Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Referen

1. Terrorists attacked the Embassy and killed the Ambassador
2. Terrorists are Protesting and killed the Ambassador
3. Upset people are Protesting and killed the Ambassador
4. People are Protesting a video and killed the Ambassador, the Embassy needs a good cleaning
5. Crusaders are Protesting, the Embassy needs a good cleaning, maybe the fire department too
6. Holy Pilgrims of Islam are Protesting Bush, the Embassy needs a good cleaning, maybe the fire department too
7. My Muslim brothers are Protesting Bush because he made a video, the Embassy needs a good cleaning, maybe the fire department too
8. Bush made a video
9. The video slandered the prophet of Islam
10. The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam
11. Praise Allah! Want to hear me recite the Islamist call to prayer with my "first rate accent"?
12. The political winds have shifted an ugly direction; I’m standing with the Muslims! The Video!
they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah

fishing? this was a report done by ABC that shows obama LIED. they had prior notice, denied it, then they denied it was a terror attack.

that is not fishing.

you're just madly spinning because your boy got busted. truly pathetic. that is why you refuse to discuss what ABC actually found.

coward troll.

No I'm saying yeah the talking points were revised, lets even say they LIED. AND? That means what? The only response you have and will ever have is "Something happened and I want to know what!"

When that doesn't catch anyones attention you go into full blown freak out mode where you accuse everyone else of being *insert negative adjective here* like a 16 yr old Prom Queen. C'mon give everyone a sample when you quote me how predictable you are
The Admin had almost a months warning that something was coming, they did nothing.

The MOMENT it started they knew it was a terrorist act....the Special Forces could have been deployed VERY quickly, they are ALWAYS saddled up and ready.

The Boi King went to sleep, he had to be in Vegas for a fundraiser.

The Admin had plenty of notice through August and beyond, the Admin could have SENT the Special Forces in but didn't.

The Admin redacts the talking points 12 times, the Admin spends the next two weeks blaming the video when we now know they knew immediately that it had nothing to do with said video.

They are lying.
They are covering something up.
They are punishing the whistle blowers.

Frankly the fact that the Left isn't outraged makes them disgusting people, in my opinion of course.

Well, imo it's a RW fantasy to think that once the attack on Stevens commenced we had any ability to stop it. But, imo it's also fair to say that Obama's admin played by the rules of civilized nations in Libya, namely our real security for our personnel is in the police and military forces fo the host country. Iran in the 70s was the posterchild. We simply cannot put a regimental combat team and attack helicopters with aircraft covering all that in every country. However, Libya was not, and probably isn't, a civilized country right now. The admin shouldn't have let Stevens move around so much, and they should have had much heavier security for him.

But the gop has visions of impeachment, and that's as despicable as the coverup. I'm not sure about tarnishing the whistleblowers so much, but they are up to their armpits in the lax security. I don't want anyone "punished" so much as changes in policy. This whole episode is sad, but hardly up their with Niger Uranium or Iran Contra. It's a FU, not a conspiracy to mislead the country.
The Admin had almost a months warning that something was coming, they did nothing.

The MOMENT it started they knew it was a terrorist act....the Special Forces could have been deployed VERY quickly, they are ALWAYS saddled up and ready.

The Boi King went to sleep, he had to be in Vegas for a fundraiser.

The Admin had plenty of notice through August and beyond, the Admin could have SENT the Special Forces in but didn't.

The Admin redacts the talking points 12 times, the Admin spends the next two weeks blaming the video when we now know they knew immediately that it had nothing to do with said video.

They are lying.
They are covering something up.
They are punishing the whistle blowers.

Frankly the fact that the Left isn't outraged makes them disgusting people, in my opinion of course.

Well, imo it's a RW fantasy to think that once the attack on Stevens commenced we had any ability to stop it. But, imo it's also fair to say that Obama's admin played by the rules of civilized nations in Libya, namely our real security for our personnel is in the police and military forces fo the host country. Iran in the 70s was the posterchild. We simply cannot put a regimental combat team and attack helicopters with aircraft covering all that in every country. However, Libya was not, and probably isn't, a civilized country right now. The admin shouldn't have let Stevens move around so much, and they should have had much heavier security for him.

