Experiences with Women

I shouldn't feel afraid to flirt, or to ask women out, either.

And if a woman says no, then it's her loss, and realize there are over a billion single women on this planet.

You gotta mix and mingle to improve exposure, right?

Exactly. This is a good attitude to have. I think most often when you are engaging, pleasant and funny, people react to that in a positive way. :) Don't worry about "finding the one." I know it's easier said than done, but just try to go out and have a good time without over-thinking it.
First of all, you can waterboard a woman and she will never tell you what she really means. Everything is a parable and meant to be interpreted with divine guidance. Even then she may do a 180 the next time you blink for no reason at all. These are not beings that you 'figure out', you simply learn what works and what doesn't.

If you are in America and making less that 50k a year you will not hold onto an attractive woman if you even get the chance. They can figure out your income in ways that would make an IRS agent with a complete readout dumbstuck. So stay with what you can afford.
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.
So I was given some advice by one of my male co-workers to practice. It's innocent, and a simple way to practice, and I've been trying it out.

You gently lock eyes on a woman's face and wait for her to eventually look your direction. When she does, you simply smile. If she smiles back, say 'hi,' and if she says 'hi' or something of the sort back then you can proceed just striking up a conversation with the lady.

Did this today with two young women in Kenosha, and one of them actually gave me her number. I'd be a damned liar if I said I didn't feel a little nervous.
I'm married and yet still, there are many things my husband doesn't like about me (and vice versa)
Only thing I dislike about MrG now in the present is...he is bitchier than usual. All the years I have been with him, he has been pretty stoic, easy going, shrugged shit off. Probably cuz he was drunk as a skunk most of the time and it made him mellow. Now? He bitches about everything. And I mean everything. Not about me....more about the government, news, cable tv, cable company, religion, electric company, gas, cars, people, people that drive, people that breathe, people in general, tv shows, advertisements, yaddayaddayaddayadda. No matter the subject...he will bitch about it. We kinda swapped places as we are aging. Now I am what he used to be minus being a drunk, and he is more feisty like I used to be.

Getting old ain't for pussies. Dats a fact.

He never complains about me or dislikes whatever I say or do, so I have no clue if he has any complaints, nor care to be honest, lol.
I'm married and yet still, there are many things my husband doesn't like about me (and vice versa)
Only thing I dislike about MrG now in the present is...he is bitchier than usual. All the years I have been with him, he has been pretty stoic, easy going, shrugged shit off. Probably cuz he was drunk as a skunk most of the time and it made him mellow. Now? He bitches about everything. And I mean everything. Not about me....more about the government, news, cable tv, cable company, religion, electric company, gas, cars, people, people that drive, people that breathe, people in general, tv shows, advertisements, yaddayaddayaddayadda. No matter the subject...he will bitch about it. We kinda swapped places as we are aging. Now I am what he used to be minus being a drunk, and he is more feisty like I used to be.

Getting old ain't for pussies. Dats a fact.

He never complains about me or dislikes whatever I say or do, so I have no clue if he has any complaints, nor care to be honest, lol.

It's a torment being around a chronic complainer - it's not 24/7 but even the smallest issues you would think the world was coming to an end....
I'm married and yet still, there are many things my husband doesn't like about me (and vice versa)
Only thing I dislike about MrG now in the present is...he is bitchier than usual. All the years I have been with him, he has been pretty stoic, easy going, shrugged shit off. Probably cuz he was drunk as a skunk most of the time and it made him mellow. Now? He bitches about everything. And I mean everything. Not about me....more about the government, news, cable tv, cable company, religion, electric company, gas, cars, people, people that drive, people that breathe, people in general, tv shows, advertisements, yaddayaddayaddayadda. No matter the subject...he will bitch about it. We kinda swapped places as we are aging. Now I am what he used to be minus being a drunk, and he is more feisty like I used to be.

Getting old ain't for pussies. Dats a fact.

He never complains about me or dislikes whatever I say or do, so I have no clue if he has any complaints, nor care to be honest, lol.
Sounds like a decent guy to me.
It's a torment being around a chronic complainer - it's not 24/7 but even the smallest issues you would think the world was coming to an end....
Bitching and complaining are two different things. Complaining means you expect some sort of justice, bitching just means you are tired of all the bullshit and feel the urge to articulate your displeasure.
Saying you aren't going to get invested emotionally until a relationship is formed is contradictory. How can a relationship possibly begin until you're emotionally involved, at least to some degree. The philosophy you've arrived at is ill founded. Maybe you aren't approaching the right women, like ones you find to be mature enough for a relationship. I know women, particularly these days, can be forward, but I'm old fashioned and that means it's a guy's role to first signal some interest. To some degree though you do have a point. Seems like SOME women are attracted to men whom they know aren't available, i.e. married. You are always more employable when you're employed. Maybe you're more interesting when you aren't "available". Try wearing a wedding ring and see how that works for you.
I'm married and yet still, there are many things my husband doesn't like about me (and vice versa)
Only thing I dislike about MrG now in the present is...he is bitchier than usual. All the years I have been with him, he has been pretty stoic, easy going, shrugged shit off. Probably cuz he was drunk as a skunk most of the time and it made him mellow. Now? He bitches about everything. And I mean everything. Not about me....more about the government, news, cable tv, cable company, religion, electric company, gas, cars, people, people that drive, people that breathe, people in general, tv shows, advertisements, yaddayaddayaddayadda. No matter the subject...he will bitch about it. We kinda swapped places as we are aging. Now I am what he used to be minus being a drunk, and he is more feisty like I used to be.

