Executive Action for Pipeline~ Where are all the criers who slammed Obama for doing it?

We're not crying because he's fixing the wrongs Obama did with executive orders.

So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that

Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!


The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!


A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it
So funny to watch the excuses....How many threads were made by the republicans crying about Obama's executive orders..
Pages and Pages

We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that

Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!


The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!


A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."
We opposed his executive orders and we support undoing those orders. You have yet to explain the contradiction in that

Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!


The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!


A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation
Aww he was just undoing the executive orders his predecessor signed.......can't wait for all the bitchin when the Gropers appoints his Czars. You know the Czars don't even have to be confirmed by Congress.......Spooky!


The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!


A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!
The difference between us. If I disagree with what he hasn't done or even said he's going to do, I'll criticize him when he does it or says he will. You on the other hand want to go ahead now ... You're just screaming, Butt Hurt!


A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

All construction job are temporary... what construction job went on forever?

Good Lord.

A. Reversing the opposition's EO is somewhat of a ritual when a different party take control of the WH. B. Czars is a made up term used to denigrate the oppositions choice for lower level advisory positions in the WH that do not need consent by the Senate. Yes I want the press to call them Czars for the Groper too.


Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?

And they say you dorks don't have no sense of humor..........
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com
He's doing the right thing, the people that actually live in the area that the pipelines are going through overwhelmingly will support it. And it's not the issues that the politically correct that are important like drowning polar bears.

The biggest issue on the whole deal is the easement issue… The environmental issue means nothing.

Please tell me who is supporting it Rustic, look at all of the demonstrations going on...Trump didn't even blink and eye , not saying a word about the people who actually use the water to survive.
Those are just paid protesters… that are protesting the pipeline being built.


There is no really no "water" being threatened...
Are you a moron or something? That is the nature of construction jobs, they are temporary then you move on to the next construction project. Since many construction workers are employed full time by a construction company its a lie in any case.

That said, ALL decent paying jobs are important every last damn one of them whether they last 20 years to 2 months.

If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.

Speaking of Dem run cities, can you please stop spilling raw sewage into public waterways. It would also help if your cesspool cities would stop generating mountains of garbage, obliterating the environment in concrete, and packing people in like sardines creating a pollution spewing boil on the planet.

Most cities have old pipes which need replacing.. will the new infrastructure bill that passed cover that?
Explain why cities need federal tax dollars to fix their problems.
Clinton? Or his ho who attacked his victims again? Can you be more specific?

And LOL:

kaz: I will criticize Trump for Czars if and when he creates them

BooHoo: OMG, you're OK with Czars!

You're not blind, man, you're an idiot. No one with power in the adminstration should bypass confirmation and I never advocated they would. I disagreed with your going ahead and criticizing him now for something he hasn't done nor said he would do. There is something seriously wrong with you. I suppose it comes out in partisan hackery, but there's a deeper issue that creates it

Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?

And they say you dorks don't have no sense of humor..........

From the mutt who keeps saying "Groper in Chief." Don't quit your day job
Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?

And they say you dorks don't have no sense of humor..........

From the mutt who keeps saying "Groper in Chief." Don't quit your day job

Why? You think it should be "Grabber in Chief"?
Poor Thing...

His point was that its all assumption. Which I totally get. You are just doing the same thing the right did with Obama. And the left before that.. and the right before that..

Yep...lol.. just pointing out that ...the people slamming Obama for 8 years are excusing and overlooking Trump..
I am a left leaning independent, I don't hate Trump like some deeply hated Obama..
I am just really concerned about all of these oil nuts, didn't we learn from Cheney and his oil war?

Why is oil so important to this cabinet?

But they didn't say it was... assumption.


I was on the internet during the Bush bombing in Iraq, people acted the same way and those same people now pretend like they didn't support Bush and Cheney.

I was told that I was not an American , christian, soldier supporter for not supporting Cheney's war.

And the same people are blinded saying Jesus is back in the white house now that Trump is in...haaaa....:uhh:

I feel like we are going down the same road with a leader who means well,but is taken advantage of by the people he put around him advising him into some horrible moves..You mark my word it is happening..

so dude, there is a difference in supporting a war and supporting the troops. you should learn about the country you live in.

You don't remember that? Back in the early 1970's people didn't support the war nor the troops, and were super mean to them when they arrived home..

So this is what they were implying to, if you don't support the war.
If I had the time I would love to do a search on Obama's job progress, I bet you were bashing the jobs he created..

My point is that the republicans are praising the jobs when only a few will remain after construction is done..
You don't know if they go to the next...They are not hired permanently which will mean no health insurance and the other benefits..
well his jobs were part time jobs. not 40 hour a week jobs, those kinds of jobs. and there are still many not looking for work today waiting on full time jobs.

The cities are booming, many of the minim wage jobs are part time so they didn't get insurance.. Maybe now with the mandatory insurance law will change that.

Jobs have moved to Hi-Tech, this is where the full time jobs are now.

Speaking of Dem run cities, can you please stop spilling raw sewage into public waterways. It would also help if your cesspool cities would stop generating mountains of garbage, obliterating the environment in concrete, and packing people in like sardines creating a pollution spewing boil on the planet.

Most cities have old pipes which need replacing.. will the new infrastructure bill that passed cover that?
Explain why cities need federal tax dollars to fix their problems.

