
Exploitation according to Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee:

Someone please ask her if her constituents know that she is helping lead and keep them into the New Slavery and how they feel about her being one of the masters or OVERSEERS?:eusa_whistle:
You obviously and realistically have nothing of intelligence to say about this conversation.
Even the morality of it escapes you.

This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.

Correct, the "morality of it" does escape me. It's a whinefest by the envious. What is "moral" about envy?
You obviously and realistically have nothing of intelligence to say about this conversation.
Even the morality of it escapes you.

This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.

Must be some sort of conservative rule that low-key intellectual topics on this board must be disrupted by crappy partisan trolling.

You mean "low brow non-intellectual topics," don't you? What's intellectual about envy and blaming others for your failure to succeed?
Nothing of the sort but then again if you feel that way run with whatever you wish.
Exploitation has nothing to do with technology and the diminishing of a work force.
Once again another post by someone that really felt as if they got butt hurt.

Just like someone like you to put words into someones mouths.
The discussion was about exploitation and his input was to immediately attack one political party.
Keeping with your train of thought, of course, you have to come to someones defense and you fall right into the same category.
Oh gee look at that. The crappy premise of a crappy thread is identified and suddenly a poster gets all butthurt because it just didnt deteriorate into the circle jerk he wanted.
Hey, this is a free country, for the time being. You dont want to work for someone? Don't do it. You dnt want to do business with someone? Don't do it. As long as it doesnt involve buying health insurance you're still free.

I dont see anything in my post referencing technology and exploitation.
Just another left winger exploding into incoherence when faced with actual facts and arguments.
This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.

As opposed to your conservative masturbation thread?

The OP is about exploitation. Slave owners exploited slaves and those free speech rights most certainly did not extend to their slaves.

The term "exploitation" is virtually meaningless. That's why libturds are so fond of it.
This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.

As opposed to your conservative masturbation thread?

The OP is about exploitation. Slave owners exploited slaves and those free speech rights most certainly did not extend to their slaves.

The term "exploitation" is virtually meaningless. That's why libturds are so fond of it.
They've mastered it so well, they think it doesn't apply to them.
What you are missing is that the more technologically advanced the society the fewer people necessary to maintain it. The native Americans weren't exploited at all. They warred until they were almost exterminated but not exploited. The I'll educated and unskilled will be used for menial labor until there is no more need for that labor. They aren't exploited they are employed. They will be employed until they are replaced with something that works 24 hours a day and never needs a day off.

I disagree. Labor is a commodity. Unskilled labor is a commodity. As a commodity it has a market price. Unfortunately gov't policies exploit people by promising high minimum wage but delivering unemployment instead. Get rid of the min wage and you would see area of growth for unskilled labor.
This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.

As opposed to your conservative masturbation thread?

The OP is about exploitation. Slave owners exploited slaves and those free speech rights most certainly did not extend to their slaves.

The term "exploitation" is virtually meaningless. That's why libturds are so fond of it.
Like "fairness" or "sustainable". They sound good but are without any objective meaning.
What you are missing is that the more technologically advanced the society the fewer people necessary to maintain it. The native Americans weren't exploited at all. They warred until they were almost exterminated but not exploited. The I'll educated and unskilled will be used for menial labor until there is no more need for that labor. They aren't exploited they are employed. They will be employed until they are replaced with something that works 24 hours a day and never needs a day off.

I disagree. Labor is a commodity. Unskilled labor is a commodity. As a commodity it has a market price. Unfortunately gov't policies exploit people by promising high minimum wage but delivering unemployment instead. Get rid of the min wage and you would see area of growth for unskilled labor.
Coupled with getting rid of the present tax code.
Oh my! I had no idea you were the debate moderator here. The topic is the history of exploitation in America, one would think an opinionated guy like you would at least have something to say other than just the same boring lib bashing you engage in everyday like some simpleminded robot.

Yeah there was and is exploitation in America. Typically it involves politicians exploiting people for votes by promising crap they cant possibly deliver on. Like "If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period."
The stuff you call exploitation is usually known as "business."

The stuff you call "business" includes exploitation, you know what I am talking about, working people too hard for too long for too little money, except I suspect your definitions of "too hard, too long and not enough pay" are substantially different than mine. Probably so shamefully callous that you have to come here and say them anonymously.

Yes he does define it differently. How do you define it?
Sure, it's pretty simple really. Look at the working class conservative, one of America's largest voting blocs, what are their big issues right now? It's not working class issues they seem to care about.

Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.
Sure, it's pretty simple really. Look at the working class conservative, one of America's largest voting blocs, what are their big issues right now? It's not working class issues they seem to care about.

Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.
How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

And why did the right-wing Conservative Republican Teabagger party wave their flags and cheer for the PATRIOT Act if the big government is such a problem? Conservatives let Bush make the big government so much bigger and now you're mad that Obama inherited that power? What about if a Republican President gets elected and has that power? Will the Republican Teabagger party go back to screaming "We need strong national defense!" instead of complaining about big government overreach?
The stuff you call "business" includes exploitation, you know what I am talking about, working people too hard for too long for too little money, except I suspect your definitions of "too hard, too long and not enough pay" are substantially different than mine. Probably so shamefully callous that you have to come here and say them anonymously.

There was a time when people worked and enough money to feed and cloth and house 5 children and their wife, while their wife enjoyed being home with the children.

