 million went to a foreign company??? This pos in our WH needs to wear a dunce cap Mark

Short term pain, for long term gain.

What is not worth fighting for against China? You know, trust but verify.
Trade wars are easy to win Don Scump ,,,,,,AS long as you can bail out farmers by throwing billions at them and 62 million went to a foreign company??? This pos in our WH needs to wear a dunce cap Mark

Short term pain, for long term gain.

What is not worth fighting for against China? You know, trust but verify.
We shouldn't let China slide but trump isn't going to get whatever he wants China won't lose face and excuse me but this going on now imo is short term gain for long term pain when trump flies the coop
Please elaborate.

Yes, here is what I mean by winning!
Consumer Sentiment Soars to Highest Level in 15 Years | Breitbart

Ok...Trump puts tariffs on Canadian and Mexican steel so they put tariffs on more of our stuff...this goes on for a year, everyone paying more than they need to. After a year or so Trump takes off the tariffs and everything goes back to normal, with nothing gained for the year of tariffs. You call that winning, I call that a wasted year.

I am not sure of a less meaningful stat than the consumer sentiment index. The consumer sentiment index was at 97 in Jan of 2007, less than a year later we were in a recession. Most consumers are really not all that in touch with the bigger picture.

You know what else is maxed out right now..consumer debt...credit card debt and personal loan debt are at all time highs. So, these same consumers that are feel so good are maxing out their debt because they are too ignorant to know that it will not last forever.

You know what is not maxed out right now, personal savings. People are adding debt and not savings during this booming economy...what do you suppose that will mean when the next correction/recession hits?
Short term pain, for long term gain.


How long does something have to last before it is no longer "short term"?

In the 481 days since the Trump Trade war started our financial markets have done this...

DJI down 1.18%
S&P up 1.75%
NASDAQ up 9.79%

Under the previous Admin if we had seen growth that pathetic it would have been called "stagnant", under Trump it is called winning. :290968001256257790-final:

It’s looking like we’re finally going to learn the whole story behind the Russian hoax. :)

I’m glad AG Barr isn’t going to be intimidated by the democrats who are trying to silence him.

You'd think that liberals would be just as anxious to know the truth as well. I wonder if those liberals on this board can, just for a moment, imagine that everything that Barr alluded to was true. IF the Obama administration with Hillary and the DNC colluded to rig the 2016 election by using government resources to spy on the opposing campaign, are you ok with that?

what makes Barr any more trustworthy than Obama or Hillary?

Weelll, he hasn't initiated a program through the ATF that funneled guns to illegal drug cartels that resulted in the death of a US Border Patrol Agent.

That's just for starters. For someone who claims to be "middle of the road" you sure present arguments like a hard left looney.

Just sayin..
Short term pain, for long term gain.


How long does something have to last before it is no longer "short term"?

In the 481 days since the Trump Trade war started our financial markets have done this...

DJI down 1.18%
S&P up 1.75%
NASDAQ up 9.79%

Under the previous Admin if we had seen growth that pathetic it would have been called "stagnant", under Trump it is called winning. :290968001256257790-final:

Big whoop.

Rich people make money off of the markets. The middle class make their money the old fashioned way. WAGES. Which are up for the first time in decades. how about you begin caring about the middle class and not the rich. M'kay.
Weelll, he hasn't initiated a program through the ATF that funneled guns to illegal drug cartels that resulted in the death of a US Border Patrol Agent.

That's just for starters. For someone who claims to be "middle of the road" you sure present arguments like a hard left looney.

Just sayin..

he has only been on the job a few weeks, give him time. Your blind trust in anyone with an (R) is misplaced.
Please elaborate.

Yes, here is what I mean by winning!
Consumer Sentiment Soars to Highest Level in 15 Years | Breitbart

Ok...Trump puts tariffs on Canadian and Mexican steel so they put tariffs on more of our stuff...this goes on for a year, everyone paying more than they need to. After a year or so Trump takes off the tariffs and everything goes back to normal, with nothing gained for the year of tariffs. You call that winning, I call that a wasted year.

I am not sure of a less meaningful stat than the consumer sentiment index. The consumer sentiment index was at 97 in Jan of 2007, less than a year later we were in a recession. Most consumers are really not all that in touch with the bigger picture.

You know what else is maxed out right now..consumer debt...credit card debt and personal loan debt are at all time highs. So, these same consumers that are feel so good are maxing out their debt because they are too ignorant to know that it will not last forever.

You know what is not maxed out right now, personal savings. People are adding debt and not savings during this booming economy...what do you suppose that will mean when the next correction/recession hits?
When it hits ,,,,trump will be laughing his ass off like he did while bankrupting 6 companies Trump is like crime,,,,he doesn't pay
Weelll, he hasn't initiated a program through the ATF that funneled guns to illegal drug cartels that resulted in the death of a US Border Patrol Agent.

