Explosions in Kiev?

Although the Ukraine is squarely in the Russian sphere of influence, Kiev and the country's west are largely pro-Europe and anti-Russian while in the east Russia holds sway. There is little the US or NATO can practically do even if Russia were to invade in support of the current government. A civil war and even a partition of the country is not out of the question.
What the heck is happening?

And why should we care?

And how does it involve us, if at all?

And what are the risks?

And what are the possible outcomes?

Where is this going?

And should we be worried?

Pro EU public and pro russian government are at loggerheads, essentially a breakdown of democracy as the people want something the government don't.

Other than innocent people dying being something we all care about I don't know.

Seeing as how the EU is western and so are we then we are probably roughly on the side of the protestors. Probably.

More people might die, in an exception circumstance thr russian might send in their army after requests from the Ukrainian government and there might be a diplomatic spat with Vlad the Putin.

I dunno.

Probably a few more nights of violence followed by a solutuion which is accepted by many and liked by few.

Right or wrong, this administration will not get involved...well besides lip service I mean.
If it does not settle down, then Putin will take care of it and the people will lose what freedoms they have left.
Someone should just tell the Ukrainians that the president won the election and they need to get over it. His word is law and they just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Like democrats tell Americans.
The result of western meddling. These people have more balls the the average American sheep.

They are shooting Ukraine security forces. They prevented reserve forces from leaving one city to support the security forces in Kiev. A judge who jailed protesters has been murdered. The only thing Ukrainians need from Russia is gas and oil.
Ukrainian media has also said that an Israeli tycoon provides financial support to the opposition in Ukraine, adding that Israel's Mossad intelligence agency is one of the instigators of the unrest in the country.
Noooo! Jews wouldn't meddle in another countries business now would they!?
Holy shit...you joined this month and have managed to rack up over 1k posts already...do you not sleep troll?
Don't like the thread,don't read it. Pretty simple concept even you can understand.
I'm starting to really get pissed off. I'm going to be firing off some emails tonight.

These so called peaceful protestors have killed policemen and currently hold 67 police hostage.

Is Obama or my PM Harper or PM Cameron or anyone at the EU going to tell me that they would allow violent protests on Capitol Hill or Parliament Hill?

Allow protestors to kill policemen and capture them and hold them hostage?

I'm really not understanding this "holier than though" bullshit from our leaders.

Protestors really kicked the violence up to this new level. Would Obama or my Prime Minister just la dee da let your or mine Hill police come under attack?

I'm sick to death of this bullshit by our leaders. Fix some pot holes, fix the economy and shut the fuck up.

The latest bout of street violence began Tuesday when protesters attacked police lines and set fires outside parliament, accusing Yanukovych of ignoring their demands to enact constitutional reforms that would once again limit the president's power.

At Least 22 Dead as Truce Collapses in Ukraine
From your own link:

An AP cameraman saw snipers shooting at protesters in Kiev and video footage showed at least one sniper wearing a Ukraine riot police uniform.

The carnage appears to show that neither Yanukovych nor the opposition leaders appear to be in control of the chaos engulfing Ukraine.

Dr. Oleh Musiy, the top medical coordinator for the protesters told the AP that at least 70 protesters were killed Thursday and over 500 injured, and the death toll could well rise further.

The government has been imposing a brutal crackdown on the people, and they are starting to fight back. Did you want them to just take a beating lying down?

This is a battle between the people who want to align with the West, and the leadership which wants to align with Putin.

It is absolutely fascinating you are lining up on Putin's side.
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It is a universal right to protest against your leader's refusal to listen through normal channels, if the riot squad shows up you can't just be pussies and go home, freedom must occasionally be wrested from the hands of bad people and it is frequently messy. What is the deal with so-called freedom loving Americans having such a dim view of popular revolt against tyranny?
Ukranians are sick of the corruption and protesting for something better. The government wants to hold on to power and are willing to go to any length to do so:

""Associated Press journalist Yuras Karmanau describes the carnage in Kiev: "When I walked out into the Maidan, clad in a helmet and a flak jacket, I saw bodies lying on the pavement. Ten in one place, another six a short walk away, five more farther away. The demonstrators were killed with precise shots to their heads or necks, the hallmarks of snipers.""

BBC News - LIVE: Ukraine unrest: Clashes in central Kiev

You could also check out this live feed from the Ukraine. Every 30 minutes or so they show the days' events - one segment is protestors hiding bend homemade shields being picked off by police snipers. Very clear and very graphic so don't watch if this may be upsetting to you.


http://www.kyivpost.com is a Ukranian newspaper in English whose editor is American.
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