Experiences with Women

American boy ^
Wake we all wish you the best, read through the thread a few times, maybe you will get something new out of it. Take care.

thats right darling

but he aint Gary Cooper

we wish him well all the same
Wake we all wish you the best, read through the thread a few times, maybe you will get something new out of it. Take care.

doubtful my darling

all nobodies....

it's like

where is Gary Cooper here?

nowhere baby....

lets retire LOl
The op is very immature. What is scary is that he is 27 years old.

Recipe for a Psycho

- 27 year old virgin
- no luck attracting women
- Angry with women
- Emotionally immature
- male CNA (very creepy)
- spends a lot of time on the Internet


Wake seems like a nice guy. :dunno:

I'm just sayin in real life I've had friends complain about this both guys and girls. But what puzzles me is they always want someone superficial and want that person to like them. They don't want some nice ordinary person. So it's kind of odd.

I'm not sayin that's true about wake, but for some of the friends I've had it has been true.

I desire a woman for the beauty and complexity of her soul. Who she is. Bodies fade with time, but souls do not.

Nothing wrong with beauty, but I don't want a woman only for her looks, and I do not want a woman who only desires me for mine.

My friends say this but then when I go out and take a peek and who they are fawning for it doesn't add up. You may be different Wake. Maybe you are truly pursuing down to earth nice women, but I don't see how you wouldn't score if that's the case because you seem so polite.

High maintenance men and women are entirely different. They expect shit and so they reject people if you don't add up to their wants.

I am a man who chose to wait with sex until he is married. Neither a boy nor a dog. I know of too many immature men who impregnate women and leave them. I am neither easy nor interested in easy women. I am looking for a good woman who is looking for a good man. If you are wanting to know me a little better, and know what I'm saying is true, you may PM me and I'll friend you on Facebook. I am not a dog looking to score with different women each night. More than once I have been told by my coworkers that none of the women at the hospital we work at are really worth it, besides one or two.
How sweet. However, I think you are making virtue of necessity. Women nurses are very giving, if you know what I mean. Only a eunuch could work in a hospital around all those chicks and not try to screw them all. Only a creepy fucker would fail to score in a hospital. Nurses.... Holy shit, what a fucking jackpot, and you are pissing it away. Fag!
Wake we all wish you the best, read through the thread a few times, maybe you will get something new out of it. Take care.

doubtful my darling

all nobodies....

it's like

where is Gary Cooper here?

nowhere baby....

lets retire LOl

handsome men, darling women but where is Gary Cooper? maybe in the next life. :dunno:

where is he

the most handsome man ever ..........


There's a whole lot more to this I haven't shared yet, which would really give ya'll more insight on what the hell has been going on.

Hold on.
More to the story? Oh, you mean like more excuses?

- "I'm waiting for marriage."

-"Women are hypocrites."

-"Inhave high standards."

Blah blah blah. You are making excuses, Wake.
all scum all nobodies....

I love you LOL drifter

I love you darling, I smiled and I toast you!

Wake, I dated an asshole for over 5 years long ago. After that I didn't get involved with anyone for over 2 years. Then I met the man who later became my husband. Although all my life, men came after me, I actually went after him. Why? Because he was so genuinely nice and also kind of shy. So it was only going to happen if I pushed it a little. I'm glad I did because it turned out he was interested. I couldn't of asked for a better person to marry. You know I tend to be a little emotional sometimes. He's the exact opposite. But the main reason I was so attracted to him was because of how nice he was. I was ready for that. I needed that after being with an asshole who verbally abused me and made me feel like shit for so long. I needed someone nice. Why am I telling you this? Because you seem to be under the impression that all women want to date men who are "bad" guys or confident or standoffish or whatever. That's not necessarily true. Not every woman is like that. You are better off finding one who is and they are out there. A bad experience with one, doesn't mean you can't try again. Every woman is different. You can't just fit one style of dealing with them to every one or you will fail. Get to know someone first and try to find out who you are dealing with on a friend level. Then go from there. It's not that hard to tell if a woman is interested in you and if you can't, then she's probably not.
You are a creepy dick. Hav fun with your limp dick beta you closet dryhumper.
Wake, I dated an asshole for over 5 years long ago. After that I didn't get involved with anyone for over 2 years. Then I met the man who later became my husband. Although all my life, men came after me, I actually went after him. Why? Because he was so genuinely nice and also kind of shy. So it was only going to happen if I pushed it a little. I'm glad I did because it turned out he was interested. I couldn't of asked for a better person to marry. You know I tend to be a little emotional sometimes. He's the exact opposite. But the main reason I was so attracted to him was because of how nice he was. I was ready for that. I needed that after being with an asshole who verbally abused me and made me feel like shit for so long. I needed someone nice. Why am I telling you this? Because you seem to be under the impression that all women want to date men who are "bad" guys or confident or standoffish or whatever. That's not necessarily true. Not every woman is like that. You are better off finding one who is and they are out there. A bad experience with one, doesn't mean you can't try again. Every woman is different. You can't just fit one style of dealing with them to every one or you will fail. Get to know someone first and try to find out who you are dealing with on a friend level. Then go from there. It's not that hard to tell if a woman is interested in you and if you can't, then she's probably not.
You are a creepy dick. Hav fun with your limp dick beta you closet dryhumper.

