
Correct, since we work hard for a living and are living rather comfortably compared to the generations of the previous 8,000 years of human civilization, our concerns are:

1: NSA
3: Gun Grabbers
4: Obamacare --- many of us have already been cut back to 30 hours before the mandate has even been put into operation. I had to get a second job an now I'm working 60 hours a week (maxing out on 30 hours at both jobs each week) instead of 50 hours +overtime (and I was making more money). This is because of Obamacare.

These things are actually relevant to today, unlike who was and wasn't enslaved in the 17th Century.

How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

I was only employed by one company until four months ago: Watermill Catering, Smithtown, New York.

I was (and still am) a Captain. I oversee the entire wedding and assume most of the functions of the matridee when he is tending to the bride and groom.

Many businesses have already implemented the 30-hour rule, even though Obama has passed Executive Orders delaying the action, since it's easier to phase in such a drastic change over time, then for a business to have suddenly make a switch in a short 2-3 month time period when Obama when decides that he will no longer delay the mandate.
You didn't answer the question. Does your employer profit enough money to be able to pay you for a full 40-hr work week, plus any regular overtime, plus health benefits? If so, then Obamacare shouldn't even matter to you.

You're blaming Obamacare for your employer cutting your hours to keep more money for himself. And if your small business can't afford to pay full-time wages, Wal-Mart can afford to pay their employees full time plus benefits. Target, Sears, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Denny's, etc. etc. etc. can afford to pay their employees more without cutting any hours. Why don't they? Because that means less money for the shareholders. The employees don't matter. The employees are being "exploited" to maximize shareholder profits.
How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

I was only employed by one company until four months ago: Watermill Catering, Smithtown, New York.

I was (and still am) a Captain. I oversee the entire wedding and assume most of the functions of the matridee when he is tending to the bride and groom.

Many businesses have already implemented the 30-hour rule, even though Obama has passed Executive Orders delaying the action, since it's easier to phase in such a drastic change over time, then for a business to have suddenly make a switch in a short 2-3 month time period when Obama when decides that he will no longer delay the mandate.
You didn't answer the question. Does your employer profit enough money to be able to pay you for a full 40-hr work week, plus any regular overtime, plus health benefits? If so, then Obamacare shouldn't even matter to you.

You're blaming Obamacare for your employer cutting your hours to keep more money for himself. And if your small business can't afford to pay full-time wages, Wal-Mart can afford to pay their employees full time plus benefits. Target, Sears, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Denny's, etc. etc. etc. can afford to pay their employees more without cutting any hours. Why don't they? Because that means less money for the shareholders. The employees don't matter. The employees are being "exploited" to maximize shareholder profits.
He DID answer it. You're too blinded by wealth envy that you've been spoon fed to see it.
How does Obamacare require employers to cut their employees' hours to 30/wk? As far as I can tell, the employer mandate is for companies with 50 to 100 employees. Those aren't "mom-and-pop" small businesses. These are companies that are large enough to be able to afford to pay their employees more.

Why does a business "have" to reduce workers' hours?
How does Obamacare require employers to cut their employees' hours to 30/wk? As far as I can tell, the employer mandate is for companies with 50 to 100 employees. Those aren't "mom-and-pop" small businesses. These are companies that are large enough to be able to afford to pay their employees more.

Why does a business "have" to reduce workers' hours?
So company size determines how much they can pay employees? Did you ride the short bus to school?
How did Obamacare cause both of your different employers to cut your hours? Which companies do you work for? How much do the companies profit? Is it more than enough to pay you for full 40hrs/wk plus overtime? If so, then why don't you find better jobs with companies that aren't ran by greedy assholes?

I was only employed by one company until four months ago: Watermill Catering, Smithtown, New York.

I was (and still am) a Captain. I oversee the entire wedding and assume most of the functions of the matridee when he is tending to the bride and groom.

Many businesses have already implemented the 30-hour rule, even though Obama has passed Executive Orders delaying the action, since it's easier to phase in such a drastic change over time, then for a business to have suddenly make a switch in a short 2-3 month time period when Obama when decides that he will no longer delay the mandate.
You didn't answer the question. Does your employer profit enough money to be able to pay you for a full 40-hr work week, plus any regular overtime, plus health benefits? If so, then Obamacare shouldn't even matter to you.

You're blaming Obamacare for your employer cutting your hours to keep more money for himself. And if your small business can't afford to pay full-time wages, Wal-Mart can afford to pay their employees full time plus benefits. Target, Sears, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Denny's, etc. etc. etc. can afford to pay their employees more without cutting any hours. Why don't they? Because that means less money for the shareholders. The employees don't matter. The employees are being "exploited" to maximize shareholder profits.

