Explosives found in World Trade Center dust

Most of his videos have been debunked countless times and at least one of the 65 proves that the 911 CR is correct.
i havent even bothered to check his "65 videos" because i have seen so many hundreds of troofer videos and not one of them can stand up to debunking
why would i believe these 65 have anything new that hasnt been seen in the past 10 years?

I think that's down from the 347 or so youtube videos 9/11 inside nutjob was touting a few years ago.

as usual,the coward frady cat loyal Bush dupe Toto ,can only show the true dumbfuck coward he is, with these comments of his instead of being brave and take me up on my challenge to talk about them.like clockwork,some things never change.
hey divecunt,having fun showing everybody the troll you are and how you seek attention by talking to yourself? i know your addressing my posts,your too predictable.

This message is hidden because DiveCon is on your ignore list.

as usual,i make a reasonable request and ask the trolls here to just address ONE of them,and like the true cowards they are,they run away with their tails between their legss.no sense in sticking around on this thread any longer if you OCTAS are just going to be a bunch of coward chickenshits.
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hey divecunt,having fun showing everybody the troll you are and how you seek attention by talking to yourself? i know your addressing my posts,your too predictable.

This message is hidden because DiveCon is on your ignore list.
yet you keep responding
fucking moron
Most of his videos have been debunked countless times and at least one of the 65 proves that the 911 CR is correct.

says the coward who has never even once taken me up on the challenge to even try to debunk one here despite all my requests.:lol:Gomer like divecunt,his rebuttals to them consist of "your videos prove nothing." classic great rebuttal there.:lol: thats the ONLY rebuttals you agents EVER have when challenged to refute them.:lol::lol: "rolls on floor laughing.what chickenshit cowards.:lol:
they've ALL been debunked totally
you just refuse to admit it like the alex jones dupe you are

What a fucking loon, Still calling me names when he is ignored for shit just like that. Maybe he'll understand someday. Anyway, here is one of his 65 videos. it's nearly an hour long but I'll bet the dumbass has never watched it. It's called "Why The Towers Fell" And it's conclusion is that the heat from the fires caused by the fires is what caused the towers to fall. Isn't that a hoot. He has successfully debunked himself.

Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library: Why The Towers Fell
:banana: :thewave: :muahaha: :rofl:
says the coward who has never even once taken me up on the challenge to even try to debunk one here despite all my requests.:lol:Gomer like divecunt,his rebuttals to them consist of "your videos prove nothing." classic great rebuttal there.:lol: thats the ONLY rebuttals you agents EVER have when challenged to refute them.:lol::lol: "rolls on floor laughing.what chickenshit cowards.:lol:
they've ALL been debunked totally
you just refuse to admit it like the alex jones dupe you are

What a fucking loon, Still calling me names when he is ignored for shit just like that. Maybe he'll understand someday. Anyway, here is one of his 65 videos. it's nearly an hour long but I'll bet the dumbass has never watched it. It's called "Why The Towers Fell" And it's conclusion is that the heat from the fires caused by the fires is what caused the towers to fall. Isn't that a hoot. He has successfully debunked himself.

Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library: Why The Towers Fell
:banana: :thewave: :muahaha: :rofl:

this is for the others just so gomer and you all know i am not being the troll divecunt and candycorn are by seeking attention talking to someone who has me on ignore. that one called WHY THE TOWERS FELL is about the only one there thats NOT truthful..and gomers prediction is wrong,i HAVE seen it,it was on that propaganda station controlled by the elite PBS.

WHY that site included that video in there is beyond me,thats one thing i personally would change if i were running that site is not include that video,IF i did,i would have it under a heading called THE GOVERNMENTS FAIRY TALE VERSION,FACTS,LIES AND MISINFORMATION.however i am not the owner who runs that site so i cant do nothing about it.matter of fact i have emailed the owner of that site and asked him why he has that included but i never get any replys.so as usual,gomer is full of shit that i have debunked myself.THAT video again is a propaganda piece that should not even be there unless of course it is under that heading i mentioned.
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they've ALL been debunked totally
you just refuse to admit it like the alex jones dupe you are

What a fucking loon, Still calling me names when he is ignored for shit just like that. Maybe he'll understand someday. Anyway, here is one of his 65 videos. it's nearly an hour long but I'll bet the dumbass has never watched it. It's called "Why The Towers Fell" And it's conclusion is that the heat from the fires caused by the fires is what caused the towers to fall. Isn't that a hoot. He has successfully debunked himself.

Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library: Why The Towers Fell
:banana: :thewave: :muahaha: :rofl:

this is for the others just so gomer and you all know i am not being the troll divecunt and candycorn are by seeking attention talking to someone who has me on ignore. that one called WHY THE TOWERS FELL is about the only one there thats NOT truthful..and gomers prediction is wrong,i HAVE seen it,it was on that propaganda station controlled by the elite PBS.

WHY that site included that video in there is beyond me,thats one thing i personally would change if i were running that site is not include that video,IF i did,i would have it under a heading called THE GOVERNMENTS FAIRY TALE VERSION,FACTS,LIES AND MISINFORMATION.however i am not the owner who runs that site so i cant do nothing about it.matter of fact i have emailed the owner of that site and asked him why he has that included but i never get any replys.so as usual,gomer is full of shit that i have debunked myself.THAT video again is a propaganda piece that should not even be there unless of course it is under that heading i mentioned.
hyet here you are, replying to someone that has you on ignore


they've ALL been debunked totally
you just refuse to admit it like the alex jones dupe you are

What a fucking loon, Still calling me names when he is ignored for shit just like that. Maybe he'll understand someday. Anyway, here is one of his 65 videos. it's nearly an hour long but I'll bet the dumbass has never watched it. It's called "Why The Towers Fell" And it's conclusion is that the heat from the fires caused by the fires is what caused the towers to fall. Isn't that a hoot. He has successfully debunked himself.

Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library: Why The Towers Fell
:banana: :thewave: :muahaha: :rofl:

this is for the others just so gomer and you all know i am not being the troll divecunt and candycorn are by seeking attention talking to someone who has me on ignore. that one called WHY THE TOWERS FELL is about the only one there thats NOT truthful..and gomers prediction is wrong,i HAVE seen it,it was on that propaganda station controlled by the elite PBS.

WHY that site included that video in there is beyond me,thats one thing i personally would change if i were running that site is not include that video,IF i did,i would have it under a heading called THE GOVERNMENTS FAIRY TALE VERSION,FACTS,LIES AND MISINFORMATION.however i am not the owner who runs that site so i cant do nothing about it.matter of fact i have emailed the owner of that site and asked him why he has that included but i never get any replys.so as usual,gomer is full of shit that i have debunked myself.THAT video again is a propaganda piece that should not even be there unless of course it is under that heading i mentioned.

Yeah sure; you also said you read "over 100 books" about the JFK assassination and interviewed several people there. All of them pointed to someone on the grassy knoll. None of them mentioned a driver shooting the President.


You got here and some moron is daily swearing it was the driver. You now say it was the driver.

In other words you're lying yet again. I love pointing that out you crazy decrebit loser.

As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in Iraq and Afghanistan

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth
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its also funny how you OCTA'S run off with your tails between your legs when I ask you to explain whats wrong with these 65 videos and why they dont prove it was an inside job.:lol: not one OCTA from ANY message board has EVER even attempted to debunk ONE of them let alone all 65.:lol:thats not the way you debate and win. maybe he will ignore it,but you octas always ignore and dont try to debunk these videos.:lol: how ironic,thats what you OCTAS always do is run away or change the subject when asked to address these videos.:lol: :lol: rolls on floor laughing. Canada 9/11 Truth - Video Library thats why i dont try and have a serious debate with OCTAS anymore cause you all have no interest in the truth.:cuckoo: i have always said i dont expect people to finish watching them all in one weekend,just one or two every other day and comment on them,yet you all never do.:lol::lol::cuckoo:

Why bother watching your crap when none of you goofballs will answer questions about them. All you idiots do is post a youtube and say "here is THE TRUTH". When questioned, you just post another one and say "No, here is THE TRUTH". You can't answer simple questions without the same old videos.

