Exposed Anti-Semitic, Sexist, Racist Homophobe Says 1/2 of Trump Votes Racist, Sexist Homophobes

Hillary with her ex KKK mentor is the only racist in this election.
I'm not stomping my feet like a petulant 5 year old. I'm standing here as adult who cannot understand how we as a nation have come to have these two candidates as our next President.

You see, that's the problem. YOu see them as being equivalent when they aren't. Hillary isn't perfect, but she is not a racist, homophobic, misogynistic nativist like Trump is.

I'm fed up with the racist meme every election cycle.

So you are in denial, then? When Obama got the nomination, I thought it was a great sign of racial progress. then i saw how much half the country absolutely lost its shit when a black guy became president.

I'm fed up with nothing ever getting accomplished.

But you dont' ask yourself WHY things don't get accomplished. I'll give you a hint. It's because of fringe groups like the NRA that dominate the discussion with absolutist positions like 'The Founding Fathers said I can have a gun to overthrow the government!"

I'm fed up with wasted resources and our Representatives getting rich at the expense of those who can least afford it.

That's a nice talking point, but not really.

There you go again. The poster child for the Republican party of the 80s and 90s, while I've been a Democrat for this entire period.

Except when I voted Republican, they didn't do the shit the current ones did. When some racist bitch screamed about Obama being a 'Damned Arab" in 2008, McCain felt it necessary to correct her. Today's GOP would probably elevate that woman.
I'm not stomping my feet like a petulant 5 year old. I'm standing here as adult who cannot understand how we as a nation have come to have these two candidates as our next President.

You see, that's the problem. YOu see them as being equivalent when they aren't. Hillary isn't perfect, but she is not a racist, homophobic, misogynistic nativist like Trump is.

I'm fed up with the racist meme every election cycle.

So you are in denial, then? When Obama got the nomination, I thought it was a great sign of racial progress. then i saw how much half the country absolutely lost its shit when a black guy became president.

So basically, you as the ultimate racist, think someone is qualified to be president only based on their race... and that is great racial process (rather than for example, the different communities doing better... not rioting, looting and pillaging).

Hillary, like this guy, is the real racist, plantation owner.
There you go again with the "YOU" again.

I don't hate Hillary, and can't vote for her.

I don't hate Trump and cant vote for him.

You guys leave me with the least able to run this country and then blame me when I refuse to give you my support.

But that's not really true. Hillary would be able to run the country perfectly fine. Her husband, petty scandals aside, did a fine job of running the country. Now, you might not like her policies, and that's okay and stuff, but don't come out here and claim she can't run the country or that she would be just as bad as Trump.

Trump, on the other hand, has demonstrated he can't run the country, he can't even run his own campaign. He can't be trusted with a Twitter Account, and you are willing to risk him having the nuclear codes because you just can't stand the thought of Hillary being president.
So basically, you as the ultimate racist, think someone is qualified to be president only based on their race... and that is great racial process (rather than for example, the different communities doing better... not rioting, looting and pillaging).

Hillary, like this guy, is the real racist, plantation owner.

Do you guys really think this "no, you are!" is an argument?

I think Obama was qualified to be president because he spent 20 years in Public Service. Now, true, he beat people with more experience, but he understood the mood of the country and they didn't, particularly on the subject of the Iraq War. Obama was against the Iraq War before it was cool.
The Leader Of The Party That Was Outed / Exposed By Its Own E-Mails As Being A Bunch Of Anti-Semitic, Racist, Sexist Homophobes...Just Declared Half Of Trump's Votes Are From Racist, Sexist Homophpbes.

Funny, I didn't know that many DEMOCRATS were voting for Trump!

Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News

(Again, it's funny to watch Liberals get busted / exposed for something then turn around and try to falsely accuse the opposition of doing the very thing they got busted doing!)

Um, what's inaccurate about that statement? Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists.

The tragedy is the GOP had no way of short circuiting them.
The GOP should ask Hillary about that - she's very good at 'short circuiting'. :p
So Trump helping people off the democrat plantation is racist....amd you standing in the gate blocking them from leaving is it....

There is no "democrat plantation" and blacks don't vote for Democrats for "free stuff". They vote for Democrats because Republicans are the party of racism. They vote for Democrats because Republicans haven't done a thing for working people since Eisenhauer. Republicans are the party of the "war on drugs" with minimum sentencing which has seen prison populations rise with black and brown people, while studies show that white use drug use is just as high but that whites are less likely to go to jail for drugs, or even be arrested for using drugs, than people of color.
So Trump helping people off the democrat plantation is racist....amd you standing in the gate blocking them from leaving is it....

