Explosive study claims to prove Chinese scientists created COVID


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If people start asking questions and getting answers that differ from the W.H.O narrative, there may yet be consequences for China that would slow down and even reverse their ascension. The manner in which it was shipped outside of the Wuhan Province also may lead to some further suspicions.

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence "of retro-engineering in China" since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: "the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small." The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.
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Economic sanctions and regime change in China.

Anyone trading with China is against us. KILL their country and split them up. NO MORE COMMIES!!!
The owe the US at least $20 trillion in economic damages.
Cancel all debt and end all trade. Confiscate all U.S. land owned by Chinese Nationals under eminent domain. Give them fair compensation and get them out.
Judge Judy Well Duh.jpg
Economic sanctions and regime change in China.

Anyone trading with China is against us. KILL their country and split them up. NO MORE COMMIES!!!
The owe the US at least $20 trillion in economic damages.
Cancel all debt and end all trade. Confiscate all U.S. land owned by Chinese Nationals under eminent domain. Give them fair compensation and get them out.
Their "fair compensation" should be that they get out alive if they're CCP.
Anyone with any common sense knew this as soon as they found out that the only biosafety level 4 research facility in all of China is in Wuhan, and its called the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
If people start asking questions and getting answers that differ from the W.H.O narrative, there may yet be consequences for China that would slow down and even reverse their ascension. The manner in which it was shipped outside of the Wuhan Province also may lead to some further suspicions.

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence "of retro-engineering in China" since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: "the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small." The virus is still killingcademia 12,000 people a day around the world.
Academia strikes again. I don't think corona was reverse-engineered but brand new.
The manner in which it was shipped outside of the Wuhan Province also may lead to some further suspicions.
This is the bit my husband noticed right away ---- that the Chinese let international travel from Wuhan continue for weeks but Wuhan and internal travel was locked right down. EXPORT of the disease.

I think he is right that this happened, and it does look real suspicious.

Other than that, I think it was a lab accident and they tracked it outside by accident, and here's why ---

I read a lot about epidemiology.

Just about EVERY plague comes from China, and it always has. Plague of Justinian, 4th century; Black Death, 1348, cholera, all sorts of dire influenzas came from China (like the Hong Kong flu). None of these were "reverse engineered," they're all a case of the germ winning and us losing. China is just very ,very germy. I read a good argument that the 1918 Spanish Flu came from the many coolie workers they imported from China to work on carrying supplies in World War I Europe. They tried in a couple books to make out that it came from Kansas, Blame America First, you know, but there really is no evidence for that, and NOTHING came from the Americas except of course syphillis. Even yellow fever and dengue and so on were imported from Africa or Asia.

And lab accidents while working with serious disease organisms are incredibly common. I mean, the stories! Yow! You don't want to know. AFTER they exterminated smallpox, a few labs were still working with it --- after all, these were scientists, what could go wrong with that? So it got out of a lab in London through a telephone box on the other side having a hole drilled for the cable. Several people caught it, all of London searching for the people that were on a certain bus; the scientist killed himself. Stupid guy, no one died and they outlawed working with it after that. Remember when they shut down the whole area around the CDC in Atlanta a couple years ago? Uh-huh ---- it was an "incident." I personally don't think we should pay for the Chinese to weaponize fatal bat viruses, but what do I know? Gotta follow the Science, right?
If people start asking questions and getting answers that differ from the W.H.O narrative, there may yet be consequences for China that would slow down and even reverse their ascension. The manner in which it was shipped outside of the Wuhan Province also may lead to some further suspicions.

A bombshell new study claims to have proof that Chinese scientists created COVID-19 in a lab and then tried to reverse-engineer versions of the virus to make it look like it evolved naturally from bats.

British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen wrote they’ve had primary evidence "of retro-engineering in China" since last year, but were ignored by academics and major medical journals, The Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing the soon-to-be-published study.

The study concludes: "the likelihood of it being the result of natural processes is very small." The virus is still killing 12,000 people a day around the world.
Yup, they created it, and Obama bin Fauci paid them to do it.
Economic sanctions and regime change in China.

Anyone trading with China is against us. KILL their country and split them up. NO MORE COMMIES!!!
The owe the US at least $20 trillion in economic damages.
Cancel all debt and end all trade. Confiscate all U.S. land owned by Chinese Nationals under eminent domain. Give them fair compensation and get them out.

While I agree that Covid-19 was most likely created in the Wuhan lab, we'd still need some evidence that it was intentionally spread. I have no doubt that the U.S. and many other countries have similar labs and are doing similar projects.

IF they can prove it was created in a lab, but not intentional spread there should be world-wide restrictions put on this type of work. U.N. inspectors in EVERY country to monitor these types of labs.