And you'll notice that it's been over 24 hours, and The King of all Newtonian Physics still hasn't answered one little question about one short video.

Funny, isn't it?

as usual you lie agent.we answer questions about them all the time,maybe physics doesn't,but I have never Eots for one,dodge a question asked of him ,same with many other truthers.

you agents though just post crap thats been disproven when the answers are given to you like you did with your pathetic fairy tale NIST report in response to J Beaukema's opening post.Im proud of J,unlike other Bush dupes like Toto for instance,he isnt arrogant and can admit it when he is proven wrong and not afraid of the truth.

NIST kept changing their story when their official story was shreaded to pieces by independent investigaters..:lol: When the answers are given to you in those videos,like the cowards you are,you wont even address ONE of them.yeah i have ALSO noticed how its been over 24 hours and YOU did not take me up on my challenge and explain why whats wrong with even ONE of these videos hypocrite.:lol:

as i have said thousands of times over the years,thats a very reasonable request.YOUR just as funny as he is in the fact like all OCTA'S,you wont even address ONE of these videos and explain whats wrong with it.you are easily the biggest hypocrite here i know of other than your fellow agent candytroll.

oh by the way,you also prove you are a major hypocrite moron in the hat because you fail to mention that candycorn does the EXACT same thing that Physics does,everytime he is confronted with evidence and facts that he cant counter,he changes the subject and evades it, and worse,trys to derail the topic, yet you never mention that little tidbit.:cuckoo:why would you,you will protect your fellow agent at all costs.:lol:

i could go back and find many posts of people here that have said the exact same thing about him,how they have said he is the only one they have ever put on their ignore list cause of the troll that he is because of that and how they have told people that side with him,they have no credibility since they side with him.matter of fact,there was this one site that he used to post at that so many people put HIM on thier ignore list for that very reason.they made a thread there called IS CANDYCORN ON YOUR IGNORE LIST. Anybody that knows this troll,knows he is the biggest troll alive,that his life is so pathetic,he quotes someone like me who has them on their ignore list.how pitiful.what an attention seeker.the trolls life is so patheitc he quotes me and talks to himself.cant get more pathetic than that.:lol::lol: same with divecunt.

I know when someone has ME on thier ignore list,i dont keep talking to them seeking attention.:lol: I will address their posts to others like i did with gomer who has me on ignore just to show how stupid their posts is.big different there,im talking to EVERYBODY in that case,im not talking to myself addressing that person like those two trolls with no life do.:lol:

First off, let's get this out of the way. The Geraldo interview with Bob McIlvaine was the first post that Prince Evado of Newtonia made on this board. I questioned him about it within hours of his posting it, and to this day he hasn't answered my question. I will repeat it, yet another time, to give him a chance to educate me and sway me to his point of view.

Hey PhysicsExists, why is it in the video you posted of the Geraldo Rivera interview, does Bob McIlvaine dodge and evade when Geraldo asks him if the architects and engineers agree with his theory.

Now, to your challenge. I went to Canada Truth 9/11 - Video Library and chose a video at random. Please answer my questions about the video, "Flight 77 The White Plane".

The first witness claims the plane passed at treetop level over his house, over the Army-Navy Country Club, north of the Citgo station, and onward into the Pentagon. This would be ground effect flight, and experienced pilots could not manage this with any accuracy for the amount of time this would take, so how did this plane manage it?

Witness number 2 says the plane passed at treetop level over his golf course, (well south of the Citgo station) and onward into the Pentagon. Again, how could a pilot manage to fly in ground effect for this distance? Also, the witness claims twice that it was an American Airlines jet. Why does the interviewer browbeat him until he claims it was white?

Witness #3 says the plane was way south of the Citgo station. How does this square up with witness #1? Also this witness never said the plane was white, only that they saw numbers on the plane. Why does the narrator claim that she said it was white?

Witness #4 claims the plane had propellers. Why does the interviewer push her until she says it was a jet?

