Experiences with Women

So I'm thinking of where to go from here.

Women want what they can't have.

When I stopped giving the single women at work attention, suddenly they changed, and started giving me attention, asking questions [some pretty personal], and flirting far more than before.

I just... it's fucking weird. Is it true that their brains are wired differently? And if so, how the hell do we guys navigate that?

It's like when I stopped searching, and started ignoring, those who were ignoring stopped ignoring, and most started paying attention. It's like they noticed they weren't getting attention any more.

God! Why does it have to be like a game? Now that I've been ignoring single women there, it's like some of them are now starting more conversations with me, or trying to get my attention. One of the 19-year-old CNAs now tries to get my attention, and though they say men don't have good peripheral vision I know that's a fucking lie, and I can feel her eyes boring into me when I'm doing my charting. But... I'm learning more about how the female brain works. I also know [at least at the hospital we work at] that when you tell one female coworker something, they all end up knowing it. Started slowly capitalizing on that. Let one of them know that I really am looking to start rock-climbing, and told another I'm learning how to slow dance [fact], and suddenly the flirting went up a bit the next day.

Was is it a secret you were learning dancing and rock climbing? I thought you were looking for a woman aren't you putting that out there to see who is interested?.

I asked you what do you think women want and you answered you don't know. Could you invest time into finding out what women want?

What do you think a woman being beaten who is anorexic and writing emo poetry wants??? It's not a new boyfriend.

I realized about six days ago that she wasn't interested,, and had too much baggage. I still post words of encouragement when she posts self-destroying things... but she ignores them, too, which hurts and serves as a reminder, and then I see that she responds to other people very quickly, which tells me she doesn't value me as a person and that she is clearly not worth my time.

See, you're helping me work this out. I just need to process this aloud.

It was a secret I was learning those things. I haven't directly posted on FB that I am looking. Spoken indirectly about how a man behaves regarding women, and much of those coworkers [all friended] react to it positively and then get more responses from them when at work.

I don't know what exactly women want. This man is kind, but you'd have to really get a deep, deep understanding of his background to know it.

If a woman just wants a sexy body on her I'm gone. There is so much more to men and women than just their bodies.

She's avoiding you because you turned it romantic. It made her uncomfortable because although she was close to you and texting you, she's in an abusive cycle and not able to be rational about getting out. She answers others because some part of her still wants sympathy and wants out but she doesn't want to be hit on or have a romance. She just wants help and is so mentally ill she can't get out unless intervention is done with close friends or family.

The people you told that you were learning dancing and rock climbing you told for a reason. You have to look at your motives and expectations.

And what Skye is pointing out to you, is some women want to be taken care of they want strong masculine men who can provide for them. It passed right over you. Not all women want that but some do.

Which is what my point is to you, do you know what the women you become interested in 'want' in their life. It's not all about you and what you want in a woman. be sure to find out what any potential women of interest wants in a man or relationship. This way, you won't go in thinking you are doing someone a favor and they reject you. If you know that what they want isn't who you are then you don't have to bother just move on.
:lol: That last sentence just sounds funny coming from a guy. Most of them like that, I think. :p

Should I like it when female coworkers put their hands on me?

Everyone has their own personal boundaries Wake. It's just you want a girlfriend and have this checklist but you need to understand other people have their own checklists and you may not meet much of their needs or wants on that list, especially if personal touch bothers you. That's ok, but it might limit your choices out there that's all.
Anyways, Wake, you have gotten some good advice here in this thread from the sane people. :) Ignore the crazy ones!
ChrisL means do not listen to her.

Wake look at the facts the woman is with another man period. You are single and want more.
I think I'm going to continue developing myself in all areas of my life.

If a woman desires me, she'll find me eventually. I'm worth the wait.
I think I'm going to continue developing myself in all areas of my life.

If a woman desires me, she'll find me eventually. I'm worth the wait.

That's good advice you just gave to yourself. Keep working on yourself. Don't close yourself off but don't push too hard either. I'm sure you will find someone if you just give it time.
I think I'm going to continue developing myself in all areas of my life.

If a woman desires me, she'll find me eventually. I'm worth the wait.

ok fuck off

you are worthless a weakling
too bad


...I'm not sure what's gotten into you, but I'm grateful it isn't me.

nothing gotten into me

women despise weakness ok?

and no money too

hey whats new darling?:dunno:
I think I'm going to continue developing myself in all areas of my life.

If a woman desires me, she'll find me eventually. I'm worth the wait.

It doesn't work that way, relationships work when both parties know each others checklists and it's compatible. You have to be interested in her checklist not just your checklist.

If you are only looking out for your own criteria you will be disappointed because, you will become manipulative to try and make someone be who you want them to be just because you find them attractive and then will be mad when they don't live up to it.
you will have a sad ending ...OP

Cheers baby



shall I?

say it

because you are too weak....

Wake............with all respect.....

I will not...I will not...not...be too ....hurtful???? oh gee...stop me right there

Then you mistake my gentleness for weakness.

Frankly, you don't know me very well.
Your gentleness includes making advances towards a woman who looks upon you for friendship and strength which makes her feel uncomfortable. If someone did that to me I would not look upon them as a friend or an emotionally safe person to be with. I would view you as an emotional predator looking to take advantage of me in my moments of need.

A person who really cares about their "friend" would see how vulnerable they are and not foist their own selfish emotional needs into the mix.
I think I'm going to continue developing myself in all areas of my life.

If a woman desires me, she'll find me eventually. I'm worth the wait.

And take a step back and look at the person as a whole and try to be objective. It's hard, especially if you have developed feelings for that person like it seems you have for this particular girl, but you really need to do what is best for you.

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