
How utterly low class of you.
Fits the bill to a "T"

You obviously and realistically have nothing of intelligence to say about this conversation.
Even the morality of it escapes you.

Must be some sort of conservative rule that low-key intellectual topics on this board must be disrupted by crappy partisan trolling.
Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.
You obviously and realistically have nothing of intelligence to say about this conversation.
Even the morality of it escapes you.

Must be some sort of conservative rule that low-key intellectual topics on this board must be disrupted by crappy partisan trolling.
Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.

Comment on the topic at hand or go find one of the many pile-on the lib threads. What do you feel about the topic? We already know how much you hate libs.
Exploitation according to Texas Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee:

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Must be some sort of conservative rule that low-key intellectual topics on this board must be disrupted by crappy partisan trolling.
Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.

Comment on the topic at hand or go find one of the many pile-on the lib threads. What do you feel about the topic? We already know how much you hate libs.

What is the topic at hand? Oh yeah, da Man is keeping you all down.
Go whine somewhere else. We're full up with stupid here.
Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.

Comment on the topic at hand or go find one of the many pile-on the lib threads. What do you feel about the topic? We already know how much you hate libs.

What is the topic at hand? Oh yeah, da Man is keeping you all down.
Go whine somewhere else. We're full up with stupid here.

Oh my! I had no idea you were the debate moderator here. The topic is the history of exploitation in America, one would think an opinionated guy like you would at least have something to say other than just the same boring lib bashing you engage in everyday like some simpleminded robot.
Comment on the topic at hand or go find one of the many pile-on the lib threads. What do you feel about the topic? We already know how much you hate libs.

What is the topic at hand? Oh yeah, da Man is keeping you all down.
Go whine somewhere else. We're full up with stupid here.

Oh my! I had no idea you were the debate moderator here. The topic is the history of exploitation in America, one would think an opinionated guy like you would at least have something to say other than just the same boring lib bashing you engage in everyday like some simpleminded robot.

Yeah there was and is exploitation in America. Typically it involves politicians exploiting people for votes by promising crap they cant possibly deliver on. Like "If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period."
The stuff you call exploitation is usually known as "business."
What is the topic at hand? Oh yeah, da Man is keeping you all down.
Go whine somewhere else. We're full up with stupid here.

Oh my! I had no idea you were the debate moderator here. The topic is the history of exploitation in America, one would think an opinionated guy like you would at least have something to say other than just the same boring lib bashing you engage in everyday like some simpleminded robot.

Yeah there was and is exploitation in America. Typically it involves politicians exploiting people for votes by promising crap they cant possibly deliver on. Like "If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period."
The stuff you call exploitation is usually known as "business."

The stuff you call "business" includes exploitation, you know what I am talking about, working people too hard for too long for too little money, except I suspect your definitions of "too hard, too long and not enough pay" are substantially different than mine. Probably so shamefully callous that you have to come here and say them anonymously.
Oh my! I had no idea you were the debate moderator here. The topic is the history of exploitation in America, one would think an opinionated guy like you would at least have something to say other than just the same boring lib bashing you engage in everyday like some simpleminded robot.

Yeah there was and is exploitation in America. Typically it involves politicians exploiting people for votes by promising crap they cant possibly deliver on. Like "If you like your doctor, you can keep him. Period."
The stuff you call exploitation is usually known as "business."

The stuff you call "business" includes exploitation, you know what I am talking about, working people too hard for too long for too little money, except I suspect your definitions of "too hard, too long and not enough pay" are substantially different than mine. Probably so shamefully callous that you have to come here and say them anonymously.

Last I checked slavery was abolished here back in 1865. After that every transaction required two consenting parties.
When I think of exploitation, the Democrat party is the first thing that comes to mind. From their exploiting black Americans for purposes of slavery, to progressive Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson stating: "I'll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years", to exploiting peoples fears by creating problems so that way they can falsely lead the gullible into believing they have the solution. From having their whores in the media assist them, the Democrats into panicking people with false propaganda such as "Republicans war on (insert whatever the Democrats think of)" to global warming alarmism. And no other party exploits children the way the Democrats do. The word exploitation should be spelled in bold blue letters to say the least.

How utterly low class of you.
Fits the bill to a "T"

Must be some sort of conservative rule that low-key intellectual topics on this board must be disrupted by crappy partisan trolling.
Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.

And just what has The Rabbi said that was so "low class" as you proclaim? If it is so low class, why don't you address the issues Rabbi presented. Instead, the best you can do is a pathetic at best attack on his reply. I bet you think you are really high class, but given what I've read from your posts, I highly doubt you could tell us the difference between a Canon camera and Canon D without having to figure it out through a search engine.
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I worked on the OP for a while. I rewrote in a couple of times or so. It is nothing like what I started it out to be. Basically what I was trying to say that government has to cover more area the move advanced our society becomes, more laws, more regulation, more taxes, and more social programs. The top 1% having insane amounts of wealth is nothing new, will always exist, and there is nothing inherently wrong with it. To address the question of who is exploited, I believe it is a relative term. The Native Americans suffered the worst of exploitation, the farms and shop workers faired better, and this new class of exploited worker would presumably be a life many people in the world would think is luxury. My original concept of the thread is that we have stalled on the third phase because of free more than anything, i.e. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." The Tea party says, "Let's go back to the first phase. People were honest and life was simple." The Conservatives say, "Let's go back to the second phase. Capitalism has given us everything we see around us. Let's keep doing what works." The Liberals say, "Let's continue the journey. Let's not stop now. We can go to the top of the mountain, we can see the other side and we can cross over." This stalled on whether to transition into the third phase is tearing this country apart. Not in a social sense as much as a practical sense. We are physically coming apart as a country. Our systems, government, business, labor, education, on and on, are becoming more and more imbalanced. We can not go back. We can either pull ourselves together for the next phase or we can fall apart. The first two stages need to remain inherent in the third. We need strong determinism and we need the opportunities of capitalism. One of the greatest fear people have in going into something new is, "Will I fit in? Will there be something for me to do to contribute?" Education young to old can help alleviate this concern. I actually don't claim to know what the third phase is, or should I say would be if we do go forward. All I know is I can't wait to find out.
Just like someone like you to put words into someones mouths.
The discussion was about exploitation and his input was to immediately attack one political party.
Keeping with your train of thought, of course, you have to come to someones defense and you fall right into the same category.

