Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Referen

So they knew about the threat on the embassy and lied about knowing about it?

amazing, i suggested reread what abc news reported and you clearly didn't. you're clearly mad because obama got caught lying.

The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.

the incompetence and lying of the obama admin was the direct cause of 4 american deaths. that is not going away

That's something I haven't heard suggested before. I would ask how but I'd probably get another page and a half of being called mad and defensive for asking. Which is very suspicious almost like deflecting but hey

head in sand syndrome

your whining is hilarious, given you were the first to throw out "you mad"


sooo, the obama admin changes the narrative AFTER the guys are killed, and that is the cause of their deaths? I'm not denying that the admin has at best "colored" the intell, but I'm not seeing the causative effect there
Like the final version used by Ambassador Rice on the Sunday shows, the CIA’s first drafts said the attack appeared to have been “spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo”

The smoking gun is loaded with blanks.

did you see where they DELETED the references to terror attacks?

what is it with liberals defending this apparent blatant lie?

And here I thought the hubub was about the video link to the attack.
no surprise you defend obama's lies...oh, and people did die


once again, avoiding actual discussion and ranting about some secret, which was about being mad...answer, there is no secret


can you tell me why you are so defensive and so ardent in defending obama's lies?

I see a pattern...

yes...you deflecting and being defensive over what ABC reported and your complete failure to discuss it

good job

That's true...If we're playing a game called "I am you". Pretending that someone else is deflecting while quoting your own 4 deflections...priceless
Hmmm.... That link sure looks familiar. :)

Bears repeating. None of it should really matter, though, after the Spin Doctors get done informing the Low Information Voters how insignificant and partisan it all is. American Idol, is what we should all be focused on, anyway, right? ;)

Ben Gazi is on American Idol right?
The Admin had plenty of notice through August and beyond, the Admin could have SENT the Special Forces in but didn't.

The Admin redacts the talking points 12 times, the Admin spends the next two weeks blaming the video when we now know they knew immediately that it had nothing to do with said video.

They are lying.
They are covering something up.
They are punishing the whistle blowers.

Frankly the fact that the Left isn't outraged makes them disgusting people, in my opinion of course.
The Admin had plenty of notice through August and beyond, the Admin could have SENT the Special Forces in but didn't.

The Admin redacts the talking points 12 times, the Admin spends the next two weeks blaming the video when we now know they knew immediately that it had nothing to do with said video.

They are lying.
They are covering something up.
They are punishing the whistle blowers.

Frankly the fact that the Left isn't outraged makes them disgusting people, in my opinion of course.

Well, imo it's a RW fantasy to think that once the attack on Stevens commenced we had any ability to stop it. But, imo it's also fair to say that Obama's admin played by the rules of civilized nations in Libya, namely our real security for our personnel is in the police and military forces fo the host country. Iran in the 70s was the posterchild. We simply cannot put a regimental combat team and attack helicopters with aircraft covering all that in every country. However, Libya was not, and probably isn't, a civilized country right now. The admin shouldn't have let Stevens move around so much, and they should have had much heavier security for him.

But the gop has visions of impeachment, and that's as despicable as the coverup. I'm not sure about tarnishing the whistleblowers so much, but they are up to their armpits in the lax security. I don't want anyone "punished" so much as changes in policy. This whole episode is sad, but hardly up their with Niger Uranium or Iran Contra. It's a FU, not a conspiracy to mislead the country.
they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah
they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah

fishing? this was a report done by ABC that shows obama LIED. they had prior notice, denied it, then they denied it was a terror attack.

that is not fishing.

you're just madly spinning because your boy got busted. truly pathetic. that is why you refuse to discuss what ABC actually found.

coward troll.
amazing, i suggested reread what abc news reported and you clearly didn't. you're clearly mad because obama got caught lying.

The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.

