Exit Polls - Biden Won Because of Women, the Educated, and the Suburbs

No"educated" woman ever voted for China Joe.

Only uneducated dumbshits voted for that worthless piece of shit that is owned by foreign interest.

China Joe's voting group was mostly uneducated inner city dumbasses and of course the unreal fake ballots that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department conjured up.

A Trump supporter by definition is uneducated.
And the anti-Trump vote was much more motivated to vote against him than the MAGA crowd who showed up at the rallies, caravans, and boating accidents was motivated to vote for him.

This year, there were two major exit surveys, the “traditional” one done by Edison Research (based upon a sample of 15,590 in-person and self-described mail-in voters; see CNN and the New York Times) and the AP VoteCast survey (based upon a sample of 110,485 self-described voters ... the much larger AP VoteCast sample appears to be more accurate. ...​
Women outvoted men—by 4 percent in the Edison data and 6 percent in the AP VoteCast survey—and rejected Donald Trump, denying him re-election. According to the AP VoteCast, Biden carried women by 55-44, while Trump carried men by 52-46. Edison had similar numbers: Biden won women by 57-42, while Trump won men by 53-45. The bigger margins and bigger turnout among women were decisive. ...​
According to the AP VoteCast data, voters with high school or less as their education level (27 percent of the total vote), broke for Trump over Biden by 52-46, a figure nearly identical to that group’s Trump vs. Clinton figure from 2016. ... Voters with some college or an associate’s degree but less than a four-year degree (34 percent of the total vote) tipped dramatically away from Trump: In the 2016 exit poll they preferred him by 8 percent, but in the 2020 AP VoteCast data they preferred him by just 2 percent. The narrowing gap by which Trump carried that category of voters opened the door for Biden to win by sweeping the votes of those with higher levels of education. Biden carried college graduates with no postgraduate studies (25 percent of the total vote) by 56-42 and voters with postgraduate studies (15 percent of the total vote) by 58-40. ... white college-educated men (16 percent of the total vote) voted for Trump by 52-46 while white college-educated women (14 percent of the electorate) went for Biden by 59-39. ... White men without college degrees (19 percent of the total vote), gave Trump a landslide margin of 64-34, while white women without college degrees (24 percent of the total vote) gave Trump a large but lesser margin of 60-39. Big though those margins are, they are each smaller than in 2016.​
Biden carried the nation’s suburbs by 10 percent in the AP VoteCast survey. From the Eisenhower through the Reagan eras, Republicans held a lock on highly educated and affluent suburban voters. It began eroding in 2004—and cracked apart in 2020. Edsall notes that in 1980 Republicans carried 91 out of the 100 counties with the highest median income level; in 2020, they carried only 43. ... Keep in mind that the margins among suburban voters tend to be narrow (Obama carried the suburbs by only 2 percent in 2008 and lost them by 2 percent in 2012), thus Biden carrying the suburbs by 10 percent was a huge factor in his election.​

Among the 46 percent of voters who reported in the AP VoteCast survey that they “disapprove strongly” of President Trump, Biden won 97-1. On the flip side, meanwhile, the voters who said they “approve strongly” of Trump, who voted for him by 98-2, amounted to a much smaller 31 percent of the electorate. In other words, the notion that Trump’s base was more passionate about supporting him than was Biden’s is not reflected in the data.

Biden did not win.

Biden did win.
Fuck that loser/thief Biden
No"educated" woman ever voted for China Joe.

Only uneducated dumbshits voted for that worthless piece of shit that is owned by foreign interest.

China Joe's voting group was mostly uneducated inner city dumbasses and of course the unreal fake ballots that the Democrat Dirty Tricks Department conjured up.

Dominion Software.jpg
And the anti-Trump vote was much more motivated to vote against him than the MAGA crowd who showed up at the rallies, caravans, and boating accidents was motivated to vote for him.