IF it is found that the Chinese intentionally spread Covid-19, there must be some type of punishment. But cancelling all debt, stopping all trade, and seizing all Chinese assets will just cause retaliations that will hurt us more than them. They have trillions of dollars in Western investments in China that they could seize in a second - far more then what they have in the U.S. There would be a world wide economic collapse.

War is out of the question. China is a hard nut to crack.

IF it is found that the Chinese intentionally spread Covid-19, there must be some type of punishment. But cancelling all debt, stopping all trade, and seizing all Chinese assets will just cause retaliations that will hurt us more than them. They have trillions of dollars in Western investments in China that they could seize in a second - far more then what they have in the U.S. There would be a world wide economic collapse.

War is out of the question. China is a hard nut to crack.
If there is war, they will win and we will lose.

Does no one but me understand the significance of them having fully five times as many people? Whoever smart we've got, they've got five of them. They've got a million man army ---- or two or three of them. They could invade thru Mexico: Red Dawn was right. We can't invade anyone, anywhere: we are too busy fighting ourselves.

I don't think they intentionally let this stuff loose. I think the virus got loose, and then they decided to spread the joy. And show how much better they were at controlling it ----- I'm not convinced about that, however.
The manner in which it was shipped outside of the Wuhan Province also may lead to some further suspicions.
This is the bit my husband noticed right away ---- that the Chinese let international travel from Wuhan continue for weeks but Wuhan and internal travel was locked right down. EXPORT of the disease.

I think he is right that this happened, and it does look real suspicious.

Other than that, I think it was a lab accident and they tracked it outside by accident, and here's why ---

I read a lot about epidemiology.

Just about EVERY plague comes from China, and it always has. Plague of Justinian, 4th century; Black Death, 1348, cholera, all sorts of dire influenzas came from China (like the Hong Kong flu). None of these were "reverse engineered," they're all a case of the germ winning and us losing. China is just very ,very germy. I read a good argument that the 1918 Spanish Flu came from the many coolie workers they imported from China to work on carrying supplies in World War I Europe. They tried in a couple books to make out that it came from Kansas, Blame America First, you know, but there really is no evidence for that, and NOTHING came from the Americas except of course syphillis. Even yellow fever and dengue and so on were imported from Africa or Asia.

And lab accidents while working with serious disease organisms are incredibly common. I mean, the stories! Yow! You don't want to know. AFTER they exterminated smallpox, a few labs were still working with it --- after all, these were scientists, what could go wrong with that? So it got out of a lab in London through a telephone box on the other side having a hole drilled for the cable. Several people caught it, all of London searching for the people that were on a certain bus; the scientist killed himself. Stupid guy, no one died and they outlawed working with it after that. Remember when they shut down the whole area around the CDC in Atlanta a couple years ago? Uh-huh ---- it was an "incident." I personally don't think we should pay for the Chinese to weaponize fatal bat viruses, but what do I know? Gotta follow the Science, right?
Thanks for mentioning Justinian the Great. Theodora was his wife. Behind every great man is a woman.
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But cancelling all debt, stopping all trade, and seizing all Chinese assets will just cause retaliations that will hurt us more than them. They have trillions of dollars in Western investments in China that they could seize in a second - far more then what they have in the U.S. There would be a world wide economic collapse.
We should treat china as an enemy because thats what they are

Ban chinese students from attending US colleges, close the Confucius Institutes and take china off the US stock markets

But globalists here and in europe will strongly oppose that so it will first require a massive upgrade in western leadership and cooperation
Thanks for mentioning Justinian the Great. Theodora was his wife. Behind every great man is a woman.
Yeah! Her morals may have been just a little ------ liberated ------ but hey, great empress. I have actually seen the giant mosaics of them in Ravenna, Italy.
But cancelling all debt, stopping all trade, and seizing all Chinese assets will just cause retaliations that will hurt us more than them. They have trillions of dollars in Western investments in China that they could seize in a second - far more then what they have in the U.S. There would be a world wide economic collapse.
We should treat china as an enemy because thats what they are

Ban chinese students from attending US colleges, close the Confucius Institutes and take china off the US stock markets

But globalists here and in europe will strongly oppose that so it will first require a massive upgrade in western leadership and cooperation
Also, sieze every Chinese national owned business in the US and auction them off to the highest US bidder. Proceeds used to pay down the US debt. Freedom can never be achieved as long as the people are in debt.
Thanks for mentioning Justinian the Great. Theodora was his wife. Behind every great man is a woman.
Yeah! Her morals may have been just a little ------ liberated ------ but hey, great empress. I have actually seen the giant mosaics of them in Ravenna, Italy.
Constantinople (then) or Istanbul (today) is where Justinian and Theodora wore their crowns. Byzantium or the Eastern Roman Empire.

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