Expect a barrage of "thank you" cards to pour into Trump's oval office.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."
I'm so glad you "think" it's illegal.
I have yet to converse with one Liberal attorney who agrees with you.
They're not happy with Trump, but I haven't heard them making bullshit, subjective claims either.
Well, the courts seem to be saying it's illegal and not even close. And there are republicans who agree.
They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."
I'm so glad you "think" it's illegal.
I have yet to converse with one Liberal attorney who agrees with you.
They're not happy with Trump, but I haven't heard them making bullshit, subjective claims either.
you should try conversing with American attorneys
you really need to get over it.
We know you hate the U.S, we know you love the terrorists and criminals.
Its why us sane people really dont think you belong or deserve to be in this country.

You're funny, MDPatsy..........and idiot for sure, but funny nonentheless......LOL
Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."
I'm so glad you "think" it's illegal.
I have yet to converse with one Liberal attorney who agrees with you.
They're not happy with Trump, but I haven't heard them making bullshit, subjective claims either.
Well, the courts seem to be saying it's illegal and not even close. And there are republicans who agree.
A LIBERAL court and a bunch of Neo-Conservative attorneys.
I watch all the networks...I know all the sentences that fade off into vagueness.
you really need to get over it.
We know you hate the U.S, we know you love the terrorists and criminals.
Its why us sane people really dont think you belong or deserve to be in this country.

You're funny, MDPatsy..........and idiot for sure, but funny nonentheless......LOL
I think based on this thread you have proven yourself to be the idiot.
Actually, you have pretty much been proving that for well over a year now, that I know of.
Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."
I'm so glad you "think" it's illegal.
I have yet to converse with one Liberal attorney who agrees with you.
They're not happy with Trump, but I haven't heard them making bullshit, subjective claims either.
you should try conversing with American attorneys
I agree but they're so damn hard to find on Long Island.
you really need to get over it.
We know you hate the U.S, we know you love the terrorists and criminals.
Its why us sane people really dont think you belong or deserve to be in this country.

You're funny, MDPatsy..........and idiot for sure, but funny nonentheless......LOL
I think based on this thread you have proven yourself to be the idiot.
Actually, you have pretty much been proving that for well over a year now, that I know of.
Now don't go insulting the idiots.
Gnat's in a sub-class all his own.
Not ONE (actually Avatar tried one point about ISIS and failed) has really taken apart one of my tongue-n-cheek points in the O/P........

I sarcastically mentioned Wall Street bankers, coal mining outfits, Mexican president Nieto, insane folks with guns, the KGB, etc........and NOT one of these nitwits has come out and stated......."that is blatantly false and here's the truth........."

.............One wonders why?
Not ONE (actually Avatar tried one point about ISIS and failed) has really taken apart one of my tongue-n-cheek points in the O/P........

I sarcastically mentioned Wall Street bankers, coal mining outfits, Mexican president Nieto, insane folks with guns, the KGB, etc........and NOT one of these nitwits has come out and stated......."that is blatantly false and here's the truth........."

.............One wonders why?
Because you're an unlikable, predictable, ignorant hating POS?
1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

And I should mail you a thank you card for continuing to perpetrate this lie that it is a "Muslim Ban"

Even you're smart enough to know that's not true, old timer. Yeah, you're 70 years old and you haven't learned that lying on purpose to score political points is wrong. I guess it's wrong of me to expect that wisdom always comes with age.

There are 49 Muslim majority countries and he bans 7. The religion of Islam consists 1.6 billion followers. If it were truly a Muslim ban it would ban all Muslims. But it doesn't now does it?

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

When you compare Trump and his policies to Hitler's, you have zero room to talk.
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4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

Oh, Trump will get their thank you cards alright. For not threatening to put them all out of business.

Sarcasm involves lying in a derogatory manner. It's refreshing that you'd admit to being nasty and dishonest.

Now, that definition of "sarcasm" you pulled out of your fat ass....Do learn the English language a bit better and DO show where in the points I made in the O/P the so-called "dishonesty".....

If you can't do that........find a toilet seat to vent your frustrations.

Try to say something sarcastically that doesn't involve you saying something untrue. try to be sarcastic while being kind.

You can't. Why? Because they are inherent elements of sarcasm.

I used to be an incredible sarcastic man until I learned that truth. Since then I've tried to cut back on sarcasm significantly. There is no happiness is telling lies in a mean way.
5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

Thing is, the wall is going to get built, regardless of who pays for it.
Dear Mr. President,

Thank you for diverting out attention away from the fact you and the GOP are not doing anything about rising health care costs and a skyrocketing national debt. Thank you for diverting our attention by obsessing on crowd sizes and fearmongering about Muslims.

I hardly even notice my monthly insurance premiums and my pending tax bill these days.
The ban was poorly written, can be challenged, and the fault is not the opposition.
Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news".

And yet you keep repeating the #MuslimBan meme. You know it's false and you keep repeating it.

Come, prove to me that this is an exclusive ban of the entire religion of Islam from America.

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