Explain how this is an exoneration

The investigation into the Trump campaign was a counter-intelligence operation, not a criminal investigation.

It was both. Matters naught if it were a counter intelligence investigation or a criminal one, when it comes to the Law on Obstructing an Official Investigation, etc.

The SC found no conspiracy or collusion by the Trump campaign with a foreign government. Thus the SC never
found a crime..
Simply not true! The Mueller report found a plethora of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, what they did not find is a Conspiracy, where the Trump campaign aided the Russians in their hack....or gave them something in return for their help in getting Trump elected....

they colluded with them, left and right and up and down, every which way but loose, except they did not commit the theft of the emails.... and could not prove they gave the Russians something in return, for the soul reason of paying them for their help.... the admin has given them several things, but not solidified that Trump was doing so, simply as a payback.

Don Junior and Kushner got off on Campaign finance laws being broken, NOT because they did not break the law... because they did break the Law, but because they may not have known what they were doing was against the Law. And with campaign finance felonies, you have to KNOW you are breaking the law.... you have to have an intent to break the law with campaign finance laws, and Mueller could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that they knew what they were doing was breaking the law.... some peeps are saying it is because Mueller never interviewed them... but I dunno?

Manafort did give Kilimnik intricate Trump Campaign polling data on several occasions and also discussed with him the specific polling in the 3 Democratic leaning States that Trump barely won and pulled off an electoral win. The Russians also targeted these State's voter registration rolls.... and gathered this data to focus their interference goal of causing division among Democratic voters, to discourage them from voting, or voting for Hillary.

If that was not collusion between the campaign and Russians, then what the hell is?

but as stated many many times by Trumpsters, "Collusion is not a crime".

The POTUS cooperated fully with the SC providing him with unlimited access to WH files and employees and not invoking
Executive Privlidge.
the President himself, did NOT cooperate at all with the special counsel.... Mueller spells it out in the report.... He refused to testify or be questioned in person, he refused to answer any questions about Obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official gvt investigation.... the questions Trump's lawyer team finally said they would have Trump answer, Trump refused to answer 30 of them, by saying "I don't recall"..... yeah, the man who brags about what a great memory he has and how smart he is.... could not recall... :rolleyes: He tried to have Mueller fired, even after being told it was illegal to do such, an abuse of power he tried dozens of times more through all kinds of back door people, including Corey Lewendowski, and Don McGahn, tried to get Sessions to unrecuse himself and all kinds of crap.... BY NO MEANS DID HE COOPERATE.... that is a flat out LIE.

In actuality, the POTUS was defending himself from being unfairly portrayed as committing a crime that the SC said never
happened. He will be forever remember as the POTUS that prevented the FBI and the DOJ along with Pres Zero from
obstructing justice.

Cry me a river, the president is not some weakling, helpless peon.... ANY PERSON at all that did what the President did to Obstruct this investigation, would be in prison already.
anyone else who did what hillary did went to jail.

life just sucks sometimes.
The investigation into the Trump campaign was a counter-intelligence operation, not a criminal investigation.

It was both. Matters naught if it were a counter intelligence investigation or a criminal one, when it comes to the Law on Obstructing an Official Investigation, etc.

The SC found no conspiracy or collusion by the Trump campaign with a foreign government. Thus the SC never
found a crime..
Simply not true! The Mueller report found a plethora of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, what they did not find is a Conspiracy, where the Trump campaign aided the Russians in their hack....or gave them something in return for their help in getting Trump elected....

they colluded with them, left and right and up and down, every which way but loose, except they did not commit the theft of the emails.... and could not prove they gave the Russians something in return, for the soul reason of paying them for their help.... the admin has given them several things, but not solidified that Trump was doing so, simply as a payback.

Don Junior and Kushner got off on Campaign finance laws being broken, NOT because they did not break the law... because they did break the Law, but because they may not have known what they were doing was against the Law. And with campaign finance felonies, you have to KNOW you are breaking the law.... you have to have an intent to break the law with campaign finance laws, and Mueller could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that they knew what they were doing was breaking the law.... some peeps are saying it is because Mueller never interviewed them... but I dunno?

Manafort did give Kilimnik intricate Trump Campaign polling data on several occasions and also discussed with him the specific polling in the 3 Democratic leaning States that Trump barely won and pulled off an electoral win. The Russians also targeted these State's voter registration rolls.... and gathered this data to focus their interference goal of causing division among Democratic voters, to discourage them from voting, or voting for Hillary.

If that was not collusion between the campaign and Russians, then what the hell is?

but as stated many many times by Trumpsters, "Collusion is not a crime".