Getting old ain't for pussies. Dats a fact.

He never complains about me or dislikes whatever I say or do, so I have no clue if he has any complaints, nor care to be honest, lol.
Sounds like a decent guy to me.
He is. He just bitches a lot. :lol:
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.

That's nice too. Maybe a bit uncomfortable for some people on a first date though, especially if you don't really know the person. Maybe that's a better idea for a few dates down the road. :)
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.

That's nice too. Maybe a bit uncomfortable for some people on a first date though, especially if you don't really know the person. Maybe that's a better idea for a few dates down the road. :)

I wouldn't go to someone's house on a first date, especially if I didn't really know them. It just wouldn't happen.
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.

That's nice too. Maybe a bit uncomfortable for some people on a first date though, especially if you don't really know the person. Maybe that's a better idea for a few dates down the road. :)

I wouldn't go to someone's house on a first date, especially if I didn't really know them. It just wouldn't happen.

I wouldn't feel comfortable with that idea either. It's a good idea to meet somewhere public and keep the dates more casual until you get to know the person.
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.

That's nice too. Maybe a bit uncomfortable for some people on a first date though, especially if you don't really know the person. Maybe that's a better idea for a few dates down the road. :)
You already know. Or you wouldn't be dating in the first place.
It's a torment being around a chronic complainer - it's not 24/7 but even the smallest issues you would think the world was coming to an end....
Bitching and complaining are two different things. Complaining means you expect some sort of justice, bitching just means you are tired of all the bullshit and feel the urge to articulate your displeasure.

mine does both.... he gets annoyed over anything at all the goes wrong however, even if it's just going for something and we're out of it or it's not where it's supposed to be - or getting downstairs and forgetting something. I think he's just in the habit of articulating every single feeling he has .... and I work for home so it drives me nuts!!!!! :)
It's a torment being around a chronic complainer - it's not 24/7 but even the smallest issues you would think the world was coming to an end....
Bitching and complaining are two different things. Complaining means you expect some sort of justice, bitching just means you are tired of all the bullshit and feel the urge to articulate your displeasure.

mine does both.... he gets annoyed over anything at all the goes wrong however, even if it's just going for something and we're out of it or it's not where it's supposed to be - or getting downstairs and forgetting something. I think he's just in the habit of articulating every single feeling he has .... and I work for home so it drives me nuts!!!!! :)
Well, there's an art form to bitching. Sounds like an amateur. You gotta unleash your inner bitch at the appropriate times and keep a lid on it so an immunity doesn't develop, rendering the more colorful rants useless.
It's a torment being around a chronic complainer - it's not 24/7 but even the smallest issues you would think the world was coming to an end....
Bitching and complaining are two different things. Complaining means you expect some sort of justice, bitching just means you are tired of all the bullshit and feel the urge to articulate your displeasure.

mine does both.... he gets annoyed over anything at all the goes wrong however, even if it's just going for something and we're out of it or it's not where it's supposed to be - or getting downstairs and forgetting something. I think he's just in the habit of articulating every single feeling he has .... and I work for home so it drives me nuts!!!!! :)
Well, there's an art form to bitching. Sounds like an amateur. You gotta unleash your inner bitch at the appropriate times and keep a lid on it so an immunity doesn't develop, rendering the more colorful rants useless.

It's been too long. If I say anything at all it escalates and the complaining gets longer and more involved.
It's best to just nod and say yes dear (damn, I feel like the man in this relationship!)
For a date, I would recommend a comedy club. It's a lot of fun, and you can laugh and have fun together. :) It's less pressure than just sitting there alone at a table in a restaurant or something and a good way to break the ice, IMO. Go to a comedy club and then go out for coffee afterwards. The movies are good too though.
I would recommend dinner and a movie at my house.

Followed by, we'll see where it goes from there.

That's nice too. Maybe a bit uncomfortable for some people on a first date though, especially if you don't really know the person. Maybe that's a better idea for a few dates down the road. :)
You already know. Or you wouldn't be dating in the first place.

Already know what? No, if I just met a person and agreed to go out with him, I would make sure it was in a public place until I got to know him a little better. You have to be smart and careful out there.

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