Expect a barrage of "thank you" cards to pour into Trump's oval office.

The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.
One thing about Dupes, they are amazingly capable of parroting the narrative of the elite left.

Actually, any "parroting" I will leave to Melania's speeches.....LOL

She won't be making any. I think she actually hates him as much as we do.

Melania, Barron Trump may not move into White House, says report ...
5 days ago - First lady Melania Trump and 10-year-old son, Barron, were expected to move into the White House later this year -- but a new report suggests this transition may not happen. ... "They will reevaluate toward the end of the school year if they will keep this arrangement or if Melania ...
First Lady Melania Trump May Never Move Into the White House - Us ...
5 days ago - First Lady Melania Trump, who planned to move to the White House in ... insider reveals in the new issue of Us Weekly that may nothappen.
Melania Trump Might Not Be Moving into the White House After All ...
5 days ago - Mrs. Trump is reportedly considering holding off on moving to D.C. indefinitely.
Why Melania Trump Doesn't Want to Move to White House - People
Nov 21, 2016 - Inside Melania Trump's Decision to Stay in New York Instead of the White ... the wife of the president-elect does not want to live in theWhite House. ... reporters that Melania and Barron would move into theWhite House “right ...

Ivanka will have to "fill in"........LOL
Nothing like the "BARRAGE" of fail posted by NAT prior to the election.

For someone that was so incredibly wrong and also a dick about it, you would think he would keep his head down a bit....not this snowflake.
Does being an angry old man who regurgitates talking points really make you happy?

Why not let the guy be president for a while and see the tangible results first?

The way Trump has fucked up in just TWO weeks, should give you an indication of what the next 2 years will be like........BTW, that is how much time I give Trump...2 years of lawsuits.....just wait until the conflicts of interest lawsuits.

Exactly. His administration will be exactly like his privately-held businesses...completely balled up in lawsuits.

Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency
There should be TONS of “thank you” cards pouring in to the oval office……and Trump deserves them….

1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

3. Further, Wall Street bankers should thank Trump for his help in eliminating those pesky restrictions demanding that these “investors” first responsibility was to protect retirees accounts instead of the investors’ profits.

4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

6. And, of course, the NRA and gun manufacturers should really thank Trump for allowing them to seel guns to deranged people because…….after all…….”the best way to ward off a bad guy with a gun is to have an insane guy ALSO with a gun.”

7. Finally, a rather expensive thank you card should arrive to Trump’s tiny hands from lobbyists, because although Trump banned them from the halls of congress, he nonetheless has allowed them to be part of HIS cabinet.

Lots of thank you cards pouring in……..and, well deserved, I may add.
Does being an angry old man who regurgitates talking points really make you happy?

Why not let the guy be president for a while and see the tangible results first?

So attack the messenger since you can't attack the message. How angry and old of you.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.
Why would anyone refute your assertions? You haven't bothered to establish anything.

If I assert that grass is blue because I say so should I expect someone refuting me?

My sarcasm was trying to point out how truly fucked up these 2 weeks of Trump have been.....You have a choice....Either admit that the orange clown is NOT fit to sit in the oval office.....our keep drinking the kool-aid.

Yes, you made that claim (about the two weeks).

Some of us don't see it the same way.

As is always the case.....a difference in standards is causing the problem.

That is usually where the discussion should be....the rest takes care of itself.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary).

But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

Actually, many of us puked while pulling the lever for Trump (would have barfed up a lung had it been Hillary). But, so far, he hasn't pushed the button.....I am not feeling so badly.
I believe that. Trump has not started WWIII, the GOP in Congress obviously are going to keep him within bounds, and his 'ban' and some other measures are losing traction. Good. Hillary is not President. Good. And since Trump is on notice from Pence and Mattis, this may turn out OK.
Nothing like the "BARRAGE" of fail posted by NAT prior to the election.

For someone that was so incredibly wrong and also a dick about it, you would think he would keep his head down a bit....not this snowflake.
They have no shame.
They have no shame.

This from one of the right wing idiots who back Trump's policy to give guns to mentally unstable people?........
Talk about shame, take it up with the parents at Sandy Hook.
Why would anyone refute your assertions? You haven't bothered to establish anything.

If I assert that grass is blue because I say so should I expect someone refuting me?

