Explosion outside Kabul, Afghanistan airport: LIVE UPDATES

You know who pulled the rug from under them right? I mean being shut out from the peace talks kind of gives it away.

Yuppers.....the president who said he could cure COVID....and that he was going to get things back to normal.....*meaning kissing our enemy's butts....begging for forgiveness from them*......yesser.....the adults are back to running things........but too-bad-so-sad....if anything goes wrong while he's running everything into the toilet.
Yuppers.....the president who said he could cure COVID....and that he was going to get things back to normal.....*meaning kissing our enemy's butts....begging for forgiveness from them*......yesser.....the adults are back to running things........but too-bad-so-sad....if anything goes wrong while he's running everything into the toilet.

It's already beyond the toilet. It's in the sewage pipes.
Dimbulb Joe cowtowing to the Evil and the Evil acts like Evil and obstructs the deadline They set and we groveled to accept
Those poor people have been standing in that filthy sewage ditch for days and President Poatatohead didn't even provide security for him.

He had three times the number of troops providing security in DC for the turds that allowed the Democrats to steal the election last Winter.

What is wrong with him? What is wrong with the dimwits that voted for him and then allowed him to steal the election?

Our media and Big Tech are also responsible for getting Bi-Dung elected/installed!
If this is an assault on the airport, expect lots of U.S. casualties. There'll be no way to evac, nor reinforce our troops. The entire administration needs to be removed because of this.
Well, you were righter than you knew about lots of U.S. casualties. . . . . .
Yes, let's blame our own leaders for what ISIS does. You people have lost your minds.
There is that. Good point. Why do people do this so much?? It always seems so important to blame, blame, blame, and no one ever blames the ones actually causing the problem. We blame Biden for what suicide bombers and the Taliban do, and we blame normal Americans for the Delta illness, but it's the virus that does it.

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