Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Now, because you lack the capability of critical thinking or analyzing the actual text, it doesn't mean that you have to project your stupidity on others, does it?

It's a simple point. It requires no thought or analysis. An Islamophobe is an Islamophobe regardless of how they arrived at their Islammophobia.
Your lack of understanding is explained below:
apparently you sorely lack critical thinking. Think about what she said, she suggests that people in the second basket have no opinion or no stance on the issues listed in the first basket. Well, typical bot thinking.... either because of the lack of ability or purposefully overlooking logic in order to push the agenda. Which is it?

You're trying to make more of this than what it is. She was referring to those that openly display their deplorable positions of which there are many among Trump supporters.
I am not trying to make more of anything. I pointed out that the categorization was based on false premises defying logic. Basically, it came down to demagoguery.

No the categorization was based on the actions and positions of a great many Trump supporters.
I think it's fair to call it demagoguery as that was kind of the whole point of pointing out the "deplorables" who support Trump.
Again....You chose to ignore the lack of feasibility of such categorization.
All of those positions or views Clinton stated are deplorable regardless of the reason for them. One day you may mature sufficiently to understand that.
Now, because you lack the capability of critical thinking or analyzing the actual text, it doesn't mean that you have to project your stupidity on others, does it?

It's a simple point. It requires no thought or analysis. An Islamophobe is an Islamophobe regardless of how they arrived at their Islammophobia.
Your lack of understanding is explained below:
apparently you sorely lack critical thinking. Think about what she said, she suggests that people in the second basket have no opinion or no stance on the issues listed in the first basket. Well, typical bot thinking.... either because of the lack of ability or purposefully overlooking logic in order to push the agenda. Which is it?

You're trying to make more of this than what it is. She was referring to those that openly display their deplorable positions of which there are many among Trump supporters.
I am not trying to make more of anything. I pointed out that the categorization was based on false premises defying logic. Basically, it came down to demagoguery.

Defcon, I'm afraid, you are a little bit too smart for libs to be able to understand you.
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Now, because you lack the capability of critical thinking or analyzing the actual text, it doesn't mean that you have to project your stupidity on others, does it?

It's a simple point. It requires no thought or analysis. An Islamophobe is an Islamophobe regardless of how they arrived at their Islammophobia.


What's your point?

That you Leftists being pro-Islamic Apologists, think that everyone should put their heads in the sand and kiss Islamic buttocks and just go shopping or something because Islam isn't a threat to anyone.

Wow, you said all of that just by posting a tweet? :laugh:

I see you are a proud deplorable.

It's not my fault darling that you lack the ability to think for yourself.

I am both a Deplorable and also I'm very adorable :smoke:
Hillary Clinton:

Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'

How do you now tell your fellow Americans, that you want to be their leader ?
Be the leader of all Americans?

How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?
Now, because you lack the capability of critical thinking or analyzing the actual text, it doesn't mean that you have to project your stupidity on others, does it?

It's a simple point. It requires no thought or analysis. An Islamophobe is an Islamophobe regardless of how they arrived at their Islammophobia.
Your lack of understanding is explained below:
apparently you sorely lack critical thinking. Think about what she said, she suggests that people in the second basket have no opinion or no stance on the issues listed in the first basket. Well, typical bot thinking.... either because of the lack of ability or purposefully overlooking logic in order to push the agenda. Which is it?

You're trying to make more of this than what it is. She was referring to those that openly display their deplorable positions of which there are many among Trump supporters.
I am not trying to make more of anything. I pointed out that the categorization was based on false premises defying logic. Basically, it came down to demagoguery.

No the categorization was based on the actions and positions of a great many Trump supporters.
I think it's fair to call it demagoguery as that was kind of the whole point of pointing out the "deplorables" who support Trump.

The Donald section of this forum, it should now be termed The Deplorables.

So it'll be The Hillarybots and The Deplorables.
LOL. She ain't MY queen. But she's a safer bet than that orange tub of lard who has you all mesmerized with his bullshit.