There is no "democrat plantation" and blacks don't vote for Democrats for "free stuff". They vote for Democrats because Republicans are the party of racism. They vote for Democrats because Republicans haven't done a thing for working people since Eisenhauer. Republicans are the party of the "war on drugs" with minimum sentencing which has seen prison populations rise with black and brown people, while studies show that white use drug use is just as high but that whites are less likely to go to jail for drugs, or even be arrested for using drugs, than people of color.
You posting this from your democrat kkk brunch meeting?
So basically, you as the ultimate racist, think someone is qualified to be president only based on their race... and that is great racial process (rather than for example, the different communities doing better... not rioting, looting and pillaging).

Hillary, like this guy, is the real racist, plantation owner.

Do you guys really think this "no, you are!" is an argument?

I think Obama was qualified to be president because he spent 20 years in Public Service. Now, true, he beat people with more experience, but he understood the mood of the country and they didn't, particularly on the subject of the Iraq War. Obama was against the Iraq War before it was cool.
Syrian 'Red Line'
Lie of the Year
Armed Mexican Drug Cartels
Aided Terrorists
Held in Contempt of Court Twice
70% Illegally NON-Compliant w/FOIA

Yeah, he was well prepared for office

The Leader Of The Party That Was Outed / Exposed By Its Own E-Mails As Being A Bunch Of Anti-Semitic, Racist, Sexist Homophobes...Just Declared Half Of Trump's Votes Are From Racist, Sexist Homophpbes.

Funny, I didn't know that many DEMOCRATS were voting for Trump!

Clinton says half of all Trump supporters belong in ' basket of deplorables' | Fox News

(Again, it's funny to watch Liberals get busted / exposed for something then turn around and try to falsely accuse the opposition of doing the very thing they got busted doing!)

Um, what's inaccurate about that statement? Of the 13 million who voted for Trump in the primary, uh, yeah, a lot of them ARE racists.

The tragedy is the GOP had no way of short circuiting them.

Prove it, asshole.
Knowing she needs every vote she can get in this tightening race, how wise is it to call potential 'convert' votes 'racist, sexist homophobes'?!

Then again, Soros may have told her she can do/say whatever she wants because he has the election rigged already...

The kind of hard core Trump supporter isn't going to vote for Hillary. She is aiming for Republicans who have a sense of decency, the ones who know Trump is going to be a disaster for their party.

Any American who has a sense of decency would never vote for a corrupt lying criminal like Hillary.
And I'm not supporting Trump.

I'm not supporting Hillary's coronation either.

I'm very happy you are standing in a corner stomping your little feet like a petulant 5 year old who won't eat his peas.

But it doesn't get around the fact... the GOP nominated an outright racist this year. One who will probably get about 40% of the vote, and that's kind of scary.

If we were a decent, not racist country, Hillary would be winning by 70%. That is EXACTLY what happened when the French accidentally nominated a racist in 2004. He slipped into the final round with 16% of the vote, but when voting came to happen, he got a whopping 17% of the vote in the general election.

My problem isn't so much with the racists who put Trump in the nomination, it's with the people who aren't racists, but are going along with him anyway. Shame on you.
Joe, wrong again Slick.

I love my peas. I always eat my veggies.

I'm not stomping my feet like a petulant 5 year old. I'm standing here as adult who cannot understand how we as a nation have come to have these two candidates as our next President.

I'm fed up with the racist meme every election cycle.

I'm fed up with nothing ever getting accomplished.

I'm fed up with wasted resources and our Representatives getting rich at the expense of those who can least afford it.

Don't shame me Joe.

There you go again. The poster child for the Republican party of the 80s and 90s, while I've been a Democrat for this entire period.

Don't shame me Joe.

That shame is on you.

I agree with you. When the best either party can come up with is Trump and Clinton, then the Democrsts and Republicsns have given America very poor choices. Every ad I've seen be Clinton is negative on Trump, she hasn't anything positive to say about herself. Trump continues to be as unPresidential as you can be. Everyday you wonder what nonsense Trump is going to say or what stupid thing Clinton did.

I am tired of the racist card every election cycle, I am tired of Congress and the President not working together, I don't blame one party. It takes two and they are both terrible. We have the poor and middle class suffering, we have Representatives from both parties working for the rich, writing laws for the rich, the gap of the have and have nots widening and neither candidate will address that issue once they get into office. The haves don't help the have nots.
While she is right given the rise of alt-right and the hate groups since Obama's presidency, I'm not sure it is positive tactic. Americans like to pretend racism doesn't exist, it screws up their image and brings up a taboo topic. It is better to bring back Jim Crow with voter ID then to admit any truth. Electing a Black man as president has ruined the white privilege mentality and thus the racist must pretend what happened was by secret design.

