Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Yes a large percentage of you bastards certainly are.

How is it wrong to state that a long percentage of trumps base is sexist, racist and classes as hell? This works perfectly with her Alt-right speech a month ago.

You people should be ashamed with yourself but this is what you're!

I tire of your lies and stupidity. You are a huge racist and you proved it over and over again by you posts. Now you act like racism is now offensive to you. You being outraged over racism, is as funny and as hypocritical as it gets.
Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News
I had posted something like this several weeks ago. Thanks for validating my the premise of my question Billary. Here it is: "I'm a white voter standing in a voting booth on Election Day.Why should I vote for Clinton when both her and her husband pander to minority groups and denigrate white people?"
So how's life in your big basket of hate? She was talking about people like you who make the rest look bad.
I'm not the one calling people "deplorable." Im making "us" look good. It's automotons like you that make "us" look bad
Nope, you people ran off anyone who could discuss an issue without slinging insults and hatred around. It's like the inmates are running the asylum over there on the right.
Here is list of American Deplorables: Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Holder and Sharpton.
Add Victoria Nuland too.

I just hope the time comes and International Military Tribunal will investigate all the war crimes of all those people.
Is that the one who is a foreign relations expert on how to distribute cookies?

Yes it is, Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) also has a fat ass and a face that looks like it was made from Play-Doh.

Europa says Fuck You you Fat Assed Play-Doh faced POS, go and eat Noodles Victoria Nudelman.

She's married to that fat fuck and fellow Neo-Conservative Psychopath Robert Kagan, he of the Project For A New American Century.

It's great how the Leftists are now supporting the Neo-Conservatives.

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert Kagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems like Europe is getting tired of Washington's control too. The other day marching Germans were protesting about it, they have banners like that in their hands:

View attachment 88953

Merkel's rating is super low, hopefully she will be a history next year.

Traitor Bitch destroyed her political career to lick Soros' and Obama's filthy buttocks, her seat in Hell awaits her when her time comes, it'll be sooner rather than later.
Hillary has now made it perfectly clear she has no intention of being the representative of all Americans.
She's now disqualified IMO.
The far right is an abomination of American politics that has brought every bit of negative criticism down on itself. The rise of these twisted paranoiacs to political prominence is a development that must be reversed or they will suck our electoral system down to the level of a bad reality show/horror movie.

who, in your highly perceptive brain, constitutes---DA FAR RIGHT??
The highly emotional and uneducated segment of the population who see Trump as the political messiah they have been waiting on forever. His hardcore collection of followers who have up until now been shunned by the republicans for being too fucking loonytoons to allow near a microphone.

oh---thanks for your insight. Interestingly, I----a congenital
democrat did grow up seeing republicans just as you have
described. I was born LONG ago-----when the heroes of
history were the UNIONISTs ----and the persons who battled
for civil rights were democrats. -----thus long long ago on the day I reached majority I BECAME A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT---------democrats aint' what they used to be------in fact lots were already going nuts when I reached majority in the
1960s and -----lately they are getting MORE NUTTY
I'm not stomping my feet like a petulant 5 year old. I'm standing here as adult who cannot understand how we as a nation have come to have these two candidates as our next President.

You see, that's the problem. YOu see them as being equivalent when they aren't. Hillary isn't perfect, but she is not a racist, homophobic, misogynistic nativist like Trump is.

I'm fed up with the racist meme every election cycle.

So you are in denial, then? When Obama got the nomination, I thought it was a great sign of racial progress. then i saw how much half the country absolutely lost its shit when a black guy became president.

I'm fed up with nothing ever getting accomplished.

But you dont' ask yourself WHY things don't get accomplished. I'll give you a hint. It's because of fringe groups like the NRA that dominate the discussion with absolutist positions like 'The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun to overthrow the government!"

I'm fed up with wasted resources and our Representatives getting rich at the expense of those who can least afford it.

That's a nice talking point, but not really.

There you go again. The poster child for the Republican party of the 80s and 90s, while I've been a Democrat for this entire period.

Except when I voted Republican, they didn't do the shit the current ones did. When some racist bitch screamed about Obama being a 'Damned Arab" in 2008, McCain felt it necessary to correct her. Today's GOP would probably elevate that woman.

She is as Racist as she can be, sorry.

"Hillary Clinton: Gangs of kids are "super predators" with "no conscience, no empathy"
Hillary Clinton: Gangs of kids are "super predators" with "no conscience, no empathy"

She celebrated Confederate Flag day every year Bill was Gov of Ark.
She absolutely loves Fulbright, a Racist Segregationist.
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.
Does that mean we're no longer the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"?

Do we have to turn in our VRWC membership cards?
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.
Does that mean we're no longer the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"?

Do we have to turn in our VRWC membership cards?

No the VRWC has now been replaced with the Alt-Right.
I find this utterly amazing how Trump can insult pretty much every group to their faces and yet you attack Hillary for stating the reality that his base supports him at it. The right in this country is evil and must be defeated.
Do we have to turn in our VRWC membership cards?
No the VRWC has now been replaced with the Alt-Right.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

It's hard to keep up with the groups Democrats keep inventing to put us into. They appear and disappear with such speed. And with no particular pattern I can see. Except that they multiply faster in Democrats' dreams, when the Dems are losing.

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