That's something I haven't heard suggested before. I would ask how but I'd probably get another page and a half of being called mad and defensive for asking. Which is very suspicious almost like deflecting but hey

head in sand syndrome

your whining is hilarious, given you were the first to throw out "you mad"


sooo, the obama admin changes the narrative AFTER the guys are killed, and that is the cause of their deaths? I'm not denying that the admin has at best "colored" the intell, but I'm not seeing the causative effect there

did i say it was cause and effect?
they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah

fishing? this was a report done by ABC that shows obama LIED. they had prior notice, denied it, then they denied it was a terror attack.

that is not fishing.

you're just madly spinning because your boy got busted. truly pathetic. that is why you refuse to discuss what ABC actually found.

coward troll.

the fact that you use disengenuous language like 'prior notice' pretty much illuminates your need to "guide" the narrative as well. They didn't know there was a plan to crash airliners into buildings. They knew some of the militas had jihadist leanings and suspected links to al queda folks, and there had been attacks on western interests in the past.

From that, it's prolly fair to conclude Stevens should have been more in lock down mode, and they should have at least trebbled the security on site. But, the reality is the closest western military base is in malta or italy. Long way for the cavalry to come.
head in sand syndrome

your whining is hilarious, given you were the first to throw out "you mad"


sooo, the obama admin changes the narrative AFTER the guys are killed, and that is the cause of their deaths? I'm not denying that the admin has at best "colored" the intell, but I'm not seeing the causative effect there

did i say it was cause and effect?

the reason I used a "?" in the sentence was I was asking you.
sooo, the obama admin changes the narrative AFTER the guys are killed, and that is the cause of their deaths? I'm not denying that the admin has at best "colored" the intell, but I'm not seeing the causative effect there

did i say it was cause and effect?

the reason I used a "?" in the sentence was I was asking you.

no, it was not cause and effect. i fail to see why you would ask me that, given i didn't say it or imply it.
The dam is starting to blow. O and Clinton knew exactly what happened and covered everything up.
they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah

fishing? this was a report done by ABC that shows obama LIED. they had prior notice, denied it, then they denied it was a terror attack.

that is not fishing.

you're just madly spinning because your boy got busted. truly pathetic. that is why you refuse to discuss what ABC actually found.

coward troll.

the fact that you use disengenuous language like 'prior notice' pretty much illuminates your need to "guide" the narrative as well. They didn't know there was a plan to crash airliners into buildings. They knew some of the militas had jihadist leanings and suspected links to al queda folks, and there had been attacks on western interests in the past.

From that, it's prolly fair to conclude Stevens should have been more in lock down mode, and they should have at least trebbled the security on site. But, the reality is the closest western military base is in malta or italy. Long way for the cavalry to come.

ABC indicated they had prior notice. you need to read what ABC reported and then get back to me. i don't think a single liberal has actually read the OP link.

and seriously, this is ABC a left leaning news org.
this is the SECOND time i've posted this and it appears liberals are ignoring it:

“The Agency has produced numerous pieces on the threat of extremists linked to al-Qa’ida in Benghazi and eastern Libya. These noted that, since April, there have been at least five other attacks against foreign interests in Benghazi by unidentified assailants, including the June attack against the British Ambassador’s convoy. We cannot rule out the individuals has previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.”

In an email to officials at the White House and the intelligence agencies, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland took issue with including that information because it “could be abused by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that either? Concerned …”

The paragraph was entirely deleted.
warnings of similar attacks is not prior notice. when you choose to avoid goebbel speak, get back to me
read this and it looks like the smoking gun

the left used the same arguments to claim bush lied about WMD's
and here, the components of the left's arguments are the same, bush knew, choose not to either use the intelligence or lied about it. and here, it looks as if obama flat out lied about it.

You're missing the action tho...Such as Bush lied (WMD's) people died (Soldiers fighting looking for them)

Really the only thing you're saying is Someone lied...I'm mad!

Never sure how you could say Bush jr. lied? Right before Sadam died he told the FBI we was bluffilng about the wmd's. so do you have any proof that bush knew Sadam was bluffing?
warnings of similar attacks is not prior notice. when you choose to avoid goebbel speak, get back to me

that is the funniest thing i've ever heard

they admitted they should have been on heightened alert for an attack and you call that propaganda

Attention: Librul meltdown commencing in this thread and all other Benghazi threads.. You fucking Zombies and your media Cohorts couldn't scrub this one and now you're running around like crazed fuckin lunatics screeching and clawing at the air. LMAO It's sooo funny.. this is free entertainment too!! <gets her popcorn>

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