"Jones’s harassment has direct ties to both WikiLeaks and Breitbart, both of which aligned themselves with the Republican presidential candidate at nearly the exact moment of her harassment. The timing is indicative of the alt-right’s increasing coalescence as a movement, and its increasing willingness to adopt the language and deploy the measures of extremism." The Leslie Jones hack is the flashpoint of the alt-right's escalating culture war

"Whether he’s mocking Chinese businesspeople with broken English, contorting his body to make fun of a disabled reporter, or calling out to “my African American,” again and again, Trump has provoked anxiety and played to racial divisions. Earlier this week, Joe Scarborough, a lifelong Republican and host of the Morning Joe TV show called Trump’s remarks about Judge Curiel “completely racist.” He didn’t pass the same judgment on the man himself, but from what I see, the record would support him if he did." Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows

"Here we have a man who for more than four decades has been repeatedly associated with racial discrimination or bigoted comments about minorities, some of them made on television for all to see. While any one episode may be ambiguous, what emerges over more than four decades is a narrative arc, a consistent pattern — and I don’t see what else to call it but racism."

Whiteness is a Weapon

Trump wasn't a racist as long as he was a Democrat and contributed money to the Clinton's. Funny how that works with tards.
While she is right given the rise of alt-right and the hate groups since Obama's presidency, I'm not sure it is positive tactic. Americans like to pretend racism doesn't exist, it screws up their image and brings up a taboo topic. It is better to bring back Jim Crow with voter ID then to admit any truth. Electing a Black man as president has ruined the white privilege mentality and thus the racist must pretend what happened was by secret design.

"Jones’s harassment has direct ties to both WikiLeaks and Breitbart, both of which aligned themselves with the Republican presidential candidate at nearly the exact moment of her harassment. The timing is indicative of the alt-right’s increasing coalescence as a movement, and its increasing willingness to adopt the language and deploy the measures of extremism." The Leslie Jones hack is the flashpoint of the alt-right's escalating culture war

"Whether he’s mocking Chinese businesspeople with broken English, contorting his body to make fun of a disabled reporter, or calling out to “my African American,” again and again, Trump has provoked anxiety and played to racial divisions. Earlier this week, Joe Scarborough, a lifelong Republican and host of the Morning Joe TV show called Trump’s remarks about Judge Curiel “completely racist.” He didn’t pass the same judgment on the man himself, but from what I see, the record would support him if he did." Is Donald Trump Racist? Here's what the record shows

"Here we have a man who for more than four decades has been repeatedly associated with racial discrimination or bigoted comments about minorities, some of them made on television for all to see. While any one episode may be ambiguous, what emerges over more than four decades is a narrative arc, a consistent pattern — and I don’t see what else to call it but racism."

Whiteness is a Weapon
Voter ID isn't Jim Crow, moron. Making such a claim only shows how desperate you are.

What "harassment" of Leslie Jones?

What "Alt-right hate groups" are you referring to? I'm not aware of any.

You live in an imaginary world of delusions.

BTW, the Clintons both went to Trump's wedding. I guess that was because they are both a couple of white supremacists, right?
And I'm not supporting Trump.

I'm not supporting Hillary's coronation either.

I'm very happy you are standing in a corner stomping your little feet like a petulant 5 year old who won't eat his peas.

But it doesn't get around the fact... the GOP nominated an outright racist this year. One who will probably get about 40% of the vote, and that's kind of scary.

If we were a decent, not racist country, Hillary would be winning by 70%. That is EXACTLY what happened when the French accidentally nominated a racist in 2004. He slipped into the final round with 16% of the vote, but when voting came to happen, he got a whopping 17% of the vote in the general election.

My problem isn't so much with the racists who put Trump in the nomination, it's with the people who aren't racists, but are going along with him anyway. Shame on you.

Whenever you call something a fact, it's guaranteed not to be a fact.

If it wasn't for the media and the public schools and the public universities being totally in the camp of the Democrat party, Hillary wouldn't get 10% of the vote.

The racist card is played every election by Dims to keep the blacks on the plantation. Dims can't win without getting at least 90% of their vote.
So Trump helping people off the democrat plantation is racist....amd you standing in the gate blocking them from leaving is it....

There is no "democrat plantation" and blacks don't vote for Democrats for "free stuff". They vote for Democrats because Republicans are the party of racism. They vote for Democrats because Republicans haven't done a thing for working people since Eisenhauer. Republicans are the party of the "war on drugs" with minimum sentencing which has seen prison populations rise with black and brown people, while studies show that white use drug use is just as high but that whites are less likely to go to jail for drugs, or even be arrested for using drugs, than people of color.

Your rant about drugs has some merit, but you are blaming the wrong people. The criminal justice system puts people in jail, not a political party. The people being arrested and put in jail are the ones convicted of selling illegal drugs. I share your thoughts on those white folks that are users, but it is very seldom that a user of drugs of any color is put in jail.

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