The POTUS cooperated fully with the SC providing him with unlimited access to WH files and employees and not invoking
Executive Privlidge.
the President himself, did NOT cooperate at all with the special counsel.... Mueller spells it out in the report.... He refused to testify or be questioned in person, he refused to answer any questions about Obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official gvt investigation.... the questions Trump's lawyer team finally said they would have Trump answer, Trump refused to answer 30 of them, by saying "I don't recall"..... yeah, the man who brags about what a great memory he has and how smart he is.... could not recall... :rolleyes: He tried to have Mueller fired, even after being told it was illegal to do such, an abuse of power he tried dozens of times more through all kinds of back door people, including Corey Lewendowski, and Don McGahn, tried to get Sessions to unrecuse himself and all kinds of crap.... BY NO MEANS DID HE COOPERATE.... that is a flat out LIE.

In actuality, the POTUS was defending himself from being unfairly portrayed as committing a crime that the SC said never
happened. He will be forever remember as the POTUS that prevented the FBI and the DOJ along with Pres Zero from
obstructing justice.

Cry me a river, the president is not some weakling, helpless peon.... ANY PERSON at all that did what the President did to Obstruct this investigation, would be in prison already.

You do not go to prison for not committing a crime. There was no conspiracy found. And because there was no conspiracy found it is impossible
to obstruct justice.

An ordinary person wouldn't have even been charged or investigated for any of this nonsense.

Horowitz report in roughly 4 weeks.
The investigation into the Trump campaign was a counter-intelligence operation, not a criminal investigation.

The above dimwit INSISTS to be labeled a dimwit.....

The investigation's objective was SPECIFICALLY to determine if there existed "obstruction of justice"......and the above moron states that the investigation was NOT a "criminal" one???.........GO FIGURE THE UTTER STUPIDITY.
No dimwit.

There was no investigation into obstruction.

The investigation was about Russia influencing the election and accusations of Trump colluding with Russia to help them do it. Now that Trump has been found to not have colluded with Russia any “obstruction” of that particular part of the investigation is null and void, especially since Trump didn’t do anything to “obstruct” the investigation that any president couldn’t have done at any time.

There was no investigation into obstruction.

Indeed there was. Read the report, dope.
kinda like the party masters told them trump colluded, so everyone that wanted to believed it.

TDS is a religion.

Yes it is, both manifestations of it.

Trump Derangement Syndrome


Trump Defense Syndrome

Both are equally strong and equally faithful to their religion

Sorry bub, but Trump defenders don't worship Trump. Trump defenders are interested in protecting the Rule of Law. I wouldn't want to see ANY President be subject to spying, entrapment, and an unethical investigation the way Trump has been. If you had a shred of integrity, you'd feel the same way.

Sorry dude, but a great many of Trump's followers truly worship the man. he can do no wrong in their eyes and will defend every single thing he does. They are easy to spot, they are the ones that are incapable of saying 'yeah, that was a dumb thing to say"....go look in the mirror and you will see one

You're projecting bub. And your powers of logic are as poor as your powers of perception. I'm a gal.

Trump is a flawed human being as we all knew prior to the election. No credible person ever called him a "sort of God'. He never claimed to have power over NATURE by halting the rise of the oceans. What he has done is FIGHT BACK. Normal people are sick and tired of being attacked and demonized by the Prog-Left while their supposed leaders remained idle or made excuses. That's what has you loons TERRIFIED...along with with the spotlight on the Prog-Dem corruption the Barr investigation into Obamagate will place. There isn't enough popcorn to do justice to your Epic Meltdown when you finally understand that Obama oversaw the surveillance operation on a political opponent and used the powers of the executive branch to punish political enemies. Worse Than Watergate.

Nobody is scared of cottonballs Tramp or his AG. In fact I welcome their investigation because if wrongdoing is found I want it to be dealt with regardless of party!
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?
Its simple.

Since you don't get it, I'll make it even simpler.

A) Mueller had every opportunity to properly investigate wrongdoing.
*Mueller had unlimited resources. He spent over $30,000,000.00.
*Mueller had a band of Trump haters working directly for him, and not a single Trump donor.
*Mueller conducted over 500 interviews.
*Mueller issued 1000s of subpoenas.
*Mueller had unlimited time, and spent over 2 years.

B)Trump gave unprecidented cooperation to Mueller.
*Trump gave Mueller access to everything witness requested, although he wasn't obligated to do so.
*Trump even allowed WH council to be interviewed, although he had no obligation to do so.
*Trump released every single document Mueller requested, over 1,400,000 pages, although he wasn't obligated to do so.
*Trump never-ever envoked Executive Privilege, although he was legally entitled to do so.

C)Still, Mueller found absolutely zero evidence that could be used to charge any crime whatsoever.

please explain how it implicates him.

For starters, it lays out 10 instances where he committed obstruction of justice.
please explain how it implicates him.

