Explosives found in World Trade Center dust

The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.









Challenge: “[T]o form a molten iron-oxygen-sulfur eutectic at about 1000° C would require a very high concentration of sulfur… The fact that sulfur evaporates at a low temperature, 445° C, along with the very low levels of elemental sulfur in office buildings appears to preclude the possibility that the eutectic could have formed as a result of a slow sulfidation process in the debris pile.”

FEMA Response: Appendix C: “No clear explanation for the source of sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of the phenomenon is needed to determine what risk, if any, is presented to existing steel structures exposed to severe and long-burning fires.”

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 | Stand with the 911 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.
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As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in Iraq and Afghanistan

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Please answer my simple question. If you do, I will view and explore your other videos with you.

Why is it in the video you posted of the Geraldo Rivera interview, does Bob McIlvaine dodge and evade when Geraldo asks him if the architects and engineers agree with his theory.

Here are pictures of molten metals supposedly from the WTC. The thing is they show proof of being molten lead from all those UPS batteries inside the WTC buildings. The glass & coins protruding from these globs should have melted way before the steel, but the lead covering these items has a very low melting point. They also shine like lead & not like steel. So there is proof of the molten lead pouring from the WTC & what the firemen saw at ground zero. I have yet to see proof of molten steel.



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as officers in the u.s. Military, we took an oath to "support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic." regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in iraq and afghanistan

military officers for 9/11 truth

please answer my simple question. If you do, i will view and explore your other videos with you.

why is it in the video you posted of the geraldo rivera interview, does bob mcilvaine dodge and evade when geraldo asks him if the architects and engineers agree with his theory.

oh wow, is this loon trying to say that i have broken my oath? I could shoot people for less. But then again he is after all just a loon.

its only breaking your oath if you are aware....
Melted Aluminum from a car fire.


Melted Aluminum from a home foundry


Melted Steel from a cutting torch.


Melted Lead inside an unmelted steel can.

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Actually they have claimed that over 10 tons of “active thermetic material” that utilized “nano technology” has been found in the dust surrounding the world trade center.

Really, 10 tons? Ever seen thermite go off? I doubt there would be any left that hadn't been burned. Let alone 10 tons.

I'm not even 100% convinced there is such a thing as Nano thermite.

The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.


again a loyal bush dupe that wont look at the evidence posted by the thread starter and wont listen to witness testimonys,many being very credible experienced in explosives.:cuckoo: i got to tip my hat to J beaukema,he is the first poster at this message board or on the NET anywhere i have been to, who did some research and was willing to admit he was duped by the Bush administration and admit he was wrong and gave in to his arrogance and not come up with moronic posts like these and face the truth.this poster has successfully debunked himself with this photo because there have been all kinds of photos posted by terral since he has been here at this site that look just like that. "rolls on floor laughing.":lol::lol::lol:

meantime,divecunt,gomer and the agents here can only make up bullshit lies like-"all those videos of yours have been debunked" when i ask them to talk about whats wrong with them and debunk one,they wont try to debunk one since they know they cant,and can only fling shit in defeat when they are asked to debunk one of them like the chickenshit cowards they are.:cuckoo::cuckoo: gomer and divecunt are right about ONE of those videos,the one called WHY THE TOWERS FELL "HAS" been debunked by the experts and like i said,should not be included with those videos unless it is under the heading of THE GOVERNMENTS FAIRY TALE VERSION THATS BEEN DEBUNKED.
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If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.









Challenge: “[T]o form a molten iron-oxygen-sulfur eutectic at about 1000° C would require a very high concentration of sulfur… The fact that sulfur evaporates at a low temperature, 445° C, along with the very low levels of elemental sulfur in office buildings appears to preclude the possibility that the eutectic could have formed as a result of a slow sulfidation process in the debris pile.”

FEMA Response: Appendix C: “No clear explanation for the source of sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of the phenomenon is needed to determine what risk, if any, is presented to existing steel structures exposed to severe and long-burning fires.”