My sarcasm was trying to point out how truly fucked up these 2 weeks of Trump have been.....You have a choice....Either admit that the orange clown is NOT fit to sit in the oval office.....our keep drinking the kool-aid.

Sarcasm involves lying in a derogatory manner. It's refreshing that you'd admit to being nasty and dishonest.

Kool aid is not a conservative drink. We tend to not waste time with children's drinks.
Does being an angry old man who regurgitates talking points really make you happy?

All I've tried to do with my O/P is to present a series of debatable points.....
So far, right wingers have NOT directly countered with a fact that would negate one of those points......

"talking points" are not in themselves lies.....they're simply a conduit to offer a counter-point.........My sarcasm about "thank you" cards simply offers this:

If I stated a LIE, then show me and others that it was a lie. ...If not, you'll have to learn to live with your delusions.
There should be TONS of “thank you” cards pouring in to the oval office……and Trump deserves them….

1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

3. Further, Wall Street bankers should thank Trump for his help in eliminating those pesky restrictions demanding that these “investors” first responsibility was to protect retirees accounts instead of the investors’ profits.

4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

6. And, of course, the NRA and gun manufacturers should really thank Trump for allowing them to seel guns to deranged people because…….after all…….”the best way to ward off a bad guy with a gun is to have an insane guy ALSO with a gun.”

7. Finally, a rather expensive thank you card should arrive to Trump’s tiny hands from lobbyists, because although Trump banned them from the halls of congress, he nonetheless has allowed them to be part of HIS cabinet.

Lots of thank you cards pouring in……..and, well deserved, I may add.
Does being an angry old man who regurgitates talking points really make you happy?

Why not let the guy be president for a while and see the tangible results first?

So attack the messenger since you can't attack the message. How angry and old of you.

Are you attacking someone by asking them if their anger is making them happy?

To answer your question, I'm not angry. I didn't vote for trump, but he is doing better than I expected even if he is still rough around the edges.

Even so it be foolish to let my mood be controlled by who was president anyway. It serves no purpose. Nor does lying or wasting time writing up a point by point response to a shotgun post by someone who wont listen anyway.

My guy didn't win. I can either choose yo be angry or work with all who are willing to make this nation better.
Sarcasm involves lying in a derogatory manner. It's refreshing that you'd admit to being nasty and dishonest.

Now, that definition of "sarcasm" you pulled out of your fat ass....Do learn the English language a bit better and DO show where in the points I made in the O/P the so-called "dishonesty".....

If you can't do that........find a toilet seat to vent your frustrations.
The crazies have elected such a doofus as POTUS.

Actually, its not the Trump lies that worry me too much....A liar is expected to lie and refute reality as "fake news"....

What worries me much more is all the right wing idiots that keep on swallowing Trump's bullshit as manna from the heavens.

They are in the denial stage. Wallowing in voter's remorse and yet can't even admit it to themselves yet. Wearing blinders the size of toilet seats and ear plugs bigger than loaves of Wonder Bread.

So you guys are screaming that he is "not your president", violently protesting for tolerance, and still wont admit that the Obama administration was covered in scandals despite your candidate losing because of her involvement in them. But we are in denial and wallowing....

Lol seriously. I needed a good laugh. Thank you. I hope telling yourself this makes you feel better. But it probably won't. Only the truth can set you free.
There should be TONS of “thank you” cards pouring in to the oval office……and Trump deserves them….

1. First a wonderful show of gratitude from ISIS for Trump’s unwavering help in proving, through his immigration ban, to the billions of Muslims that the U.S. is indeed waging a war against Islam.

2. All of Russia’s ex-KGB thugs should also send thank you cards to Trump, for his unfaltering support and loyalty to their cause and for comparing their murderous tactics to what we also do in the U.S.

3. Further, Wall Street bankers should thank Trump for his help in eliminating those pesky restrictions demanding that these “investors” first responsibility was to protect retirees accounts instead of the investors’ profits.

4. Coal mining outfits should send a soiled thank you card to the oval office expressing their gratitude for being allowed to dump ALL the toxic substances that they want into rivers and streams…..Who needs clean water and air anyway?

5. Mexico’s president Nieto should ALSO issue his gratitude to Trump for helping him from basement-low approval ratings in his own country, to stardom ratings for telling Trump to stick his “….and Mexico will pay for the wall” bullshit up his orange behind.