For starters, it lays out 10 instances where he committed obstruction of justice.
Wrong. It lays out 10 episodes that were possible instances of obstruction of justice, in they eyes of Andrew Weisenstein. However, Barr correctly determined that they weren't instances of obstruction of justice because nothing was obstructed.
Nobody is scared of cottonballs Tramp or his AG. In fact I welcome their investigation because if wrongdoing is found I want it to be dealt with regardless of party!
Good for you..

Given that... Since we know for a fact Hillary mishandled 1000s of classified documents, ignored FOIA laws, and deleted 30,000 subpoenaed emails, how long do you think she should be in jail for justice to be served?

Do you think Trump will pardon Hillary? Do you think he should?
TDS is a religion.

Yes it is, both manifestations of it.

Trump Derangement Syndrome


Trump Defense Syndrome

Both are equally strong and equally faithful to their religion

Sorry bub, but Trump defenders don't worship Trump. Trump defenders are interested in protecting the Rule of Law. I wouldn't want to see ANY President be subject to spying, entrapment, and an unethical investigation the way Trump has been. If you had a shred of integrity, you'd feel the same way.

Sorry dude, but a great many of Trump's followers truly worship the man. he can do no wrong in their eyes and will defend every single thing he does. They are easy to spot, they are the ones that are incapable of saying 'yeah, that was a dumb thing to say"....go look in the mirror and you will see one

You're projecting bub. And your powers of logic are as poor as your powers of perception. I'm a gal.

Trump is a flawed human being as we all knew prior to the election. No credible person ever called him a "sort of God'. He never claimed to have power over NATURE by halting the rise of the oceans. What he has done is FIGHT BACK. Normal people are sick and tired of being attacked and demonized by the Prog-Left while their supposed leaders remained idle or made excuses. That's what has you loons TERRIFIED...along with with the spotlight on the Prog-Dem corruption the Barr investigation into Obamagate will place. There isn't enough popcorn to do justice to your Epic Meltdown when you finally understand that Obama oversaw the surveillance operation on a political opponent and used the powers of the executive branch to punish political enemies. Worse Than Watergate.

Nobody is scared of cottonballs Tramp or his AG. In fact I welcome their investigation because if wrongdoing is found I want it to be dealt with regardless of party!

Methinks this is a classic case of "be careful what you wish for".

Time to order more popcorn.
You do not go to prison for not committing a crime. There was no conspiracy found. And because there was no conspiracy found it is impossible to obstruct justice.

Haven't yet found the time to read the report? See Mueller Report, Vol. II, p157:

Second, many obstruction cases involve the attempted or actual cover-up of an underlying crime. Personal criminal conduct can furnish strong evidence that the individual had an improper obstructive purpose, see, e.g., United States v. Willoughby, 860 F.2d 15, 24 (2d Cir. 1988), or that he contemplated an effect on an official proceeding, see, e.g., United States v. Binday, 804 F.3d 558, 591 (2d Cir. 2015). But proof of such a crime is not an element of an obstruction offense. See United States v. Greer, 872 F.3d 790, 798 (6th Cir. 2017) (stating, in applying the obstruction sentencing guideline, that “obstruction of a criminal investigation is punishable even if the prosecution is ultimately unsuccessful or even if the investigation ultimately reveals no underlying crime”). Obstruction of justice can be motivated by a desire to protect non-criminal personal interests, to protect against investigations where underlying criminal liability falls into a gray area, or to avoid personal embarrassment. The injury to the integrity of the justice system is the same regardless of whether a person committed an underlying wrong.

In this investigation, the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference. But the evidence does point to a range of other possible personal motives animating the President’s conduct. These include concerns that continued investigation would call into question the legitimacy of his election and potential uncertainty about whether certain events—such as advance notice of WikiLeaks’s release of hacked information or the June 9, 2016 meeting between senior campaign officials and Russians—could be seen as criminal activity by the President, his campaign, or his family.

Third, many of the President’s acts directed at witnesses, including discouragement of cooperation with the government and suggestions of possible future pardons, occurred in public view. While it may be more difficult to establish that public-facing acts were motivated by a corrupt intent, the President’s power to influence actions, persons, and events is enhanced by his unique ability to attract attention through use of mass communications. And no principle of law excludes public acts from the scope of obstruction statutes. If the likely effect of the acts is to intimidate witnesses or alter their testimony, the justice system’s integrity is equally threatened.
The investigation into the Trump campaign was a counter-intelligence operation, not a criminal investigation.

It was both. Matters naught if it were a counter intelligence investigation or a criminal one, when it comes to the Law on Obstructing an Official Investigation, etc.

