Experiences with Women

Wake, you are a weird fucker. I'd say that you have a high degree of narcissism. You are also very needy. There is nothing more creepy and pathetic than listening to a purported man talk about his feelings and whine about relationships.
And there is nothing like a fucking pigbearman pretending to be an ironhead and thinking we are all too stupid not to see it.
You sure know a lot about Wake for being new.
I feel bad for these random people who think they're cool for pretending to be macho over the anonymous internet. They're not fooling anyone. Unko' just trolling, and so is Iron Head, and I don't even know who that big mouth is, and have never interacted with him before. Maybe he is a sock, too. I dunno. Life's too short to waste much time on crappy people like that.
I feel bad for these random people who think they're cool for pretending to be macho over the anonymous internet. They're not fooling anyone. Unko' just trolling, and so is Iron Head, and I don't even know who that big mouth is, and have never interacted with him before. Maybe he is a sock, too. I dunno. Life's too short to waste much time on crappy people like that.
Did you ever see Hugh Laurie on Blackadder?
I feel bad for these random people who think they're cool for pretending to be macho over the anonymous internet. They're not fooling anyone. Unko' just trolling, and so is Iron Head, and I don't even know who that big mouth is, and have never interacted with him before. Maybe he is a sock, too. I dunno. Life's too short to waste much time on crappy people like that.
Ironhead is manbearpig. Sttab.
Unko' just trolling.......

No, really, you need to have more self-respect. This all comes off as cartoonishly ridiculous and insecure.

You really don't know me or how far I've come.

Maybe you should ask me some questions about my background first before you jump the gun.
Unko' just trolling.......

No, really, you need to have more self-respect. This all comes off as cartoonishly ridiculous and insecure.
Unko' just trolling.......

No, really, you need to have more self-respect. This all comes off as cartoonishly ridiculous and insecure.

You really don't know me or how far I've come.

Maybe you should ask me some questions about my background first before you jump the gun.

Holy crap, you are missing the point.

If all you're going to be is a flaming dick then I don't give a damn what you think and nothing you say or do is contributing anything. All you're doing is being an asshole. If that's it, then why are you even here? Maybe instead of being an asshole you can show me more of whatever it is you think I'm lacking, so that I can learn from you. Do you really think just lobbing generic insults is gonna do anything good? It's not. I made this thread to have a discussion, because this is a discussion forum. If you're not going to contribute then you're just wasting everyone's time and making people think even less of you when you don't even need to be acting like an asshole in the first place.
Unko' just trolling.......

No, really, you need to have more self-respect. This all comes off as cartoonishly ridiculous and insecure.

You really don't know me or how far I've come.

Maybe you should ask me some questions about my background first before you jump the gun.

Holy crap, you are missing the point.

If all you're going to be is a flaming dick then I don't give a damn what you think and nothing you say or do is contributing anything. All you're doing is being an asshole. If that's it, then why are you even here? Maybe instead of being an asshole you can show me more of whatever it is you think I'm lacking, so that I can learn from you. Do you really think just lobbing generic insults is gonna do anything good? It's not. I made this thread to have a discussion, because this is a discussion forum. If you're not going to contribute then you're just wasting everyone's time and making people think even less of you when you don't even need to be acting like an asshole in the first place.

I think the thing is that women don't want a door mat, but they don't want an asshole either. There IS a happy medium there. Because you are "looking" to have a LTR, you probably give off those kind of "vibes" if you know what I mean. I don't want to sound mean, but desperation is never attractive. Don't mention that you are looking for a long term serious relationship. Don't say anything about being lonely or anything like that. That will make some people turn around and run away. Lol. It is important to be yourself though. Don't pretend to be something that you aren't, because that will only backfire on you in the long run. You just need to learn how to play it more cool, I think. That doesn't mean being a jerk or ignoring the girl you like either though. Like I said, there is a happy medium between desperate doormat and asshole fuck face. :D
Wake...you are aiming for broken women. That girl you said you liked...she is a mess and it looks like she enjoys staying in it. Why are you attracted to broken girls? That is something you need to explore in yourself...and put a whoa on it. Fast.
Did you think that maybe..just maybe..there is a woman you work with that is interested in you but is too shy or hesitant to let on? You seem to focus on the bad girls..bad as in being FUCKED UP in da head. Stop being a daddy/friend to losers, cuz that is what it sounds like what you did. She needed a friend to whine to, then you told her how you really felt, and she backed off to go back to her scummy boyfriend. Good. Consider it a blessing cuz HE can deal with her mental issues and insecurities where she allows what he does and what she does to herself.