This year, there were two major exit surveys, the “traditional” one done by Edison Research (based upon a sample of 15,590 in-person and self-described mail-in voters; see CNN and the New York Times) and the AP VoteCast survey (based upon a sample of 110,485 self-described voters ... the much larger AP VoteCast sample appears to be more accurate. ...​
Women outvoted men—by 4 percent in the Edison data and 6 percent in the AP VoteCast survey—and rejected Donald Trump, denying him re-election. According to the AP VoteCast, Biden carried women by 55-44, while Trump carried men by 52-46. Edison had similar numbers: Biden won women by 57-42, while Trump won men by 53-45. The bigger margins and bigger turnout among women were decisive. ...​
According to the AP VoteCast data, voters with high school or less as their education level (27 percent of the total vote), broke for Trump over Biden by 52-46, a figure nearly identical to that group’s Trump vs. Clinton figure from 2016. ... Voters with some college or an associate’s degree but less than a four-year degree (34 percent of the total vote) tipped dramatically away from Trump: In the 2016 exit poll they preferred him by 8 percent, but in the 2020 AP VoteCast data they preferred him by just 2 percent. The narrowing gap by which Trump carried that category of voters opened the door for Biden to win by sweeping the votes of those with higher levels of education. Biden carried college graduates with no postgraduate studies (25 percent of the total vote) by 56-42 and voters with postgraduate studies (15 percent of the total vote) by 58-40. ... white college-educated men (16 percent of the total vote) voted for Trump by 52-46 while white college-educated women (14 percent of the electorate) went for Biden by 59-39. ... White men without college degrees (19 percent of the total vote), gave Trump a landslide margin of 64-34, while white women without college degrees (24 percent of the total vote) gave Trump a large but lesser margin of 60-39. Big though those margins are, they are each smaller than in 2016.​
Biden carried the nation’s suburbs by 10 percent in the AP VoteCast survey. From the Eisenhower through the Reagan eras, Republicans held a lock on highly educated and affluent suburban voters. It began eroding in 2004—and cracked apart in 2020. Edsall notes that in 1980 Republicans carried 91 out of the 100 counties with the highest median income level; in 2020, they carried only 43. ... Keep in mind that the margins among suburban voters tend to be narrow (Obama carried the suburbs by only 2 percent in 2008 and lost them by 2 percent in 2012), thus Biden carrying the suburbs by 10 percent was a huge factor in his election.​

Among the 46 percent of voters who reported in the AP VoteCast survey that they “disapprove strongly” of President Trump, Biden won 97-1. On the flip side, meanwhile, the voters who said they “approve strongly” of Trump, who voted for him by 98-2, amounted to a much smaller 31 percent of the electorate. In other words, the notion that Trump’s base was more passionate about supporting him than was Biden’s is not reflected in the data.

The real vote tally before midnight on election night had Trump kicking Biden's ass to the curb. Then miraculously, and ONLY IN THE CRITICAL SWING STATES, impossibly slanted vote totals began pouring in for China Joe. Truckloads full of Biden ballots and Dominion System shenanigans stole the election. That is why nearly half of America thinks our election system ranks with Venezuela.
It's because that night is when they started counting the mail-in ballots, which were heavily Democrat because Trump told Republicans NOT to vote by mail. This is one of the simpler aspects of the election to understand. It's hard to believe people are still trying to use it as proof of fraud. Yes, I know the President used it, but he's not quite right in the head. You should be a little smarter than that.
Right after the counting had been shut down for the night in those four cities. Counting is shut down so poll watchers can all go home. Oh btw we did the mail in ballots while it was closed and grandpa brain fungus won all those votes.
Right after the counting had been shut down for the night in those four cities. Counting is shut down so poll watchers can all go home. Oh btw we did the mail in ballots while it was closed and grandpa brain fungus won all those votes.

Spiderman Stupidity.jpg
Trump claims fraud before the election took place and. .....
Everyone with a brain and NOT looking to cheat knew what would happen. Nobody's going to accept your China puppet in the White House.

My own governor, SOS and AG broke election law and still didnt get Biden the votes he needed to win michigan so that's where Dominion stepped in and gave greater weight to a Democrat vote.
Biden won because states did not follow their own voting rules. Biden was losing, states stopped counting so they could go out and harvest more votes for Biden even though it was past the deadline.
And the anti-Trump vote was much more motivated to vote against him than the MAGA crowd who showed up at the rallies, caravans, and boating accidents was motivated to vote for him.