But the gop has visions of impeachment, and that's as despicable as the coverup. I'm not sure about tarnishing the whistleblowers so much, but they are up to their armpits in the lax security. I don't want anyone "punished" so much as changes in policy. This whole episode is sad, but hardly up their with Niger Uranium or Iran Contra. It's a FU, not a conspiracy to mislead the country.

You get no disagreement from e that even in hindsight its fair to say the security in Benghazi was lax. Stevens was a rock star diplomat who relished personal on the ground contact. He had asked for more security, and it should have been provided. The admin had ample warning that the attack was a possibility. For him to even be OUTSIDE the embassy on 9-11 seems ... a clusterfk.

Where were these special forces? We don't have bases in Egypt or Tunesia. Edit: I assume here you mean the second rescue team that wasn't authorized by unknown persons to not board the second flight from Tripoli to Tunesia. See previous paragraph. Stevens shoud have had more secuity. But, I think the poor sob was dead by the time the second C-130 arrived in Benghazi from Tripoli. And it wouldn't really matter anyway. Once the attack began, it was pretty much too late. I feel sorry for Hicks and the other whistleblowers. It was probably the worst night of their lives. But their desperation shows when they say we should have buzzed the counslate with an F-16 from Italy.

Bush read a freaking book. Obama was at a fund raiser. Bush was at a cookout during Katrina, as I recall. I don't see your criticism here as being anything more than partisan boolshite.
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they're fishing and they want everyone else to be on board with fishing. If you're not cool with fishing it must be because you love Obama and blah blah blah blah

fishing? this was a report done by ABC that shows obama LIED. they had prior notice, denied it, then they denied it was a terror attack.

that is not fishing.

you're just madly spinning because your boy got busted. truly pathetic. that is why you refuse to discuss what ABC actually found.

coward troll.

No I'm saying yeah the talking points were revised, lets even say they LIED. AND? That means what? The only response you have and will ever have is "Something happened and I want to know what!"

When that doesn't catch anyones attention you go into full blown freak out mode where you accuse everyone else of being *insert negative adjective here* like a 16 yr old Prom Queen. C'mon give everyone a sample when you quote me how predictable you are

you're truly amazing in your ability to have self denial. let's look at this facts:

1. you started off claiming i was mad. now that i threw it back in your face because you refuse to discuss facts, you now claim that YOUR antics are childish. TFF.

2. according to what ABC reported, they did lie. that should upset you that the admin lied. that lie put the film maker's life in jeopardy.

3. according to what was reported, the admin knew or should have known of an attack given the prior attacks. the admin decided to cover this up so as to not look bad. real good move from a president that promised the most open and transparent admin in history.

that you have failed to condemn the president and instead only bash those who discuss what has been reported, clearly shows you're a left wing loony.
The Admin had almost a months warning that something was coming, they did nothing.

The MOMENT it started they knew it was a terrorist act....the Special Forces could have been deployed VERY quickly, they are ALWAYS saddled up and ready.

The Boi King went to sleep, he had to be in Vegas for a fundraiser.

Well, imo it's a RW fantasy to think that once the attack on Stevens commenced we had any ability to stop it. But, imo it's also fair to say that Obama's admin played by the rules of civilized nations in Libya, namely our real security for our personnel is in the police and military forces fo the host country. Iran in the 70s was the posterchild. We simply cannot put a regimental combat team and attack helicopters with aircraft covering all that in every country. However, Libya was not, and probably isn't, a civilized country right now. The admin shouldn't have let Stevens move around so much, and they should have had much heavier security for him.

But the gop has visions of impeachment, and that's as despicable as the coverup. I'm not sure about tarnishing the whistleblowers so much, but they are up to their armpits in the lax security. I don't want anyone "punished" so much as changes in policy. This whole episode is sad, but hardly up their with Niger Uranium or Iran Contra. It's a FU, not a conspiracy to mislead the country.