People only do to you what you LET them do to you.

And stop looking. But be aware. Someone might just be right under your nose and you haven't seen her cuz you are too busy being someone elses scapegoat.
I think the thing is that women don't want a door mat, but they don't want an asshole either. There IS a happy medium there. Because you are "looking" to have a LTR, you probably give off those kind of "vibes" if you know what I mean. I don't want to sound mean, but desperation is never attractive. Don't mention that you are looking for a long term serious relationship. Don't say anything about being lonely or anything like that. That will make some people turn around and run away. Lol. It is important to be yourself though. Don't pretend to be something that you aren't, because that will only backfire on you in the long run. You just need to learn how to play it more cool, I think. That doesn't mean being a jerk or ignoring the girl you like either though. Like I said, there is a happy medium between desperate doormat and asshole fuck face. :D

.... desperation is never attractive. ......

Kinda part of what I'm sayin.......

So, honestly, I'm not lying when I say I have no experience with dating. Part of the reason why I dislike religion is because I was forced to be raised in a very Traditional, almost zealous Christian upbringing.

Takes a while to 're-wire' and undo that sort of damage.

I'm not desperate, and though I am looking for a LTR I make sure I stay quiet on that. It's like you can't be directly honest, but I guess I would be afraid too if an attractive woman walked up to me, hit on me, and mentioned looking for a good man to marry.

You don't to scare a girl away by revealing too much about what you feel. Best to leave an air of mystery, I think. Make her question whether or not the man likes her. If you share too much information, you become boring, I think. It's these subtle things I'm learning about. Any good-spirited guidance you can give me I will absorb and use.
You don't to scare a girl away by revealing too much about what you feel. Best to leave an air of mystery, I think. Make her question whether or not the man likes her. If you share too much information, you become boring, I think.
I think the thing is that women don't want a door mat, but they don't want an asshole either. There IS a happy medium there. Because you are "looking" to have a LTR, you probably give off those kind of "vibes" if you know what I mean. I don't want to sound mean, but desperation is never attractive. Don't mention that you are looking for a long term serious relationship. Don't say anything about being lonely or anything like that. That will make some people turn around and run away. Lol. It is important to be yourself though. Don't pretend to be something that you aren't, because that will only backfire on you in the long run. You just need to learn how to play it more cool, I think. That doesn't mean being a jerk or ignoring the girl you like either though. Like I said, there is a happy medium between desperate doormat and asshole fuck face. :D

.... desperation is never attractive. ......

Kinda part of what I'm sayin.......

So, honestly, I'm not lying when I say I have no experience with dating. Part of the reason why I dislike religion is because I was forced to be raised in a very Traditional, almost zealous Christian upbringing.

Takes a while to 're-wire' and undo that sort of damage.

I'm not desperate, and though I am looking for a LTR I make sure I stay quiet on that. It's like you can't be directly honest, but I guess I would be afraid too if an attractive woman walked up to me, hit on me, and mentioned looking for a good man to marry.

You don't to scare a girl away by revealing too much about what you feel. Best to leave an air of mystery, I think. Make her question whether or not the man likes her. If you share too much information, you become boring, I think. It's these subtle things I'm learning about. Any good-spirited guidance you can give me I will absorb and use.

Well, you are a very good sport, Wake. I really do want to help you out, so I have a few tips from the lady's perspective. :)

It's probably helpful if you don't push too hard and relax and try to see it as just testing the waters and having fun, you know? You are still young and there is no need to rush into something. Take your time and just try to have fun! Another thing to remember is that people LOVE to talk about themselves most of the time (unless they are very shy). When she is talking, make an effort to listen to what she is saying and show some interest in what she is saying. Don't try to one up her all the time (some guys tend to do that/don't know about you). Also, don't brag. I mean, if you are discussing something you are very passionate about, like work or something, that's okay, but don't go on and on about yourself and your workout routine and things like that when you are on a date. :)

That's all I can think of at the moment. If I think of more things, I will come back and post more. :D
Wake...you are aiming for broken women. That girl you said you liked...she is a mess and it looks like she enjoys staying in it. Why are you attracted to broken girls? That is something you need to explore in yourself...and put a whoa on it. Fast.
Did you think that maybe..just maybe..there is a woman you work with that is interested in you but is too shy or hesitant to let on? You seem to focus on the bad girls..bad as in being FUCKED UP in da head. Stop being a daddy/friend to losers, cuz that is what it sounds like what you did. She needed a friend to whine to, then you told her how you really felt, and she backed off to go back to her scummy boyfriend. Good. Consider it a blessing cuz HE can deal with her mental issues and insecurities where she allows what he does and what she does to herself.