This year, there were two major exit surveys, the “traditional” one done by Edison Research (based upon a sample of 15,590 in-person and self-described mail-in voters; see CNN and the New York Times) and the AP VoteCast survey (based upon a sample of 110,485 self-described voters ... the much larger AP VoteCast sample appears to be more accurate. ...​
Women outvoted men—by 4 percent in the Edison data and 6 percent in the AP VoteCast survey—and rejected Donald Trump, denying him re-election. According to the AP VoteCast, Biden carried women by 55-44, while Trump carried men by 52-46. Edison had similar numbers: Biden won women by 57-42, while Trump won men by 53-45. The bigger margins and bigger turnout among women were decisive. ...​
According to the AP VoteCast data, voters with high school or less as their education level (27 percent of the total vote), broke for Trump over Biden by 52-46, a figure nearly identical to that group’s Trump vs. Clinton figure from 2016. ... Voters with some college or an associate’s degree but less than a four-year degree (34 percent of the total vote) tipped dramatically away from Trump: In the 2016 exit poll they preferred him by 8 percent, but in the 2020 AP VoteCast data they preferred him by just 2 percent. The narrowing gap by which Trump carried that category of voters opened the door for Biden to win by sweeping the votes of those with higher levels of education. Biden carried college graduates with no postgraduate studies (25 percent of the total vote) by 56-42 and voters with postgraduate studies (15 percent of the total vote) by 58-40. ... white college-educated men (16 percent of the total vote) voted for Trump by 52-46 while white college-educated women (14 percent of the electorate) went for Biden by 59-39. ... White men without college degrees (19 percent of the total vote), gave Trump a landslide margin of 64-34, while white women without college degrees (24 percent of the total vote) gave Trump a large but lesser margin of 60-39. Big though those margins are, they are each smaller than in 2016.​
Biden carried the nation’s suburbs by 10 percent in the AP VoteCast survey. From the Eisenhower through the Reagan eras, Republicans held a lock on highly educated and affluent suburban voters. It began eroding in 2004—and cracked apart in 2020. Edsall notes that in 1980 Republicans carried 91 out of the 100 counties with the highest median income level; in 2020, they carried only 43. ... Keep in mind that the margins among suburban voters tend to be narrow (Obama carried the suburbs by only 2 percent in 2008 and lost them by 2 percent in 2012), thus Biden carrying the suburbs by 10 percent was a huge factor in his election.​

Among the 46 percent of voters who reported in the AP VoteCast survey that they “disapprove strongly” of President Trump, Biden won 97-1. On the flip side, meanwhile, the voters who said they “approve strongly” of Trump, who voted for him by 98-2, amounted to a much smaller 31 percent of the electorate. In other words, the notion that Trump’s base was more passionate about supporting him than was Biden’s is not reflected in the data.

Biden did not win.

Biden did win.

no he did not, the chinese and the corrupt deep state cheated and created enough fraudulent votes for him to claim victory, but Trump actually won. the truth will be out soon, stand by.
What I find amazing are the 73,000,000 dumb (uneducated) voters who fell for trump the conman. Anyone with a brain larger than a marble wouldn't be so stupid to do so. Trump claims fraud before the election took place and his brain dead followers lap it up like a thirsty dog.
Soon if that China loving pervert takes office you will see just how dumb and uneducated these patriots are. What is it these people fell for? Be pacific. Was it the great economic boom even during a pandemic? Was his pulling out troops out of the middle east after almost 20 years? His ending of thousands of regulations.? Pulling out of the Iran nuclear bull shit? Or the Paris accord when we are 30 years ahead of any part of it?
Why don't you make us a list cause so far I have listened to 4 years of crap, none proven. What I am sure of you are just another idiot that wouldn't know a clue if it walked up introduced it's self then beat the crap out of you for being brainless. I'll be holding my breath waiting for that list. Not.

Wow. If I were as stupid, and gullible as you, I would announce it to the world like this.

You said to be "pacific", so let's trying being Atlantic instead.

1. There was no "great economic boom". All of Trump's numbers were lower than Obama's - stock market growth, GDP, job creation. Everything about the "great economic boom", was a continuation of the Obama's numbers, albeit at a slower rate of growth. For example: Obama's doubled the Dow Jones in his first term in office. Under Trump, it only rose 50% in his first term. The longest sustained recovery in American history, is ALL on Obama. Trump took Obama's economy and drove it into a tree.