Witness #5 can't decide what color the plane was. Do you see him as credible?

Witnesses #6 through #9 are quoted, instead of interviewed. Why?

Witness #10 describes Air Force 2 as being the plane that hit the Pentagon. Why would the govt. use such a valuable asset for the attack?

Witness #11 says it flew over the Citgo station, contradicting the last 10 witnesses. Why should we believe him?

Witness #12 claims the plane was trying to pull up and avoid the Pentagon. Why do the other 11 witnesses not make this claim? Mr Turcios also says the plane was silver. Again, he makes a claim the other 11 do not. Who do we believe?

The Truth Movement wishes to be seen as teachers, and a good teacher would answer questions from their students. If you answer these questions to my satisfaction, I will watch another of your videos (I have bookmarked the site), and will ask any questions I have of that one. Together, we shall research this event, and you may win a convert.

I await your answers to my questions. And in time, Prince Evado may answer my simple question about his first video, and I may look at another one of his, and explore the events of 9/11 with him also.

As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in Iraq and Afghanistan

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Please answer my simple question. If you do, I will view and explore your other videos with you.

Why is it in the video you posted of the Geraldo Rivera interview, does Bob McIlvaine dodge and evade when Geraldo asks him if the architects and engineers agree with his theory.

As officers in the U.S. military, we took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Regardless of our current status -- active duty, reserves, retired, or civilian -- that oath remains in force. Therefore it is not just our responsibility, it is our duty to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 and bring them to justice, no matter how hard it is, how long it takes, how much we have to suffer, or where it leads us. We owe this to those who have gone before us who executed that same oath, and we owe it to those who are following that same oath today in Iraq and Afghanistan

Military Officers for 9/11 Truth

Please answer my simple question. If you do, I will view and explore your other videos with you.

Why is it in the video you posted of the Geraldo Rivera interview, does Bob McIlvaine dodge and evade when Geraldo asks him if the architects and engineers agree with his theory.

Oh wow, is this loon trying to say that I have broken my oath? I could shoot people for less. But then again he is after all just a loon.
Actually they have claimed that over 10 tons of “active thermetic material” that utilized “nano technology” has been found in the dust surrounding the world trade center.

Really, 10 tons? Ever seen thermite go off? I doubt there would be any left that hadn't been burned. Let alone 10 tons.

I'm not even 100% convinced there is such a thing as Nano thermite.

The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.

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Actually they have claimed that over 10 tons of “active thermetic material” that utilized “nano technology” has been found in the dust surrounding the world trade center.

Really, 10 tons? Ever seen thermite go off? I doubt there would be any left that hadn't been burned. Let alone 10 tons.

I'm not even 100% convinced there is such a thing as Nano thermite.

The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.
whats really funny is the main use of nanothermite is fireworks ignition anhd model rocketry

Actually they have claimed that over 10 tons of “active thermetic material” that utilized “nano technology” has been found in the dust surrounding the world trade center.

Really, 10 tons? Ever seen thermite go off? I doubt there would be any left that hadn't been burned. Let alone 10 tons.

I'm not even 100% convinced there is such a thing as Nano thermite.

The really weird thing is that until recently there probably wasn't 10 tons of nano thermite available anywhere because it was to hard, and too expensive, to make in bulk.

If tons of thermite were used then there should be evidence. Huge piles of slag or molten steel. Where is the evidence? I have yet to see any slag or molten steel.

This is what thermite residue should look like.









Challenge: “[T]o form a molten iron-oxygen-sulfur eutectic at about 1000° C would require a very high concentration of sulfur… The fact that sulfur evaporates at a low temperature, 445° C, along with the very low levels of elemental sulfur in office buildings appears to preclude the possibility that the eutectic could have formed as a result of a slow sulfidation process in the debris pile.”

FEMA Response: Appendix C: “No clear explanation for the source of sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of the phenomenon is needed to determine what risk, if any, is presented to existing steel structures exposed to severe and long-burning fires.”

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 | Stand with the 911 families demanding a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ?
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