Executive Action for Pipeline~ Where are all the criers who slammed Obama for doing it?

Those who slammed Obama are now supporters of this type of action just as those who supported Obama when he did it are now critics of it. It's called hypocrisy and it's very common in politics.
How does that make sense? Obama created many impacting EOs and they have to be undone that way. So we're just supposed to live with it so someone doesn't call us hypocrites?
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Oh come on!
He sells it before he initiates tariffs...easy peasey!

BTW, I am not certain he still owns his pipeline stock...I had heard somewhere, he might have sold it???
IDK, he had it when he released his financial papers last year.
That guy has investments all over the board. Most rich people do. Compalining about it, IMO is pure hackery.
Those who slammed Obama are now supporters of this type of action just as those who supported Obama when he did it are now critics of it. It's called hypocrisy and it's very common in politics.
obama did it on behalf of the people

trump did it on behalf of himself and oil pipeline tycoons of a foreign nation...
Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.
dude, I have no idea your point here. what mandatory insurance are you referring to?
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

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  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press

Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?
there is no EPA nominee appointed, so he shut the agency up about furthering obummer's position. It's a trump policy now. Dude, that isn't dictatorship that is voted in by the people who voted trump into office. So appoint Pruitt and let's move on.

The Scott Pruitt pick clearly shows what this F*ked Up cabinet is planning, they are ignoring it..

Trump EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt Would Trash Air And Water Safeguards | The Huffington Post
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Oh come on!
He sells it before he initiates tariffs...easy peasey!

BTW, I am not certain he still owns his pipeline stock...I had heard somewhere, he might have sold it???
IDK, he had it when he released his financial papers last year.
That guy has investments all over the board. Most rich people do. Compalining about it, IMO is pure hackery.

Wow - complaining about blatant financial conflicts of interest is pure hackery?

I'd say NOT complaining about it is pure hackery.
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D

But would he actually do it? I don't think so...
Lol yeah he woul,d do it to every company but the ones he has investments in.. Come on
Name a construction job that isn't temporary, idiot. When you open your post with something that dumb there's no point in reading any further.

Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.

Speaking of Dem run cities, can you please stop spilling raw sewage into public waterways. It would also help if your cesspool cities would stop generating mountains of garbage, obliterating the environment in concrete, and packing people in like sardines creating a pollution spewing boil on the planet.
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
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  • Incoming media requests will be carefully screened.
  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press

Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?
there is no EPA nominee appointed, so he shut the agency up about furthering obummer's position. It's a trump policy now. Dude, that isn't dictatorship that is voted in by the people who voted trump into office. So appoint Pruitt and let's move on.

The Scott Pruitt pick clearly shows what this F*ked Up cabinet is planning, they are ignoring it..

Trump EPA Nominee Scott Pruitt Would Trash Air And Water Safeguards | The Huffington Post
do they give you tips on lotto numbers to play?
Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.
dude, I have no idea your point here. what mandatory insurance are you referring to?

oh sorry...health insurance. minimum wage workers rarely get enough hours for health insurance

Now that Trump lifted the fines perhaps some will be full time getting health insurance ..Anyway another thread topic.
Does Donald still own his pipeline stock? If so, isn't that a conflict of interest with his actions? Shouldn't he have recused himself from this issue and handed it over to Pence to handle?

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Oh come on!
He sells it before he initiates tariffs...easy peasey!

BTW, I am not certain he still owns his pipeline stock...I had heard somewhere, he might have sold it???
IDK, he had it when he released his financial papers last year.
That guy has investments all over the board. Most rich people do. Compalining about it, IMO is pure hackery.

Wow - complaining about blatant financial conflicts of interest is pure hackery?

I'd say NOT complaining about it is pure hackery.
He ran as a businessman. Businessmen have investments. Yes, it is pure hackery.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

We're not crying because he's fixing the wrongs Obama did with executive orders.

So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that

Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!

YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Oh come on!
He sells it before he initiates tariffs...easy peasey!

BTW, I am not certain he still owns his pipeline stock...I had heard somewhere, he might have sold it???
IDK, he had it when he released his financial papers last year.
That guy has investments all over the board. Most rich people do. Compalining about it, IMO is pure hackery.

Wow - complaining about blatant financial conflicts of interest is pure hackery?

I'd say NOT complaining about it is pure hackery.
He ran as a businessman. Businessmen have investments. Yes, it is pure hackery.

