Executive Action for Pipeline~ Where are all the criers who slammed Obama for doing it?

Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Amazing how you can ignore my posts to you on that. Oh well, I will mention again, people make entire careers out of going from one construction job to the next. Funny how the BLS considers home construction jobs permanent, but you consider pipeline construction is not. Can house construction workers work on a house for their whole career? Moron
Jobs should not take priority over drinking water....jobs temporarily given to some, while hurting the livelihood of others, is unacceptable...there is no life, without water.
We need to find another route...

Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

Should he return the $100k the pipeline people gave to his campaign?
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

The MSM reported 50 long term jobs last night, so you're wrong there. As far as the temporary ones go, that is what they do, build pipelines across America. Of course they are temporary morons, yet string them together and its a lifetime job.

Transporting oil quicker and cheaper results in lower gas pricing, which benefits all Americans.

1. They are going to export the oil, who will benefit ? Exxon will benefit..

2.. even 50 jobs is bullshit...and laughable..

3. Fracking in the Dakotas will cause earthquakes like Oklahoma

4. The pipeline is going right under the lake which is what the Dakota Indians use to live.

They will be exporting finished petroleum products, meaning more permanent jobs in US refineries.
ILMAO @ 33 jobs. Nothing else to see here but OP butt-hurt

So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

What excuses? Trump is cleaning up after his predecessor's mistakes.

Great excuse ( I have seen it used several times in the last few days.....when will Fake News come in....oh it already has on my thread.
Like you saying only 40 jobs and it would be an environmental disaster even though its the safest, and fracking causes earthquakes?

Thanks To Fracking, Earthquake Hazards In Parts Of Oklahoma Now Comparable To California


There is a connection between fracking and earthquakes in the central and eastern United States (Figure 1). But the earthquakes are not a result of fracking itself. They mostly result from the injection of fracking wastewater and other waste and production water, even from non-fracking wells, at depths well-below the fracking horizon. The larger the volumes of water injected into the subsurface, the larger the earthquakes can be.

Thanks To Fracking, Earthquake Hazards In Parts Of Oklahoma Now Comparable To California
USGS says that's bullcrap. I think you are confusing the fracking with injection. Ironically, your link says the exact same thing. But the earthquakes are not a result of fracking itself. :D

In my quote I said injections...The earth itself is warning us

Here is a quote from USGS

Wastewater disposal wells typically operate for longer durations and inject much more fluid than hydraulic fracturing, making them more likely to induce earthquakes. Enhanced oil recovery injects fluid into rock layers where oil and gas have already been extracted, while wastewater injection often occurs in never-before-touched rocks. Therefore, wastewater injection can raise pressure levels more than enhanced oil recovery, and thus increases the likelihood of induced earthquakes.

Induced Earthquakes
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary
dude, now I try to understand your positions. but dude what the fk did you just mean? Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished. huh?
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.
and all need to get done.
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having a domestic conflict of interest. It just was never an issue before, past presidents had enough decency to avoid it.
ILMAO @ 33 jobs. Nothing else to see here but OP butt-hurt

What excuses? Trump is cleaning up after his predecessor's mistakes.

Great excuse ( I have seen it used several times in the last few days.....when will Fake News come in....oh it already has on my thread.
Like you saying only 40 jobs and it would be an environmental disaster even though its the safest, and fracking causes earthquakes?

Thanks To Fracking, Earthquake Hazards In Parts Of Oklahoma Now Comparable To California


There is a connection between fracking and earthquakes in the central and eastern United States (Figure 1). But the earthquakes are not a result of fracking itself. They mostly result from the injection of fracking wastewater and other waste and production water, even from non-fracking wells, at depths well-below the fracking horizon. The larger the volumes of water injected into the subsurface, the larger the earthquakes can be.

Thanks To Fracking, Earthquake Hazards In Parts Of Oklahoma Now Comparable To California
USGS says that's bullcrap. I think you are confusing the fracking with injection. Ironically, your link says the exact same thing. But the earthquakes are not a result of fracking itself. :D

In my quote I said injections...The earth itself is warning us

Here is a quote from USGS

Wastewater disposal wells typically operate for longer durations and inject much more fluid than hydraulic fracturing, making them more likely to induce earthquakes. Enhanced oil recovery injects fluid into rock layers where oil and gas have already been extracted, while wastewater injection often occurs in never-before-touched rocks. Therefore, wastewater injection can raise pressure levels more than enhanced oil recovery, and thus increases the likelihood of induced earthquakes.

Induced Earthquakes
I aint down with injection. But fracking itself isn't whats causing earthquakes. Its misleading.
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

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Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Amazing how you can ignore my posts to you on that. Oh well, I will mention again, people make entire careers out of going from one construction job to the next. Funny how the BLS considers home construction jobs permanent, but you consider pipeline construction is not. Can house construction workers work on a house for their whole career? Moron

Many of the workers are employed FULL TIME by the construction company. Its a lie to spin the pipeline jobs as temporary, or at least a twisted half truth.
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com
He's doing the right thing, the people that actually live in the area that the pipelines are going through overwhelmingly will support it. And it's not the issues that the politically correct that are important like drowning polar bears.

The biggest issue on the whole deal is the easement issue… The environmental issue means nothing.
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D

And perhaps, to do the right thing, he SHOULD NOT eh?
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
  • No blog messages.
  • The Beach Team will review the list of upcoming webinars and decide which ones will go forward.
  • Please send me a list of any external speaking engagements that are currently scheduled among any of your staff from today through February.
  • Incoming media requests will be carefully screened.
  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press

Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?
there is no EPA nominee appointed, so he shut the agency up about furthering obummer's position. It's a trump policy now. Dude, that isn't dictatorship that is voted in by the people who voted trump into office. So appoint Pruitt and let's move on.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

We're not crying because he's fixing the wrongs Obama did with executive orders.

So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that
Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Thanks, but I'm a vegetarian other than fish and seafood. Are substitutions allowed?

Of course, they just don't remember as well!

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