How do you know they can afford it? Profit margins in most of the industries you listed are less than 10%. Obamacare could easily add that much to their cost of doing business.
Wal-Mart profits billions every fiscal quarter. Wal-Mart is the nation's largest private employer. Wal-Mart can afford to pay its employees more with those billion-dollar profits.
How does Obamacare require employers to cut their employees' hours to 30/wk? As far as I can tell, the employer mandate is for companies with 50 to 100 employees. Those aren't "mom-and-pop" small businesses. These are companies that are large enough to be able to afford to pay their employees more.

Why does a business "have" to reduce workers' hours?
So company size determines how much they can pay employees? Did you ride the short bus to school?
No, company profits determines how much they can pay employees. If a company makes more profit by keeping workers' hours and wages low, then that company can increase workers' hours and wages and make fewer profits. Especially if that company is a multi-billion dollar international operation.
What you are missing is that the more technologically advanced the society the fewer people necessary to maintain it. The native Americans weren't exploited at all. They warred until they were almost exterminated but not exploited. The I'll educated and unskilled will be used for menial labor until there is no more need for that labor. They aren't exploited they are employed. They will be employed until they are replaced with something that works 24 hours a day and never needs a day off.

The Creative Economy
It's getting harder and more dangerous to exploit people through brute force. Thank the internet. It's getting easier to fool fearful people into accepting exploitation by tying their livelihoods to it's continuance. Thank the internet.

I thought about it later but I could have put in the third phase of government/legal domain would be intellectual property. Would you elaboration on "exploitation by tying their livelihoods to it's continuance"? I am not sure I understand continuance of what. Thanks.

Sure, it's pretty simple really. Look at the working class conservative, one of America's largest voting blocs, what are their big issues right now? It's not working class issues they seem to care about, it's more like we as a nation need to give big business more so that they can maybe let some trickle down, they like BP even though they about ruined the gulf, they like bankers even though they about ruined the world, they act as if their turn to be be a billionaire is right around the corner. They have been conditioned to identify with the financial elite because they think that their jobs and incomes depend on being compliant to their wishes. Perhaps there is some truth to it in our plutocratic system where the working class has lost it's formerly great political power.

But they don't leave their future fortune to chance ...

No sireee Bob. They take responsibility for feeding their families.

They all buy lottery tickets!
I thought about it later but I could have put in the third phase of government/legal domain would be intellectual property. Would you elaboration on "exploitation by tying their livelihoods to it's continuance"? I am not sure I understand continuance of what. Thanks.

Sure, it's pretty simple really. Look at the working class conservative, one of America's largest voting blocs, what are their big issues right now? It's not working class issues they seem to care about, it's more like we as a nation need to give big business more so that they can maybe let some trickle down, they like BP even though they about ruined the gulf, they like bankers even though they about ruined the world, they act as if their turn to be be a billionaire is right around the corner. They have been conditioned to identify with the financial elite because they think that their jobs and incomes depend on being compliant to their wishes. Perhaps there is some truth to it in our plutocratic system where the working class has lost it's formerly great political power.

But they don't leave their future fortune to chance ...

No sireee Bob. They take responsibility for feeding their families.

They all buy lottery tickets!

it's hard to make out what you're trying to say

it seems to boil down to you being a brainwashed idiot who rants about corporations; as if you can be enslaved by governments. that's never happened in the history of the world

idiots and hypocrites
Wal-Mart profits billions every fiscal quarter. Wal-Mart is the nation's largest private employer. Wal-Mart can afford to pay its employees more with those billion-dollar profits.

why dont you start your own Walmart type of company; since you have all the answers?
How does Obamacare require employers to cut their employees' hours to 30/wk? As far as I can tell, the employer mandate is for companies with 50 to 100 employees. Those aren't "mom-and-pop" small businesses. These are companies that are large enough to be able to afford to pay their employees more.

Why does a business "have" to reduce workers' hours?
So company size determines how much they can pay employees? Did you ride the short bus to school?
No, company profits determines how much they can pay employees. If a company makes more profit by keeping workers' hours and wages low, then that company can increase workers' hours and wages and make fewer profits. Especially if that company is a multi-billion dollar international operation.

If they make less in profits, who would want to invest with them? If no one invests with them, they will go bankrupt.
I realize all of this is thinking beyond Stage One, something libs are incapable of. But companies are not run in order to give salary and benefits to workers.
Wal-Mart profits billions every fiscal quarter. Wal-Mart is the nation's largest private employer. Wal-Mart can afford to pay its employees more with those billion-dollar profits.

Wal-Mart has over one million employees. Every increase of $1000/yr in compensation means $1 billion from Wal-Mart's bottom line. How much do you think Wal-Mart can afford to increase employee salaries??
This is probably a little off from the OP but, oh well. ;) Often when I hear about gutting entitlements, wealth envy, capitalism, and learned dependency I think of this song. If you can't use your speakers at the moment I hope you will take the time to listen to it later. For your next trivia game she got her start from playing in Boston T stations.
[ame=http://youtu.be/TO9Qa7MpAvw]Tracy Chapman - Fast Car - YouTube[/ame]

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