I guess some businessmen do not know how to divest or respect basic ethics?
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

1. They did the study, it is ok!

2. Obama demanded the study, and if it came back ok, he suggested strongly that he would allow it. He lied!

3. Ummm, I think it was OKed, but Obama just said no, so if Obummer can say no, than I suppose Trump can say yes, YES?!

4. You live by the EO, your side is dying by the EO, although I am sure it will be made into law down the road a piece, cause we all see what happens with EOs, lol.

5. Today is WINSday, and we Republicans are winning so much, I just don't know how we can stand it!

Have a great WINSday-)

Do you have a link to the study saying it is ok? Thanks..

Yeah, lots of them, how many you want? State Department releases Keystone XL final environmental impact statement

I called up a bunch, but I figured this one was about middle of the road.

Thank you....

The pipes go under the lakes that supply 1000's of people...leaks happen all of the time especially in cold weather areas..

"The EPA has questioned whether the State Department has given sufficient weight to the project’s negative environmental impact. The final environmental impact statement notes that bitumen, the substance that is extracted in Canada and diluted in order to be transported to U.S. refineries, is more difficult to clean up than lighter crude if it spills."

  • In fact, much of that oil is reaching the U.S. already — by rail — and more tank-car capacity is being added quickly. Canadians also are proposing two other pipelines to tanker ports on the Pacific coast, and a third project to nearly double the effective capacity of an existing line to the U.S.
  • Pipelines are dangerous, but tanker cars are more so. Rail accidents spilled more oil in the U.S. last year than in all the previous years on record combined. And in Canada, 47 people died in one fiery tanker-train disaster in Quebec last year.
But that doesn’t mean that stopping the pipeline would prevent Canadians from extracting their crude and getting it to market to be burned, either in the U.S. or other countries. “Such a change is not likely to occur,” State concluded.

Pipeline Primer

Fact check also reports the only environmental issue is higher green house gases from that oil source.

Tar Sands form Canada could replace the heavy crude from Venezuela. The environmental impact would be about the same. I'd rather support Canadian producers.
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

  • No social media will be going out. A Digital Strategist will be coming on board to oversee social media. Existing, individually controlled, social media accounts may become more centrally controlled.
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  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press

Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?

Exactly, and is quite concerning

Liar, I posted a link explaining the EPAs sue and settle policy to legislate through the courts. That why everything has been frozen there until new leadership is in place.
Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.
dude, I have no idea your point here. what mandatory insurance are you referring to?

oh sorry...health insurance. minimum wage workers rarely get enough hours for health insurance

Now that Trump lifted the fines perhaps some will be full time getting health insurance ..Anyway another thread topic.
you didn't answer what mandatory insurance? why not?
Wow! Construction jobs are temporary when the job is finished... You may need some more coffee today to wake up your brain , you are embarrassing yourself..

Majority of Promised Oil Pipeline Jobs to Be Temporary

Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.

Speaking of Dem run cities, can you please stop spilling raw sewage into public waterways. It would also help if your cesspool cities would stop generating mountains of garbage, obliterating the environment in concrete, and packing people in like sardines creating a pollution spewing boil on the planet.

Most cities have old pipes which need replacing.. will the new infrastructure bill that passed cover that?
YES he is still has investment in that pipeline stock. Yes it is clear cut conflict of interest and yes this is deeply un-ethical man.

BUT, as it stands there is no law preventing president from having domestic conflict of interest. There ought to be.
He has stock in Ford too. Wonder why he threatened tariffs? :D
Oh come on!
He sells it before he initiates tariffs...easy peasey!

BTW, I am not certain he still owns his pipeline stock...I had heard somewhere, he might have sold it???
IDK, he had it when he released his financial papers last year.
That guy has investments all over the board. Most rich people do. Compalining about it, IMO is pure hackery.

Wow - complaining about blatant financial conflicts of interest is pure hackery?

I'd say NOT complaining about it is pure hackery.
He ran as a businessman. Businessmen have investments. Yes, it is pure hackery.
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

We're not crying because he's fixing the wrongs Obama did with executive orders.

So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that

Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!


The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!
EPA Freezing Grants to Air Quality Monitoring and Water Quality Testing – Environmental Leader

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  • No new content can be placed on any website. Only do clean up where essential.
  • List servers will be reviewed. Only send out critical messages, as messages can be shared broadly and end up in the press

Yeah, I'm not too sure about this, strikes me as dictatoryish. What's behind this?

Exactly, and is quite concerning

Liar, I posted a link explaining the EPAs sue and settle policy to legislate through the courts. That why everything has been frozen there until new leadership is in place.

I have never heard of a Gag law used by any other presidency coming in , can you please provide one..Thank you..

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