EXCLUSIVE: Open mic captures press coordinating questions for Romney

I especially like the tricky way they put "unidentified reporter" without revealing that it was another CBS reporter.
Serious question, what am I supposed to be outraged over?

That Mittens (and Ryan) have refused to talk to media about other issues and so finally, the media is banding together to get the questions answered.

I think its absolutely delicious and hope they continue to do that with ANY and ALL politicians on either/both the right and the left.

The loud whirring sound we hear is Edward R Murrow, Eric Sevareid and Walter Cronkite spinning in their graves.


They've been spinning away ever since Michael Powell (son of Colin but without his integrity) pushed through new ruling that allowed US media to be owned by foreign interests AND that more than one media could be owned by one company/corporation.

ALL of that happened because of one man - Rupert Murdoch. LOOK IT UP. Watch the documentary, Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Murdoch became a US citizen just so he could buy more of our media. (He lives in China with his Chinese wife)

Does anyone really believe that our news media should be controlled by foreigners? Especially, a MUSLIM ARAB OIL SHEIK??? Or that its okay for one company to own several different types of media?

I don't hear any of you making noise about that.

But, make no mistake, journalists/reporters having to gang up on a weasel candidate has nothing at all to do with this AND its been going on ever since we had our first broadside newspaper. To say this is "liberal" or "R" is wrong. If Mittens and Ryan were not always so quick to run from media questions. If this is what it takes to get ANY politician to answer a question that the American people have a right to know, its fine with me.

Please, trashcan your fake outrage, thurn off fux and think for yourself.
UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: …pointing out that the Republicans… *unintelligible* …Obama….

CBS REPORTER: That’s the question.


CBS REPORTER: Yeah that’s the question. I would just say do you regret your question.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Your question? Your statement?

CBS REPORTER: I mean your statement. Not even the tone, because then he can go off on…

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And then if he does, if we can just follow up and say ‘but this morning your answer is continuing to sound…’ – *becomes unintelligble*

CBS REPORTER: You can’t say that..


CBS REPORTER: I’m just trying to make sure that we’re just talking about, no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?

No No Bias at all.

That several news agency got together before the event and planned out how to ask a specific question no matter who got the opportunity. Unless of course you can provide for us such an exercise before an Obama question session?

*blink blink*

You don't think reporters get together before press sessions and decide what they want to ask?

So are you saying all the reporters work for the same company, and want the same goal?

This is why we don't get real news anymore. Nobody is trying to "get the scoop" before the other news organizations.

There are two reporters "caught" on that tape.

There's absolutely no reason to think that they don't work for the same company.
Why are you guys surprised by this?

The real question is why the left aren't going after the press for the taxes on the income they get from the DNC.

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