6. And, of course, the NRA and gun manufacturers should really thank Trump for allowing them to seel guns to deranged people because…….after all…….”the best way to ward off a bad guy with a gun is to have an insane guy ALSO with a gun.”

7. Finally, a rather expensive thank you card should arrive to Trump’s tiny hands from lobbyists, because although Trump banned them from the halls of congress, he nonetheless has allowed them to be part of HIS cabinet.

Lots of thank you cards pouring in……..and, well deserved, I may add.
But he is doing what he promised he would do for his voters. It's true it's all a bullshit reality show with no substance, but that's what they voted for.
Now whether the jobs are coming back ...... I have to say I don't think he's automatically a fail.

It's an op ed, but still.

Op-Ed: President Trump’s major Asian breakthrough
Exactly what kind of "Immigration Bans" or "Travel Bans" were in place against the people that carried out 911?

You should move to Cuba, or Islamofuckistan.

We let those people even go to flight school here in the US to learn how to fly Jumbo Jets in to the World Trade Center, to kill over 3,000 people in an unprovoked attack.

You have got to be an idiot. Jihadists don't give a phuck about anyone or anything but Jihad.
The Core Principle of Islam is to engage in Jihad, and The Dar Al Islam. Which is to make the entire world submit to Islam.

Thomas Jefferson had to create The US Navy and Marines to fight them in Tripoli because they attacked our ships continually and without provocation.

When we sent diplomats to ask them why they were attacking innocent people, taking hostages, and attacking merchant ships in The Mediterranean without provocation, they replied that we were Infidels and Sinners and deserved to die, and be attacked because we did not Honor allah.

Liberals have no concept of history, and have got to be the dumbest and most naive phucks on the planet.

Here read for yourself.

In March 1786, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they inquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

"It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every MUSLIM who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once." [24]

Jefferson reported the conversation to Secretary of Foreign Affairs John Jay, who submitted the ambassador's comments and offer to Congress. Jefferson argued that paying tribute would encourage more attacks. Although John Adams agreed with Jefferson, he believed that circumstances forced the U.S. to pay tribute until an adequate navy could be built. The U.S. had just fought an exhausting war, which put the nation deep in debt. Federalist and Anti-Federalist forces argued over the needs of the country and the burden of taxation. Jefferson's own Democratic-Republicans and anti-navalists believed that the future of the country lay in westward expansion, with Atlantic trade threatening to siphon money and energy away from the new nation, to be spent on wars in the Old World.[25] The U.S. paid Algiers the ransom, and continued to pay up to $1 million per year over the next 15 years for the safe passage of American ships and the return of American hostages.[citation needed] A $1 million payment in ransom and tribute to the privateering states amounted to approximately 10% of the U.S. government's annual revenues in 1800.[26]

Jefferson continued to argue for cessation of the tribute, with rising support from George Washington and others. With the recommissioning of the American Navy in 1794 and the resulting increased firepower on the seas, it became increasingly possible for America to refuse paying tribute, although by now the long-standing habit was hard to overturn.

Declaration of war and naval blockade[edit]
Just before Jefferson's inauguration in 1801, Congress passed naval legislation that, among other things, provided for six frigates that 'shall be officered and manned as the President of the United States may direct.' ... In the event of a declaration of war on the United States by the Barbary powers, these ships were to 'protect our commerce and chastise their insolence—by sinking, burning or destroying their ships and vessels wherever you shall find them.'"[27] On Jefferson's inauguration as president in 1801, Yusuf Karamanli, the Pasha (or Bashaw) of Tripoli, demanded $225,000 (equivalent to $3.24 million in 2016) from the new administration. (In 1800, federal revenues totaled a little over $10 million). Putting his long-held beliefs into practice, Jefferson refused the demand. Consequently, on 10 May 1801, the Pasha declared war on the U.S., not through any formal written documents but in the customary Barbary manner of cutting down the flagstaff in front of the U.S. Consulate.[28]

First Barbary War - Wikipedia

You can read the whole damn thing for yourself or remain a naive idiot.
There is nothing you can do to appease these people.
The only right thing and proper thing to do is stand up to them, not coddle them like Obama did, and like you would have us do.
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