Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

The far right is an abomination of American politics that has brought every bit of negative criticism down on itself. The rise of these twisted paranoiacs to political prominence is a development that must be reversed or they will suck our electoral system down to the level of a bad reality show/horror movie.

who, in your highly perceptive brain, constitutes---DA FAR RIGHT??
Yes a large percentage of you bastards certainly are.

How is it wrong to state that a long percentage of trumps base is sexist, racist and classes as hell? This works perfectly with her Alt-right speech a month ago.

You people should be ashamed with yourself but this is what you're!
Matt.. already? :alcoholic:
Joe. I'm in
Maryland. All electoral and popular votes will go to Hillary.

And... I never said I couldn't stand Hillary becoming President. I'm just not giving her my vote.

Again, another cop out.

All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

A malignant narcissist has exploited racism to become a major party's nominee. It's a sad commentary that this has gone as far as it has.
How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?

Perhaps its just as difficult as telling Mexican-Americans that their relatives and friends are a bunch of rapists and drug dealers....What do you think???

I do not believe that the Donald-----idiot though he be----has SAID or even IMPLIED that all Mexicans are rapists and drug
How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?

Perhaps its just as difficult as telling Mexican-Americans that their relatives and friends are a bunch of rapists and drug dealers....What do you think???

Got a link to that Trump saying that? Of course you don't because he didn't
she's losing it. outta control. just keep that blood pressure ringing the bell bitch
If I'm Trump, I don't just bring this up at campaign stops, I CALL FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE!!

I announce to the MSM that I'm holding a press conference TODAY and I ream this pathetic woman's ass over this.

This is the one of the two major parties candidate for POTUS saying this. This isn't crazy old grandpa yelling at the walls, this is the candidate herself.

So Hillary speaks the truth about Comrade Trump and the Alt Right and you lunatics got yout panties in a wad....FUNNY!

"Hillary speaks the truth", it's already funny, Jim. If Hillary speaks the truth, I'm the queen of England.

View attachment 88952
Jim is just trolling, no substance.. It pays for maintaining a good buzz 24/7. Just skip his posts... totally irrelevant...
The Leader Of The Party That Was Outed / Exposed By Its Own E-Mails As Being A Bunch Of Anti-Semitic, Racist, Sexist Homophobes...Just Declared Half Of Trump's Votes Are From Racist, Sexist Homophpbes.

Funny, I didn't know that many DEMOCRATS were voting for Trump!

Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News

(Again, it's funny to watch Liberals get busted / exposed for something then turn around and try to falsely accuse the opposition of doing the very thing they got busted doing!)

Um, what's inaccurate about that statement? Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists.

The tragedy is the GOP had no way of short circuiting them.

Prove it twit.
She was talking about the Alt Right lunatics. If you are part of them, yes you are deplorable.

What the hell is the Alt Right? Who runs it and who are its members?

The Alt-Right is the new Hillarybots Memo, they only started using this term after Hillary gave the speech about two weeks ago.

Now some like Hazlnut and JakeStarkey cannot make a comment without mentioning the Alt-Right, even in threads that contain little political content.

The Alt Right is the 21st Century KKK. You are a member I suppose?

Your comment is ridiculous and you're hysterical.
Hillary Clinton:

Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'

How do you now tell your fellow Americans, that you want to be their leader ?
Be the leader of all Americans?

How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?
...and she's a loopy kunt
Yes a large percentage of you bastards certainly are.

How is it wrong to state that a long percentage of trumps base is sexist, racist and classes as hell? This works perfectly with her Alt-right speech a month ago.

You people should be ashamed with yourself but this is what you're!

You're so angry all the time these days Matthew, you didn't used to be like this, is this what supporting Hillary has done to you?
Hillary Clinton:

Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'

How do you now tell your fellow Americans, that you want to be their leader ?
Be the leader of all Americans?

How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?
...and she's a loopy kunt

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