2. No troops were pulled out of the Middle East and brought home. They were simply redeployed from Syria to Yemen. The Middle East, and indeed the rest of the world is less stable under a Trump Administration, that it was under Obama. Russia's influence in the Middle East has increased markedly as Trump ceded Syria to the Russians, and gave Erdogan a free hand as well. Look for Biden to cancel the deal giving nuclear technology to the Saudis. MBS doesn't need more and better weapons.

3. Slashing thousands of regulations willy nilly, has been an unmitigated disaster. It did NOT increase job growth or investment in any way. What it did do was cause the degradation of air and drinking water, thoughout the country. Trump's own EPA estimated that this deregulation would kill thousands of Americans each year. When Ontario banned coal fired plants - our hospitals saw a measureable decline in asthma emergencies and breathing problems, saving our medical system millions of dollars each year, and improving the health of our citizens. Republicans don't care if Americans die, as long as they're making money.

4. and 5. Both stupid ideas. Iran is now months away from having a nuclear bomb, instead of 6 years. Any chance of now convincing the Mullahs that the west is not "the Great Satan", has certainly been destroyed. The ONLY reason Trump didn't start a war with Iran is that the Mullah's were saner and more reasonable than the President of the United States. Think about that for a moment. The Mullahs showed more restraint and better judgement than the purported "leader of the free world".

The USA is not "40 years ahead of the Paris accord", you're the biggest polluter in the world. Pulling out of the Paris Accord means the USA doesn't get access to the technological innovations created my member nations, or the profits generating from the conversion to green power. There are billions being made in the new Green Technology, and countries are already benefitting from the switch from an oil based economy, to cheaper, cleaner green resources. Trump threw all of that away in an effort to return to coal. The result is millions spent on a still dying industry.

Instead of investing in "bringing back jobs" that are gone forever, Canada invested in retraining workers displaced by off-shoring, and robot technologies. Instead of "rust belts" with high unemployment, we have continued to grow our middle class without destroying our unions, or leaving vast swaths of the country dependent on government handouts.

As the USA closes in on 20 million cases, and 350,000 deaths from covid19, consider the costs of all of that testing and treatment of the 20% of Americans who get really sick from this virus. How many health insurance companies are going bankrtupt in all of these payouts? What is the cost to your economy and your GDP to test and treat 20 million people? Who's going to cover the millions in co-pays and over the cap billings owed by those who survive?

Trump and his Cult members are fond on saying 98% of those who get the virus survive. (It's 97% but at this point who's counting? Certainly not Trump.) The survival rate isn't the issue, it's the economic costs of the pandemic. Trump and his Cult continue to ignore the issue of millions of people getting sick, many of whom need hospitalization.

Millions of survivors are leaving hospital owing $100,000 or more in hospital bills, and they're still weeks, if not months away from returning to work. Millions more are facing "pre-existing conditions" that the virus leaves behind. The long term implications of these infections still isn't known. Will they fully recover, or will they face problems throughout their lives. Chicken Pox - another virus, lives in the system and returns as shingles later in life. Herpes never goes away, and keeps flaring up. Will covid19 be like this? Too soon to know.

I haven't even touched on the war crimes against immigrants committed by the Trump Administration, or his grifting golf trips and travel, or Trump's chromic incompetence. Every issue he tackled, he made worse, so it's a good thing, he didn't get more done.
Right after the counting had been shut down for the night in those four cities. Counting is shut down so poll watchers can all go home. Oh btw we did the mail in ballots while it was closed and grandpa brain fungus won all those votes.

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We’re they shut down for the night? Yes. Did counting happen after they were supposed to be closed? Yes. Did gbf get a mathematically impossible number of those after hours votes? Yes.

So fuck off with your meme.
Biden won because states did not follow their own voting rules. Biden was losing, states stopped counting so they could go out and harvest more votes for Biden even though it was past the deadline.

Biden won because more Americans voted for Biden than Trump. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, and only won the electoral college because millions of Democrats stayed home - notably the black and hispanic voters.

