Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources

What does that have to do with me pointing out you didn't know what you were talking about when you said this ignorant statement?

"If someone attempts a murder, they get charged with attempted murder. When someone murders someone else, they get charged with murder."

Not only do people cut plea deals, prosecutors will not charge them with the highest charge possible to make sure they get them on a lesser charge. How did you not know that?
Actually, you are mistaken. They come with the highest charge they think they can swing so they can work a plea deal. Be sure to let us know when someone gets charged with insurrection and pleads to a lesser charge.
Why not ask the people who were arrested and said Trump invited them to do it? Ask them where they got such an idea.
That's a good question. Where DID they get the idea when we can't find TRUMP! anywhere telling them to do it?
Because of DC gun laws, almost all left their guns in their vehicles, hotels, or at home. Instead they brought chemical spray, batons, bats, a crossbow, etc...

Ever been cracked with a bat? Try it. I bet you will think it is a weapon afterward.
so, people are willing to break the law for an insurrection to overthrow the government but they won't break gun laws to have one to use in said effort.

God DAMN you are stupid.
FBI finds scant evidence of voter fraud

Well. Since we believe the FBI now!

There’s a lot of blanket labeling going on in this thread I’d like to address. In order for the law to be upheld, each individual is responsible for his or her own actions. Criminal actions taken by one person do not extend beyond that individual in a court of law. We’d have a real mess on our hands if it did, many millions more (innocent farm worker jailed for his employer’s actions) would be jailed daily.
Where DID they get the idea when we can't find TRUMP! anywhere telling them to do it?
Right. What ever would have given them such an idea? And literally everyone else on the whole planet not on the amateur Trump defense team?
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Right. What ever would have given them such an idea? And literally everyone else on the whole planet not on the amateur Trump defense team?
I'm just saying that if he told them to do it there should be evidence beyond them simply saying so. I never heard him say to attack the capitol with sticks and stones. Of course I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to what he said in the first place, but you'd think something like that would have been front and center with the Orange Man Bad talking heads.
*including aiding and abetting felonies
Agreed. Reviewing any type of case that involves damage of property requires full assessment.

EDIT- Hopefully, you haven’t read this yet FFI since I came back to edit in that handing a hammer to a guy who then smashes a window qualifies as aiding, however, a guy standing near another man, who is using a hammer, is not responsible for that man’s behavior.
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I dont care what you said. If you want to see the video go google it. I already saw it so its not worth the effort to post it. You can also ask the guys that got arrested about who told them to attack the capitol. Again thats all on google as well.
A smart way to deflect in order to keep from lying eh ? Otherwise if post the so called video, then you'll have to interpret it for us, and that's when you get into trouble because you can't turn butter into ketchup.
Nobody knows what you are whining about now.
well here's some advice when you lie don't start making unsubstantiated claims against someone else.
You earlier said trump told people to attack the capitol without any verification and now you're calling someone a racist without any verification.
It must be the projectionist in you.
Scant evidence does not mean no evidence. Of course it was poorly planned, if it was well planned Pence and members of Congress would be dead. Which is what they said they wanted.

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