Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

and Spain is not Mexico least that guy went to the trouble of becoming a citizen........such fail and racism on your part you think they would be happy you called them Mexicans
I find this utterly amazing how Trump can insult pretty much every group to their faces and yet you attack Hillary for stating the reality that his base supports him at it. The right in this country is evil and must be defeated.

Well, there's good news there........That kind of moronic attitude will be the right wingers' undoing....Heck, with their current racist and biased attitude, they'll NEVER see the oval office until these morons die out and take their racism with them
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Lying, Coughing, Crooked Hillary has issued a quasi-apology to tens of millions of American taxpaying citizens! She says she generalized too much. Crooked Hillary is beneath deplorable! She is a filthy, lying POS! And to be honest, anyone who support corrupt liars like Crooked Hillary are deplorable! No apologies since it is the truth! Nevertheless, there is always hope for change and redemption. Dems wake up and use what small brains you may have and join us on The Donald's Train! We can do this together!
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.
Does that mean we're no longer the "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy"?

Do we have to turn in our VRWC membership cards?

No the VRWC has now been replaced with the Alt-Right.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

It's hard to keep up with the groups Democrats keep inventing to put us into. They appear and disappear with such speed.

Yes the next group though we'll be naming and the Leftists aren't going to like this one.
The far right is an abomination of American politics that has brought every bit of negative criticism down on itself. The rise of these twisted paranoiacs to political prominence is a development that must be reversed or they will suck our electoral system down to the level of a bad reality show/horror movie.

who, in your highly perceptive brain, constitutes---DA FAR RIGHT??
The highly emotional and uneducated segment of the population who see Trump as the political messiah they have been waiting on forever. His hardcore collection of followers who have up until now been shunned by the republicans for being too fucking loonytoons to allow near a microphone.

oh---thanks for your insight. Interestingly, I----a congenital
democrat did grow up seeing republicans just as you have
described. I was born LONG ago-----when the heroes of
history were the UNIONISTs ----and the persons who battled
for civil rights were democrats. -----thus long long ago on the day I reached majority I BECAME A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT---------democrats aint' what they used to be------in fact lots were already going nuts when I reached majority in the
1960s and -----lately they are getting MORE NUTTY
The country is getting kind of politically flaky, it's because you can now use the internet to confirm any kind of paranoid delusions you might have. We took the greatest advancement in human knowledge in history and turned it into a giant web of lies.
Lying, Coughing, Crooked Hillary has issued a quasi-apology to tens of millions of American taxpaying citizens! She says she generalized too much. Crooked Hillary is beneath deplorable! She is a filthy, lying POS! And to be honest, anyone who support corrupt liars like Crooked Hillary are deplorable! No apologies since it is the truth!

The next thing is Hillary's going to have to be hooked up to a medical ventilator.
Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News
I had posted something like this several weeks ago. Thanks for validating my the premise of my question Billary. Here it is: "I'm a white voter standing in a voting booth on Election Day.Why should I vote for Clinton when both her and her husband pander to minority groups and denigrate white people?"
So how's life in your big basket of hate? She was talking about people like you who make the rest look bad.
I'm not the one calling people "deplorable." Im making "us" look good. It's automotons like you that make "us" look bad
Nope, you people ran off anyone who could discuss an issue without slinging insults and hatred around. It's like the inmates are running the asylum over there on the right.
What did Hillary just do? Sling insults. Asylum was the DNC Convention who allowed radical black terror groups like BLM to run their convention. Will their even be white delegates allowed at the 2020 convention?
how can Trump be president of the people when he has insulted and attacked most of it?
That's what the sneering, diaper-wearing, witch called us yesterday in front of a crowd of LGBT queers and perverts. Think about that and what SHE considers normal Americans to be..."deplorable". I'm proud to be Deplorable....always have and always will be. Better to be deplorable than a degenerate psychopath all day, every day.


god. she looks older than dirt
Here are some more DEPLORABLES - people who deliberately restricted the size and power of the Federal government. Hillary's deepest enemies. Many of them also signed the Constitution - an act the leftist fanatics will never forgive them for.


Many of them also signed the Constitution - an act the leftist fanatics will never forgive them for.

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Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News
I had posted something like this several weeks ago. Thanks for validating my the premise of my question Billary. Here it is: "I'm a white voter standing in a voting booth on Election Day.Why should I vote for Clinton when both her and her husband pander to minority groups and denigrate white people?"
So how's life in your big basket of hate? She was talking about people like you who make the rest look bad.
I'm not the one calling people "deplorable." Im making "us" look good. It's automotons like you that make "us" look bad
Nope, you people ran off anyone who could discuss an issue without slinging insults and hatred around. It's like the inmates are running the asylum over there on the right.
What did Hillary just do? Sling insults. Asylum was the DNC Convention who allowed radical black terror groups like BLM to run their convention. Will their even be white delegates allowed at the 2020 convention?
Sorry, your sense of outrage at black people trying to get some political traction in this country just goes to prove my point that the right has embraced fear and hatred as their prime motivational force. The problems that black people face at the hands of the police are real. Practically everyone studiously ignored these problems until they got uppity.
PS----behind his cantankerous façade----Donald is an old fashioned democrat.

Historically he was always connected more to the Dims than the GOP.
He's no conservative but we at least have some hope with Trump.
With Hillary, we know, and millions of us do not want to see another liberal Dimocrat in office. Especially an insider extrordinaire who is a life long wonk, and will only grow the government further. Add to that she is very unlikeable and a habitual liar.
No, he wasn't.

another bs lie from 2012

My apologies...I meant to type GEORGE Romney, Mitt's father who WAS born in Mexico.
The question posed was NOT about Mitt's brirth place....It was regarding whether ANY Mexican-Americans contributed anything.....and George Romney certainly did
No, he wasn't.

another bs lie from 2012

My apologies...I meant to type GEORGE Romney, Mitt's father who WAS born in Mexico.
The question posed was NOT about Mitt's brirth place....It was regarding whether ANY Mexican-Americans contributed anything.....and George Romney certainly did

George wasn't 'Mexican-american'.

Both parents were American
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.
I like the fact that he drives liberals crazy. It's a gift.

And you might want to check out Hilly's caboose before you start with the lard comments.
They're both overweight and he's more likely to drop of a heart attack than her, with his diet.
She doesn't look like she's on a strict diet, don't know what Trump eats but he paid for it, we payed for whatever Hilly is shoveling down her pie hole.
She's put on a lot of weight, perhaps due to her hypothyroidism, which slows down the metabolism more than usual. Trump eats Wendys and Kentucky Fried and Burger King all the time on the road--and he's not a spring chicken anymore. He should be a little more careful, eat more like you do once in awhile.
I've seen a few photos of him eating fast food but I have no idea what his daily diet is. Where are you getting the info?

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