Expect a barrage of "thank you" cards to pour into Trump's oval office.

Move to the TheOriginalFuckistanTree: what drivel.

We've been fighting Jihadists for over 225 years imbecile.
And we have also tried bribing them like your butt boy Obama did.

The only thing that works is a show of force.

Where do you think the Marine theme song comes from?

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marines

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.

Marines' Hymn - Wikipedia

Liberals are So Phucking Dumb it hurts me to even try to have a conversation with them.
Yup. We have been fighting Christians just as long as well as Native Americans.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
Move to the TheOriginalFuckistanTree: what drivel.

We've been fighting Jihadists for over 225 years imbecile.
And we have also tried bribing them like your butt boy Obama did.

The only thing that works is a show of force.

Where do you think the Marine theme song comes from?

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marines

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes,
You will find us always on the job
The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve;
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes,
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.

Marines' Hymn - Wikipedia

Liberals are So Phucking Dumb it hurts me to even try to have a conversation with them.

I thought Halls of Montezuma was in there too, but whatever. It always sounded a bit Cortez-Cortez to me.
Move to the TheOriginalFuckistanTree: what drivel.
I hear Jefferson issues an EO banning immigration by muslims from the Barbary Coast

He sent the Marines and the US Navy to kick their asses, because they attacked us without provocation, simply because we were "Infidels".

And phucking paying ransom doesn't work either. Didn't work against the Barbary Pirates, and Didn't work with Iran.

Only an idiot and a coward (Obama) thinks you can negotiate with Rabid Islamocists Hell bent on Jihad.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
Yea, it is losing traction.
Move to the TheOriginalFuckistanTree: what drivel.
I hear Jefferson issues an EO banning immigration by muslims from the Barbary Coast
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."

PS, I think Hatch and Bennett and even Lee make it clear that discrimination is NOT ok.
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Move to the TheOriginalFuckistanTree: what drivel.
I hear Jefferson issues an EO banning immigration by muslims from the Barbary Coast

He sent the Marines and the US Navy to kick their asses, because they attacked us without provocation, simply because we were "Infidels".

And phucking paying ransom doesn't work either. Didn't work against the Barbary Pirates, and Didn't work with Iran.

Only an idiot and a coward (Obama) thinks you can negotiate with Rabid Islamocists Hell bent on Jihad.
Oh, I thought they were pirates.
There should be TONS of “thank you” cards pouring in to the oval office……and Trump deserves them….

1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

3. Further, Wall Street bankers should thank Trump for his help in eliminating those pesky restrictions demanding that these “investors” first responsibility was to protect retirees accounts instead of the investors’ profits.

4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

6. And, of course, the NRA and gun manufacturers should really thank Trump for allowing them to seel guns to deranged people because…….after all…….”the best way to ward off a bad guy with a gun is to have an insane guy ALSO with a gun.”

7. Finally, a rather expensive thank you card should arrive to Trump’s tiny hands from lobbyists, because although Trump banned them from the halls of congress, he nonetheless has allowed them to be part of HIS cabinet.

Lots of thank you cards pouring in……..and, well deserved, I may add.
you really need to get over it.
We know you hate the U.S, we know you love the terrorists and criminals.
Its why us sane people really dont think you belong or deserve to be in this country.
One thing about Dupes, they are amazingly capable of parroting the narrative of the elite left.

Actually, any "parroting" I will leave to Melania's speeches.....LOL

She won't be making any. I think she actually hates him as much as we do.

Melania, Barron Trump may not move into White House, says report ...
5 days ago - First lady Melania Trump and 10-year-old son, Barron, were expected to move into the White House later this year -- but a new report suggests this transition may not happen. ... "They will reevaluate toward the end of the school year if they will keep this arrangement or if Melania ...
First Lady Melania Trump May Never Move Into the White House - Us ...
5 days ago - First Lady Melania Trump, who planned to move to the White House in ... insider reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly that may nothappen.
Melania Trump Might Not Be Moving into the White House After All ...
5 days ago - Mrs. Trump is reportedly considering holding off on moving to D.C. indefinitely.
Why Melania Trump Doesn't Want to Move to White House - People
Nov 21, 2016 - Inside Melania Trump's Decision to Stay in New York Instead of the White ... the wife of the president-elect does not want to live in theWhite House. ... reporters that Melania and Barron would move into theWhite House “right ...

Melania might be the smart one, Don the Con could be back before the Summer...

Barron is probably not going to have to make new friends... So there is a bright side...
looks like Melania is smart, she knows there is no way to fumigate the White House after it has been occupied by the likes of the obamas. She is looking out for her families health.
So you guys are screaming that he is "not your president", violently protesting for tolerance, and still wont admit that the Obama administration was covered in scandals despite your candidate losing because of her involvement in them. But we are in denial and wallowing....

Now where the hell did you get above from???Yes, trump is the president and I can slam the clown as much as I want.....and I am not asking for "tolerance" from someone that I regard as a spoiled child.
Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.

You judge the level of Trump's "sanity"......

President Trump Defends Travel Ban:
'Any Negative Polls Are Fake News'

President Trump Slams Negative Polls as 'Fake News'
Does being an angry old man who regurgitates talking points really make you happy?

All I've tried to do with my O/P is to present a series of debatable points.....
So far, right wingers have NOT directly countered with a fact that would negate one of those points......

"talking points" are not in themselves lies.....they're simply a conduit to offer a counter-point.........My sarcasm about "thank you" cards simply offers this:

If I stated a LIE, then show me and others that it was a lie. ...If not, you'll have to learn to live with your delusions.
You dont think the white house will be flooded with thank you notes so you? What exactly do you call it when you say something that you believe is false?

And how does Isis benefit from not being able to sneak soldiers in with refugees? It's nonsense.
Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.

Losing traction? A new poll today said that 51% approve of the temp travel ban. I'm not one to put alot of stock in polls. But considering it wasn't really popular to begin with and has anywhere close to 51% doesn't sound like it's losing traction.
I'm not much into polls on issues like this either. But, imo, this is more about Bannon seeing a chance to bash the Judiciary on an issue near and dear to the Trumpbots. Policy wise it is bad. It's illegal. But I think its all about Bannon and politics. And no disrespect, but I think you're LDS, and I suspect the LDS are one group that by and large doesn't like "the ban."
I'm so glad you "think" it's illegal.
I have yet to converse with one Liberal attorney who agrees with you.
They're not happy with Trump, but I haven't heard them making bullshit, subjective claims either.

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