She's a great gal, why so mad at wolfsister?
Basically, I desire a woman who is emotionally mature, and who literally wants to fall in love and get married, and be in love with her husband.

It's what every happily married couple on the planet has. What I want. A beautiful woman with an ugly soul makes for an unhappy relationship.

One of the problems was that this young woman [22] gave me her number unasked and would text me in the middle of the night [3am] to talk with me about her serious personal issues. She suffers from anxiety and depression and anorexia. She's been in abusive relationship after abusive relationship. I did start pursuing her knowing she had a boyfriend. It was common knowledge he was abusing her and making her feel horrible. Then they broke up for a bit. She and I had been texting and talking a bit, and I asked her out a few times. Nothing happened. The moment I told her I cared about her and developed feelings for her because it hurt seeing her beat herself up and abuse herself was when she turned ice-cold and started ignoring me. After her ex-boyfriend stalked her a few times, she went back to him.

She would give constant mixed signals. Saying yes she'd like to go out on a date, to maybe, to ignoring and going back to the guy who verbally abuses her constantly. I watched my dad abuse my mom a lot when I was a young kid. I still hate him, which is why I haven't spoken with him in six years. Told myself I'd be the good man my father never was. A man doesn't hit a woman, and he doesn't treat her like crap.

When she would post on FB horrible things about herself, or how sad she was, or other poetic things of that nature I'd get worried and call her to let her know that she was worth it and that no one deserves to be treated like garbage. During that month of interaction we'd chat on FB and talk. But when I let her know directly that I cared about her it all went south.

It sucks when you care about a woman, she is abused, she abuses herself, but she's not attracted to you [or she really is but is playing some maddening game], and is staying with the guy who keeps hurting her. She chose the man who screams and curses at her over a kind man who truly did care about her. That stung. Now I don't feel safe sharing any sort of simple, honest feeling or emotion for a woman I care about.
Dude, you are a fucking dupe! Why in the hell would you even want to get involved with a chick like that unless it was to score some pussy? Goddamn, you could not have picked a more fucked up chick to fall for.

You are a total novice, dude. Don't you have some buddies to hang out with who can teach you to be a man? Oh, wait, you are a male nurse. You do not have dudes to hang with. Maybe you could try sucking dick to see if that rings your bell.
So I'm thinking of where to go from here.

Women want what they can't have.

When I stopped giving the single women at work attention, suddenly they changed, and started giving me attention, asking questions [some pretty personal], and flirting far more than before.

I just... it's fucking weird. Is it true that their brains are wired differently? And if so, how the hell do we guys navigate that?

It's like when I stopped searching, and started ignoring, those who were ignoring stopped ignoring, and most started paying attention. It's like they noticed they weren't getting attention any more.

God! Why does it have to be like a game? Now that I've been ignoring single women there, it's like some of them are now starting more conversations with me, or trying to get my attention. One of the 19-year-old CNAs now tries to get my attention, and though they say men don't have good peripheral vision I know that's a fucking lie, and I can feel her eyes boring into me when I'm doing my charting. But... I'm learning more about how the female brain works. I also know [at least at the hospital we work at] that when you tell one female coworker something, they all end up knowing it. Started slowly capitalizing on that. Let one of them know that I really am looking to start rock-climbing, and told another I'm learning how to slow dance [fact], and suddenly the flirting went up a bit the next day.

Probably the unstable ones, yeah. :D Speaking for myself, being ignored does nothing for me. Neither do men I can't have. Of course, I'm ten years older than you, so things are different for me.
You are way more than 10 years his elder.
Basically, I desire a woman who is emotionally mature, and who literally wants to fall in love and get married, and be in love with her husband.

It's what every happily married couple on the planet has. What I want. A beautiful woman with an ugly soul makes for an unhappy relationship.

One of the problems was that this young woman [22] gave me her number unasked and would text me in the middle of the night [3am] to talk with me about her serious personal issues. She suffers from anxiety and depression and anorexia. She's been in abusive relationship after abusive relationship. I did start pursuing her knowing she had a boyfriend. It was common knowledge he was abusing her and making her feel horrible. Then they broke up for a bit. She and I had been texting and talking a bit, and I asked her out a few times. Nothing happened. The moment I told her I cared about her and developed feelings for her because it hurt seeing her beat herself up and abuse herself was when she turned ice-cold and started ignoring me. After her ex-boyfriend stalked her a few times, she went back to him.