Then the government kept burrowing and printing money, inflation skyrocketed, women had to leave the home and start working full-time in order to help their husband makes ends meet, and now our children are brought up by strangers at a daycare and then shipped off to failings public schools for more than 50% of their non-sleeping hours.
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I worked on the OP for a while. I rewrote in a couple of times or so. It is nothing like what I started it out to be. Basically what I was trying to say that government has to cover more area the move advanced our society becomes, more laws, more regulation, more taxes, and more social programs.

Other than becoming Communist China/Cuba, how much larger can our government become?
I worked on the OP for a while. I rewrote in a couple of times or so. It is nothing like what I started it out to be. Basically what I was trying to say that government has to cover more area the move advanced our society becomes, more laws, more regulation, more taxes, and more social programs. The top 1% having insane amounts of wealth is nothing new, will always exist, and there is nothing inherently wrong with it. To address the question of who is exploited, I believe it is a relative term. The Native Americans suffered the worst of exploitation, the farms and shop workers faired better, and this new class of exploited worker would presumably be a life many people in the world would think is luxury. My original concept of the thread is that we have stalled on the third phase because of free more than anything, i.e. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." The Tea party says, "Let's go back to the first phase. People were honest and life was simple." The Conservatives say, "Let's go back to the second phase. Capitalism has given us everything we see around us. Let's keep doing what works." The Liberals say, "Let's continue the journey. Let's not stop now. We can go to the top of the mountain, we can see the other side and we can cross over." This stalled on whether to transition into the third phase is tearing this country apart. Not in a social sense as much as a practical sense. We are physically coming apart as a country. Our systems, government, business, labor, education, on and on, are becoming more and more imbalanced. We can not go back. We can either pull ourselves together for the next phase or we can fall apart. The first two stages need to remain inherent in the third. We need strong determinism and we need the opportunities of capitalism. One of the greatest fear people have in going into something new is, "Will I fit in? Will there be something for me to do to contribute?" Education young to old can help alleviate this concern. I actually don't claim to know what the third phase is, or should I say would be if we do go forward. All I know is I can't wait to find out.
So YOU are saying that YOU wish less liberty, and more tyranny/slavery at the hands of government. I will echo 2nd Amendment's question to you...how much larger can it get before YOU wake up and realize YOU have been duped into wealth envy thinking? Probably when it's too late.
Sure, it's pretty simple really. Look at the working class conservative, one of America's largest voting blocs, what are their big issues right now? It's not working class issues they seem to care about.

Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.
How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

And why did the right-wing Conservative Republican Teabagger party wave their flags and cheer for the PATRIOT Act if the big government is such a problem? Conservatives let Bush make the big government so much bigger and now you're mad that Obama inherited that power? What about if a Republican President gets elected and has that power? Will the Republican Teabagger party go back to screaming "We need strong national defense!" instead of complaining about big government overreach?

The problem is a lying piece of shit inhabiting the Oval Office. Weren't you offended that Obama told the nation, If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and all the while he knew it was a lie? IT wasn't like maybe if circumstances worked out right you could keep your plan. Or there was a disagreement and some people said it was likely you could keep your plan. No, everyone who had studied the issue knew you would not be able to keep your plan. And Obama went ahead and lied to sell the program. Now he's lying about the fact that he lied earlier. Aren't you offended at being taken for a dummy?
Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.

How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

I was only employed by one company until four months ago: Watermill Catering, Smithtown, New York.

I was (and still am) a Captain. I oversee the entire wedding and assume most of the functions of the matridee when he is tending to the bride and groom.

Many businesses have already implemented the 30-hour rule, even though Obama has passed Executive Orders delaying the action, since it's easier to phase in such a drastic change over time, then for a business to have suddenly make a switch in a short 2-3 month time period when Obama when decides that he will no longer delay the mandate.

Here's a 72-page thread I made on the subject when everyone at my job first got the letter:

It's in this thread that you see the most hateful and gruesome display of "liberal love and tolerance" that I've ever witnessed in my entire life, even now.

I just received a letter from my job stating that no one will be working more than 30 hours a week.

I normally worked 48-52 hours per week generating 10 hours of regular play, and 8-12 hours of overtime time. Each hour I work averages an ADDITIONAL $ 11.25 in tips.

This means each week I will now be losing (20)(11.25) + (10)(10.50) + (10)(16.25) dollars per week.

I will now be losing an average of $ 492.50 per week.

This is nearly $ 2,000 per month.

Almost $24,000 a year ($ 23,640)

I can no longer afford my own private healthcare coverage --- thanks to Obamacare.

I will also have to find a second job, and DROP two classes at Stony Brook University.

So now I will make less money, work more hours, and it will take longer to complete my degree.

My life has been ruined by the parasites.

Obamacare just ruined my life.
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Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.
How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

And why did the right-wing Conservative Republican Teabagger party wave their flags and cheer for the PATRIOT Act if the big government is such a problem? Conservatives let Bush make the big government so much bigger and now you're mad that Obama inherited that power? What about if a Republican President gets elected and has that power? Will the Republican Teabagger party go back to screaming "We need strong national defense!" instead of complaining about big government overreach?

The problem is a lying piece of shit inhabiting the Oval Office. Weren't you offended that Obama told the nation, If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and all the while he knew it was a lie? IT wasn't like maybe if circumstances worked out right you could keep your plan. Or there was a disagreement and some people said it was likely you could keep your plan. No, everyone who had studied the issue knew you would not be able to keep your plan. And Obama went ahead and lied to sell the program. Now he's lying about the fact that he lied earlier. Aren't you offended at being taken for a dummy?
Some people apparently love being led by the nose. Thinking for themselves is too much work.

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