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 | Stand with the 911 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.

the 9/11 apologist hard at work.
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The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.









Challenge: “[T]o form a molten iron-oxygen-sulfur eutectic at about 1000° C would require a very high concentration of sulfur… The fact that sulfur evaporates at a low temperature, 445° C, along with the very low levels of elemental sulfur in office buildings appears to preclude the possibility that the eutectic could have formed as a result of a slow sulfidation process in the debris pile.”

FEMA Response: Appendix C: “No clear explanation for the source of sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of the phenomenon is needed to determine what risk, if any, is presented to existing steel structures exposed to severe and long-burning fires.”

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 | Stand with the 911 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?

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I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.

Well below grade, all bets are off because nobody knows for sure what was inventoried down there but we do know there was a parking structure. That means gallons and gallons of gasoline, battery acids, petroleum byproducts and lord knows what else could be in the various offices down there. There is no telling. I would imagine that there would be a huge fire in the bowels of the complex.

Above grade is a different story and all twoofer bullshit stories quickly fall apart. The plaza beneath the WTC towers was literally full of people on that day. People leaving, people coming in, people just getting a better look. Not one was hit by falling melted steel. Not one. None. Zippo! Obviously if that were melted steel pouring out of the side of the building, there would be dozens of persons who were getting destroyed beneath the spray.

What you see is simply a twoofer trying to make shit up. This is what they do and boy do they suck at it.
I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.

Well below grade, all bets are off because nobody knows for sure what was inventoried down there but we do know there was a parking structure. That means gallons and gallons of gasoline, battery acids, petroleum byproducts and lord knows what else could be in the various offices down there. There is no telling. I would imagine that there would be a huge fire in the bowels of the complex.

Above grade is a different story and all twoofer bullshit stories quickly fall apart. The plaza beneath the WTC towers was literally full of people on that day. People leaving, people coming in, people just getting a better look. Not one was hit by falling melted steel. Not one. None. Zippo! Obviously if that were melted steel pouring out of the side of the building, there would be dozens of persons who were getting destroyed beneath the spray.

What you see is simply a twoofer trying to make shit up. This is what they do and boy do they suck at it.

There is little guesswork involved figuring out what the source of the molten Lead & Aluminum was pouring out of the 81rst floor of WTC-2 where the huge aluminum aircraft came to rest. Large chunks of melted Lead & Aluminum have been found in the debries of the WTC. Documents & blueprints of WTC-2 clearly show the added structural flooring supports installed to handle the weight of the UPS back-up power system installed there. This was the equivalent of over a thousand car batteries full of Lead & Sulfuric Acid. It looked something this picture below.

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i still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next i see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the ups power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of ups batteries in wtc 1,2 & 7.

well below grade, all bets are off because nobody knows for sure what was inventoried down there but we do know there was a parking structure. That means gallons and gallons of gasoline, battery acids, petroleum byproducts and lord knows what else could be in the various offices down there. There is no telling. I would imagine that there would be a huge fire in the bowels of the complex.

Above grade is a different story and all twoofer bullshit stories quickly fall apart. The plaza beneath the wtc towers was literally full of people on that day. People leaving, people coming in, people just getting a better look. Not one was hit by falling melted steel. Not one. None. Zippo! Obviously if that were melted steel pouring out of the side of the building, there would be dozens of persons who were getting destroyed beneath the spray.

What you see is simply a twoofer trying to make shit up. This is what they do and boy do they suck at it.

there is little guesswork involved figuring out what the source of the molten lead & aluminum was pouring out of the 81rst floor of wtc-2 where the huge aluminum aircraft came to rest. Large chunks of melted lead & aluminum have been found in the debries of the wtc. documents & blueprints of wtc-2 clearly show the added structural flooring supports installed to handle the weight of the ups back-up power system installed there. this was the equivalent of over a thousand car batteries full of lead & sulfuric acid. it looked something this picture below.


a thousand car batteries are insignificant to something with the mass of the wtc towers
I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.