You get no disagreement from e that even in hindsight its fair to say the security in Benghazi was lax. Stevens was a rock star diplomat who relished personal on the ground contact. He had asked for more security, and it should have been provided. The admin had ample warning that the attack was a possibility. For him to even be OUTSIDE the embassy on 9-11 seems ... a clusterfk.

Where were these special forces? We don't have bases in Egypt or Tunesia. Edit: I assume here you mean the second rescue team that wasn't authorized by unknown persons to not board the second flight from Tripoli to Tunesia. See previous paragraph. Stevens shoud have had more secuity. But, I think the poor sob was dead by the time the second C-130 arrived in Benghazi from Tripoli. And it wouldn't really matter anyway. Once the attack began, it was pretty much too late. I feel sorry for Hicks and the other whistleblowers. It was probably the worst night of their lives. But their desperation shows when they say we should have buzzed the counslate with an F-16 from Italy.

Bush read a freaking book. Obama was at a fund raiser. Bush was at a cookout during Katrina, as I recall. I don't see your criticism here as being anything more than partisan boolshite.

I see a HUGE difference between Bush-Katrina and obama-Benghazi. No amount of intel could have informed Bush that a storm of that magnitude was pending. obama and his henchmen (and women) had plenty of warning that terrorist activity was ramping up in the area and that additional security had been requested. Nothing Bush could have ever done would have prevented Katrina or its after affects. Benghazi, on the other hand was completely preventable if this administration had taken proper and prudent action.
I see a HUGE difference between Bush-Katrina and obama-Benghazi. No amount of intel could have informed Bush that a storm of that magnitude was pending. obama and his henchmen (and women) had plenty of warning that terrorist activity was ramping up in the area and that additional security had been requested.

You left out 9/11.
Try as you might, wingnuts, this will not hold the attention of America, and will not keep Hillary from taking the WH in 2016.

Anytime you bring this up, all anybody has to say is, " Bin Laden is dead thanks to Obama", and Benghazi immediately dissipates from their thoughts.

My suggestion: drop this bs and plead with your congress persons to take up immigration reform. You're going to need it...and a hell of a lot more.

Good luck in 2020...not that you will have kept up with the changing demographics.

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Try as you might, wingnuts, this will not hold the attention of America, and will not keep Hillary from taking the WH in 2016.

Anytime you bring this up, all anybody has to say is, " Bin Laden is dead thanks to Obama", and Benghazi immediately dissipates from their thoughts.

My suggestion: drop this bs and plead with your congress persons to take up immigration reform. You're going to need it...and a hell of a lot more.

Good luck in 2020...not that you will have kept up with the changing demographics.


The highlighted statement speaks volumes about the intellectual deficit prevalent among those who would so thoughtlessly dismiss something as significant as Benghazi and the political manipulation of the unnecessary and brutal deaths of four Americans in public service.
Try as you might, wingnuts, this will not hold the attention of America, and will not keep Hillary from taking the WH in 2016.

Anytime you bring this up, all anybody has to say is, " Bin Laden is dead thanks to Obama", and Benghazi immediately dissipates from their thoughts.

My suggestion: drop this bs and plead with your congress persons to take up immigration reform. You're going to need it...and a hell of a lot more.

Good luck in 2020...not that you will have kept up with the changing demographics.


Obama and Hilly are starring in a new show: the political walking dead

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Make sure you extend your offer of tissues to the family members of the Benghazi victims.

Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down'

Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down' - US News and World Report

They were one hour away.

The Admin had almost a months warning that something was coming, they did nothing.

The MOMENT it started they knew it was a terrorist act....the Special Forces could have been deployed VERY quickly, they are ALWAYS saddled up and ready.

The Boi King went to sleep, he had to be in Vegas for a fundraiser.