The SC found no conspiracy or collusion by the Trump campaign with a foreign government. Thus the SC never
found a crime..
Simply not true! The Mueller report found a plethora of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, what they did not find is a Conspiracy, where the Trump campaign aided the Russians in their hack....or gave them something in return for their help in getting Trump elected....

they colluded with them, left and right and up and down, every which way but loose, except they did not commit the theft of the emails.... and could not prove they gave the Russians something in return, for the soul reason of paying them for their help.... the admin has given them several things, but not solidified that Trump was doing so, simply as a payback.

Don Junior and Kushner got off on Campaign finance laws being broken, NOT because they did not break the law... because they did break the Law, but because they may not have known what they were doing was against the Law. And with campaign finance felonies, you have to KNOW you are breaking the law.... you have to have an intent to break the law with campaign finance laws, and Mueller could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that they knew what they were doing was breaking the law.... some peeps are saying it is because Mueller never interviewed them... but I dunno?

Manafort did give Kilimnik intricate Trump Campaign polling data on several occasions and also discussed with him the specific polling in the 3 Democratic leaning States that Trump barely won and pulled off an electoral win. The Russians also targeted these State's voter registration rolls.... and gathered this data to focus their interference goal of causing division among Democratic voters, to discourage them from voting, or voting for Hillary.

If that was not collusion between the campaign and Russians, then what the hell is?

but as stated many many times by Trumpsters, "Collusion is not a crime".

The POTUS cooperated fully with the SC providing him with unlimited access to WH files and employees and not invoking
Executive Privlidge.
the President himself, did NOT cooperate at all with the special counsel.... Mueller spells it out in the report.... He refused to testify or be questioned in person, he refused to answer any questions about Obstruction of Justice via obstructing an official gvt investigation.... the questions Trump's lawyer team finally said they would have Trump answer, Trump refused to answer 30 of them, by saying "I don't recall"..... yeah, the man who brags about what a great memory he has and how smart he is.... could not recall... :rolleyes: He tried to have Mueller fired, even after being told it was illegal to do such, an abuse of power he tried dozens of times more through all kinds of back door people, including Corey Lewendowski, and Don McGahn, tried to get Sessions to unrecuse himself and all kinds of crap.... BY NO MEANS DID HE COOPERATE.... that is a flat out LIE.

In actuality, the POTUS was defending himself from being unfairly portrayed as committing a crime that the SC said never
happened. He will be forever remember as the POTUS that prevented the FBI and the DOJ along with Pres Zero from
obstructing justice.

Cry me a river, the president is not some weakling, helpless peon.... ANY PERSON at all that did what the President did to Obstruct this investigation, would be in prison already.

You do not go to prison for not committing a crime. There was no conspiracy found. And because there was no conspiracy found it is impossible
to obstruct justice.

An ordinary person wouldn't have even been charged or investigated for any of this nonsense.

Horowitz report in roughly 4 weeks.
The highest-profile example of trying a case of obstruction without an underlying crime that our experts could think of was the prosecution of Martha Stewart, the founder of a popular lifestyle and media company. Stewart was tried on charges related to her sale of 4,000 shares of ImClone, a pharmaceutical company, one day before the company’s stock price plummeted.

The charges of securities fraud were thrown out, but prosecutors persisted with charges of obstruction of justice and lying to investigators. She was found guilty of four counts and in 2004 was sentenced to five months of prison, five months of house arrest, and two years of probation.
Mueller's report explains his prosecutorial decisions in four points.
  1. The DOJ's OLC has issued the opinion that a sitting President cannot be indicted, and the SC accepted that opinion for the purposes of his investigation, further recognizing that a DOJ indictment might preempt the constitutional mechanism of impeachment.
  2. The investigation was nevertheless warranted because an criminal investigation is permitted under the OLC's standard, even when an indictment is not. Other individuals engaging in obstruction could be prosecuted immediately. And the President is not immune from prosecution after leaving office, regardless of whether impeachment proceedings are brought or are successful. So the investigation served the purpose of preserving evidence while witness memories were fresh.
  3. The normal public mechanism for an individual accused of a crime to clear themselves is a speedy public criminal trial. If the sitting President cannot be brought to a criminal trial while in office, then it would be unfair for the SC to affirmatively accuse him of a crime that cannot be prosecuted in a criminal court of law at this time. Even a sealed indictment's secrecy could not be guaranteed to be preserved. Accordingly, a criminal accusation against a sitting President could be harmful to the country, because the accusation cannot be resolved in the normal adversarial manner of a criminal trial.
  4. The results of the investigation do not allow the SC to conclude that the President did not commit obstruction.

So please explain how this exonerates Donald?
Stormy you have a better chance running for President than Donnie getting convicted by the senate.
Exoneration is not what the process achieves. Sorry it does not aspire to emotional comforting

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