Exposing Another Conservative Lie

This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.
The majority of gun deaths are suicide in Red States by white guys. I have posted the statistics a dozen times.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

they get upset when you point out that most mass shootings are committed by white christian men with legal guns.


Name the last mass shooting committed by a white Christian with a legal gun

I'm guessing most of them? Course, Timothy McVeigh holds the record and though he was both a Christian and a Republican, he didn't actually use a gun.
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

they get upset when you point out that most mass shootings are committed by white christian men with legal guns.


Name the last mass shooting committed by a white Christian with a legal gun

I'm guessing most of them? Course, Timothy McVeigh holds the record and though he was both a Christian and a Republican, he didn't actually use a gun.
He wasn't a Christian Rdean, he had renounced his Catholic faith LONG before he blew up the Murrah building, stop lying if you can

and guessing most of them doesn't cut it. name some white christian male mass shooters
Anyone or any organization wanting to take away gun rights from law abiding Americans, is tyrannical and ignorant.

Hence the Left is all about taking away guns. They will lie and misinform all they can to get what they want.
Blame the negroes.......not the 300 million guns we have in circulation

300 million guns in circulation

30,000 deaths.

Wonder what percentage that is?
Good god...are you really going there?

What number would you be satisfied with?
We should go there since your intent on promoting falsehoods. Your promoting the idea reducing the number of guns will reduce the murder rate, when there is no correlation between the murder rate and gun ownership rate. Whereas Blacks commit half of the murders, and this is a fact as shown by FBI data
Of course there is a correlation

No other civilized nation has the number of guns we have in open circulation
No other nation has to endure our murder rate

Most have a murder rate one fifth of ours

And those other nations had less murder before they banned their guns.........and since Britain banned their guns their violent crime rate is now 2 times our violent crime rate......without guns......

Culture is the factor....inner city gangs and drug dealers cause our gun murder problem...get them under control and our gun murder rate is the same or lower than Europe...

And again.....in France....a country you anti-gun nuts love....which has extreme gun control....no gun stores, no access to guns for civilians......they had 3 terrorists....2 on a government terrorist watch list, one a convicted felon.....bought fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols, a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....by crossing an international border into a country that also has extreme gun control laws...crossed back....and did it easily...and used those guns when they wanted to...

And that same week.....masked gunmen shot up a Marseilles neighborhood with fully automatic weapons hours before the French Prime Minister was going there to give a speech on successful crime prevention......

Criminals in Europe can get whatever guns they want, when they want or need them easily.......with gun laws that are extreme compared to our.....

Once again you have to point to single case of gun crime to declare failure

I point to France having one fifth our homicide rate to declare success
300 million guns in circulation

30,000 deaths.

Wonder what percentage that is?

And only 8,454 are gun murder, and only 505 are accidental gun deaths...the rest suicide....and if you were to ban guns....you would have 21,041 people hanging themselves...which is the most popular method around the world, or jumping off bridges...you could have suicide tourism for the Golden Gate Bridge......and taking pillls or poison......

505 "accidental gun deaths"
31,500 "on purpose gun deaths"

And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy
Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.
Oh look... and anti-gun loon who either doesn't understand the difference between correlation and causation. or refuses to do so.

In all of these states, it is still illegal to commit a crime with a gun
In all of these states, it is still illegal for felons, etc, to buy, own and possess a gun.
In all of these states, gun buyers must still undergo a background check to purchase a gun
How do the uncredited numbers presented prove that the "losening of restrictions" in these states lead to more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them?

Don't worry -- I don't expect a sensible answer.
Oh... and lets not forget the benefits of what anti-gun loons call "reasonable" gun control...

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)

% US population in CA: 12.12%
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Citations available at the original post.
The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Oh... and lets not forget the benefits of what anti-gun loons call "reasonable" gun control...

CA gun laws require that:
-All transfers must be through a dealer, thus...
-All transfers undergo a background check
-All transfers undergo a 10-day waiting period (ruled unconstitutional 8/2014)
-All firearms must be registered
-Handgun purchases require a handgun safety certificate-– a permit.that requires training and a test
-Ban on ‘assault weapons’, effective 1 JUN 1989
-Ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds
-Ban on NFA machineguns

% of murders in US committed with a firearm: 69.36 (8855/12765)
% of murders in CA committed with a firearm: 69.39 (1304/1879)

% US population in CA: 12.12%
% US murders in CA: 14.71
% US murders with a gun in CA 14.72

Citations available at the original post.
The benefit of reasonable gun control..... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Looks like California has a reason to try to do something about its firearm murder rate
*sigh* poor Alaska, again the Native Alaskan domestic violence issue rears it's head... I think they're just mean drunks honestly, I mean the dry cities don't have as big a problem.

And again I'll note that out poverty rates are a bit out of whack because of the subsistence == money factor the government uses. A lot of natives are not only piss poor, but they have practically zero chance of finding a job because of distance and travel (a lot of these villages are so far off the grid you can't even land a plane within 50 miles of them,) then they have to deal with domestic violence issues in a situation where they /can't/ get away from their abuser and often get no help or sympathy from their community (we have villages that consist of two families,) then there's prohibition or lack there of, relationship complexities (aka not enough women or men in their village of 50), and perhaps the most ruthless of all; nature.

