Expect a barrage of "thank you" cards to pour into Trump's oval office.

Then they wallow in the same pit of ignorance you do.

For if it were a true "Muslim ban" you would be banning all 1.6 billion adherents of Islam from the United States. That little meme suggests a totality for which there isn't.

How hard is it for you to understand that?

Too stupid to even respond to........By all means, advocate for a TOTAL Muslim ban....heck, ban anyone who isn't a white supremacist.....LOL

Interesting how you have dodged everything I've said up until this point.
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

I hope you can hear yourself right now.

You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.
You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.

Fuckhead.....for the last time.....THERE IS NO NEED for that coal........
If you want to give those coal miners work to dig up coal that:

a. we don't need
b. slowly gives miners black lung
c. pollutes the environment with the waste

.......................then you are a true moron....but, the good news for you is that Trump is even more of a moron.
And I should mail you a thank you card for continuing to perpetrate this lie that it is a "Muslim Ban"

Even you're smart enough to know that's not true, old timer. Yeah, you're 70 years old and you haven't learned that lying on purpose to score political points is wrong. I guess it's wrong of me to expect that wisdom always comes with age.

There are 49 Muslim majority countries and he bans 7. The religion of Islam consists 1.6 billion followers. If it were truly a Muslim ban it would ban all Muslims. But it doesn't now does it?

It IS a Muslim ban.........I read foreign press and ALL Muslim countries (who are not beholden on US subsidies) are calling it a Muslim ban.....

When you target immigrants based purely on religion....regardless if its from a few of the Muslim countries,,,,,,ALL Muslims take insult.

Nazi FIRST started their persecution of Jews in Germany....they then expanded it to Austria, Slovakia, etc......Do you really think that Jews in Poland, Belgium and France did NOT take offense when Nazis first started in just Germany?

So it's a Muslim ban because other Muslim nations say so despite the order not banning Muslims?
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

If we didn't need it the market would eliminate the jobs without the government. So get the goverment out of the market and see what happens
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

If we didn't need it the market would eliminate the jobs without the government. So get the goverment out of the market and see what happens

Well, now you're siding with Hillary....not Trump.
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

I hope you can hear yourself right now.

You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.
No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....

These are the same idiot's who wanted to get rid of Obamacare and were too stupid to realize that their "Black Lung" check was authorized from a President they despised...fuck 'em and let them all die from Black Lung now..
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

I hope you can hear yourself right now.

You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.
No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....

These are the same idiot's who wanted to get rid of Obamacare and were too stupid to realize that their "Black Lung" check was authorized from a President they despised...fuck 'em and let them all die from Black Lung now..

So you want to freeze or your mommy's heating bill is a thousand dollars a month?
These are the same idiot's who wanted to get rid of Obamacare and were too stupid to realize that their "Black Lung" check was authorized from a President they despised...fuck 'em and let them all die from Black Lung now..

For most of us, a Trump presidency really sucks.......HOWEVER, our disappointment with the orange charlatan will PALE when compared to the disappointment of such blind believers like coal miners in Kentucky or West Virginia.
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

I hope you can hear yourself right now.

You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.
No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....

These are the same idiot's who wanted to get rid of Obamacare and were too stupid to realize that their "Black Lung" check was authorized from a President they despised...fuck 'em and let them all die from Black Lung now..

So you want to freeze or your mommy's heating bill is a thousand dollars a month?
I already know that you can't provide any facts to substantiate that silly assed talking point you just threw out...
So you want to freeze or your mommy's heating bill is a thousand dollars a month?

A "conclusion" truy worthy of a moron..........Can't fix imbecility on a message board. Stay just as dumb as you are now, bearbreath......we need examples just like you to convince our kids to stay in school and why education is a good thing.
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No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....
And how do you think you get your water? It's pumped to your home by pumps powered by electricity generated by coal.

Can wind and solar do that? You idiots want to rely on impractical sources of power and cripple the economy. You'd much rather put people on the streets.
So you want to freeze or your mommy's heating bill is a thousand dollars a month?

A "conclusion" truy worthy of a moron..........Can;t fix imbecility on a message board. Stay just as dumb as you are now, bearbreath......we need examples just like you to convince our kids to stay in school and why education is a good thing.

You really don't know do you what powers your home?


No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....
And how do you think you get your water? It's pumped to your home by pumps powered by electricity generated by coal.

Can wind and solar do that? You idiots want to rely on impractical sources of power and cripple the economy. You'd much rather put people on the streets.

Your buddy bearbreath.....with the other half of the brain you share just posted a cure chart (post #128) showing how little we're using coal.......Get together will you?
The CNN segment features people who live in Eastern Kentucky coal country and backed Trump because he promised to bring back coal jobs. Now, however, they worry that a provision in the ACA that makes it easier for longtime coal miners with black lung disease to get disability benefits could get eliminated along with the law. That provision shifted the burden of proving that the disability was directly caused by work in the mines away from the victim. Those benefits include financial and medical benefits. Some benefits now also extend to the widows of miners who had black lung disease — or pneumoconiosis, a lung illness associated with inhalation of coal dust — after their husbands die. Other reporting has also confirmed widespread coal country worries about losing these protections.

One man who worked in the mines for 35 years told CNN’s Miguel Marquez:

“When they eliminate the Obamacare, they may just eliminate all of the black lung program. It may all be gone. Don’t matter how many years you got.”

The widow of a deceased miner, who is now trying to get the benefits, said she doesn’t want to see Obamacare repealed, and even suggested Trump may be on the verge of betraying her and others in the region:
There is some evidence that many of those people voted for Trump.

“If he don’t come across like he promised, he’s not gonna be there next time. Not if I can help it.”

Fuck 'em....
What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

hey, moron.....THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED to keep many coal mines open when there is much LESS need for coal.....PERIOD......

Obamacare provided subsidies for black lunged miners......The rest of coal miners will have to find OTHER work......
Again, we NO longer need riders for the Pony Express.

I hope you can hear yourself right now.

You want to put people out of work to appease your environmental sensibilities.
No you idiot, we put air we can breath and water we can drink without getting cancer far more important than losers who refuse to update their skill to get a job in the real world....

These are the same idiot's who wanted to get rid of Obamacare and were too stupid to realize that their "Black Lung" check was authorized from a President they despised...fuck 'em and let them all die from Black Lung now..

So you want to freeze or your mommy's heating bill is a thousand dollars a month?
I already know that you can't provide any facts to substantiate that silly assed talking point you just threw out...

Already did..

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