Explosion outside Kabul, Afghanistan airport: LIVE UPDATES

This is just the beginning of the coming internecine conflict coming between Islamic extremist groups. According to reports, it may have been ISISK. We need to get all Americans out now.
but, but, the scum demonRATS don't want to...they have the mentality that AMERICANS are bad.....
That incompetent shit that is going on in Afghanistan is President Potatohead's doing. The Americans in Afghanistan (mostly working for the government) were looking to the State Department for specific guidance and to the military for protection. President Potatohead failed to do his job of protecting them.

He removed the military first instead of calling for an evacuation first. Really really dumb. He wasn't watching the store.
Or he was watching the store very well. You just did not understand WHICH store he was watching. In case anyone is watching, THIS is what treason really looks like.
Yep.....and let our enemies know exactly when while pulling the rug from under the Afghan government cause them to abandon everything to the Taliban.
You know who pulled the rug from under them right? I mean being shut out from the peace talks kind of gives it away.

Another one accusing our military. And so it goes with the Right.
who would your brain dead- head blame?
xiden is in dementia land, and all of the AMERICAN blood falls on the scum demonRATS for not protecting AMERICANS
you really are a anti-AMERICA piece of shit....throw your thumbs down on this 1 also...that shows your lack of a functional brain, shit stain
As was said during WWII; praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

The taliban must be held accountable but as I previously posted the taliban man will blame it on others.
the same shit SCUM demonRATS do
Biden's buddies aren't playing nice, are they?

So the Taliban broke the Aug 31 deadline. Just goes to show you cannot trust them for their word. Biden is an idiot.
can't trust the scum demonRATS to protect AMERICA and its citizens
No, but I bet you are.

Those poor people have been standing in that filthy sewage ditch for days and President Poatatohead didn't even provide security for him.

He had three times the number of troops providing security in DC for the turds that allowed the Democrats to steal the election last Winter.

What is wrong with him? What is wrong with the dimwits that voted for him and then allowed him to steal the election?
The Neo-GOP can't control their excitement at seeing America under attack so they can blame the new President for the 19 year failed mission of Nation Building in Afghanistan by the three previous administrations.

That's American politics for you.
you really show what a retarded moron you really are....
AMERICA doesn't have a 'president'....it has a compromised, corrupt, pedophile...

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