This time, Democrats overcame voter suppression, and all sorts of voter suppression shennanigans in red states, and turned out the Democratic vote in historic numbers. And Donald Trump is his cult are refusing to accept those results.

The states followed their voting rules - THE SUPREME COURT SAID SO. Donald Trump is trying to overturn the results of a legally certified election. This is an attempted coup against the legally elected government of the United States of Amerca.
Right after the counting had been shut down for the night in those four cities. Counting is shut down so poll watchers can all go home. Oh btw we did the mail in ballots while it was closed and grandpa brain fungus won all those votes.

View attachment 435427
We’re they shut down for the night? Yes. Did counting happen after they were supposed to be closed? Yes. Did gbf get a mathematically impossible number of those after hours votes? Yes.

So fuck off with your meme.

Is anything you posted true? Was this claimed in any court of law where Trump filed suit?

The answer to both of these questions is "NO".
Hyper-partisan, loser paranoia aside, the American People voting to dispose of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer at the first opportunity they had to do so is precisely what reasonable folks would expect, given that 2.9 million more voted against him than for him in 2016, his approval numbers have been in the crapper ever since then, and midterms accurately expressed the widespread disapprobation that was confirmed in the election.

Meanwhile, it behooves Biden to win back discouraged, less-educated, older white males:

Voters with some college or an associate’s degree but less than a four-year degree (34 percent of the total vote) tipped dramatically away from Trump: In the 2016 exit poll they preferred him by 8 percent, but in the 2020 AP VoteCast data they preferred him by just 2 percent. The narrowing gap by which Trump carried that category of voters opened the door for Biden to win by sweeping the votes of those with higher levels of education. Biden carried college graduates with no postgraduate studies (25 percent of the total vote) by 56-42 and voters with postgraduate studies (15 percent of the total vote) by 58-40. Biden’s landslide margin among the highly educated was much larger than Trump’s margin among the 61 percent of the electorate with less than a college degree.​
Those who crave authoritarianism and attack the American democratic process cannot be allowed to persist in denigrating our nation.

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Cultists, who love Donald more than their own Mothers, cannot fathom how someone could not like him.

So Biden is not your president. That's fine, now go the fuck away.
People didn't vote for Biden.....They voted against Trump. ... :cool:
I voted against trump, but also for Biden. Voted against trump and the hill in 2016, not really caring about the Libertarian, Gary Johnson. Just knew he could not be as bad as either one of them. Lots of people that were not "never trumpers" picked Joe as the better candidate, better able to lead the country.
Hhahahahahahaha. Morons.
Strangely, president elect Biden has done more for the country in the time leading up to the inauguration, than Trump has done since the election.

Of course Trump has played more golf, and done more tweeting than Biden.

Sure he has. List it.
You can't so you won't.
Right after the counting had been shut down for the night in those four cities. Counting is shut down so poll watchers can all go home. Oh btw we did the mail in ballots while it was closed and grandpa brain fungus won all those votes.

View attachment 435427
We’re they shut down for the night? Yes. Did counting happen after they were supposed to be closed? Yes. Did gbf get a mathematically impossible number of those after hours votes? Yes.

So fuck off with your meme.

Is anything you posted true? Was this claimed in any court of law where Trump filed suit?

The answer to both of these questions is "NO".
All of it is true. And yes it was claimed.
What I find amazing are the 73,000,000 dumb (uneducated) voters who fell for trump the conman. Anyone with a brain larger than a marble wouldn't be so stupid to do so. Trump claims fraud before the election took place and his brain dead followers lap it up like a thirsty dog.
Soon if that China loving pervert takes office you will see just how dumb and uneducated these patriots are. What is it these people fell for? Be pacific. Was it the great economic boom even during a pandemic? Was his pulling out troops out of the middle east after almost 20 years? His ending of thousands of regulations.? Pulling out of the Iran nuclear bull shit? Or the Paris accord when we are 30 years ahead of any part of it?
Why don't you make us a list cause so far I have listened to 4 years of crap, none proven. What I am sure of you are just another idiot that wouldn't know a clue if it walked up introduced it's self then beat the crap out of you for being brainless. I'll be holding my breath waiting for that list. Not.