I was asking if the bill just past would help, I would hope that they fix the piping before they put down new roads or building rather that having to rip everything apart when one bursts .
Quit pretending "Czar" is something other than a media creation.

A Brief History of White House Czars

"And it's hard to blame reporters; unwieldy official titles are often begging for a rebranding (Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, for example, doesn't stand a chance against drug czar...."

The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?

And they say you dorks don't have no sense of humor..........

From the mutt who keeps saying "Groper in Chief." Don't quit your day job

Please stop insulting my guests on my thread Kaz..

His point was that its all assumption. Which I totally get. You are just doing the same thing the right did with Obama. And the left before that.. and the right before that..

Yep...lol.. just pointing out that ...the people slamming Obama for 8 years are excusing and overlooking Trump..
I am a left leaning independent, I don't hate Trump like some deeply hated Obama..
I am just really concerned about all of these oil nuts, didn't we learn from Cheney and his oil war?

Why is oil so important to this cabinet?

But they didn't say it was... assumption.


I was on the internet during the Bush bombing in Iraq, people acted the same way and those same people now pretend like they didn't support Bush and Cheney.

I was told that I was not an American , christian, soldier supporter for not supporting Cheney's war.

And the same people are blinded saying Jesus is back in the white house now that Trump is in...haaaa....:uhh:

I feel like we are going down the same road with a leader who means well,but is taken advantage of by the people he put around him advising him into some horrible moves..You mark my word it is happening..

so dude, there is a difference in supporting a war and supporting the troops. you should learn about the country you live in.

You don't remember that? Back in the early 1970's people didn't support the war nor the troops, and were super mean to them when they arrived home..

So this is what they were implying to, if you don't support the war.
we as a nation learned that wasn't fair to the troops who came home in the 70s. it's why the stance to support the troops in Iran and Afghanistan was pushed hard. It was a 180.
Yep...lol.. just pointing out that ...the people slamming Obama for 8 years are excusing and overlooking Trump..
I am a left leaning independent, I don't hate Trump like some deeply hated Obama..
I am just really concerned about all of these oil nuts, didn't we learn from Cheney and his oil war?

Why is oil so important to this cabinet?

But they didn't say it was... assumption.


I was on the internet during the Bush bombing in Iraq, people acted the same way and those same people now pretend like they didn't support Bush and Cheney.

I was told that I was not an American , christian, soldier supporter for not supporting Cheney's war.

And the same people are blinded saying Jesus is back in the white house now that Trump is in...haaaa....:uhh:

I feel like we are going down the same road with a leader who means well,but is taken advantage of by the people he put around him advising him into some horrible moves..You mark my word it is happening..

so dude, there is a difference in supporting a war and supporting the troops. you should learn about the country you live in.

You don't remember that? Back in the early 1970's people didn't support the war nor the troops, and were super mean to them when they arrived home..

So this is what they were implying to, if you don't support the war.
we as a nation learned that wasn't fair to the troops who came home in the 70s. it's why the stance to support the troops in Iran and Afghanistan was pushed hard. It was a 180.

I know , I remember...it was horrible.

Like I said they told us if we didn't support Bush's war we were un American, and didn't support the troops...
Jobs are only temporary , and will result in 33 long term..

President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive actions to advance approval of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines.

"The pipelines are all risk and no reward, allowing corporate polluters to transport oil through our country to be sold on the global market, while putting our air and water at serious risk," he said in a statement.

Trump advances Keystone pipeline, DAPL with executive actions - CNNPolitics.com

Well, he's using an EO to counter an EO. So, the two cancel each other out.
But they didn't say it was... assumption.


I was on the internet during the Bush bombing in Iraq, people acted the same way and those same people now pretend like they didn't support Bush and Cheney.

I was told that I was not an American , christian, soldier supporter for not supporting Cheney's war.

And the same people are blinded saying Jesus is back in the white house now that Trump is in...haaaa....:uhh:

I feel like we are going down the same road with a leader who means well,but is taken advantage of by the people he put around him advising him into some horrible moves..You mark my word it is happening..

so dude, there is a difference in supporting a war and supporting the troops. you should learn about the country you live in.

You don't remember that? Back in the early 1970's people didn't support the war nor the troops, and were super mean to them when they arrived home..

So this is what they were implying to, if you don't support the war.
we as a nation learned that wasn't fair to the troops who came home in the 70s. it's why the stance to support the troops in Iran and Afghanistan was pushed hard. It was a 180.

I know , I remember...it was horrible.

Like I said they told us if we didn't support Bush's war we were un American, and didn't support the troops...

Kaz was calling BlindBoo Blind and that is ok with you?
The issue with "Czars" is when they have policy making power and they don't have a Senate confirmation. It's Unconstitutional. You'd know that was the discussion if you were reading the conversation

Presidents have always created advisory position to help develop policy. The only thing it was, or will be is phony outrage by the opposition.

Perhaps the Groper in Chief will different!

I'm pretty sure Slick isn't coming back. What is your obsession with him?

And they say you dorks don't have no sense of humor..........

From the mutt who keeps saying "Groper in Chief." Don't quit your day job

Why? You think it should be "Grabber in Chief"?

I'd call Slick more of a groper

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