She would give constant mixed signals. Saying yes she'd like to go out on a date, to maybe, to ignoring and going back to the guy who verbally abuses her constantly. I watched my dad abuse my mom a lot when I was a young kid. I still hate him, which is why I haven't spoken with him in six years. Told myself I'd be the good man my father never was. A man doesn't hit a woman, and he doesn't treat her like crap.

When she would post on FB horrible things about herself, or how sad she was, or other poetic things of that nature I'd get worried and call her to let her know that she was worth it and that no one deserves to be treated like garbage. During that month of interaction we'd chat on FB and talk. But when I let her know directly that I cared about her it all went south.

It sucks when you care about a woman, she is abused, she abuses herself, but she's not attracted to you [or she really is but is playing some maddening game], and is staying with the guy who keeps hurting her. She chose the man who screams and curses at her over a kind man who truly did care about her. That stung. Now I don't feel safe sharing any sort of simple, honest feeling or emotion for a woman I care about.

You are a crazy psycho. It sounds like you love stalking women who are in relationships.
So I'm thinking of where to go from here.

Women want what they can't have.

When I stopped giving the single women at work attention, suddenly they changed, and started giving me attention, asking questions [some pretty personal], and flirting far more than before.

I just... it's fucking weird. Is it true that their brains are wired differently? And if so, how the hell do we guys navigate that?

It's like when I stopped searching, and started ignoring, those who were ignoring stopped ignoring, and most started paying attention. It's like they noticed they weren't getting attention any more.

God! Why does it have to be like a game? Now that I've been ignoring single women there, it's like some of them are now starting more conversations with me, or trying to get my attention. One of the 19-year-old CNAs now tries to get my attention, and though they say men don't have good peripheral vision I know that's a fucking lie, and I can feel her eyes boring into me when I'm doing my charting. But... I'm learning more about how the female brain works. I also know [at least at the hospital we work at] that when you tell one female coworker something, they all end up knowing it. Started slowly capitalizing on that. Let one of them know that I really am looking to start rock-climbing, and told another I'm learning how to slow dance [fact], and suddenly the flirting went up a bit the next day.
You. Are. Ugly.

Geez! What the fuck? No one is obligated to have sex with you because YOU think you are nice.
Basically, I desire a woman who is emotionally mature, and who literally wants to fall in love and get married, and be in love with her husband.

It's what every happily married couple on the planet has. What I want. A beautiful woman with an ugly soul makes for an unhappy relationship.

One of the problems was that this young woman [22] gave me her number unasked and would text me in the middle of the night [3am] to talk with me about her serious personal issues. She suffers from anxiety and depression and anorexia. She's been in abusive relationship after abusive relationship. I did start pursuing her knowing she had a boyfriend. It was common knowledge he was abusing her and making her feel horrible. Then they broke up for a bit. She and I had been texting and talking a bit, and I asked her out a few times. Nothing happened. The moment I told her I cared about her and developed feelings for her because it hurt seeing her beat herself up and abuse herself was when she turned ice-cold and started ignoring me. After her ex-boyfriend stalked her a few times, she went back to him.

She would give constant mixed signals. Saying yes she'd like to go out on a date, to maybe, to ignoring and going back to the guy who verbally abuses her constantly. I watched my dad abuse my mom a lot when I was a young kid. I still hate him, which is why I haven't spoken with him in six years. Told myself I'd be the good man my father never was. A man doesn't hit a woman, and he doesn't treat her like crap.

When she would post on FB horrible things about herself, or how sad she was, or other poetic things of that nature I'd get worried and call her to let her know that she was worth it and that no one deserves to be treated like garbage. During that month of interaction we'd chat on FB and talk. But when I let her know directly that I cared about her it all went south.

It sucks when you care about a woman, she is abused, she abuses herself, but she's not attracted to you [or she really is but is playing some maddening game], and is staying with the guy who keeps hurting her. She chose the man who screams and curses at her over a kind man who truly did care about her. That stung. Now I don't feel safe sharing any sort of simple, honest feeling or emotion for a woman I care about.

No offense to this young lady but you deserve someone without all this baggage Wake.

See... shit.... no we're getting somewhere... and this is helping me get the point.

There's a woman I know there, Jen, who tells me I don't need any more crazy in my life. She refers to that woman.

Spoke with another woman. Katee. An engaged young woman around my age who I regard as a friend. She tells me none of the women here are really worth it besides one or two. I was advised to not pursue that one, because she's a hot mess.


I felt I could save her and drag her out of that dark pit, as I drug myself out. That is why I loved her spirit, and cared about her, wanting to build her up and comfort her soul.
stop sniffing around other men's women you pervert.

you really have issues.

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