People only do to you what you LET them do to you.

And stop looking. But be aware. Someone might just be right under your nose and you haven't seen her cuz you are too busy being someone elses scapegoat.

I had developed feelings for her during the year I worked with her. As some women are attracted to broken men, I felt attracted to this broken woman, and wanted to see her made whole and be happy.

Speaking with people these last couple days, I have been advised to steer clear. They know her far more than I do. A young woman one year younger than me, [26], and an engaged friend, actually gave me advice on which women to avoid and which handful were actually worth it [those who had their heads on right]. You... you're very insightful to ask me why I sought out a broken woman. My heart just hurt seeing her continually call herself worthless and nothing... and I felt sad for her and wanted to be there to fix her.

There are two women that I have been informed are into me but are waiting for me to be the man and ask them. A third actively stalks my Facebook page. Another coworker, Jen, told me that I don't need any more crazy in my life and that she has WAY too much baggage and needs to fix herself first before she starts actually going out and having a meaningful relationship. She's a 22-year-old child with a child of her own. Maybe I was just an idiot to want to save her.

I made this post on Facebook yesterday:

And so he asked her: 'Why do you stay with this one? Has he not hurt you before and again?'

'Because I love him,' she replied back. He paused for a moment, then spoke.

'My dear, you cannot change a man no matter how much you love him. He only changes himself because he loves you.'

A coworker responded that she was basically an idiot, to which I said I doubt she's an idiot, but she's young and emotionally immature and needs to grow up and drag herself up out of that dark pit as I did for myself.

One thing that worries me is that if I stop looking, that cuts my chances of finding a good woman. There is one woman who does take herself seriously and values herself, and is emotionally mature, and is tackling her school debt all by herself, and is mapping out a plan for her future... and she and I had Thanksgiving dinner with our RN friend and her family. I think she was trying to set us up, because she remarks on how absolutely cute we two are together constantly. She is 24 and pursuing nursing, and I am 27 and pursuing nursing.
You don't to scare a girl away by revealing too much about what you feel. Best to leave an air of mystery, I think. Make her question whether or not the man likes her. If you share too much information, you become boring, I think.

I feel so confused, because the things I read online about the game and how to attract people keep saying different things.

I don't know what is right and what is wrong. Just want to find and fall in love with and marry a woman and live happily in love with her.
Don't count me out, guys.

I'm learning.

I'm going to be more cool when asking ladies out. If she says no then just be respectful and keep looking.
I think the thing is that women don't want a door mat, but they don't want an asshole either. There IS a happy medium there. Because you are "looking" to have a LTR, you probably give off those kind of "vibes" if you know what I mean. I don't want to sound mean, but desperation is never attractive. Don't mention that you are looking for a long term serious relationship. Don't say anything about being lonely or anything like that. That will make some people turn around and run away. Lol. It is important to be yourself though. Don't pretend to be something that you aren't, because that will only backfire on you in the long run. You just need to learn how to play it more cool, I think. That doesn't mean being a jerk or ignoring the girl you like either though. Like I said, there is a happy medium between desperate doormat and asshole fuck face. :D

.... desperation is never attractive. ......

Kinda part of what I'm sayin.......

So, honestly, I'm not lying when I say I have no experience with dating. Part of the reason why I dislike religion is because I was forced to be raised in a very Traditional, almost zealous Christian upbringing.

Takes a while to 're-wire' and undo that sort of damage.

I'm not desperate, and though I am looking for a LTR I make sure I stay quiet on that. It's like you can't be directly honest, but I guess I would be afraid too if an attractive woman walked up to me, hit on me, and mentioned looking for a good man to marry.

You don't to scare a girl away by revealing too much about what you feel. Best to leave an air of mystery, I think. Make her question whether or not the man likes her. If you share too much information, you become boring, I think. It's these subtle things I'm learning about. Any good-spirited guidance you can give me I will absorb and use.


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