A "safer bet" for what.....finishing us off as a once-prosperous nation that was the envy of the world? She's a stinking millionaire communist witch who coat-tailed her way into power she has no ability to deal with. When you traffic in American security secrets you deserve a hangman's rope, not the White House.
Four years won't send us down the tubes forever, imo. As a very smart poster here said, "It's the choice between punting and Armegeddon." I'll take the punt. And in the meantime, the Republicans had best put someone forward in four years that can intelligently lead this country!
No, it is more accurate to describe it as a choice between Armageddon by nuclear fire or Armageddon by planet killing asteroid.

In fact, it is no choice at all. Both need to be kept as far away from the Presidency as can be legally done.
But how?
Elect a Congress that will stop either one of them from carrying out their mad plans......
Very nice, but with a little thinking you should realize that in reality you cannot slice the population according to her classification. So, if you are a Christian or Muslim and you disapprove homosexual lifestyle, you are automatically belong to the deplorables. If you are a man and love women, you are immediately belong to the deplorables (Where is Slick on that one? He belongs to the deplorables then.) If you are against illegal immigration, you are automatically belong to the deplorables. If you are against Islamic terrorism, you are automatically belong to the deplorables. That leaves you with nobody in her second basket. Anyway... everybody who disagrees with any of the liberal agenda is deplorable. No matter how you slice or dice it. You, as a programmed bot, do not think about the inherent fallacy of her categorization. Thank you for your input, now you can sit down and shut up.

All of those positions or views Clinton stated are deplorable regardless of the reason for them. One day you may mature sufficiently to understand that.
Now, because you lack the capability of critical thinking or analyzing the actual text, it doesn't mean that you have to project your stupidity on others, does it?

It's a simple point. It requires no thought or analysis. An Islamophobe is an Islamophobe regardless of how they arrived at their Islammophobia.

Well, yes, that could have been put better.

No Hillary meant it to be stated like she stated it.
Here is list of American Deplorables: Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Holder and Sharpton.
Add Victoria Nuland too.

I just hope the time comes and International Military Tribunal will investigate all the war crimes of all those people.
Is that the one who is a foreign relations expert on how to distribute cookies?

Yes, that was her.
According to libs' logic they should have called her Putin agent too.


Translation ^: it's shameful, painful and disgusting to realize what Nuland really thinks about Ukraine.
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If I'm Trump, I don't just bring this up at campaign stops, I CALL FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE!!

I announce to the MSM that I'm holding a press conference TODAY and I ream this pathetic woman's ass over this.

This is the one of the two major parties candidate for POTUS saying this. This isn't crazy old grandpa yelling at the walls, this is the candidate herself.

So Hillary speaks the truth about Comrade Trump and the Alt Right and you lunatics got yout panties in a wad....FUNNY!
Yes a large percentage of you bastards certainly are.

How is it wrong to state that a long percentage of trumps base is sexist, racist and classes as hell? This works perfectly with her Alt-right speech a month ago.

You people should be ashamed with yourself but this is what you're!
She was talking about the Alt Right lunatics. If you are part of them, yes you are deplorable.

What the hell is the Alt Right? Who runs it and who are its members?

The Alt-Right is the new Hillarybots Memo, they only started using this term after Hillary gave the speech about two weeks ago.

Now some like Hazlnut and JakeStarkey cannot make a comment without mentioning the Alt-Right, even in threads that contain little political content.

The Alt Right is the 21st Century KKK. You are a member I suppose?
If I'm Trump, I don't just bring this up at campaign stops, I CALL FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE!!

I announce to the MSM that I'm holding a press conference TODAY and I ream this pathetic woman's ass over this.

This is the one of the two major parties candidate for POTUS saying this. This isn't crazy old grandpa yelling at the walls, this is the candidate herself.

So Hillary speaks the truth about Comrade Trump and the Alt Right and you lunatics got yout panties in a wad....FUNNY!

"Hillary speaks the truth", it's already funny, Jim. If Hillary speaks the truth, I'm the queen of England.

The far right is an abomination of American politics that has brought every bit of negative criticism down on itself. The rise of these twisted paranoiacs to political prominence is a development that must be reversed or they will suck our electoral system down to the level of a bad reality show/horror movie.
How do you unite Americans when YOU YOURSELF have joined the extreme partisans and personally attacked a very large segment of the population?

Perhaps its just as difficult as telling Mexican-Americans that their relatives and friends are a bunch of rapists and drug dealers....What do you think???

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