Well, imo it's a RW fantasy to think that once the attack on Stevens commenced we had any ability to stop it. But, imo it's also fair to say that Obama's admin played by the rules of civilized nations in Libya, namely our real security for our personnel is in the police and military forces fo the host country. Iran in the 70s was the posterchild. We simply cannot put a regimental combat team and attack helicopters with aircraft covering all that in every country. However, Libya was not, and probably isn't, a civilized country right now. The admin shouldn't have let Stevens move around so much, and they should have had much heavier security for him.

But the gop has visions of impeachment, and that's as despicable as the coverup. I'm not sure about tarnishing the whistleblowers so much, but they are up to their armpits in the lax security. I don't want anyone "punished" so much as changes in policy. This whole episode is sad, but hardly up their with Niger Uranium or Iran Contra. It's a FU, not a conspiracy to mislead the country.

You get no disagreement from e that even in hindsight its fair to say the security in Benghazi was lax. Stevens was a rock star diplomat who relished personal on the ground contact. He had asked for more security, and it should have been provided. The admin had ample warning that the attack was a possibility. For him to even be OUTSIDE the embassy on 9-11 seems ... a clusterfk.

Where were these special forces? We don't have bases in Egypt or Tunesia. Edit: I assume here you mean the second rescue team that wasn't authorized by unknown persons to not board the second flight from Tripoli to Tunesia. See previous paragraph. Stevens shoud have had more secuity. But, I think the poor sob was dead by the time the second C-130 arrived in Benghazi from Tripoli. And it wouldn't really matter anyway. Once the attack began, it was pretty much too late. I feel sorry for Hicks and the other whistleblowers. It was probably the worst night of their lives. But their desperation shows when they say we should have buzzed the counslate with an F-16 from Italy.

Bush read a freaking book. Obama was at a fund raiser. Bush was at a cookout during Katrina, as I recall. I don't see your criticism here as being anything more than partisan boolshite.
Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so

Team Obama has come up with its excuse for converting the Benghazi talking points into a false narrative. It was a purely bureaucratic matter, you see. The CIA and the State Department disagreed about what happened, and the White House simply wanted to make sure the talking points represented all viewpoints.

The White House has been suggesting this excuse for a few days. Today, the Washington Post’s “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, tries to inject it into the mainstream.

It’s not much of an excuse, of course. The White House’s proper role when it presents talking points to Congress, which had requested them, and to the public via appearances by its agents on talk shows, is to state the truth, not to make various bureaucracies happy. If the CIA and the State Department disagreed, the administration should not have included State’s spin merely because that’s what Hillary Clinton wanted.

This notion is so basic that it casts serious doubt on the White House’s “deference to the State Department made us do it” explanation — an excuse that, it should be noticed, won’t warm the heart of Hillary Clinton. In all likelihood, Team Obama endorsed State’s spin because it presented the version of events that best suited the president’s campaign purposes.

Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so | Power Line
Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so

Team Obama has come up with its excuse for converting the Benghazi talking points into a false narrative. It was a purely bureaucratic matter, you see. The CIA and the State Department disagreed about what happened, and the White House simply wanted to make sure the talking points represented all viewpoints.

The White House has been suggesting this excuse for a few days. Today, the Washington Post’s “fact-checker,” Glenn Kessler, tries to inject it into the mainstream.

It’s not much of an excuse, of course. The White House’s proper role when it presents talking points to Congress, which had requested them, and to the public via appearances by its agents on talk shows, is to state the truth, not to make various bureaucracies happy. If the CIA and the State Department disagreed, the administration should not have included State’s spin merely because that’s what Hillary Clinton wanted.

This notion is so basic that it casts serious doubt on the White House’s “deference to the State Department made us do it” explanation — an excuse that, it should be noticed, won’t warm the heart of Hillary Clinton. In all likelihood, Team Obama endorsed State’s spin because it presented the version of events that best suited the president’s campaign purposes.

Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so | Power Line

One of the White House's biggest problems right now is that they are not backing off an inch on the "video made them do it" narrative.

Carney's out there desperately trying to justify this false Benghazi talking point daily.

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