Wow. If I were as stupid, and gullible as you, I would announce it to the world like this.

You said to be "pacific", so let's trying being Atlantic instead.

1. There was no "great economic boom". All of Trump's numbers were lower than Obama's - stock market growth, GDP, job creation. Everything about the "great economic boom", was a continuation of the Obama's numbers, albeit at a slower rate of growth. For example: Obama's doubled the Dow Jones in his first term in office. Under Trump, it only rose 50% in his first term. The longest sustained recovery in American history, is ALL on Obama. Trump took Obama's economy and drove it into a tree.

2. No troops were pulled out of the Middle East and brought home. They were simply redeployed from Syria to Yemen. The Middle East, and indeed the rest of the world is less stable under a Trump Administration, that it was under Obama. Russia's influence in the Middle East has increased markedly as Trump ceded Syria to the Russians, and gave Erdogan a free hand as well. Look for Biden to cancel the deal giving nuclear technology to the Saudis. MBS doesn't need more and better weapons.

3. Slashing thousands of regulations willy nilly, has been an unmitigated disaster. It did NOT increase job growth or investment in any way. What it did do was cause the degradation of air and drinking water, thoughout the country. Trump's own EPA estimated that this deregulation would kill thousands of Americans each year. When Ontario banned coal fired plants - our hospitals saw a measureable decline in asthma emergencies and breathing problems, saving our medical system millions of dollars each year, and improving the health of our citizens. Republicans don't care if Americans die, as long as they're making money.

4. and 5. Both stupid ideas. Iran is now months away from having a nuclear bomb, instead of 6 years. Any chance of now convincing the Mullahs that the west is not "the Great Satan", has certainly been destroyed. The ONLY reason Trump didn't start a war with Iran is that the Mullah's were saner and more reasonable than the President of the United States. Think about that for a moment. The Mullahs showed more restraint and better judgement than the purported "leader of the free world".

The USA is not "40 years ahead of the Paris accord", you're the biggest polluter in the world. Pulling out of the Paris Accord means the USA doesn't get access to the technological innovations created my member nations, or the profits generating from the conversion to green power. There are billions being made in the new Green Technology, and countries are already benefitting from the switch from an oil based economy, to cheaper, cleaner green resources. Trump threw all of that away in an effort to return to coal. The result is millions spent on a still dying industry.

Instead of investing in "bringing back jobs" that are gone forever, Canada invested in retraining workers displaced by off-shoring, and robot technologies. Instead of "rust belts" with high unemployment, we have continued to grow our middle class without destroying our unions, or leaving vast swaths of the country dependent on government handouts.

As the USA closes in on 20 million cases, and 350,000 deaths from covid19, consider the costs of all of that testing and treatment of the 20% of Americans who get really sick from this virus. How many health insurance companies are going bankrtupt in all of these payouts? What is the cost to your economy and your GDP to test and treat 20 million people? Who's going to cover the millions in co-pays and over the cap billings owed by those who survive?

Trump and his Cult members are fond on saying 98% of those who get the virus survive. (It's 97% but at this point who's counting? Certainly not Trump.) The survival rate isn't the issue, it's the economic costs of the pandemic. Trump and his Cult continue to ignore the issue of millions of people getting sick, many of whom need hospitalization.

Millions of survivors are leaving hospital owing $100,000 or more in hospital bills, and they're still weeks, if not months away from returning to work. Millions more are facing "pre-existing conditions" that the virus leaves behind. The long term implications of these infections still isn't known. Will they fully recover, or will they face problems throughout their lives. Chicken Pox - another virus, lives in the system and returns as shingles later in life. Herpes never goes away, and keeps flaring up. Will covid19 be like this? Too soon to know.

I haven't even touched on the war crimes against immigrants committed by the Trump Administration, or his grifting golf trips and travel, or Trump's chromic incompetence. Every issue he tackled, he made worse, so it's a good thing, he didn't get more done.
You’re a nut case. Anyone that thinks the US is a bigger polluter than India and China and on top of that thinks green energy actually can survive without massive tax payer subsidies should make shorter posts. Not that they would be smarter but it would give us the stupid in smaller doses.

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