It's even worse when their tribal leaders, or the state or feds, decide they've done such a wrong that they have to be shipped 600-800 miles to Anchorage, where the jail is, to do time; then they get out of jail and have no way to get home, often only speak their dialect, and there is pretty much no hope for them - if they even /want/ to go home at all (in cases of domestic abuse.) They get in trouble for killing moose in town (to eat), they get in trouble for setting up tents on vacant unused (and even unseen) land, they can go to jail for begging, plus our shelter has no choice but to turn away a bunch even when it's fourty below because of fire codes; there just isn't enough room. (And Bean's doesn't even take in the drunk ones; hopefully they get picked up and taken to smaller local jails to sleep it off for the night if someone calls on them, otherwise they oft pass out somewhere and some one finds them frozen a week or two later...) Then there's the ones who get sick, or have a family member get sick, so they have to come to Anchorage or Wasilla to the Native Hospital's; then get stranded in the same situation, or worse they simply give up on life because their loved one died.

It's a big problem that we haven't found a solution to yet. I wish it was as easy as throwing money at it, but even that wouldn't resolve it...

That said, outside of domestic violence we're a pretty safe state. Almost everyone has a gun for the "right" reasons as well, bears, wolves, even moose, are a serious threat to human life up here. Even in the big city you'll run into Grizzly's with cubs. We lose at least two bikers a year to bears on our extensive bike trails alone; "Hey guyz! Lets run a bunch of near silent rolling bikes through the middle of a completely wild area where bears are known to raise their cubs. Stellar idea! Yeah! Then we can bill it as a tourist attraction for people who don't know to ring bells, talk loudly, whistle, or pack a gun or even bear spray!!" Bunch of dorks, but uhm I digress...
And only 8,454 are gun murder, and only 505 are accidental gun deaths...the rest suicide....and if you were to ban guns....you would have 21,041 people hanging themselves...which is the most popular method around the world, or jumping off bridges...you could have suicide tourism for the Golden Gate Bridge......and taking pillls or poison......

505 "accidental gun deaths"
31,500 "on purpose gun deaths"

And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy

"And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate"

and yet, with all those laws on the books, there are more drownings, more vehicular deaths, than there are with firearms.
You have to pass a test to get a drivers license, and it's higher rate is higher than firearms.
505 "accidental gun deaths"
31,500 "on purpose gun deaths"

And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy

"And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate"

and yet, with all those laws on the books, there are more drownings, more vehicular deaths, than there are with firearms.
You have to pass a test to get a drivers license, and it's higher rate is higher than firearms.

Actually there aren't.
We have the same number of motor vehicle deaths as we do firearms. Drownings in no way even approaches the number of firearm deaths
But the big difference is that drowning and car fatalities are ACCIDENTS
Firearms deaths are ON PURPOSE
And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy

"And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate"

and yet, with all those laws on the books, there are more drownings, more vehicular deaths, than there are with firearms.
You have to pass a test to get a drivers license, and it's higher rate is higher than firearms.

Actually there aren't.
We have the same number of motor vehicle deaths as we do firearms. Drownings in no way even approaches the number of firearm deaths
But the big difference is that drowning and car fatalities are ACCIDENTS
Firearms deaths are ON PURPOSE

"Firearms deaths are ON PURPOSE"

not according to CDC, FBI, etc, or they wouldn't have a separate listing 'accidental shootings'.

I'll take THEIR word over yours, or Bloombergs.
Blame the negroes.......not the 300 million guns we have in circulation

300 million guns in circulation

30,000 deaths.

Wonder what percentage that is?
Good god...are you really going there?

What number would you be satisfied with?
We should go there since your intent on promoting falsehoods. Your promoting the idea reducing the number of guns will reduce the murder rate, when there is no correlation between the murder rate and gun ownership rate. Whereas Blacks commit half of the murders, and this is a fact as shown by FBI data
Of course there is a correlation

No other civilized nation has the number of guns we have in open circulation
No other nation has to endure our murder rate

Most have a murder rate one fifth of ours
In the US, state by state, there is no correlation between gun ownership and the murder rate
For example, the District of Columbia has the lowest gun ownership rate(3.7%), but the highest gun murder rate of the 50 states and D.C.(16 per 100,000) Wyoming has the highest gun ownership rate(59.7%), but the 7th lowest gun murder rate at 0.9 per 100,000(behind Iowa, Idaho, and Utah who tie for 6th at 0.8 per 100,000). The gun ownership rates in those three states respectively are 42.9%(16th highest gun ownership rate), 55.3%(6th highest gun ownership rate), and 43.9%(14th highest gun ownership).

This is just to give you idea there is no statistical correlation between gun ownership rate and the gun murder rate on a state by state basis.

Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You are simply wrong, there is no correlation between gun ownership rates and murder rate between Western nations. The US is a statistical anomaly because of our large black population.

If you actually look within the countries of the Western world, there is no correlation between the gun ownership rate and the gun murder rate.