That's just for starters. For someone who claims to be "middle of the road" you sure present arguments like a hard left looney.

Just sayin..

he has only been on the job a few weeks, give him time. Your blind trust in anyone with an (R) is misplaced.

I don't trust any political Party. They are all corrupt.
Big whoop.

Rich people make money off of the markets. The middle class make their money the old fashioned way. WAGES. Which are up for the first time in decades. how about you begin caring about the middle class and not the rich. M'kay.

Rich people make money off the markets whether they go up or down, the middle class does not. The middle class has their retirement accounts and 401ks tied to the markets. Perhaps you should care about them a bit more.
Big whoop.

Rich people make money off of the markets. The middle class make their money the old fashioned way. WAGES. Which are up for the first time in decades. how about you begin caring about the middle class and not the rich. M'kay.

Rich people make money off the markets whether they go up or down, the middle class does not. The middle class has their retirement accounts and 401ks tied to the markets. Perhaps you should care about them a bit more.

Some do, and those markets rally back. On the other hand, the policies that you seem to have favored drove manufacturing out of this country which was turning this country into a service based economy. Service based economies fail. Always have, always will.
Some do, and those markets rally back. On the other hand, the policies that you seem to have favored drove manufacturing out of this country which was turning this country into a service based economy. Service based economies fail. Always have, always will.

They will rally back, but all those middle class people will be out 2 or more years of growth that can never be made up.

The policies I favor are the free market and as little government manipulation as possible.

Nothing drove manufacturing out of the country, that is a myth. 80% of lost manufacturing jobs were lost to automation or process improvements. Manufacturing output has continued to go up and up except during recessions.

Some do, and those markets rally back. On the other hand, the policies that you seem to have favored drove manufacturing out of this country which was turning this country into a service based economy. Service based economies fail. Always have, always will.

They will rally back, but all those middle class people will be out 2 or more years of growth that can never be made up.

The policies I favor are the free market and as little government manipulation as possible.

Nothing drove manufacturing out of the country, that is a myth. 80% of lost manufacturing jobs were lost to automation or process improvements. Manufacturing output has continued to go up and up except during recessions.

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That's a laugh. After trump was elected the markets dropped as all the pundits claimed they would. Then, BOOM, the markets were not just back, but past where they were. In DAYS, not years.
That's a laugh. After trump was elected the markets dropped as all the pundits claimed they would. Then, BOOM, the markets were not just back, but past where they were. In DAYS, not years.

There was no post election drop.

But you are missing the point. For 481 days now retirement accounts and 401ks have been stagnant, no matter what happens in the next year, you cannot make up that time that was lost when they were not growing. Sure they will grow eventually, but the time lost to the stupid trade war cannot be made up
That's a laugh. After trump was elected the markets dropped as all the pundits claimed they would. Then, BOOM, the markets were not just back, but past where they were. In DAYS, not years.

There was no post election drop.

But you are missing the point. For 481 days now retirement accounts and 401ks have been stagnant, no matter what happens in the next year, you cannot make up that time that was lost when they were not growing. Sure they will grow eventually, but the time lost to the stupid trade war cannot be made up

Wow, you just lost whatever credibility you might have had.

Global markets drop as U.S. election results shock investors

Investors around the world are reacting with shock to Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election.
Most global stock markets are dropping, Mexico's currency has tanked and U.S. stocks are poised for a rough open.

Markets hate uncertainty, and many investors believe Trump's unpredictable nature and anti-trade stance could bring global turmoil.

Dow futures were down about 300 points early Wednesday morning, or about 1.5%. At their low point on Tuesday night, Dow futures were down more than 900 points.

Nervous investors may have been soothed after Trump called for Americans to unite after the brutal election campaign.

Global markets drop as U.S. election results shock investors
Wow, you just lost whatever credibility you might have had.

why do you people always turn to the media to tell you what to think instead of just looking at the numbers yourself?

Here is the DJI at the time around the election. I highlighted election day. No dropping there. overnight drops are meaningless if they are taken care of during the following day.


and the NASDAQ...


and the S&P

There was no post election drop. The numbers do not lie

It’s looking like we’re finally going to learn the whole story behind the Russian hoax. :)

I’m glad AG Barr isn’t going to be intimidated by the democrats who are trying to silence him.

You'd think that liberals would be just as anxious to know the truth as well. I wonder if those liberals on this board can, just for a moment, imagine that everything that Barr alluded to was true. IF the Obama administration with Hillary and the DNC colluded to rig the 2016 election by using government resources to spy on the opposing campaign, are you ok with that?

what makes Barr any more trustworthy than Obama or Hillary?

Certainly now any more so.

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