Expect a barrage of "thank you" cards to pour into Trump's oval office.

Muslim ban Muslim ban Muslim ban Muslim ban. Oh my. I am so awful.

I'm calling a spade a spade. What a bunch of posers.

A "Muslim Ban" implies that all Muslims are being banned.

Then "Muslim terrorist" implies that all Muslims are terrorists.

You can't have it both ways.

No it doesn't. Not in the slightest Muslim is an adjective that describes the terrorists. Terrorist is not an adjective describing Muslims.

This is basic English
And I should mail you a thank you card for continuing to perpetrate this lie that it is a "Muslim Ban"

Even you're smart enough to know that's not true, old timer. Yeah, you're 70 years old and you haven't learned that lying on purpose to score political points is wrong. I guess it's wrong of me to expect that wisdom always comes with age.

There are 49 Muslim majority countries and he bans 7. The religion of Islam consists 1.6 billion followers. If it were truly a Muslim ban it would ban all Muslims. But it doesn't now does it?

It IS a Muslim ban.........I read foreign press and ALL Muslim countries (who are not beholden on US subsidies) are calling it a Muslim ban.....

When you target immigrants based purely on religion....regardless if its from a few of the Muslim countries,,,,,,ALL Muslims take insult.

Nazi FIRST started their persecution of Jews in Germany....they then expanded it to Austria, Slovakia, etc......Do you really think that Jews in Poland, Belgium and France did NOT take offense when Nazis first started in just Germany?
Oh, Trump will get their thank you cards alright. For not threatening to put them all out of business.

Only true morons would agree with the above......Let's see natural gas is cheaper and easier to "mine" than coal.......so, what does Trump promises coal mining outfits?.........

Simple!!! To mitigate the extra cost for coal mining outfits, Trump will ALLOW them to pollute rivers, streams and lakes as much as their hearts' desire....Fuck clean air and water.
Thing is, the wall is going to get built, regardless of who pays for it.

Two reactions to your stupidity ..........

Did you EVER hear Trump in his campaign state...."I will build a beautiful wall and YOU taxpayers in the U.S. will pay for it" ??? (that would have gone over well..LOL)

Second, did you know that there ARE beautiful walls already built, and the one close to San Diego has had 30 tunnels built UNDER the fucking wall.
t IS a Muslim ban.........I read foreign press and ALL Muslim countries (who are not beholden on US subsidies) are calling it a Muslim ban

Then they wallow in the same pit of ignorance you do.

For if it were a true "Muslim ban" you would be banning all 1.6 billion adherents of Islam from the United States. That little meme suggests a totality for which there isn't.

How hard is it for you to understand that?
Second, did you know that there ARE beautiful walls already built, and the one close to San Diego has had 30 tunnels built UNDER the fucking wall.

Well then, what more reason for there to be a wall?

Hey, here's a good one, build the wall deep enough underground where it makes it impractical for the illegal immigrants to dig tunnels that far down.

20 feet above, 30 feet under.

There's more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak.
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Nazi FIRST started their persecution of Jews in Germany....they then expanded it to Austria, Slovakia, etc......Do you really think that Jews in Poland, Belgium and France did NOT take offense when Nazis first started in just Germany?

And how is Trump "persecuting" Muslims?

Remember, for there to be persecution, there needs to be a ban.

No ban, no persecution.
Oh, Trump will get their thank you cards alright. For not threatening to put them all out of business.

Only true morons would agree with the above......Let's see natural gas is cheaper and easier to "mine" than coal.......so, what does Trump promises coal mining outfits?.........

Simple!!! To mitigate the extra cost for coal mining outfits, Trump will ALLOW them to pollute rivers, streams and lakes as much as their hearts' desire....Fuck clean air and water.

Running short on material today, nat?

So, if you want to put those people out of business, offer something in return for a husband whose family just imploded because you put the coal manufacturer he worked for out of business, and him subsequently out of a job. Offer them something that would be equitable in in exchange for appeasing your environmental sensibilities, you know, so they don't wind up on the streets.

Either you can protect the jobs or the environment. You can't do both without either damaging the environment or killing jobs.

Not so simple anymore, is it?
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Which completely undermines your argument against the ban. If these are innocent refugees fleeing Isis, why would they be more susceptible to join Isis? And if they are more likely to join Isis because they cant come here for a few months, we should put in more stringent getting guidelines and keeping such people out.

here, nitiwit, deal with this factoid

The 19 hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 15 from Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

Now, tell me if those 7 countries where Trump placed a Muslim ban had any of the above scumbags?
Remember, for there to be persecution, there needs to be a ban.

No ban, no persecution.

"Great" analogy......

Follow it up with, No guns, No mass shootings, No wall street bankers, no more ripping off retirees,No sex, no abortions.......should I go on?
Then they wallow in the same pit of ignorance you do.

For if it were a true "Muslim ban" you would be banning all 1.6 billion adherents of Islam from the United States. That little meme suggests a totality for which there isn't.

How hard is it for you to understand that?

Too stupid to even respond to........By all means, advocate for a TOTAL Muslim ban....heck, ban anyone who isn't a white supremacist.....LOL
Geez, when is the psychotic left going to let go of the Russia thing? If any computers were hacked by Russia it's president Barry Hussein's fault isn't it? Trump was just a candidate.
So, if you want to put those people out of business, offer something in return for a husband whose family just imploded because you put the coal manufacturer he worked for out of business, and him subsequently out of a job.

Actually Obama did......for all those miners and their families who developed black lung diseases.......and, don't forget, we ALSO put builders of horse drawn wagons mostly out of business.
Which completely undermines your argument against the ban. If these are innocent refugees fleeing Isis, why would they be more susceptible to join Isis? And if they are more likely to join Isis because they cant come here for a few months, we should put in more stringent getting guidelines and keeping such people out.

here, nitiwit, deal with this factoid

The 19 hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 15 from Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon.

Now, tell me if those 7 countries where Trump placed a Muslim ban had any of the above scumbags?

Your not the sharpest drawer in the drawer are you Nat?

Saudi Arabia is fighting our war with Iran in Yemen now..

So now would we prohibit are closest ally in the region?
So, if you want to put those people out of business, offer something in return for a husband whose family just imploded because you put the coal manufacturer he worked for out of business, and him subsequently out of a job.

Actually Obama did......for all those miners and their families who developed black lung diseases.......and, don't forget, we ALSO put builders of horse drawn wagons mostly out of business.

What did he offer? Food Stamps? Welfare? We're talking about perfectly healthy workers here who like their jobs or who rely on them to put food on the table.

There should be TONS of “thank you” cards pouring in to the oval office……and Trump deserves them….

1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

3. Further, Wall Street bankers should thank Trump for his help in eliminating those pesky restrictions demanding that these “investors” first responsibility was to protect retirees accounts instead of the investors’ profits.

4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

6. And, of course, the NRA and gun manufacturers should really thank Trump for allowing them to seel guns to deranged people because…….after all…….”the best way to ward off a bad guy with a gun is to have an insane guy ALSO with a gun.”

7. Finally, a rather expensive thank you card should arrive to Trump’s tiny hands from lobbyists, because although Trump banned them from the halls of congress, he nonetheless has allowed them to be part of HIS cabinet.

Lots of thank you cards pouring in……..and, well deserved, I may add.

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