When I think of exploitation, the Democrat party is the first thing that comes to mind. From their exploiting black Americans for purposes of slavery, to progressive Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson stating: "I'll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years", to exploiting peoples fears by creating problems so that way they can falsely lead the gullible into believing they have the solution. From having their whores in the media assist them, the Democrats into panicking people with false propaganda such as "Republicans war on (insert whatever the Democrats think of)" to global warming alarmism. And no other party exploits children the way the Democrats do. The word exploitation should be spelled in bold blue letters to say the least.

How utterly low class of you.
Fits the bill to a "T"

Have liberals started any intellectual topics here, low key or not? They seem to consist of:
-Stupid things the GOP chairman of Pig's Hook IA said at a backyard barbecue
-Big Business is out to screw us
-Obama is practically god incarnate
-ACA is working so well we support Obama deferring all its major provisions.

And just what has The Rabbi said that was so "low class" as you proclaim? If it is so low class, why don't you address the issues Rabbi presented. Instead, the best you can do is a pathetic at best attack on his reply. I bet you think you are really high class, but given what I've read from your posts, I highly doubt you could tell us the difference between a Canon camera and Canon D without having to figure it out through a search engine.
Just like someone like you to put words into someones mouths.
The discussion was about exploitation and his input was to immediately attack one political party.
Keeping with your train of thought, of course, you have to come to someones defense and you fall right into the same category.
Oh gee look at that. The crappy premise of a crappy thread is identified and suddenly a poster gets all butthurt because it just didnt deteriorate into the circle jerk he wanted.
Hey, this is a free country, for the time being. You dont want to work for someone? Don't do it. You dnt want to do business with someone? Don't do it. As long as it doesnt involve buying health insurance you're still free.
We are entering a stage of technological innovation that will make non skilled uneducated individuals superfluous. Machines will largely replace menial workers within the next 20 years. The poor of today will have to be nudged into exterminating themselves. Abortion, drug use and murder will become just tools to rid the society of an excess and complaining population of what are rapidly becoming leeches on the productivity of others.
Nothing of the sort but then again if you feel that way run with whatever you wish.
Exploitation has nothing to do with technology and the diminishing of a work force.
Once again another post by someone that really felt as if they got butt hurt.

Just like someone like you to put words into someones mouths.
The discussion was about exploitation and his input was to immediately attack one political party.
Keeping with your train of thought, of course, you have to come to someones defense and you fall right into the same category.
Oh gee look at that. The crappy premise of a crappy thread is identified and suddenly a poster gets all butthurt because it just didnt deteriorate into the circle jerk he wanted.
Hey, this is a free country, for the time being. You dont want to work for someone? Don't do it. You dnt want to do business with someone? Don't do it. As long as it doesnt involve buying health insurance you're still free.
Just like someone like you to put words into someones mouths.
The discussion was about exploitation and his input was to immediately attack one political party.
Keeping with your train of thought, of course, you have to come to someones defense and you fall right into the same category.

When I think of exploitation, the Democrat party is the first thing that comes to mind. From their exploiting black Americans for purposes of slavery, to progressive Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson stating: "I'll have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years", to exploiting peoples fears by creating problems so that way they can falsely lead the gullible into believing they have the solution. From having their whores in the media assist them, the Democrats into panicking people with false propaganda such as "Republicans war on (insert whatever the Democrats think of)" to global warming alarmism. And no other party exploits children the way the Democrats do. The word exploitation should be spelled in bold blue letters to say the least.

How utterly low class of you.
Fits the bill to a "T"

And just what has The Rabbi said that was so "low class" as you proclaim? If it is so low class, why don't you address the issues Rabbi presented. Instead, the best you can do is a pathetic at best attack on his reply. I bet you think you are really high class, but given what I've read from your posts, I highly doubt you could tell us the difference between a Canon camera and Canon D without having to figure it out through a search engine.

Speaking of categories, here is the one you'd fall into:

What you are missing is that the more technologically advanced the society the fewer people necessary to maintain it. The native Americans weren't exploited at all. They warred until they were almost exterminated but not exploited. The I'll educated and unskilled will be used for menial labor until there is no more need for that labor. They aren't exploited they are employed. They will be employed until they are replaced with something that works 24 hours a day and never needs a day off.
This is a Progressive masturbation thread.

Is freedom of speech bad because it was codified by slave owners?

You owe your lives to those slave owners who codified the Bill of Rights.
We need to ask blacks and other so-called minorities how they feel about being exploited by the very people that claim to care about them. How has that worked out for them to date?:eusa_whistle:

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