Well below grade, all bets are off because nobody knows for sure what was inventoried down there but we do know there was a parking structure. That means gallons and gallons of gasoline, battery acids, petroleum byproducts and lord knows what else could be in the various offices down there. There is no telling. I would imagine that there would be a huge fire in the bowels of the complex.

Above grade is a different story and all twoofer bullshit stories quickly fall apart. The plaza beneath the WTC towers was literally full of people on that day. People leaving, people coming in, people just getting a better look. Not one was hit by falling melted steel. Not one. None. Zippo! Obviously if that were melted steel pouring out of the side of the building, there would be dozens of persons who were getting destroyed beneath the spray.

What you see is simply a twoofer trying to make shit up. This is what they do and boy do they suck at it.

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I still do not clearly see molten steel. The first photos are not detailed enough to tell what they are. Next I see fused concrete & debris around steel, molten lead & aluminum from the UPS power system & aircraft pouring from the 81rst floor & this is likely what the fireman is describing. Someone should have found an actual piece of molten steel that could be examined. Also the source of sulfur has been identified. Entire rooms full of hundreds of UPS batteries in WTC 1,2 & 7.

Well below grade, all bets are off because nobody knows for sure what was inventoried down there but we do know there was a parking structure. That means gallons and gallons of gasoline, battery acids, petroleum byproducts and lord knows what else could be in the various offices down there. There is no telling. I would imagine that there would be a huge fire in the bowels of the complex.

Above grade is a different story and all twoofer bullshit stories quickly fall apart. The plaza beneath the WTC towers was literally full of people on that day. People leaving, people coming in, people just getting a better look. Not one was hit by falling melted steel. Not one. None. Zippo! Obviously if that were melted steel pouring out of the side of the building, there would be dozens of persons who were getting destroyed beneath the spray.

What you see is simply a twoofer trying to make shit up. This is what they do and boy do they suck at it.

notice, not one of them said it was done by explosives
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Eots has never been in a stressful situation where he knew that he could die. So he plays these emotional clips over and over again. We know that hundreds of people heard secondary explosions. We also know that no one heard what could be construed as a controlled demolition explosion.
Eots has never been in a stressful situation where he knew that he could die. So he plays these emotional clips over and over again. We know that hundreds of people heard secondary explosions. We also know that no one heard what could be construed as a controlled demolition explosion.

an explosion is an explosion...how it is utilized is the difference....and you have no clue radio boy ...I was a commercial diver and fishermen and am sure faced more danger in my time..at sea than you ever did...I hired jackasses like you from the military...they thought they could do it all because the spent ten years on the military's tit ,until we hit the first 4O ft seas...go skipper a 50ft trawler in high seas loaded to the gunnels, with 4 men's lives in your hands and then tell me about stress...jackass
Show me just one molten steel beam, that's all I ask. Not the bent beam that can be bent without cracking at 550 degrees. Where are the beams destroyed by a cutter charge or nanothermite? Where is the molten slag left by the nanothermite?

FYI - nanothermite will not allow a beam to be bent without cracking. It must be done with slow even heating not flash heating thermite provides. The fact that that huge bent beam has no thermite rash on it is yet another nail in the thermite coffin.
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Eots has never been in a stressful situation where he knew that he could die. So he plays these emotional clips over and over again. We know that hundreds of people heard secondary explosions. We also know that no one heard what could be construed as a controlled demolition explosion.

an explosion is an explosion...how it is utilized is the difference....and you have no clue radio boy ...I was a commercial diver and fishermen and am sure faced more danger in my time..at sea than you ever did...I hired jackasses like you from the military...they thought they could do it all because the spent ten years on the military's tit ,until we hit the first 4O ft seas...go skipper a 50ft trawler in high seas loaded to the gunnels, with 4 men's lives in your hands and then tell me about stress...jackass

Oh yes, diss the veterans who gave you the right to talk your shit. Way to go eots.

Mr tough guy... LOL

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