For example, if we look at table six in this Harvard Study I will link below, Czech Republic has the highest gun murder rate at .92 per 100,000, but about 27 guns per 100,000 in the population, whereas Finland and Sweden have respective 411 guns person 100,00 in the population and 246.65, and have respective gun murder rates of .87 per 100,000 in Finland and .31 per 100,000 in Sweden.


And it isn't really a race issue....it is a party affiliation issue.....those areas with the most gun murders....vote democrat........
And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy

"And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate"

and yet, with all those laws on the books, there are more drownings, more vehicular deaths, than there are with firearms.
You have to pass a test to get a drivers license, and it's higher rate is higher than firearms.

Actually there aren't.
We have the same number of motor vehicle deaths as we do firearms. Drownings in no way even approaches the number of firearm deaths
But the big difference is that drowning and car fatalities are ACCIDENTS
Firearms deaths are ON PURPOSE


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....

almost half of all suicides in the United States are comitted with something other than a gun....take out guns and those other people will still kill themselves...the most popular method around the world...hanging......

and there were 8,454 gun murders in the U.S. in 2013.....and on average Americans used guns to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives 2 million times.....

Even you should be able to tell which number is bigger.....
This board is filled with threads from conservatives about guns. They claim that having more guns makes people more safe. That "gun free zones" or places with proper regulation of guns are more dangerous and have more people hurt by guns.

Here's a list of the 10 states with the most gun violence. While the conservatives lie the facts speak for themselves.

Notice all but one state is a red state. New Mexico is a purple state. I don't know what the gun laws are in New Mexico but we all know that red states have loosened their laws on guns which has put more guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

10 States With the Most Gun Violence - 24/7 Wall St.

they get upset when you point out that most mass shootings are committed by white christian men with legal guns.


Name the last mass shooting committed by a white Christian with a legal gun

I'm guessing most of them? Course, Timothy McVeigh holds the record and though he was both a Christian and a Republican, he didn't actually use a gun.

mcveigh was not a christian or a repbulican.....
300 million guns in circulation

30,000 deaths.

Wonder what percentage that is?
Good god...are you really going there?

What number would you be satisfied with?
We should go there since your intent on promoting falsehoods. Your promoting the idea reducing the number of guns will reduce the murder rate, when there is no correlation between the murder rate and gun ownership rate. Whereas Blacks commit half of the murders, and this is a fact as shown by FBI data
Of course there is a correlation

No other civilized nation has the number of guns we have in open circulation
No other nation has to endure our murder rate

Most have a murder rate one fifth of ours

And those other nations had less murder before they banned their guns.........and since Britain banned their guns their violent crime rate is now 2 times our violent crime rate......without guns......

Culture is the factor....inner city gangs and drug dealers cause our gun murder problem...get them under control and our gun murder rate is the same or lower than Europe...

And again.....in France....a country you anti-gun nuts love....which has extreme gun control....no gun stores, no access to guns for civilians......they had 3 terrorists....2 on a government terrorist watch list, one a convicted felon.....bought fully automatic rifles, hand grenades, pistols, a rocket propelled grenade and 30 round magazines....by crossing an international border into a country that also has extreme gun control laws...crossed back....and did it easily...and used those guns when they wanted to...

And that same week.....masked gunmen shot up a Marseilles neighborhood with fully automatic weapons hours before the French Prime Minister was going there to give a speech on successful crime prevention......

Criminals in Europe can get whatever guns they want, when they want or need them easily.......with gun laws that are extreme compared to our.....

Once again you have to point to single case of gun crime to declare failure

I point to France having one fifth our homicide rate to declare success

And their criminals use guns when they want to and they get them easily even with extreme gun control laws......the countries in Europe had low murder rates before their gun bans and they have low murder rates with weapons other than guns as well...it is a culture issue...they had a history of feudalism which we never had, and they also experienced World War 1 and 2.......it created a huge pacifism in the culture of Europeans.........

And if you add Murder by the STate in their murder numbers they have a much higher murder rate than we do....with just a long pause until the next one.......
505 "accidental gun deaths"
31,500 "on purpose gun deaths"

And now again, the truth and reality....


guns, drowning and poisoning....

If you cared about people....you would push to ban the following...


Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

So even suicides are outnumbered by cars, alcohol,, gravity and poisons.......

Gun murder 2013....8,454....



Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental deaths?
Are you serious?

With guns we are dealing with "On purpose deaths"

Just like drownings are on purpose, overdoses are on purpose, vehicular deaths are on purpose, etc.

Very true

And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate

Gun deaths, for the most part, are not "accidents". Someone intentionally picks up the weapon, aims it at another person and decides to pull the trigger to kill another person

Yet, when we try to limit that activity....the gun nuts go batshit crazy

"And we pass laws to reduce the numbers of accidental drownings, we have thousands of motor vehicle laws to reduce vehicular deaths....all which have resulted in a lower "accidental" death rate"

and yet, with all those laws on the books, there are more drownings, more vehicular deaths, than there are with firearms.
You have to pass a test to get a drivers license, and it's higher rate is higher than firearms.

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...



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